I am using AVPlayer to play a video from server, the video has m3u8 extension , but the video is not loading, others extensions are working perfectly.
I want play video in AVPlayer and WKWebView simultaneously.
For now when video in WKWebView starts AVPlayer get stops.
Thanks in advance.
If you want to play two videos simultaneously than use two AVPlayer to play each video.
I have to do a Video streaming app (using a remote url) in swift. But there is no any exact video format. Sometimes it can be m3u8 sometimes mp4 etc.. but my video player should support for what ever the format comes from the back end.
Also when the app is in background, the audio should play and when the app comes foreground video should play without any time delay between the vide and the audio.
I want to know whether is it possible to achieve my objectives using AVPlayerViewController or else what is the best player that I can use to achieve my targets. Please help me.
AVPlayerViewController supports m3u8 and mp4 both format. For playing video's audio you need some extra configuration. You can check from here...
How do I get my AVPlayer to play while app is in background?
Is it possible to play video using Avplayer in Background?
So according to me AVPlayerViewController is best option for your requirement.
I am using a sample code of apple in a project. After customizing it's working fine, but when we play a video by url - it is not playing video properly. According to my requirement, is there any way to buffer entire video then play it?
I am using HTTP Live Streaming Protocol to stream video and audio on demand in my app. The video playlist (m3u8 file) has an audio only version which is playing when the connection is very poor. When the app goes in background I want to play the audio of the video. Is there a way to achieve this, like forcing the MPMoviePlayer to switch to audio only, and then when they open the app to switch to a video version.
My AVMutableComposition which contains two locally stored video files plays fine on the iPad but cannot play via AirPlay Video.
My AVPlayer implementation works fine for regular AVURLAssets over AirPlay Video, just not for AVComposition assets.
Both locally stored video files play fine via Airplay Video when loaded as individual AVURLAssets.
Is this a limitation with AirPlay Video? Or is there something I need to do to the composition?