Open the manage tab on the iMessage App Store from a button in an iOS App? - ios

The title pretty much says it all. I need to explain to the user how to add my iMessage App to their phone, is there a way to simply link them straight to it?


Is it possible to change the design of the AppSwitcher feature?

Hello Stackoverflow, I have an apple app idea but am not exactly sure
if it's technically possible to implement it. This is because I know that Apple is pretty strict on its designs.
App Description:
This app is basically Siri suggestion on steroids. As iPhone users know, apple has a AppSwitcher feature's where you can easily switch between already opened apps. Hence, what this app should do is use the app switcher feature's to switch between suggested apps, instead of already opened apps. For instance, if I have Instagram open and swipe to the right at the bottom edge of the screen, my next most suggest app will show up. Or if I have Instagram open and swipe upwards, it will show me the next 5 most suggest apps.

How to open the companion app and go back in from a keyboard extension in iOS

So, I have this requirement where a keyboard extension must be able to open it's companion app and have the user take a specific action in there and then be able to go back to whatever previous app was opened and input some text in the previously selected text field.
Basically, if you take a look at Scandit Keyboard Wedge you'll see that behaviour: the user opens can press the "Scan" button on the custom keyboard and is taken in the companion app. Once a barcode is scanned the app automatically goes back to the previous opened app and inputs the barcode string into the text field that was being edited.
Now, reading through Apple's documentation I see a mention saying that a keyboard extension is not permitted to open another apps. Does this include it's own companion app?
Also, even so, I'm not really sure how I can have the keyboard extension open a custom URL since UIApplication.shared is not available in the keyboard extension.
Now, my second problem is, how does the companion app go back to the previously opened app?
Same goes for Google's own custom keyboard. Now, I found a question about this one here on SO. The answer suggests that this is using a private API to handle this thing. But then I'm curious: how did this even go throw Apple's review process? Am I expected to have my app rejected?

How to add the iOS “Open In…” feature to my navigation app

I have a navigation app. I would like to pop up all navigation apps when user press, address, let the user can press my app and pass the latitude and longitude to my app. I know when I click a file on mail app, it will pop “Open in" menu and suggest me apps.
I check the
I have not found the address of file type.
So, how can I do? I already use URL scheme to achieve A app call B app,
But this time I would like to use “Open in” menu.
I recommend checking out Localide. It helps you open Google Maps, Waze, Apple Maps, Transit App, Citymapper, and Navigon very easily. You'll need to have a coordinate though which you should have if it's a navigation app!

Not able to come back to my app from Instagram after sharing photo using iPhone hooks

I want to share/post photo on Instagram from my app and I could do it using iPhone hooks which opens Instagram app.
But I couldn't find way to come back to my app after sharing photo.
Let me know if it is supported by Instagram. If not then please suggest alternative way for same.
This isn't supported with the instagram app, but in IOS 9 they introduced a button on the left of the status bar which says "back to.." to go back to whatever app opened this one. A rather nice unpublicised addition if you ask me

Whatsapp update and sharing video

I am making an app that shares a video through whatsapp.
Implementation is super easy, and it worked well until the beginning of August. When you trigger WhatsApp with the DocumentInteractionController, the controller will propose 2 options for WhatsApp:(can't post a screenshot due to reputation...)
"Open in WhatsApp"
"WhatsApp" will push a vc within your app, when "Open in WhatsApp" will put your app in background as usual and open WhatsApp. The problem is that the first option "WhatsApp" doesn't give any information in the delegate method of the DocumentInteractionController, I can't manage to detect if the user pressed the button or not, as well as when the sharing is done. Anyone encountered the issue?
