docbook saxon toolchain extension jar file -- cannot find same - saxon

To set up the docbook toolchain with Saxon, in our classpath,
I understand we need a JAR file with some extensions.
Now I can't find it on the internet.
Here is the information from Bob Stayton's wonderful book on "Docbook: XSL"
The DocBook stylesheets have some custom extension functions written specifically for the Saxon processor. These functions are contained in a saxon653.jar file that is included with the DocBook distribution in its extensions subdirectory. There may be several saxon jar files there, labeled by the version number of Saxon. Use the one closest to your Saxon version number. See the section “DocBook Saxon and Xalan extensions” for a more complete description of the DocBook Saxon extensions.
I had all this set up on the Computer Science server at the University where
I teach. Unfortunately, that server was lost. I am trying to recreate
the toolchain. I use docbook to create the class notes for two of my courses. And I need this to set up my classes for the Spring 2017 semester.

I located this in the sourceforge docbook project under files
NOT the to which webpage points


How to download/find the Saxon samples/cs for .NET

This page: refers to a samples/cs directory. Where can that be found or downloaded?
The samples/cs directory contains some sample applications written in
C#, designed to illustrate use of the Saxon API available in the
Saxon.Api namespace.
I downloaded the Saxonica open source from SourceForge ( and don't see it in there. I think it contains the "trans-compiled" code from Java.
It's in the latest (example
I finally figured this out by reading the readme99.txt that is also available on SourceForge.
After unzipping it, it also a local html copy of the documentation, for example: C:/Saxonica/Resources/doc/dotnetdoc/index.html

Saxon 9B DTD locations

I'm trying to configure locate the DTDs for Saxon extensions and java types (IntelliJ editor configuration).
The namespaces:
...have no DTDs available in the classpath. I've looked in the jars and everywhere and can't find an explanation or references to such DTDs on the web. I'm able to use extensions and java types, such as saxon:evaluate, successfully.
I'm using Saxon 9B.
There are no elements or attributes in these namespaces, only functions and types. DTDs define elements and attributes. So there would be nothing for a DTD to say.
What problem are you actually trying to solve: what would you want to do with this DTD if it existed?

How to combine MSI files created with WiX in differnet languages to one file where yo can select the language?

I have a Windows Installer XML (WiX 3.5) project and five localization files for my installer. Therefore WiX creates five .msi files, for every language one. How can i put all in one .msi and let the user select the language when executing the installer?
I heard something about a bootstrapper, but then i would have a Setup.exe and i need a msi file. Is it not possible to adabt the localization strings after compiling with WiX?
This can be done using transforms. Please take a look at this article:
There are 2 parts to making this happen,
localisation of the Installer UI, and/or
choice of installed files.
The method I chose will automatically select the local (or near local) language, and can also be forced to a specific transform using command line options. This doesn't prompt the user to choose which language to install in - so maybe it doesn't actually meet your needs.
The second 'installed files' doesn't seem to be documented as well and I was recently asking about it in Why would MST not include files with different content.
As a response provided there is now an ANT build script using Windows7 SDK & antdotnet

How to convert ODT to DOC/RTF without

Is there any way to convert odt documents to doc or rtf on linux without openoffice or any library that relies on having openoffice installed ? and its derivatives (LibreOffice, Symphony, etc) currently have one of the best converters between ODF and the Microsoft formats (besides the ODF support built into MS Office).
If those converters are not an option for you, you can choose between some alternatives: Foremost you might want to check out the KOffice project which also offers command line tools for file conversion:
KOffice - File Filters
Then there is another open source project with a free BSD license available on SourceForge:
OpenXML/ODF Translator
This project offers not only add-ins for Microsoft Office, but also a stand-alone command line version which also runs on Linux.
Then there would also be a different approach: You can automate Google Docs using command line tools:
googlecl: Command line tools for the Google Data APIs
Google Docs file conversion have internally been based on the file filters, but as far as I know they have been replaced by Aspose, a library for document formats.
Aspose is available in several versions, and as you have a Linux dependency you might want to check out their Java version.
Aspose.Words for Java
The library has its price, but you won't find another library that is not a full office suite with that quality.
If you don't want to use OpenOffice, Google Docs is your best bet. Cross-platform, web-based, and free, it takes about 2 minutes. You would upload the file, and check convert, then redownload as a doc or pdf (depends on what you want).
You could try this freeware (Docx2Rtf) and run it under WINE.
Checkout unoconv. It relies on its core, but it doesn't rely on any GUI packages. I assume this is what you want?
Use It has great support for all those formats. And is not reliant on any other installed program.
And of course, being a web page, it will work on any OS.

Directory Layout for Erlang Services?

In our Java applications we typically use the maven conventions (docs, src/java, test, etc.). For Perl we follow similar conventions only using a top level 'lib' which is easy to add to Perl's #INC.
I'm about to embark on creating a service written in Erlang, what's a good source layout for Erlang applications?
The Erlang recommended standard directory structure can be found here.
In addition you may need a few more directories depending on your project, common ones are (credit to Vance Shipley):
lib: OS driver libraries
bin: OS executables
c_src: C language source files (e.g. for drivers)
java_src: Java language source files
examples: Example code
mibs: SNMP MIBs
Other projects such as Mochiweb have their own structures, Mochiweb even have a script to create it all for you. Other projects such as Erlware overlay on the standard structure.
Another critical directory is the priv directory. Here you can store files that can easily be found from your applications.
code:priv_dir(Name) -> string() | {error, bad_name}
where Name is the name of your application.
Erlware is changing that - in a couple of days the Erlware structures will be exactly that of Erlang OTP. Actually the structure of app packages is already exactly that of OTP and as specified above. What will change is that Erlware installed directory structure will fit exactly over an existing Erlang/OTP install (of course one is not needed to install Erlware though) Erlware can now be used to add packages to an existing install very easily.
