Swift : Create a multi-function multicast delegate - ios

I'm wanting to use a multicast delegate to inform multiple objects when things change. The tutorials I've read that explain this, have a protocol that only has one function that is called directly on the array of delegates. That works fine when there is only one function defined. My Protocol has 6 functions. I want to avoid creating 6 separate functions and reuse a single function that can be applied to my array of delegates.
Quick example: (I understand this is none working, but I just want to get my idea across.
protocol MyProtocol {
func method1()
func method2()
func method3()
class TestClass {
var delegates = [MyProtocol]()
func invokeDelegates(delegateMethod: () -> ()) {
for delegate in delegates {
The obvious problem is the compiler complains that "delegateMethod" isn't defined in the original protocol. Is there a way that I cast the method as being part of MyProtocol and the compiler will trust me?
Is this even possible?

Here is a gist of an Multicast Delegate pattern that I use in my projects. It also prevents from having strong reference cycles (memory leaks). WeakWrapper handles this.
Ok. In some of the solutions I see mistakes (strong retain cycles, race conditions, ...)
Here is what I combine based on 1 day research. For the stack of delegates I used NSHashTable, so all the delegates are having weak reference.
class MulticastDelegate <T> {
private let delegates: NSHashTable<AnyObject> = NSHashTable.weakObjects()
func add(delegate: T) {
delegates.add(delegate as AnyObject)
func remove(delegate: T) {
for oneDelegate in delegates.allObjects.reversed() {
if oneDelegate === delegate as AnyObject {
func invoke(invocation: (T) -> ()) {
for delegate in delegates.allObjects.reversed() {
invocation(delegate as! T)
func += <T: AnyObject> (left: MulticastDelegate<T>, right: T) {
left.add(delegate: right)
func -= <T: AnyObject> (left: MulticastDelegate<T>, right: T) {
left.remove(delegate: right)
How to set delegate:
object.delegates.add(delegate: self)
How to execute function on the delegates:
instead of
you use
delegates.invoke(invocation: { $0.delegateFunction })

You need to change the signature of invokeDelegates to take a closure of type (MyProtocol) -> (), and then you need to pass each delegate to the closure.
protocol MyProtocol {
func method1()
func method2()
func method3()
class TestClass {
var delegates = [MyProtocol]()
func invokeDelegates(delegateMethod: (MyProtocol) -> ()) {
for delegate in delegates {
The closure should just invoke the appropriate delegate method on its argument. Swift can infer the argument and return types of the closure, and you can use the shorthand $0 to refer to the argument, so the closure can be quite short:
let tester = TestClass()
tester.invokeDelegates(delegateMethod: { $0.method1() })
On the other hand, you could just use Collection.forEach directly on the delegates array (if it's accessible) and skip the invokeDelegates method:
tester.delegates.forEach { $0.method1() }


Passing a generic type to a function with generic constraint

I have a protocol with an associated Type
protocol ProtocolA {
associatedType someType
Now i have two generic functions
func funcA<someType>(_ data:someType) {
funcB(data) // cannot call
func funcB<someType:ProtocolA>(_ data:someType) {
I have been trying to call funcB from funcA, but it is not working I am getting the error
Instance method 'funcB' requires that 'someType' conform to 'ProtocolA'
Now i know for a fact that the Generic Type in funcA is conforming to ProtocolA. Is there anyway to also make sure that the compilers know it too ?
I cannot change the funcA method declaration to put a generic constraint as it is the requirement of another protocol.
I have tried using the some keyword in funcA by doing
var obj : some ProtocolA = data
However i am getting the error
Property declares an opaque return type, but cannot infer the underlying type from its initializer expression
Basically in short is there anyway i can call funcB from funcA without changing funcA signature, however funcB signature can be changed to whatever is required
****EDIT*****Added More Information
funcA is called by the protocl
protocol CommonService {
func funcA<ModelType>(_ data:ModelType)
class CommonServiceImpl : CommonService {
func funcA<someType>(_ data:someType) {
funcB(data) // cannot call
func funcB<someType:ProtocolA>(_ data:someType) {
//SomeCode here required that someType must implement ProtocolA
ProtocolA is contained in a third party pod that cannot be changed.
*******Edit***********How i solved the problem
So thanks to #Mojtaba Hosseini in answers i got a really good idea on how to solve my problem.
I simply wrote an overloaded function in my CommonServiceProtocol
protocol CommonService {
func funcA<ModelType>(_ data:ModelType)
func funcA<ModelType>(_ data:ModelType) where ModelType:ProtocolA
class CommonServiceImpl : CommonService {
func funcA<someType>(_ data:someType) {
funcB(data) // cannot call
func funcA<someType>(_ data:someType) where ModelType:ProtocolA {
funcB(data) // can be called
func funcB<someType:ProtocolA>(_ data:someType) {
//SomeCode here required that someType must implement ProtocolA
I mean it is not a perfect solution but given the hard dependency on an associatedType using ProtocolA in a third party pod i would say it works alright and that is one of the reasons to avoid third party dependencies as much as possible.
Is there any way to also make sure that the compilers know it too?
You have to implement an overload for the funcA and constraint it:
func funcA<someType>(_ data: someType) {
/* funcB(data) */ cannot call
print("Not detected")
func funcA<someType>(_ data: someType) where someType: ProtocolA {
funcB(data) // can call ✅
so calling funcA("") will result Not detected
but conforming to the protocol and calling the same function will result in Detected
// extension String: ProtocolA { typealias someType = String } // uncomment to see
As per your requirement, I think you can match the signature of your funcB with funcA. Refer to the code below:
func funcA<someType>(_ data:someType) {
func funcB<someType>(_ data:someType) {
As shown in the above code, you can remove the type constraint for someType in funcB.
In functionB just add a parameter that will tell the compiler the type you expect, if you really want to be sure the type is your protocol add a check :
func transform<T>( data : T ){
guard let data = data as? Monster else {
print("data is not a monster type")
intoMonster(Monster.self, data: data)
func intoMonster<T> (_ type : T.Type , data : T){

iOS/Swift - What is the difference between Closure/Completion blocks and Delegates/functions?

I don't clear about these two, Nowadays the world is shifting to the closure types. But I'm not clearly understanding this. Can someone explain me with a real-time example?
So a real life example of both would be something like this:
protocol TestDelegateClassDelegate: class {
func iAmDone()
class TestDelegateClass {
weak var delegate: TestDelegateClassDelegate?
func doStuff() {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3.0) {
class TestClosureClass {
var completion: (() -> Void)?
func doStuff() {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3.0) {
class ViewController: UIViewController, TestDelegateClassDelegate {
func iAmDone() {
print("TestDelegateClassDelegate is done")
override func viewDidLoad() {
let testingDelegate = TestDelegateClass()
testingDelegate.delegate = self
let testingClosure = TestClosureClass()
testingClosure.completion = {
print("TestClosureClass is done")
Here we have 2 classes TestDelegateClass and TestClosureClass. Each of them have a method doStuff which waits for 3 seconds and then reports back to whoever is listening where one uses delegate procedure and the other one uses closure procedure.
Although they do nothing but wait you can easily imagine that they for instance upload an image to server and notify when they are done. So for instance you might want to have an activity indicator running while uploading is in progress and stop it when done. It would look like so:
class ViewController: UIViewController, TestDelegateClassDelegate {
#IBOutlet private var activityIndicator: UIActivityIndicatorView?
func iAmDone() {
print("TestDelegateClassDelegate is done")
override func viewDidLoad() {
let testingDelegate = TestDelegateClass()
testingDelegate.delegate = self
let testingClosure = TestClosureClass()
testingClosure.completion = {
print("TestClosureClass is done")
Naturally you would only use one of the two procedures.
You can see there is a huge difference in code. To do a delegate procedure you need to create a protocol, in this case TestDelegateClassDelegate. A protocol is what defines the interface of a listener. And since an iAmDone method is defined it must be defined in ViewController as well as long as it is defined as TestDelegateClassDelegate. Otherwise it will not compile. So anything declared as TestDelegateClassDelegate will have that method and any class can call it. In our case we have weak var delegate: TestDelegateClassDelegate?. That is why we can call delegate?.iAmDone() without caring what delegate actually is. For instance we can create another class:
class SomeClass: TestDelegateClassDelegate {
func iAmDone() {
print("Something cool happened")
init() {
let testingDelegate = TestDelegateClass()
testingDelegate.delegate = self
So a good example for instance is an UITableView that uses a delegate and dataSource (both are delegates, just properties are named differently). And table view will call the methods of whatever class you set to those properties without needing to know what that class is as long as it corresponds to the given protocols.
Same could be achieved with closures. A table view could have been defined using properties giving closures like:
tableView.onNumberOfRows { section in
return 4
But that would most likely lead into one big mess of a code. Also closures would in this case be giving many programmers headaches due to potential memory leaks. It is not that closures are less safe or anything, they just do a lot of code you can't see which may produce retain cycles. In this specific case a most likely leak would be:
tableView.onNumberOfRows { section in
return self.dataModel.count
and a fix to it is simply doing
tableView.onNumberOfRows { [weak self] section in
return self?.dataModel.count ?? 0
which now looks overcomplicated.
I will not go into depths of closures but in the end when you have repeated call to callbacks (like in case of table view) you will need a weak link either at delegate or in closure. But when the closure is called only once (like uploading an image) there is no need for a weak link in closures (in most but not all cases).
In retrospective use closures as much as possible but avoid or use caution as soon as a closure is used as a property (which is ironically the example I gave). But you would rather do just this:
func doSomethingWithClosure(_ completion: #escaping (() -> Void)) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 3.0) {
And use it as
doSomethingWithClosure {
print("TestClosureClass is done")
This has now removed all potential risks. I hope this clears a thing or two for you.
In Swift/obj-c the term delegate is used to refer to a protocol that responds to specific selectors.
Thing about it just like calling a method on an object.
protocol CalculatorDelegate : class { // : class so it can be made 'weak'
func onCalculation(result: Int) -> Void
Now if we have a Calculator class, to use the delegate we'd do something like
class Calculator() {
weak var delegate: CalculatorDelegate?
func calculate(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
let result = a + b
self.delegate?.onCalculation(result: result)
return result
Then in some other class (e.g. in iOS - a View Controller) we might do:
class MyClass : CalculatorDelegate {
func onCalculation(result: Int) {
print("Delegate method on calculation called with result \(result)")
func someButtonPress() {
let calculator = Calculator()
calculator.delegate = self
calculator.calculate(42, 66)
So you can see how the setup is quite elaborate.
Now closures are simply blocks of code that can be called in other places, so you could change all of the code like so:
class Calculator2() {
weak var delegate: CalculatorDelegate?
func calculate(_ a: Int, _ b: Int, onCalculation: (#escaping (Int) -> Void) -> Int)?) {
let result = a + b
return result
class MyClass {
func someButtonPress() {
let calculator = Calculator2()
calculator.calculate(42, 66, onCalculation: { (result: Int) in
print("Closure invoked with \(result)")
However, with closures you need to be aware that it is a lot easier to shoot yourself in the foot by capturing variables (e.g. self) strongly, which will lead to memory leaks even under ARC regime.
Closures are first-class objects so that they can be nested and passed around
In swift, functions are primitive data types like int, double or character that is why you can pass a function in the function parameter. In swift mechanism simplify in closures syntax like lambda expression in other languages.
E.g. If you want to call rest API through URSSession or Alamofire and return response data then you should use completionHandler(it's closure).
Void closure : - {(paramter:DataType)->Void}
Return closure : - {(paramter:DataType)->DataType}
e.g. (int, int) -> (int)

Pass Swift protocol as argument of another protocol function

I am creating generic data structure for my API result handling, reading about it online I found out that it would be best to use protocols and associatedtypes. This is my implementation so far.
protocol CreateDataCallback {
associatedtype E
func onSuccess(e:E) -> Void
func onFail() -> Void
protocol DataSource: class {
associatedtype T
func getData<GDC:GetDataCallback>(id:ID, callback:GDC) -> Void
As you can see in the code snippet, my getData function is not written correctly. Problem is that I don't know how to pass 'associatedtype T' from DataSource protocol to 'associatedtype E' of the CreateDataCallback protocol. I could write an extension of protocol DataSource but then it wouldn't be generic. Is this even possible in swift (I now that it is possible in Java), and if it is can you please shown me how. Thx
I'd make GDC an associated type of DataSourceand I'd make GDC conform to CreateDataCallBack. Then you don't need associated type T, you can just refer to GDC.E
protocol DataSource: class{
associatedtype GDC: CreateDataCallback
func getData(id:GDC.E, callback:GDC) -> Void
Here's some implementations of the two protocols:
class Bar: CreateDataCallback
func onSuccess(e: Int) {
// code
func onFail() {
// code
typealias E = Int
class Foo: DataSource
typealias GDC = Bar // This makes GDC.E a typealias for Int
func getData(id: Int, callback: Bar) {
// code

In Swift protocols - Why am I being forced to use the keyword 'Final' before my Sheep class? [duplicate]

I have a protocol P that returns a copy of the object:
protocol P {
func copy() -> Self
and a class C that implements P:
class C : P {
func copy() -> Self {
return C()
However, whether I put the return value as Self I get the following error:
Cannot convert return expression of type 'C' to return type 'Self'
I also tried returning C.
class C : P {
func copy() -> C {
return C()
That resulted in the following error:
Method 'copy()' in non-final class 'C' must return Self to conform
to protocol 'P'
Nothing works except for the case where I prefix class C with final ie do:
final class C : P {
func copy() -> C {
return C()
However if I want to subclass C then nothing would work. Is there any way around this?
The problem is that you're making a promise that the compiler can't prove you'll keep.
So you created this promise: Calling copy() will return its own type, fully initialized.
But then you implemented copy() this way:
func copy() -> Self {
return C()
Now I'm a subclass that doesn't override copy(). And I return a C, not a fully-initialized Self (which I promised). So that's no good. How about:
func copy() -> Self {
return Self()
Well, that won't compile, but even if it did, it'd be no good. The subclass may have no trivial constructor, so D() might not even be legal. (Though see below.)
OK, well how about:
func copy() -> C {
return C()
Yes, but that doesn't return Self. It returns C. You're still not keeping your promise.
"But ObjC can do it!" Well, sort of. Mostly because it doesn't care if you keep your promise the way Swift does. If you fail to implement copyWithZone: in the subclass, you may fail to fully initialize your object. The compiler won't even warn you that you've done that.
"But most everything in ObjC can be translated to Swift, and ObjC has NSCopying." Yes it does, and here's how it's defined:
func copy() -> AnyObject!
So you can do the same (there's no reason for the ! here):
protocol Copyable {
func copy() -> AnyObject
That says "I'm not promising anything about what you get back." You could also say:
protocol Copyable {
func copy() -> Copyable
That's a promise you can make.
But we can think about C++ for a little while and remember that there's a promise we can make. We can promise that we and all our subclasses will implement specific kinds of initializers, and Swift will enforce that (and so can prove we're telling the truth):
protocol Copyable {
init(copy: Self)
class C : Copyable {
required init(copy: C) {
// Perform your copying here.
And that is how you should perform copies.
We can take this one step further, but it uses dynamicType, and I haven't tested it extensively to make sure that is always what we want, but it should be correct:
protocol Copyable {
func copy() -> Self
init(copy: Self)
class C : Copyable {
func copy() -> Self {
return self.dynamicType(copy: self)
required init(copy: C) {
// Perform your copying here.
Here we promise that there is an initializer that performs copies for us, and then we can at runtime determine which one to call, giving us the method syntax you were looking for.
With Swift 2, we can use protocol extensions for this.
protocol Copyable {
extension Copyable {
func copy() -> Self {
return Self.init(copy: self)
There is another way to do what you want that involves taking advantage of Swift's associated type. Here's a simple example:
public protocol Creatable {
associatedtype ObjectType = Self
static func create() -> ObjectType
class MyClass {
// Your class stuff here
extension MyClass: Creatable {
// Define the protocol function to return class type
static func create() -> MyClass {
// Create an instance of your class however you want
return MyClass()
let obj = MyClass.create()
Actually, there is a trick that allows to easily return Self when required by a protocol (gist):
/// Cast the argument to the infered function return type.
func autocast<T>(some: Any) -> T? {
return some as? T
protocol Foo {
static func foo() -> Self
class Vehicle: Foo {
class func foo() -> Self {
return autocast(Vehicle())!
class Tractor: Vehicle {
override class func foo() -> Self {
return autocast(Tractor())!
func typeName(some: Any) -> String {
return (some is Any.Type) ? "\(some)" : "\(some.dynamicType)"
let vehicle = Vehicle.foo()
let tractor = Tractor.foo()
print(typeName(vehicle)) // Vehicle
print(typeName(tractor)) // Tractor
Swift 5.1 now allow a forced cast to Self, as! Self
1> protocol P {
2. func id() -> Self
3. }
9> class D : P {
10. func id() -> Self {
11. return D()
12. }
13. }
error: repl.swift:11:16: error: cannot convert return expression of type 'D' to return type 'Self'
return D()
as! Self
9> class D : P {
10. func id() -> Self {
11. return D() as! Self
12. }
13. } //works
Following on Rob's suggestion, this could be made more generic with associated types. I've changed the example a bit to demonstrate the benefits of the approach.
protocol Copyable: NSCopying {
associatedtype Prototype
init(copy: Prototype)
init(deepCopy: Prototype)
class C : Copyable {
typealias Prototype = C // <-- requires adding this line to classes
required init(copy: Prototype) {
// Perform your copying here.
required init(deepCopy: Prototype) {
// Perform your deep copying here.
#objc func copyWithZone(zone: NSZone) -> AnyObject {
return Prototype(copy: self)
I had a similar problem and came up with something that may be useful so I though i'd share it for future reference because this is one of the first places I found when searching for a solution.
As stated above, the problem is the ambiguity of the return type for the copy() function. This can be illustrated very clearly by separating the copy() -> C and copy() -> P functions:
So, assuming you define the protocol and class as follows:
protocol P
func copy() -> P
class C:P
func doCopy() -> C { return C() }
func copy() -> C { return doCopy() }
func copy() -> P { return doCopy() }
This compiles and produces the expected results when the type of the return value is explicit. Any time the compiler has to decide what the return type should be (on its own), it will find the situation ambiguous and fail for all concrete classes that implement the P protocol.
For example:
var aC:C = C() // aC is of type C
var aP:P = aC // aP is of type P (contains an instance of C)
var bC:C // this to test assignment to a C type variable
var bP:P // " " " P " "
bC = aC.copy() // OK copy()->C is used
bP = aC.copy() // Ambiguous.
// compiler could use either functions
bP = (aC as P).copy() // but this resolves the ambiguity.
bC = aP.copy() // Fails, obvious type incompatibility
bP = aP.copy() // OK copy()->P is used
In conclusion, this would work in situations where you're either, not using the base class's copy() function or you always have explicit type context.
I found that using the same function name as the concrete class made for unwieldy code everywhere, so I ended up using a different name for the protocol's copy() function.
The end result is more like:
protocol P
func copyAsP() -> P
class C:P
func copy() -> C
// there usually is a lot more code around here...
return C()
func copyAsP() -> P { return copy() }
Of course my context and functions are completely different but in spirit of the question, I tried to stay as close to the example given as possible.
Just throwing my hat into the ring here. We needed a protocol that returned an optional of the type the protocol was applied on. We also wanted the override to explicitly return the type, not just Self.
The trick is rather than using 'Self' as the return type, you instead define an associated type which you set equal to Self, then use that associated type.
Here's the old way, using Self...
protocol Mappable{
static func map() -> Self?
// Generated from Fix-it
extension SomeSpecificClass : Mappable{
static func map() -> Self? {
Here's the new way using the associated type. Note the return type is explicit now, not 'Self'.
protocol Mappable{
associatedtype ExplicitSelf = Self
static func map() -> ExplicitSelf?
// Generated from Fix-it
extension SomeSpecificClass : Mappable{
static func map() -> SomeSpecificClass? {
To add to the answers with the associatedtype way, I suggest to move the creating of the instance to a default implementation of the protocol extension. In that way the conforming classes won't have to implement it, thus sparing us from code duplication:
protocol Initializable {
protocol Creatable: Initializable {
associatedtype Object: Initializable = Self
static func newInstance() -> Object
extension Creatable {
static func newInstance() -> Object {
return Object()
class MyClass: Creatable {
required init() {}
class MyOtherClass: Creatable {
required init() {}
// Any class (struct, etc.) conforming to Creatable
// can create new instances without having to implement newInstance()
let instance1 = MyClass.newInstance()
let instance2 = MyOtherClass.newInstance()

Implement delegate using generic protocol in Swift

I'm trying to create a delegate protocol that implements a function which passes an array of a generic type. I've tried several combinations but none of them seem to do the trick.
This is the most approximate thing i've reached to. This is the protocol:
protocol APIControllerProtocol {
typealias T
func didReceiveAPIResults(results: [T])
And this is the the delegator object:
class APIController<U:APIControllerProtocol> {
typealias ElementType = U
var delegate: ElementType?
init(delegate: ElementType){
self.delegate = delegate
func getAPIResults(){
// Perform some action before delegation
// "results" is an Array of dictionaries got from NSJSONSerialization
self.delegate?.didReceiveAPIResults(results.map{dict in Album(json:dict)})
However, the last line get this error: "Album is not convertible to U.T"
"Album" is the model object used to return the results.
What am i doing wrong?
Following Mike S advice, i've made the protocol method didReceiveAPIResults a generic function, and specified what T is in the delegate. However, when receiving and assigning the argument of type T to a property in the delegate, i get the error: "T is not identical to T"
class TestDelegate: APIControllerProtocol {
typealias T = Album
var albums:[T] = [T]()
func didReceiveAPIResults<T>(results: [T]) {
// ...
self.albums = results //ERROR: "T is not identical to T"
Your didReceiveAPIResults declaration in APIControllerProtocol needs to be a generic function so that the generic type T is passed along to it correctly.
protocol APIControllerProtocol {
typealias T
func didReceiveAPIResults<T>(results: [T])
Note: This means your delegate definition will need to define what T is:
class TestDelegate: APIControllerProtocol {
typealias T = Album
func didReceiveAPIResults<T>(results: [T]) {
// ...
Update: While the code above does get rid of the original error, it turns out that it acts more like a workaround and doesn't really address the root of the problem.
The real issue seems to be that the compiler is having trouble reconciling what U.T is with no ambiguity. That's actually easy enough to fix though, we just need to give it a more precise definition (note the where clause in the APIController definition):
protocol APIControllerProtocol {
typealias T
func didReceiveAPIResults(results: [T])
class APIController<U:APIControllerProtocol where U.T == Album> {
typealias ElementType = U
// ...
Note: I removed the <T> that I added to the function in the protocol previously; that's not needed anymore and will end up causing problems later.
With that, the TestDelegate class works as expected (you don't even need the typealias anymore):
class TestDelegate: APIControllerProtocol {
var albums: [Album]? = nil
func didReceiveAPIResults(results: [Album]) {
albums = results
