Using routing with faye::WebSocket in ruby - ruby-on-rails

I am experimenting with websockets in my ruby on Rails server. I am trying faye-websocket as described in here.
Initial tests look promising (I am using a python client and I am able to connect to the websocket) but I have a newbie question that keeps bugging me. Including my websockets library as a middleware in ruby seems to capture ALL requests from my client that are websocket connections. In such case, how do I differentiate (and reply differently) to client calls with different routing (e.g. calls to and being both websockets)?
I found that the env variable contains the field "REQUEST_PATH" which has the information of the routing requested by the client. I can use that variable to return the appropriate answer to each one of the different client calls. Is there any more "elegant" way to do it?


Forcing Gibbon Gem (or Faraday) to use QuotaGuard Static HTTP proxy on Heroku

Full disclaimer; I'm not a strong Ruby dev, but I am learning quickly :)
I've set up a simple Ruby script on a Heroku dyno that listens for calls from our donation platform.
When a donation is made, it hits a webhook endpoint within my app, which then sends a donation receipt via Mandrill (which works fine), and updates/inserts a record in a Mailchimp list, via the 'upsert' method of the wonderful Gibbon gem.
That all works fine; except when the Heroku box happens to come up on an IP address that has done something bad in the past, and Mailchimp's API drops with a 403 (Forbidden) error.
I've had this confirmed by the Mailchimp API team; they suggest using something like QuotaGuard Static to tunnel the API requests to Mailchimp through, removing the issue of API calls from inconsistent (and sometimes untrusted) IP addresses.
I'd love some advice on how to make this happen. I can see that Gibbon uses Faraday to handle HTTP requests, but I'm not an advanced enough Ruby dev to fork the code and add in HTTP proxy functionality.
If there's a way to globally force the Faraday calls to use a HTTP proxy (ie QuotaGuard Static), that's what I'm looking for. A config setting for Faraday, for example.
Or perhaps there's a tweak I can make to my Procfile:
web: bundle exec ruby webhooks.rb -p $PORT
...that will force the outbound traffic to go via the QuotaGuard Static proxy. I know Proximo has this functionality, but it also blocks inbound access to the app, which doesn't work for this app.
Appreciate any ideas the community can offer. Thanks!
Gibbon Author here. You can simply set the proxy value to the proxy URL in Gibbon 2.2.0 and later.
From the Faraday documentation (here) the Connectionclass uses the proxy specified in the http_proxy environment variable. I have never tried it, but looking at the source code it should work.
I wanted to provide a bit more information, since the two answers pointed me on the right track but still required me to do some digging. I solved this issue by first adding the QuotaGuard Static add-on in Heroku (free for up to 250 uses per month) and then initializing Gibbon like so:
g =
And here is the relevant section from the Gibbon docs:

Detect user agent in Rails 4 - read HTTP header

I just switched from PHP to Ruby on Rails and was wondering if there was a way to detect the clients device/user agent (reading the HTTP header) in order to serve different versions of the site depending on the request it gets. In PHP I have been using Mobile Detect to do so. The general idea is to only serve files that are needed for each particular version. Thats why a client side approach is not that effective.
Is there a way to do something similar with Ruby 2.0.0 and Rails 4.0.0 ?
Maybe there is a gem to handle cases like that?
Check the request method, where you can get a ActionDispatch::Request where you have all the request parameters, including the user agent.

Socky Alternative

I'm in search of a RELIABLE websocket server for ROR 3.Now we're using socky. It is unreliable. We like it because it has flash fallback, so it suppose to work on older browsers...but again - it is unreliable.
Do you know any good websocket server for ROR with fallback (i.e. supporting all browsers)
alternatives are: (raw Websocket for NodeJS)
juggernaut (Complete Bayeux Protocol for NodeJS/Rails)
faye (Complete Bayeux Protocol for NodeJS/Rails) with a Ruby-Server
A tip: don't use ruby as websocket server, go for NodeJS - we handle thousands of messages every hour without any issue.
We used the most simple setup possible to make it work - and it works ;)
Our Setup:
Rails 3.0.9
How we set it up:
Rails --PUB--> REDIS --SUB--> NodeJS --WEBSOCKET (SOCKET.IO)--> Client
Article Redis PubSub - How does it work?
Another tip: Avoid authentication if possible
Here's our case:
We have something like a project management tool with a virtual filesystem. Let's say you're viewing a folder while someone else of your team uploads a new file. Now we have to inform you that your view is out of the date - we send a message like:
folder_id | last_change_timestamp
to the channel folders:#{folder_id}
now the client (which listens to folders:#{folder_id} receives that messages and sees "whoops my view is out of date" and shows a message "Your view is outdated, please click >here< to refresh".
The good thing is that we don't need any authentication because:
if you have no access to the project you would have to guess the folder_id to subscribe to the channel
even if you manage to subscribe to the channel the only information you get is that something has changed - not more not less ;)

Rails 3.1 - Firing an specific event with the EventMachine

I would like to use the plugin em-eventsource ( ) for server-sent events in a Rails 3.1-project. My problem is, that there is only explained how to listen on events and receive messages, but not how to fire a specific event up and send the message. I would like to produce the event in an Active Record-Observer. Am I right when I think that I have to defer a operation with EventMachine to produce this event, or how can I solve this?
And yes, it has to be Ruby on Rails. If I don't get this to work with EventMachine, I would try to bypass the whole ruby-part with node.js.
Actually I worked on this library a little with the maintainer. I think you mixed the client part with the server one. em-eventsource is a client library which you can use to consume a ServerSentEvent API, it's not meant to fire SSE.
On the server side, it quite doesn't matter whether you are using Rails or any other stack (nodejs, php…) as long as the server you are running on supports streaming. The default web server shipped with Rails does not (Webrick) but there are many others which do: Thin, Puma, Goliath…
In order to fire SSE in Rails, you would have to use both a streaming-capable server among those cited, and abide by the SSE specification. It mostly falls down to, first, responding with the proper Content-type header ("text/event-stream") so that the client (browser) knows it should hang-on, and then start streaming on the socket. That latter part is the one not easily possible as of today in Rails 3 (yet not impossible!); Rails 4 actually now supports streaming in an easy way, with a clean and simple internal API, so it's definitely coming.
In the mean time, you'd either:
mess with Rack's API in Rails (using EventMachine I guess, there are some examples in the wild)
or have it smart and make use of the streaming feature provided by Sinatra, built on top of Rack (see for an example of Sinatra app which can be mounted in a Rails one!)
or you could use an external service such as Pusher
or leverage a entirely different stack…
A good overview:
Maybe I'm wrong, but if IIRC Rails can't support long pooling. Rails block whole server (or thread if you have more than one running inside server) for each request and can't reuse them unless whole response was send. That's why you should setup reverse proxy (like nginx) in front of Rails application if you suspect there could be many concurrent connections - to proxy slow client requests and send them to Rails when whole request is received. It's just how Rack works, there's not much you can do about this probably.

Lot's of ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod: CONNECT in a Rails application

I'm getting lot's of these exceptions in a Rails application:
ActionController::UnknownHttpMethod: CONNECT, accepted HTTP methods are get, head, put, post, delete, and options
As far as I see it seems to be some crawler or something like that trying to use CONNECT as an http verb. I've never heard of it, but the documentation say:
This specification reserves the method name CONNECT for use with a proxy that can dynamically switch to being a tunnel (e.g. SSL tunneling [44]).
Any ideas what might be going on? Some poorly written crawler? Something trying to abuse my application or web server? What can I do about it? Totally block them, if so how? This is a Ruby on Rails app running with Passenger on Apache.
Are all the requests coming from the same IP or hostname? If so I would use Apache's mod_authz_host mod_access to deny access to the, most likely, crawler. Since Rails doesn't seem to be doing anything with the request I wouldn't worry about it too much though :)
