tensorflow distributed training hybrid with multi-GPU methodology - machine-learning

After playing with the current distributed training implementation for a while, I think it views each GPU as a separate worker.However, It is common now to have 2~4 GPUs in one box. Isn't it better to adopt the single box multi-GPU methodology to compute average gradients in single box first and then sync up across multiple nodes? This way it ease the I/O traffic a lot, which is always the bottleneck in data parallelism.
I was told it's possible with the current implementation by having all GPUs in single box as a worker, but I am not able to figure out how to tie the average gradients with SyncReplicasOptimizer, since SyncReplicasOptimizer directly takes the optimizer as input.
Any ideas from anyone?

Distributed TensorFlow supports multiple GPUs in the same worker task. One common way to perform distributed training for image models is to perform synchronous training across multiple GPUs in the same worker, and asynchronous training across workers (though other configurations are possible). This way you only pull the model parameters to the worker once, and they are distributed among the local GPUs, easing the network bandwidth utilization.
To do this kind of training, many users perform "in-graph replication" across the GPUs in a single worker. This can use an explicit loop across the local GPU devices, like in the CIFAR-10 example model; or higher-level library support, like in the model_deploy() utility from TF-Slim.


Is there a way to use distributed training with DASK using my GPU?

As of now, lightGBM model supports GPU training and distributed training (using DASK).
If it is possible, how can I use distributed training with DASK using my GPU or is there any other way to do so?
Actually my task is to use the power of GPU and distributed training in lightGBM model.
It may possible I am missing a concept because I'm a beginner.
I'm not a LightGBM expert, so it might be better to wait for some to chime in. But from what I've been able to find, lightGBM does not really work with both Dask and GPU support.
See https://github.com/microsoft/LightGBM/issues/4761#issuecomment-956358341:
Right now the dask interface doesn't directly support distributed training using GPU, you can subscribe to #3776 if you're interested in that. Are you getting any warnings about this? I think it probably isn't using the GPU at all.
Furthermore, if your data fits in a single machine then it's probably best not using distributed training at all. The dask interface is there to help you train a model on data that doesn't fit on a single machine by having partitions of the data on different machines which communicate with each other, which adds some overhead compared to single-node training.
And https://github.com/microsoft/LightGBM/issues/3776:
The Dask interface in https://github.com/microsoft/LightGBM/blob/706f2af7badc26f6ec68729469ec6ec79a66d802/python-package/lightgbm/dask.py currently only supports CPU-based training.
Anyway, if you have only one GPU, Dask shouldn't be of much help.

Do GPUs have a noticeable improvement in ML predictions? (not training)

I interested in improving performance with regard to ML predictions. (I don't care about training)
-Will GPUs provide more throughput or lower latency?
-Are they good for batch or online serving?
-What types of models would be most impact by using GPUs?
Disclaimer: The real answer is "it depends; if such a decision is important to you, you should benchmark CPU performance against GPU performance on your target systems to make an informed decision." The rest of this answer is just advice to loosely guide your decision when you don't want to (or don't have time to) do any benchmarking.
In a research environment, predictions are often (though not always) done in batches. As such, even if the model is entirely serial (i.e. there is an execution dependency between every pair of operations), it will likely still benefit from parallelization in that those serial operations may have to be replicated for multiple query points simultaneously, and so you can parallelize predictions across query points within a batch. So if your prediction setting involves batches, you should pretty much always use a GPU. From my own research experiences, a GPU is always faster than a CPU in batched prediction settings, regardless of the model used.
If you are only making a single prediction at a time (e.g. an "online" prediction setting), most modern ML methods are still highly parallelizable in general. In a neural network, for instance, there are only execution dependencies between layers; there are no execution dependencies between nodes within a layer. If you have many nodes per layer (which most modern deep learning architectures do), then your model is likely very parallelizable and can benefit from using a GPU instead of a CPU.
Naive Bayes classifiers make predictions by computing a bunch of (supposedly) conditionally independent probabilities, which can be parallelized, and then multiplying them together, which can be parallelized via reduction. As such, they may also benefit from using a GPU instead of a CPU.
For a support vector machine with the dual problem approach, making a prediction requires computing an inner product (kernel trick) for each training data point with the query point, and multiplying each inner product by the corresponding parameters and target binary labels. This can very easily be parallelized in a similar way to naive Bayes classifiers.
The list goes on. The point is, most ML methods are at least relatively conducive to parallelization even if you're processing a single query point at a time, and extremely conducive to parallelization if you're processing query points in batch. This makes them generally run faster on the "average" GPU than the "average" CPU.
But ultimately, it depends on your model and target system, so if it matters that much to you, you should benchmark to make an informed decision.

Why use TensorFlow for Convolutional Neural Networks

I recently took a courser by Andrew Ng on Coursera. After that I shifted to Python and used Pandas, Numpy, Sklearn to implement ML algorithms. Now while surfing I came across tensorFLow and found it pretty amazing, and implemented this example which takes MNIST data as input.
But I am unsure why use such as library(TensorFlow)?
We are not doing any parallel calculations, since the weights updated in the previous epoch are used in the next one???
I am finding it difficult to find a reason to use such a Library?
There are several forms of parallelism that TensorFlow provides when training a convolutional neural network (and many other machine learning models), including:
Parallelism within individual operations (such as tf.nn.conv2d() and tf.matmul()). These operations have efficient parallel implementations for multi-core CPUs and GPUs, and TensorFlow uses these implementations wherever available.
Parallelism between operations. TensorFlow uses a dataflow graph representation for your model, and where there are two nodes that aren't connected by a directed path in the dataflow graph, these may execute in parallel. For example, the Inception image recognition model has many parallel branches in its dataflow graph (see figure 3 in this paper), and TensorFlow can exploit this to run many operations at the same time. The AlexNet paper also describes how to use "model parallelism" to run operations in parallel on different parts of the model, and TensorFlow supports that using the same mechanism.
Parallelism between model replicas. TensorFlow is also designed for distributed execution. One common scheme for parallel training ("data parallelism") involves sharding your dataset across a set of identical workers, performing the same training computation on each of those workers for different data, and sharing the model parameters between the workers.
In addition, libraries like TensorFlow and Theano can perform various optimizations when they can work with the whole dataflow graph of your model. For example, they can eliminate common subexpressions, avoid recomputing constant values, and generate more efficient fused code.
You might be able to find pre-baked models in sklearn or other libraries, but TensorFlow allows for really fast iteration of custom machine learning models. It also comes with a ton of useful functions that you would have to (and probably shouldn't) write yourself.
To me, it's less about performance (though they certainly care about performance), and more about whipping out neural networks really quickly.

nerual networks: gpu vs no-gpu

I need to train a recurrent neural network as a language model and I decided to use keras with theano backend for that. Is it better to use an ordinary PC with some graphics card instead of a "cool" server machine that can't do gpu computing? Is there a boundary (given perhaps by the architecture of the NN and amount of the training data) that would separate "cpu-learnable" problems from those that can be done (in reasonable time) only by utilizing gpu?
(I have access to an older production server in the company I work in. It has 16 cores, about 49GB of available RAM so I thought I was ready for training, now I am reading about gpu optimization theano is doing and I am thinking I am basically screwed without it.)
I have just come across this article, where Tomáš Mikolov states they managed to train a single-layer recurrent neural network with 1024 states in 10 days while using only 24 CPUs and no GPU.
Is there a boundary
One that would separate CPU vs GPU is memory access. If you are accessing the values from your neural network often, CPU would do better, as it has faster access to RAM. If I'm not wrong, getting the updates (SGD, RMSProp, Adagrad etc) would require that the values be accessed.
GPU would be advisable when amount of computation is larger than memory access, e.g. training a deep neural network.
that can be done (in reasonable time) only by utilizing gpu
Unfortunately, if you are trying to solve such a hard problem, Theano would be a bad choice, as you are constrained to running on a single machine. Try other frameworks that would allow running on multiple CPU and GPU across machines, such as Microsoft CNTK or Google TensorFlow.
thinking I am basically screwed
The difference (may be speed up or slow down) won't be that big, depending on the neural network. Plus, running the neural network computation on your machine can get in the way of your work. So you are probably better off using that extra server and making it useful.

SGD weight space updates with asynchronous training

I'm looking at creative ways to speed up training time for my neural nets and also maybe reducing vanishing gradient. I was considering breaking up the net onto different nodes, using classifiers on each node as backprop "boosters", and then stacking the nodes on top of each other with sparse connections between each node (as many as I can get away with without ethernet network saturation making it pointless). If I do this, I am uncertain if I have to maintain some kind of state between nodes and train synchronously on the same example (probably defeats the purpose of speeding up the process), OR I can simply train on the same data but asynchronously. I think I can, and the weight space can still be updated and propagated down my sparse connections between nodes even if they are training on different examples, but uncertain. Can someone confirm this is possible or explain why not?
It is possible to do what you suggest, however it is a formidable amount of work for one person to undertake. The most recent example that I'm aware of is the "DistBelief" framework, developed by a large research/engineering team at Google -- see the 2012 NIPS paper at http://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/en//archive/large_deep_networks_nips2012.pdf.
Briefly, the DistBelief approach partitions the units in a neural network so that each worker machine in a cluster is responsible for some disjoint subset of the overall architecture. Ideally the partitions are chosen to minimize the amount of cross-machine communication required (i.e., a min-cut through the network graph).
Workers perform computations locally for their part of the network, and then send updates to the other workers as needed for links that cross machine boundaries.
Parameter updates are handled by a separate "parameter server." The workers send gradient computations to the parameter server, and periodically receive updated parameter values from the server.
The entire setup runs asynchronously and works pretty well. Due to the async nature of the computations, the parameter values for a given computation might be "stale," but they're usually not too far off. And the speedup is pretty good.
