Why use TensorFlow for Convolutional Neural Networks - machine-learning

I recently took a courser by Andrew Ng on Coursera. After that I shifted to Python and used Pandas, Numpy, Sklearn to implement ML algorithms. Now while surfing I came across tensorFLow and found it pretty amazing, and implemented this example which takes MNIST data as input.
But I am unsure why use such as library(TensorFlow)?
We are not doing any parallel calculations, since the weights updated in the previous epoch are used in the next one???
I am finding it difficult to find a reason to use such a Library?

There are several forms of parallelism that TensorFlow provides when training a convolutional neural network (and many other machine learning models), including:
Parallelism within individual operations (such as tf.nn.conv2d() and tf.matmul()). These operations have efficient parallel implementations for multi-core CPUs and GPUs, and TensorFlow uses these implementations wherever available.
Parallelism between operations. TensorFlow uses a dataflow graph representation for your model, and where there are two nodes that aren't connected by a directed path in the dataflow graph, these may execute in parallel. For example, the Inception image recognition model has many parallel branches in its dataflow graph (see figure 3 in this paper), and TensorFlow can exploit this to run many operations at the same time. The AlexNet paper also describes how to use "model parallelism" to run operations in parallel on different parts of the model, and TensorFlow supports that using the same mechanism.
Parallelism between model replicas. TensorFlow is also designed for distributed execution. One common scheme for parallel training ("data parallelism") involves sharding your dataset across a set of identical workers, performing the same training computation on each of those workers for different data, and sharing the model parameters between the workers.
In addition, libraries like TensorFlow and Theano can perform various optimizations when they can work with the whole dataflow graph of your model. For example, they can eliminate common subexpressions, avoid recomputing constant values, and generate more efficient fused code.

You might be able to find pre-baked models in sklearn or other libraries, but TensorFlow allows for really fast iteration of custom machine learning models. It also comes with a ton of useful functions that you would have to (and probably shouldn't) write yourself.
To me, it's less about performance (though they certainly care about performance), and more about whipping out neural networks really quickly.


CatBoost Machine Learning hyperparameters: why not always use `thread_count = -1`?

With respect specifically to CatBoost:
Under what scenarios might one want to use fewer than the max number of threads of one's CPU? I cannot find an answer to this.
Is there a fixed cost/overhead associated with each core utilized? I.e., is more always better for all data set types/sizes?
Do the answers to the questions above generalize to all machine learning algorithms?
I think that most of the reasons for changing the thread_count are not catboost specific. Other libraries like sklearn offer the same feature. Reasons for not running with all CPUs are:
Debugging: If there is a problem it might be handy to only have one thread thus making the process more simple.
You want other processes on your machine to have CPU power. Especially if you have a server for in-memory data analysis shared by a team of data scientists. Your colleagues won't be happy if you take all resources.
Your job is so small that it simply does not need all the resources.
Your parallelize in another way: For example you try different hyper parameters using cross validation. Then it would make sense to dedicate one CPU to training one model rather than training a model with with all CPUs and then move on to train the next model with all CPUs
I hope this answers question 1. This generalizes to other in-memory ml libraries like sklearn.
Regarding question 2 I'm not sure. CatBoost does the parallelisation somewhere in its C++ Code and uses it via Cython in the Python package. I assume it introduces some overhead (since distributed computing always introduces overhead) but it's probably not too much. You could find out by timing some experiments.

Do GPUs have a noticeable improvement in ML predictions? (not training)

I interested in improving performance with regard to ML predictions. (I don't care about training)
-Will GPUs provide more throughput or lower latency?
-Are they good for batch or online serving?
-What types of models would be most impact by using GPUs?
Disclaimer: The real answer is "it depends; if such a decision is important to you, you should benchmark CPU performance against GPU performance on your target systems to make an informed decision." The rest of this answer is just advice to loosely guide your decision when you don't want to (or don't have time to) do any benchmarking.
In a research environment, predictions are often (though not always) done in batches. As such, even if the model is entirely serial (i.e. there is an execution dependency between every pair of operations), it will likely still benefit from parallelization in that those serial operations may have to be replicated for multiple query points simultaneously, and so you can parallelize predictions across query points within a batch. So if your prediction setting involves batches, you should pretty much always use a GPU. From my own research experiences, a GPU is always faster than a CPU in batched prediction settings, regardless of the model used.
If you are only making a single prediction at a time (e.g. an "online" prediction setting), most modern ML methods are still highly parallelizable in general. In a neural network, for instance, there are only execution dependencies between layers; there are no execution dependencies between nodes within a layer. If you have many nodes per layer (which most modern deep learning architectures do), then your model is likely very parallelizable and can benefit from using a GPU instead of a CPU.
Naive Bayes classifiers make predictions by computing a bunch of (supposedly) conditionally independent probabilities, which can be parallelized, and then multiplying them together, which can be parallelized via reduction. As such, they may also benefit from using a GPU instead of a CPU.
For a support vector machine with the dual problem approach, making a prediction requires computing an inner product (kernel trick) for each training data point with the query point, and multiplying each inner product by the corresponding parameters and target binary labels. This can very easily be parallelized in a similar way to naive Bayes classifiers.
The list goes on. The point is, most ML methods are at least relatively conducive to parallelization even if you're processing a single query point at a time, and extremely conducive to parallelization if you're processing query points in batch. This makes them generally run faster on the "average" GPU than the "average" CPU.
But ultimately, it depends on your model and target system, so if it matters that much to you, you should benchmark to make an informed decision.

Using scikit-learn on Databricks

Scikit-Learn algorithms are single node implementations. Does this mean, that they are not an appropriate choice for building machine learning models on Databricks cluster for the reason that they cannot take advantage of the cluster computing resources ?
They are not appropriate, in the sense that, as you say, they cannot take advantage of the cluster computing resources, which Databricks is arguably all about. The raison d'être of Databricks is Apache Spark, and specifically for ML tasks, its ML library Spark MLlib.
This does not mean that you cannot use scikit-learn in Databricks (you'll find that a Databricks cluster comes by scikit-learn installed by default), only that it is usable for problems that do not actually require a cluster. If you want to exploit the cluster resource capabilities for ML, you need to revert to Spark MLlib.
I think desertnaut hit the nail on the head here. I believe Scikit Learn algos are designed only for non-parallel processing jobs, and all the MLlib stuff is designed to leverage cluster compute resources and parallel processing resources. Take a look at the link below for sample code for standard regression and classification tasks.
In addition, here are some code samples for different clustering tasks.
That should probably cover most of the things you will be doing.
I believe that it depends on the task at hand. I see two general scenarios:
Your data is big and does not fit into memory. Go with the Spark MLlib and their distributed algos.
Your data is not that big and you want to utilize sheer computing power. The typical use case is hyperparameter search.
Databricks allow for distributing such workloads from the driver node to the executors with hyperopt and its SparkTrials (random + Bayesian search).
Some docs here>
However, there are much more attempts to make the sklearn on spark work. You can supposedly distribute the workloads through UDF, using joblib, or others. I am investigating the issue myself, and will update the answer later.

tensorflow distributed training hybrid with multi-GPU methodology

After playing with the current distributed training implementation for a while, I think it views each GPU as a separate worker.However, It is common now to have 2~4 GPUs in one box. Isn't it better to adopt the single box multi-GPU methodology to compute average gradients in single box first and then sync up across multiple nodes? This way it ease the I/O traffic a lot, which is always the bottleneck in data parallelism.
I was told it's possible with the current implementation by having all GPUs in single box as a worker, but I am not able to figure out how to tie the average gradients with SyncReplicasOptimizer, since SyncReplicasOptimizer directly takes the optimizer as input.
Any ideas from anyone?
Distributed TensorFlow supports multiple GPUs in the same worker task. One common way to perform distributed training for image models is to perform synchronous training across multiple GPUs in the same worker, and asynchronous training across workers (though other configurations are possible). This way you only pull the model parameters to the worker once, and they are distributed among the local GPUs, easing the network bandwidth utilization.
To do this kind of training, many users perform "in-graph replication" across the GPUs in a single worker. This can use an explicit loop across the local GPU devices, like in the CIFAR-10 example model; or higher-level library support, like in the model_deploy() utility from TF-Slim.

Should the neurons in a neural network be asynchronous?

I am designing a neural network and am trying to determine if I should write it in such a way that each neuron is its own 'process' in Erlang, or if I should just go with C++ and run a network in one thread (I would still use all my cores by running an instance of each network in its own thread).
Is there a good reason to give up the speed of C++ for the asynchronous neurons that Erlang offers?
I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do. An artificial neural network is essentially represented by the weight of the connections between nodes. The nodes themselves don't exist in isolation; their values are only calculated (at least in feed-forward networks) through the forward-propagation algorithm, when it is given input.
The backpropagation algorithm for updating weights is definitely parallelizable, but that doesn't seem to be what you're describing.
The usefulness of having neurons in a Neural Network (NN), is to have a multi-dimension matrix which coefficients you want to handle ( to train them, to change them, to adapt them little by little, so as they fit well to the problem you want to solve). On this matrix you can apply numerical methods (proven and efficient) so as to find an acceptable solution, in an acceptable time.
IMHO, with NN (namely with back-propagation training method), the goal is to have a matrix which is efficient both at run-time/predict-time, and at training time.
I don't grasp the point of having asynchronous neurons. What would it offers ? what issue would it solve ?
Maybe you could explain clearly what problem you would solve putting them asynchronous ?
I am indeed inverting your question: what do you want to gain with asynchronicity regarding traditional NN techniques ?
It would depend upon your use case: the neural network computational model and your execution environment. Here is a recent paper (2014) by Plotnikova et al, that uses "Erlang and platform Erlang/OTP with predefined base implementation of actor model functions" and a new model developed by the authors that they describe as “one neuron—one process” using "Gravitation Search Algorithm" for training:
To briefly cite their abstract, "The paper develops asynchronous distributed modification of this algorithm and presents the results of experiments. The proposed architecture shows the performance increase for distributed systems with different environment parameters (high-performance cluster and local network with a slow interconnection bus)."
Also, most other answers here reference a computational model that uses matrix operations for the base of training and simulation, for which the authors of this paper compare by saying, "this case neural network model [ie matrix operations based] becomes fully mathematical and its original nature (from neural networks biological prototypes) gets lost"
The tests were run on three types of systems;
IBM cluster is represented as 15 virtual machines.
Distributed system deployed to the local network is represented as 15 physical machines.
Hybrid system is based on the system 2 but each physical machine has four processor cores.
They provide the following concrete results, "The presented results evidence a good distribution ability of gravitation search, especially for large networks (801 and more neurons). Acceleration depends on the node count almost linearly. If we use 15 nodes we can get about eight times acceleration of the training process."
Finally, they conclude regarding their model, "The model includes three abstraction levels: NNET, MLP and NEURON. Such architecture allows encapsulating some general features on general levels and some specific for the considered neural networks features on special levels. Asynchronous message passing between levels allow to differentiate synchronous and asynchronous parts of training and simulation algorithms and, as a result, to improve the use of resources."
It depends what you are after.
2nd Generation of Neural Networks are synchronous. They perform computations on an input-output basis without a delay, and can be trained either through reinforcement or back-propagation. This is the prevailing type of ANN at the moment and the easiest to get started with if you are trying to solve a problem via machine learning, lots of literature and examples available.
3rd Generation of Neural Networks (so-called "Spiking Neural Networks") are asynchronous. Signals propagate internally through the network as a chain-reaction of spiking events, and can create interesting patterns and oscillations depending on the shape of the network. While they model biological brains more closely they are also harder to make use of in a practical setting.
I think that async computation for NNs might prove beneficial for the (recognition) performance. In fact, the result might be similar (maybe less pronounced) to using dropout.
But a straight-forward implementation of async NNs would be much slower, because for synchronous NNs you can use linear algebra libraries, which make good use of vectorization or GPUs.
