Can textual changes possible after app status ready for sale - ios

I recently uploaded app into Apple app store and its published and status changes to Ready for sale now I want to do some textual changes in What's New in Version. I googled and found this link.
Changes available in this status are:
Remove the app from the store.
Update the app with a new version.
Which mean that this can't be possible but I still can change text in What's New in Version in itunes connect against same version. I changed text and press save button after 10mins I can't see changes.
So can someone confirm that either this possible or not or this possible and taking time (as Apple usually behave)?

The great Apple keep its custom. And after taking half hour its updated What's New in Version section with my newly added text.


iOS cannot change app name after iOS 11

Currently, I can upload a newer version of an app to change its app name. However, today, it says in iTunes connect:
Once submissions are accepted for apps built with the iOS 11 SDK, all new app names will need to be 30 characters or fewer and you’ll only be able to update an app's description when submitting a new version of that app.
Does this mean it's absolutely impossible to change an app's name now? How about category, screenshots, available countries, and other options?
Found this discussion on the Apple Developer Forums. Where it basically says the alert only means the description's editability will change from when iOS 11 is released and forward.
Currently, the app description is always editable. However, with the addition of the promotional text the description will become editable only when submitting a new version. App name and other meta data's editability will not change with this update.
Q: Does this mean all meta data except the app's description will no longer be editable upon submitting a new version of the app, or does it simply mean the description will from here on only be editable upon submitting a new version?
A: >does it simply mean the description will from here on only be editable upon submitting a new version?
That, except not from today on.
It's a coming soon change alert when iOS 11 is eventually allowed for store submittals, different from before/now. See the iTunes Connect Developer Guide for which items (currently) are locked/editable at what point in the process.
'iTC Properties/Platform Version Information'

Removing an iOS app from sale while still providing updates and support?

I'm in a weird spot with my iOS app. Due to an oversight on my part when I first released it, I now have to re-release it with a new ID. This means that I should almost certainly remove the current app from sale. However, I also don't want to leave my existing customers behind. They paid for the app, and I want to keep providing them support.
Can I remove an app from sale while still releasing updates for it? I know I can uncheck all the regions under "Pricing and Availability", but this automatically changes the status to "Developer Removed from Sale", and that makes me think I won't be able to submit any new versions. But maybe I'm wrong?
If an app is removed from sale (as with the above), will my existing users still be able to get the last available version, or will they be stuck with the last version they happened to download? If they don't have the app on their devices, will they still be able to re-download it?
If it turns out that it's not possible to keep updating an app while it's removed from sale (as with the above), could I instead only select a single, mostly inactive region as a workaround? (E.g., only sell the app in the Virgin Islands or something and then keep updating as before.) Has anyone gotten reprimanded for doing this?
Thank you!
Reference: Removing An App From Sale
Removing an app from the store removes all versions of the app from sale. Users with previous versions of the app can’t update the app, but they will still be able to redownload the latest available version or restore your app to a new device, as long as you have an active contract.
If the status changes to Developer Removed From Sale, within 24 hours, your app won’t be seen on the store.
Note: If you remove a version from sale and then add a new version, the new version will remain Removed from Sale as well, even after it is approved by App Review. To release the new version, you need to clear the app for sale again.
Seems to me you don't want to remove it from the App Store, you just want people to stop downloading it. Can't do that. Removing it from sale removes the ability to update as well. But what's the downside to them downloading it if you're going to keep pushing out updates anyway? If you have a sign up of sorts you should be able to prevent new signups yourself even after they've downloaded it.
In regard to your 3rd question, if you set the region to say, The Virgin Islands, it will only be seen on the App Store there and nowhere else, meaning your current users outside of that region still won't be able to update.

iOS app only new build and not new version give two errors

good morning. I have already putted my iPhone app in App Store, and it is already approved and in sale.
Now, I have done a little change (the text of two message box and the correct color / alignement of one label; nothing else). This is only a new build of the same version, not a new version, so I would avoid the long approval process, and I would update this new version only as a new build.
I have tried to upload it with the same procedure (in the same conditions!) which I have already followed during my first upload of my first main version (using x-code); but it doesn't work and I see the error message which you can see in the screenshot which I have putted in my dropbox account and which you can see by the following link.
Why happend? How can I fix it?
Simply each submission must be a new version with a higher version number. Each submission must go through the review process. Often the review process for a small change is quicker.
Apple does not know what actually changed so must review the entire app. Surprisingly, not every app developer is honest and trustworthy—gasp!
Just up the version number and re-submit the app.

Is only icon & title change is sufficient for putting new version of the app on app store?

I have searched over google for the specific rules for creating new version of an existing application but don't able to get proper rules.
I would specifically like to know that only icon and the title change of the application is enough for placing new version of the application on app store?
& if yes then. What precautions I must have take?
Thanks for your quick reply, Currently I'm doing the same process :) actually I know the process of creating new version but my specific concern is only icon & title change is sufficient for putting new version of the app on app store ?
Update 2
I have done all the changes and uploaded the binary but after uploading the status is "Invalid Binary".
Now what to do??
You can add a new version of an app when the current version’s status is “Ready for Sale” or Developer Removed From Sale. The new app version goes through the same review process as the first version. You have to increment your version from previous (for this could be depend on major or miner update 1.0.1) into info list
You only need to change the version number.

Editing screenshots in iTunes Connect after iOS app was approved

In the iTunes Connect App Management interface -- how do I edit the screenshots for my localized (approved and live) iPhone app?
Unfortunately, the web upload form had a bug which actually required the screenshots to be provided in reverse order (I provided them in the correct order, which meant that Apple reversed them and now they ended up wrong). Also mentioned here at StackOverflow. I only managed to edit the 4 screenshots in the US version, but not my localized version, and that was in the old interface.
The current standing on this has changed to:
Beginning January 9 [2013], app screenshots will be locked in iTunes Connect once your app has been approved. New screenshots may be uploaded when you submit a binary for an update to an existing app or a new app.
Apple support now got back with the (somehow not too satisfactory) answer:
If your app is currently for sale on
the App Store, you will need to submit
an update in order to change your app
If you have any further questions
regarding this, please let us know.
I was able to change my screenshots after my app was ready for sale, just click on "View Details" in iTunes Connect, delete the old screenshots and replace them, then "Done". The change is not instant so wait a bit. Then you will see your new screenshots on AppStore ;)
As of today, it appears you can't edit screenshots after you submit a new version. I tried everything but couldn't delete the draft screenshots until I finally removed my app from submission.
I usually use the time after submission to edit and improve the screenshots, but now have to be doing it before submission. This is a horrible change. Here is the email from support.
Being unable to now edit screenshots while an app is in "Waiting for
Review" status, is expected behavior.
Developer-facing documentation currently lists "Waiting for Review" as
a state where locked metadata can be edited. Screenshots should be the
only locked metadata that cannot be edited while an app is in the
"Waiting for Review" status.
We are currently updating the developer resources and documentation to
From the updated manual :
If you have new application screenshots for a version of your application, it is best to wait until this new version of your app is approved before updating your screenshots in iTunes Connect. Updating these before a version approval will change the screenshots for the currently-live application version. This best practice also applies to application metadata changes that you wish to coordinate for a specific version.
On the other hand, in the table in Appendix A it is stated that the screenshots are Locked, Version-level (page 153).
Version-level is:
If the item is marked on the Version, then the item information will relate to a specific version and may vary between versions.
Locked is:
If the item is marked as Locked, it can only be edited in an Editable State.
And a list of Editable states is:
Prepare For Upload, Waiting For Upload, Waiting For Review, Waiting For Export Compliance, Upload Received, Rejected, Developer Rejected, Invalid Binary, Missing Screenshot.
None of these states can be reached once the app is Ready For Sale by using any button in the iTunes Connect. The only reasonable thing that I can think of is submitting another minor version binary to Apple and looking for the possibility of changing the screenshots during the submission process.
The problem is (*):
If you have new application screenshots for a version of your application, it is best to wait until this new version of your app is approved before updating your screenshots in iTunes Connect.
So how do I do it correctly????????
I thought the same exact thing a couple of days ago. Then I uploaded it again in reverse order but instead it was random. They need to make a better UI for this. One where we dont even need to re-upload them, but arrows to move it up/down.
The official answer I received from Apple is:
Your app screenshots cannot be edited once your app has been approved. You can edit them in all other editable states.
Please note, when updating your app currently, you will be able to provide new screenshots and the new screenshots will not go live until the update is approved.
If you have any further questions regarding this, please let us know.
There's been some back and forth on the possibility of changing screenshots of an app that is in "Ready for Sale" state, without having to upload new binary.
At one point it was possible, but as of January 9th 2013 it requires a new binary:
Beginning January 9, app screenshots will be locked in iTunes Connect
once your app has been approved. New screenshots may be uploaded when
you submit a binary for an update to an existing app or a new app. For
more information on capturing and using screenshots, read the Xcode
User Guide.
Images CAN be edited after an app is available for sale. This was changed at end of 2010. If you already have 5 images - the upload link will not work until you delete one. No need to worry - if you delete one and have any issues on the DPI or RGB of what you are trying to upload (get an error or it is rejected) you can always click 'cancel' rather than 'save' and your original images will remain.
You dont need to add new version. Just wait about 1hr and your changes at screenshot gallery will appear at AppStore.
Solution for me was to use Safari. The controls would not show in Google Chrome. Using Safari I could modify the metadata.
