jQuery datepicker calender issues in Firefox [duplicate] - jquery-ui

This question already has an answer here:
Daylight Saving Cause an issue on jQuery UI datepicker on Firefox
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have wrong dates showing up in my jQuery UI datepicker in some 2016 months in Firefox (Mobile & Web). For example:
March 31, 2016 is Thursday and April 1, 2016 of course is a Friday - but not on my calendar, where it shows up as a Thursday, as well. There is the same issue for May 2016.
Please see screenshots:
Note that I tried to use many versions of jQuery scripts but have the same issue with all of them.

Its not code issue..
This issue has been caused by Firefox with jquery datepicker because
some countries had daylight saving changes on 2016-04-01, and the
changes is right at 00:00:00! So these countries does not have
00:00:00 on 2016-04-01, Firefox is confused and thinks that 00:00:00
is still Thursday.
And the issue has been fixed while we are in 1-4-2016 ...


Orbeon - Dynamic dropdown - search dont work

I have problem with dynamic dropdown with search. Search dont work and dropdown then have no data. Without search everything works. I have form witch work in Orbeon 2020 but after update to 2021 it stop working. I try example from documentation (https://doc.orbeon.com/form-runner/component/static-dynamic-dropdown) with countries. It not workion in Orbeon 2021 but same form work in Orbeon 2020. Can be problem with {$fr-search-value} in new Orbeon versions?
Here is example https://demo.orbeon.com/demo/fr/orbeon/builder/edit/e1ee06b8fe844e5c9fab04ac1dc72959302d0ba3
You've hit issue #5204, which is fixed in Orbeon Forms PE 2021.1.2.

Status of jQuery mobile project

Does anybody have any idea on jQuery Mobile project status?
The latest update in their blog, dated Jan 2016 - is already 1 year old (http://blog.jquerymobile.com/2016/01/28/a-long-overdue-status-update/). They talk about incoming version 1.5 - but nothing more happened for a year.
If the project is dead - what do you use instead of jQuery Mobile?
Thank you
Update: I found this page - http://www.gajotres.net/why-jquery-mobile-is-not-relevant-any-more/ - dated Jan 2016, several days before official statement of jQuery Mobile blog. It recommends switching to Angular or ReactJS.

Style issues with fullcalendar 2

I have just upgraded to fullcalendar 2 and am now facing some styling issues that I can't seem to rectify. The calendar appears on http://horntonprimaryschool.co.uk/calendar/ and is using a jQuery UI theme.
When events are present it causes the border to be missing on the td's for that week, the current day background is also cut off if no event exists on that day
Not a complete answer as I'm not sure what the exact css conflict is but the problem is related to foundation.css conflicting with fullcalendar css. I have reverted back to fullcalendar v1.5.4 which works.

disable previous dates in jqerymobile dates

disable previous dates in jquerymobile dates and I need to disable dates e.g. weekends and holidays on a jQueryMobile date picker similar to the jQuery. i want disable previous dates in jquerymobile.js please give the suggestion
Assuming that you are trying this date picker..JQM Datepicker. You can find the options in that page with this link..JQM Datepicker options. I haven't tried this but JQM says this third party plugin supports their own Jquery datepicker options.

Kendo UI DatePicker does not let the user select a date

I am using Kendo DatePicker with MVC 3 (VB.NET, Razor syntax) in IE 7. When i click on the datepicker it does not let me select the date. By default, today's date is selected. If i run the same code on Google chrome, it works fine. Also i investigated this issue using IE developer toolbar for IE 7, and it's showing that "Unselectable" for the datepicker is set to "On". I have no idea how can i switch it off. I can browse the months or years in the datepicker but can't actually select a date. i can also manually enter the date in the datepicker textbox. any help will be really appreciated please.
This is a sample of the code i am writing
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(Function(model) model.Day)
This issue happens when the version of kendo framework installed and the version of jquery installed don't match. for example
using Q2 SP1 2012 assembly of kendo ui, and using JavaScript files from just Q2 2012 (1.7.1) may cause this issue. after making sure i have the correct files, it works.
