Can't find an option for Imagemagick's display command to avoid decorations. Just need to show the image, is there any way to achieve this, or any other "core" command that can do it?
I'm assuming you mean to display images without window decorations. There's many many ways to achieve this, but I would like to point-out that your OS/desktop-manager probably has something that you can leverage.
For example, on my mac, I can use open & qlmanage to show images with minimal decorations.
# Use OS defaults
open wizard.png
# or Quicklook
qlmanage -p wizard.png
YMMV. There's also great alternatives listed to this question.
ImageMagick's display utility has the options -immutable, -backdrop, & -window options to interact with X11 display system. If you don't mind X11's tile bar, then -immutable will hide the additional display widgets.
display -immutable -resize 40% wizard.png
However, if you absolutely do not want any window decoration, then you may need to role your own solution. The -window option will set the image as a background to a running window. Knowning this, I just need to create a borderless-window & capture an ID to pass to identify. See this answer for creating a window w/o any decoration.
// simple_window (compile with `gcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -o simple_window simple_window.c')
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
Display * root;
Window win;
int screen;
root = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
screen = DefaultScreen(root);
win = XCreateSimpleWindow(root,
RootWindow(root, screen),
10, 10,
400, 600,
BlackPixel(root, screen),
WhitePixel(root, screen));
Atom win_type = XInternAtom(root, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE", False);
long value = XInternAtom(root, "_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK", False);
4, 32,
(unsigned char *) &value, 1);
XMapWindow(root, win);
printf("Window created %lu\n", win);
XEvent e;
while(1) {
XNextEvent(root, &e);
if (e.type == KeyPress) {
return 0;
Compiling the above program & running will print out the current window id; which, I can now pass the import utility to write the image as a background.
A bit hack-ish, but again, YMMV.
I have tried to release a Mat image from my program, however, no matter how I tried it, the same image (result) still appear when I click on the "process button" to process another image (from loading or snapping an image). The old results will always be displayed.
I have to close the whole program, open the next image I want to process and click the "process button" to get the actual result. However, this is not ideal, as I want my program to immediately process the image I load or snap and not having to close the whole program(or rather stop run and click run again)
Most of the results I searched from google suggested these methods:
imagep.release(); //where imagep is the image after going through processing
My code is goes something along this line. In my program.h file, the image and image p and declared like this:
class program : public QMainWindow
program(QWidget *parent = 0);
cv::Mat image, imagep; //original image and image processed
The coding for the button in the .cpp file goes something like this:
imagep = image.clone(); //also tried: imagep=image, and imagep=image+0 already.
processing/segmenting steps
cv::imshow("new image", imagep);
imagep=Mat(); //also tried cvDestroyWindow("new image"), //imagep.release();
The setting of the picture of imagep(where I changed the values of the pixels based on results from the image processing. ) is created via:
for (int i=0; i< imagep.rows; ++i)
for (int j=0; j<imagep.cols; ++j)
//<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)= v_char[i]; Note that this is commented. This method doesn't work, hence the below method. But it doesn't work too.
Vec3b temp=v_char[i];<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[0]=temp[0];<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[1]=temp[1];<cv::Vec3b>(i,j)[2]=temp[2];
However, these methods doesn't work. Any suggestions of how I can release the Mat image?
waitKey(-1) wait for a keyboard input while waitKey(10) uses 10 ms to update UI and then passes to control further on; It seems to that your problem is not release but proper update.
Normally one don’t need to release Mat (though I saw some release() calls in Java), just reassign it. Your problem may also be related to smart pointers that got killed when the number of references goes to zero but it is hard to say without seeing your code.
There are some tricky things happening when creating, assigning, and declaring Mats. Also, note for example that Mat m = n, copies the reference only but Mat m = n + 0, copies the whole object.
i choose to ask a question here well aware that i can infringe some rules of StackExchange maybe becouse this isn't the right place to ask that, but i saw a lot of question related to CERN ROOT. I know that here people that answer the questions prefer to show the way instead to give a cooked solution, but i need some help and i have no time to learn from the answers, i only want a solution for my problem. I apologize in advance!
Here is my problem: i have two .root files:
one of a spectrum ("sezione_misura_90.root"),
one from background ("sezione_fondo_90.root").
I have to subtract the second from the first and get a final histogram. Usually i open the file with the TBroswer and i have no idea how to implement a macro of a script to open a .root file or doing everything else, first of all becouse i hate ROOT and all programming related, and i have only a course where i am supposed to use that, without someone tell me how!!! Even the prof. don't know how to use...
If some one that read have a macro or a script ready to use, I will be forever indebted to him for sharing that with me. Thanks in advance!
I write down a file named run.cxx with the following lines
int run()
// Open both files side-by-side
TFile* sezione_misura_90 = new TFile("sezione_misura_90.root");
TFile* sezione_fondo_90 = new TFile("sezione_fondo_90.root");
// Get the histograms from the file
// Since you didn't say from your post, I'm going to assume that
// the histograms are called "hist" and that they hold floating
// point values (meaning, they're TH1F histograms. The "F" means float)
TH1F* h_misura = (TH1F*) sezione_misura_90->Get("hist");
TH1F* h_fondo = (TH1F*) sezione_fondo_90->Get("hist");
// Now we add them together
TH1F* h_sum = h_misura->Add(*h_fondo, -1);
There was some typos like ( and ;, i correct them but i get back the following.
Error: illegal pointer to class object h_misura 0x0 139 run.cxx:21:
** Interpreter error recovered **
A simple way to accomplish this is to write a script that opens the two files, reads the histograms from the files, and subtracts them (which is the same as adding them using a factor of -1). This can be done using a block of code similar to the following:
// Open both files side-by-side
TFile* sezione_misura_90 = new TFile("sezione_misura_90.root");
TFile* sezione_fondo_90 = new TFile(("sezione_fondo_90.root");
// Get the histograms from the file
// Since you didn't say from your post, I'm going to assume that
// the histograms are called "hist" and that they hold floating
// point values (meaning, they're TH1F histograms. The "F" means float)
TH1F* h_misura = (TH1F*) sezione_misura_90->Get("hist");
TH1F* h_fondo = (TH1F*) sezione_fondo_90->Get("hist");
// Now we add them together
TH1F* h_sum = h_misura->Add(*h_fondo, -1);
At this point, h_sum should be the histogram you want. You can save it to a file for later reading, or you can draw it to the screen if you're running an interactive root session.
The above code can be run by doing one of the following:
An interactive root session just by typing root and then typing the above lines)
As a root script (by pasting them into a file which, for example, could be named "file.C" and typing "root file.C")
A larger program (by putting the above lines in a function and calling that function)
You can read more about the methods available for a Histogram in ROOT's documentation:
Hope that helps.
I see at least two problems. One problem has to do with the way ROOT manages memory, more specifically ROOT objects in memory:
// Each ROOT object derives from a TNamed class,
// hence has a <name>, which ROOT uses internally
// to keep track of the objects
TH1F* h_misura = (TH1F*) sezione_misura_90->Get("hist");
// now you have a histogram named "hist" in memory;
//btw, better to name it something more unique, e.g. hist1, at least
TH1F* h_fondo = (TH1F*) sezione_fondo_90->Get("hist");
// And now, you are trying to get another histogram named "hist",
// which creates a problem: Two different histograms with the same
// name - you can't do that.
// At the very least ROOT is going to overwrite the first hist
// and replace it with the second, or bug out
Solution to problem one:
// Rename the "hist"s to something like "hist1" and "hist2"
TH1F* h_misura = (TH1F*) sezione_misura_90->Get("hist");
TH1F* h_fondo = (TH1F*) sezione_fondo_90->Get("hist");
// now, you have to histograms in memory with unique names
Problem two: when you open a TFile with
// TFile * f = new TFile("file.root");
it opens it in a read-only mode, therefore you can't write to them if you want to save your sum of histograms. Instead do this:
TFile * f = TFile::Open("file.root", "write");
// and do a null pointer check
if (!f) { std::cout << "file not found" << std::endl; exit(1); }
// if you want to save the results to file f
// ...
I just recently started to work with ImageJ (and thus do not have much experience with macro programming) to analyze my microscopy pictures.
In order to generate FRET pixel-by-pixel images that are corrected for spectral bleed through I am using the plug in: pixFRET. This plug in requires a stack of 3 images to work: FRET, Donor, Acceptor. So far, I have to open every picture myself and this is REALLY inconvenient for large time stacks (> 1000 images). I am looking for a way to loop the plug in or create some kind of macro to do this.
A short description of my Data structure:
workfolder\filename_t001c1 (Channel 1 Image - Donor at time point 001),
filename_t001c2 (Channel 2 Image - FRET at time point 001),
...t001c3 (can be neglected)
...t001c4 (Channel 4 Image - Acceptor at time point 001).
I would have to create a stack of C2/C1/C4 at each time point that is automatically analyzed by pixFRET (with set parameters) and the result should be saved in an output folder.
I am grateful for every suggestion as my biggest problem is the looping of this whole stack generation/pixFRET analysis (can only do this manual right now).
I did not find a way to directly include the parameters and commands from the pixFRET PlugIn. However, here I show a work around that works with IJ_Robot to add these commands. I further included some stuff to perform a alignment of the camera channels based on the first images of the time series.
// Macro for creating time resolved pixFRET images with a alignment of both cameras used
// a separate setting file is required for pixFRET -> put this into the same folder as the pixFRET plugin
// the background region has to be set manually in this macro
// IJ_robot uses cursor movements - DO NOT move the cursor while excuting the macro + adjust IJ_robot coordinates when changing the resolution/system.
dir = getDirectory("Select Directory");
list = getFileList(dir);
//single alignment
run("Image Sequence...", "open=[dir] number=2 starting=1 increment=1 scale=100 file=[] or=[] sort");
rename(WindowTitle+toString(" Main"))
makeRectangle(0, 0, xValue, yValue);
run("Align slices in stack...", "method=5 windowsizex="+toString(xValue*2-20)+" windowsizey="+toString(yValue*2-20)+" x0=10 y0=10 swindow=0 ref.slice=1 show=true");
XShift=getResult("dX", 0);
YShift=getResult("dY", 0);
File.makeDirectory(toString(File.getParent(dir))+toString("\\")+"test"+" FRET");
run("Translate...", "x=XShift y=YShift interpolation=None stack");
run("Translate...", "x=XShift y=YShift interpolation=None stack");
run("Images to Stack", "name=Stack title=[] use");
makeRectangle(15, 147, 82, 75); //background region
run("IJ Robot", "order=Left_Click x_point=886 y_point=321 delay=500 keypress=[]");
run("IJ Robot", "order=Left_Click x_point=874 y_point=557 delay=500 keypress=[]");
selectWindow("NFRET (x100) of Stack");
save(toString(File.getParent(dir))+toString("\\")+"test"+" FRET"+toString(i) +".tif");
selectWindow("FRET of Stack");
selectWindow("NFRET (x100) of Stack");
run("IJ Robot", "order=Left_Click x_point=941 y_point=57 delay=300 keypress=[]");
Thanks for your help Jan. If you can think of a way to call these pixFRET commands directly rather than using Ij_robot, please let me know.
Take this tutorial from Fiji (is just ImageJ) as a starting point, and use the macro recorder (Plugins > Macros > Record...) to get the neccessary commands.
Your macro code could then look something like this:
function pixfret(path, commonfilename) {
open(path + commonfilename + "c2");
open(path + commonfilename + "c1");
open(path + commonfilename + "c4");
run("Images to Stack", "name=Stack title=[] use");
run("PixFRET"); // please adjust this to your needs
n_timepoints = 999;
dir = "/path/to/your/images/";
for (i = 0; i < n_timepoints; i++)
pixfret(dir, "filename_t" + IJ.pad(i, 4));
Hope that helps.
Are there OpenCV equivalents of the GLUT glutGetWindow()/glutSetWindow() functions, which allows the current active window to be identified and switched from your own codes?
Basically, I'd like to able to identify the current active window from a within a mouse callback function registered with all windows, and have it call another processing function with different parameters for each window.
Any help would be appreciated.
There's no function to do that in OpenCV, however, the signature of cvSetMouseCallback() allows you to register one callback per window.
You will have to register individual callbacks to achieve what you need to do.
Here is the complete list of features supported by the HIGHGUI module.
Another (hardcore) alternative is to dive into the native API of the OS you are working with and search for methods that accomplish this. The problem is that this solution is not cross-platform.
Actually, cvGetWindowHandle(const char* windowname) is available up in opencv/highgui/highgui_c.h. This is available up until openCV 4 when this answer was written.
I suggest that you add
#include <opencv/highgui/highgui_c.h>
and use
Include <opencv / highgui / highgui_c.h> could be a solution, but it really won't let you turn to Opencv4 +.
For those of you who are still using Opencv in MFC DialogBox, there is a different solution
FindWindows returns the Parent Window handle, and MFC works with the child window, so you'll need FindWindow and FindWindowEx.
New source code for MFC and Opencv4+
namedWindow(windowname, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
////// This will work on opencv 4.X //////
HWND hParent = (HWND)FindWindow(NULL, windowname.c_str());
HWND hWnd = (HWND)FindWindowEx(hParent, NULL, L"HighGUI class", NULL);
::SetParent(hWnd, GetDlgItem(IDC_PICTURE)->m_hWnd);
::ShowWindow(hParent, SW_HIDE);
CWnd* pWnd = new CWnd();
Maybe you're still in troubles because string to LPCWSTR conversion fails, and hParent returns NULL. There is many ways to convert string to LPCWSTR, but because you are using MFC, try
namedWindow(windowname, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
////// This will work on opencv 4.X //////
CString CstrWindowname =;
HWND hParent = (HWND)FindWindow(NULL, CstrWindowname);
HWND hWnd = (HWND)FindWindowEx(hParent, NULL, L"HighGUI class", NULL);
::SetParent(hWnd, GetDlgItem(IDC_PICTURE)->m_hWnd);
::ShowWindow(hParent, SW_HIDE);
CWnd* pWnd = new CWnd();
The new code should replace this old code
namedWindow(windowname, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
///// OLD version. Used on opencv 3.X on MFC Dialog Box /////
HWND hWnd = (HWND) cvGetWindowHandle(windowname.c_str());
HWND hParent = ::GetParent(hWnd);
::SetParent(hWnd, GetDlgItem(IDC_PICTURE)->m_hWnd);
::ShowWindow(hParent, SW_HIDE);
CWnd* pWnd = new CWnd();
Well, there is no OpenCV API for retreiving focused window, but OS GUI Shell usually provides. Using this approach would be better because mouse callbacks can't detect ALT-TAB and programmatic focusing.
Here's some example code on python for windows that gets the job done:
import ctypes
import cv2
user32 = ctypes.windll.user32
def exists_cv_window(title):
# seems to work on python-opencv version 4.6.0
return cv2.getWindowProperty(title, cv2.WND_PROP_VISIBLE) != 0.0
def get_active_cv_window():
focused_window_handle = user32.GetForegroundWindow()
length = user32.GetWindowTextLengthW(focused_window_handle)
buffer = bytes([0]) * 2 * length
buff_pointer = ctypes.c_char_p(buffer)
user32.GetWindowTextW(window_handle, buff_pointer, length)
active_window_title = buffer.decode('utf-16')
if exists_cv_window(active_window_title):
return active_window_title
# example use case for the function
def main():
im1 = cv2.imread('cookie.png')
im2 = cv2.imread('cat.png')
cv2.imshow('figure 1', im1)
cv2.imshow('figure 2', im2)
while True:
key = cv2.waitKey(10)
if key == 23: # CTRL + W
title = get_active_cv_window()
if title is not None:
# in the example above the ability to target active window allows applying
# CTRL + W shortcut to a specific figure
It's a shame this is not part of OpenCV
I've seen some Groovy code that lets you combing images and text, but not images and images ...
Essentially, I need to overlay symbols at certain coordinates on maps: I have some maps and symbols as .png files. I can do the coordinate calcs no problem, so the issue is more a case of, given two transparent pngs how do I combine them without losing transparency? (Both the map and the symbol may need to retain their transparency).
Ideally I need a function, something like
combinePngImage(background_src, foreground_src, foreground_x, foreground_y)
that would return a png combination of the two, given the top left, top right coordinates of the foreground image.
[Background: I have some maps and symbols as .png files stored in container fields in FileMaker that I need to combine within a FileMaker solution. I've tried looking in to doing it using ImageMagick and the command line, but it suddenly struck me that this may be something that could be done using ScriptMaster, which uses Groovy to create external functions. ]
Any pointers gratefully received!
Okay, for what it's worth - here's some cobbled together cookbook snippets that seem to do the job - any comments on the (poor) coding style greatfully received.
Given a ScriptMaster call to
combineImage ( backgroundImg ; foregroundImg ; x ; y )
the required code is:
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
// get container data
InputStream bgImgContainer
bgImgContainer = fmpro.getContainerStream(backgroundImg)
throw new Exception('Could not get data from background image container (make sure container field name is passed as text)')
// test if container field is empty
if( bgImgContainer == null ) {
throw new Exception('Background image container field is empty')
bgImgName = fmpro.getContainerFileName(backgroundImg);
InputStream fgImgContainer
fgImgContainer = fmpro.getContainerStream(foregroundImg)
throw new Exception('Could not get data from foreground image container (make sure container field name is passed as text)')
// test if container field is empty
if( fgImgContainer == null ) {
throw new Exception('Foreground image container field is empty')
fgImgName = fmpro.getContainerFileName(foregroundImg);
int xCoord = Integer.parseInt(x);
int yCoord = Integer.parseInt(y);
// load image from container data
BufferedImage result =;
BufferedImage overlay =;
int fgWidth = overlay.getWidth(null);
int fgHeight = overlay.getHeight(null);
Graphics2D graphics = result.createGraphics();
// overlay the foreground at given coordinates and actual size
graphics.drawImage(overlay, xCoord, yCoord, fgWidth, fgHeight, null);
File output = File.createTempFile(bgImgName, ".png");
ImageIO.write(result, "png", output);
return output;
Rather than using the ImageMagick command-line, you could try using Im4java, a pure Java ImageMagick API.