Using cypher or traversal api to match only a single node on extreme sides of a path - neo4j

Say I have following path in the graph:
Given <id> of (:Type1) node on left side, I am able to MATCH above path and get corresponding (:Type1) node on right side (notice that the path is symmetric and its center is node (centernode)). In my usecase we get <id>s of (:Type1) node, get the corresponding (:Type1) node on the other side and then process further.
However it may happen that I get <id>s of both nodes of (:Type1). In that case separate queries will be fired starting at corresponding node and will evaluate to the (:Type1) node on the other side, thus further execution will continue on both the nodes.
Q1. How can I avoid processing both nodes. That is, if given two <id>s of (:Type1) nodes which reside on extreme sides of same path, how can I ensure only one of the queries starting at one of these nodes matching node on the other side is executed so that only one of those nodes are processed further and other node is say held in temporary buffer to process afterwards (if processing of first node fails).
Added fact: Above I have a single path with two (:Type1) nodes at its extreme sides. I may have three or more paths emanating from (centernode) and ending in (:Type1) node. So I want only one of those (:Type1) nodes to get processed first, and next (:Type1) node will processed only if earlier processing fails.
Q2. Is this scenario even possible with pure cypher? Or I have to end up using Neo4J Traversal API? If yes how this can be done, as I have to ensure uniqueness of nodes/relationships visited across two different traveresals.
Q3. How can I add path expander in Traversal API to match path of type (:Type1)<-[:RelType1]-(:Type2)<-[:RelType2]-(). Should I be doing something like this:
at each traversal `next()`
if (node is of Type1)
follow <-[:RelType1]-
if (node is of Type2)
follow <-[:RelType2]-
(Above is pseudocode. I am new to Traversal API. I have went through all docs and examples. So I am guessing inside expander I have to put if() filters to check current nodes type and decide which relation type and its direction to expand next. Above pseudocode is meant to indicate that.)
Is this how such cypher can be writting in Traversal API? Or is there any better way?

An old trick is to use node ids to order pairs (ID(a) < ID(b)), which filters out "duplicate" results. So if you feed all your source IDs into a single query, you can make use this trick to filter out duplicates:
WITH [1, 2, 3, 4] AS sourceIds
UNWIND sourceIds AS sourceId
MATCH (source:Type1)
WHERE ID(source) = sourceId
WHERE ID(source) < ID(target)
RETURN source, target
Could this work for your use case?


Creating Stateful nodes in Neo4j

When I say Stateful Node, I mean a node that carries ‘state info,’ such as the path that leads to this node. E.g. R1 is a node, and
state1: link coming from path 1
state2: link coming from path 2
Is there any way I could create such a node in Neo4j? While traversing such a node, I expect it to behave like this:
if state 1, and input is x, then [:has] node1
if state one and input is y, then stop
if state two and input is z, then [: has] node 2.
I want to convert node R1 to a stateful node so that it keeps the information mentioned above. Does Neo4J support such nodes? If so, could you guide me to a resource? Also, does the cipher query support the ‘stateful’ approach so I can set the state according to the path from which R1 is produced?
In the Neo4j architecture, a relationship is a doubly linked-list that stores pointers to the start and end nodes.
It sounds like what you're looking to do is create nodes that store that same information for all relationships that touch it, and then have behavior based on how the graph reaches them.
This is more akin to logic control, and Cypher handles that through filters on relationship type, node labels, and properties.
However, you can always set properties of nodes based on queries. For example:
MATCH (:AUTH_T)-[:HAS]->(n:R1)
SET R1.reached_by = "HAS"
Then you could do something with that in the future, like if you want to know if node n was reached by another method.

How to query Neo4j N levels deep with variable length relationship and filters on each level

I'm new(ish) to Neo4j and I'm attempting to build a tool that allows users on a UI to essentially specify a path of nodes they would like to query neo4j for. For each node in the path they can specify specific properties of the node and generally they don't care about the relationship types/properties. The relationships need to be variable in length because the typical use case for them is they have a start node and they want to know if it reaches some end node without caring about (all of) the intermediate nodes between the start and end.
Some restrictions the user has when building the path from the UI is that it can't have cycles, it can't have nodes who has more than one child with children and nodes can't have more than one incoming edge. This is only enforced from their perspective, not in the query itself.
The issue I'm having is being able to specify filtering on each level of the path without getting strange behavior.
I've tried a lot of variations of my Cypher query such as breaking up the path into multiple MATCH statements, tinkering with the relationships and anything else I could think of.
Here is a Gist of a sample Cypher dump
This query gives me the path that I'm trying to get however it doesn't specify name or type on n_four.
MATCH path = (n_one)-[*0..]->(n_two)-[*0..]->(n_three)-[*0..]->(n_four)
WHERE n_one.type IN ["JCL_JOB"]
AND n_two.type IN ["JCL_PROC"]
This query is what I'd like to work however it leaves out the leafs at the third level which I am having trouble understanding.
MATCH path = (n_one)-[*0..]->(n_two)-[*0..]->(n_three)-[*0..]->(n_four)
WHERE n_one.type IN ["JCL_JOB"]
AND n_two.type IN ["JCL_PROC"]
AND IN ["TAB1", "TAB2", "COPYA"]
What I've noticed is that when I "... RETURN n_four" in my query it is including nodes that are at the third level as well.
This behavior is caused by your (probably inappropriate) use of [*0..] in your MATCH pattern.
[*0..] matches 0 or more relationships. For instance, (a)-[*0..]->(b) would succeed even if a and b are the same node (and there is no relationship from that node back to itself).
The default lower bound is 1. So [*] is equivalent to [*..] and [*1..].
Your 2 queries use the same MATCH pattern, ending in ...->(n_three)-[*0..]->(n_four).
Your first query does not specify any WHERE tests for n_four, so the query is free to return paths in which n_three and n_four are the same node. This lack of specificity is why the query is able to return 2 extra nodes.
Your second query specifies WHERE tests for n_four that make it impossible for n_three and n_four to be the same node. The query is now more picky, and so those 2 extra nodes are no longer returned.
You should not use [*0..] unless you are sure you want to optionally match 0 relationships. It can also add unnecessary overhead. And, as you now know, it also makes the query a bit trickier to understand.

Retrieve All Nodes That Can Be Reached By A Specific Node In A Directed Graph

Given a graph in Neo4j that is directed (but possible to have cycles), how can I retrieve all nodes that are reachable from a specific node with Cypher?
(Also: how long can I expect a query like this to take if my graph has 2 million nodes, and by extension 48 million nodes? A rough gauge will do eg. less than a minute, few minutes, an hour)
Cypher's uniqueness behavior is that relationships must be unique per path (each relationship can only be traversed once per path), but this isn't efficient for these kinds of use cases, where the goal is instead to find distinct nodes, so a node should only be visited once total (across all paths, not per path).
There are some path expander procedures in the APOC Procedures library that are directed at these use cases.
If you're trying to find all reachable nodes from a starting node, traversing relationships in either direction, you can use apoc.path.subgraphNodes() like so, using the movies graph as an example:
MATCH (n:Movie {title:"The Matrix"})
CALL apoc.path.subgraphNodes(n, {}) YIELD node
If you only wanted reachable nodes going a specific direction (let's say outgoing) then you can use a relationshipFilter to specify this. You can also add in the type too if that's important, but if we only wanted reachable via any outgoing relationship the query would look like:
MATCH (n:Movie {title:"The Matrix"})
CALL apoc.path.subgraphNodes(n, {relationshipFilter:'>'}) YIELD node
In either case these approaches should work better than with Cypher alone, especially in any moderately connected graph, as there will only ever be a single path considered for every reachable node (alternate paths to an already visited node will be pruned, cutting down on the possible paths to explore during traversal, which is efficient as we don't care about these alternate paths for this use case).
Have a look here, where an algorithm is used for community detection.
You can use something like
match (n:Movie {title:"The Matrix"})-[r*1..50]-(m) return distinct id(m)
but that is slow (tested on the Neo4j movie dataset with 60k nodes, above already runs more than 10 minutes. Probably memory usage will become an issue when you have a dataset consisting out of millions of nodes. Next to that, it also depends how your dataset is connected, e.g. nr of relationships.

Most efficient way to get all connected nodes in neo4j

The answer to this question shows how to get a list of all nodes connected to a particular node via a path of known relationship types.
As a follow up to that question, I'm trying to determine if traversing the graph like this is the most efficient way to get all nodes connected to a particular node via any path.
My scenario: I have a tree of groups (group can have any number of children). This I model with IS_PARENT_OF relationships. Groups can also relate to any other groups via a special relationship called role playing. This I model with PLAYS_ROLE_IN relationships.
The most common question I want to ask is MATCH(n {name: "xxx") -[*]-> (o) RETURN, but this seems to be extremely slow on even a small number of nodes (4000 nodes - takes 5s to return an answer). Note that the graph may contain cycles (n-IS_PARENT_OF->o, n<-PLAYS_ROLE_IN-o).
Is connectedness via any path not something that can be indexed?
As a first point, by not using labels and an indexed property for your starting node, this will already need to first find ALL the nodes in the graph and opening the PropertyContainer to see if the node has the property name with a value "xxx".
Secondly, if you now an approximate maximum depth of parentship, you may want to limit the depth of the search
I would suggest you add a label of your choice to your nodes and index the name property.
Use label, e.g. :Group for your starting point and an index for :Group(name)
Then Neo4j can quickly find your starting point without scanning the whole graph.
You can easily see where the time is spent by prefixing your query with PROFILE.
Do you really want all arbitrarily long paths from the starting point? Or just all pairs of connected nodes?
If the latter then this query would be more efficient.
MATCH (n:Group)-[:IS_PARENT_OF|:PLAYS_ROLE_IN]->(m:Group)

Extract subgraph in neo4j

I have a large network stored in Neo4j. Based on a particular root node, I want to extract a subgraph around that node and store it somewhere else. So, what I need is the set of nodes and edges that match my filter criteria.
Afaik there is no out-of-the-box solution available. There is a graph matching component available, but it works only for perfect matches. The Neo4j API itself defines only graph traversal which I can use to define which nodes/edges should be visited:
Traverser exp = Traversal
Now, I can add all nodes/edges to sets for all paths, but this is very inefficient. How would you do it? Thanks!
EDIT Would it make sense to add the last node and the last relationship of each traversal to the subgraph?
As for graph matching, that has been superseded by which would fit nicely, and supports fuzzy matchin with optional relationships.
For subgraph representation, I would use the Cypher output to maybe construct new Cypher statements for recreating the graph, much like a SQL export, something like
start n=node:node_auto_index(name='Neo')
match n-[r:KNOWS*]-m
return "create ({name:'""'});" for an example
I solved it by constructing the induced subgraph based on all traversal endpoints.
Building the subgraph from the set of last nodes and edges of every traversal does not work, because edges that are not part of any shortest paths would not be included.
The code snippet looks like this:
Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<Node>();
Set<Relationship> edges = new HashSet<Relationship>();
for (Node n : traverser.nodes())
for (Node node : nodes)
for (Relationship rel : node.getRelationships())
if (nodes.contains(rel.getOtherNode(node)))
Every edge is added twice. One time for the outgoing node and one time for the incoming node. Using a Set, I can ensure that it's in the collection only once.
It is possible to iterate over incoming/outgoing edges only, but it is unclear how loops (edge from a node to itself) are handled. To which category do they belong to? This snippet does not have this issue.
See dumping the database to cypher statements
dump START n=node({self}) MATCH p=(n)-[r:KNOWS*]->(m) RETURN n,r,m;
There's also an example for importing the subgraph of first database (db1) into a second (db2).
