Titanium Appcelerator unable to run app on iphone device - ios

Unable to run on iphone device but it is okay on simulator
Error Log
[INFO] : Invoking xcodebuild
[ERROR] : 2016-12-09 12:02:48.529 xcodebuild[15867:179966] DVTAssertions: Warning in /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/IDEXcode3ProjectSupport/IDEXcode3ProjectSupport-9061/Xcode3Core/LegacyProjects/Frameworks/DevToolsCore/DevToolsCore/Foundation/WorkQueues/XCWorkQueueCommandSubprocessInvocation.m:951
[ERROR] : Details: encountered read error on command output pipe (Bad file descriptor)
[ERROR] : Object: <XCWorkQueueCommandLocalSubprocessInvocation: 0x7fd4262434a0>
[ERROR] : Method: -handleOutputFileDescriptorActivity
[ERROR] : Thread: <NSThread: 0x7fd4271c3280>{number = 9, name = (null)}<br>
[ERROR] : Please file a bug at http://bugreport.apple.com with this warning message and any useful information you can provide.
[ERROR] : The following build commands failed:
[ERROR] : CompileStoryboard LaunchScreen.storyboard
[ERROR] : CompileAssetCatalog build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/Appname\ App3.app Assets.xcassets**
[ERROR] : (2 failures)
Use all latest, Xcode 8.1 and tisdk 6.0
Any one can help? thanks.

Well I've researched and done some updates on this, but on my case I just created new provisioning profile and use it. I don't know why the log says about storyboard and assetscatalog, but for me the error was fixed.


Appium Not Running Xcode 12.3

I'm trying to use Appium version 1.19.1 to test an ipad app on a physical ipad device that I have built with Xcode 12.3. Previously this has worked as expected, but recently I have not been able to get Appium to run at all, and I suspect that Xcode 12.3 may be the issue based on what I have discovered.
When I try to run Appium from python this is the trace printed to my python console (device serial number/udid intentionally hidden):
File "/Users/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/appium/webdriver/webdriver.py", line 155, in __init__
File "/Users/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/webdriver.py", line 157, in __init__
self.start_session(capabilities, browser_profile)
File "/Users/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/appium/webdriver/webdriver.py", line 225, in start_session
response = self.execute(RemoteCommand.NEW_SESSION, parameters)
File "/Users/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/webdriver.py", line 321, in execute
File "/Users/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/selenium/webdriver/remote/errorhandler.py", line 242, in check_response
raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace)
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: xcodebuild failed with code 65
xcodebuild error message:
2021-01-06 17:04:24.366 xcodebuild[16217:213101] Error writing xctestrun file: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The folder “WebDriverAgentRunner_iphoneos14.3-arm64.xctestrun” doesn’t exist." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-alwvnomvwrdtzoaxbbkniqrpcdpp/Build/Products/WebDriverAgentRunner_iphoneos14.3-arm64.xctestrun, NSUserStringVariant=Folder, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fb116ac6ad0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
2021-01-06 17:04:24.380 xcodebuild[16217:213102] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: Writing diagnostic log for test session to:
2021-01-06 17:04:24.382 xcodebuild[16217:213028] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: (DF79B2A2-04AF-4A59-87B7-DBB8279EC46E) Beginning test session WebDriverAgentRunner-DF79B2A2-04AF-4A59-87B7-DBB8279EC46E at 2021-01-06 17:04:24.381 with Xcode 12C33 on target 📱<DVTiOSDevice (0x7fb11a157e10), ****, iPad, 14.3 (18C66), ****> {
deviceSerialNumber: ****
identifier: ****
deviceClass: iPad
deviceName: ****
deviceIdentifier: ****
productVersion: 14.3
buildVersion: 18C66
deviceSoftwareVersion: 14.3 (18C66)
deviceArchitecture: arm64e
deviceTotalCapacity: 249024532480
deviceAvailableCapacity: 240144109568
deviceIsTransient: NO
ignored: NO
deviceIsBusy: NO
deviceIsPaired: YES
deviceIsActivated: YES
deviceActivationState: Activated
isPasscodeLocked: NO
deviceType: <DVTDeviceType:0x7fb113d0a3d0 Xcode.DeviceType.iPhone>
supportedDeviceFamilies: (
applications: (null)
provisioningProfiles: (null)
hasInternalSupport: NO
hasWritableSystem: NO
isSupportedOS: YES
bootArgs: (null)
nextBootArgs: (null)
connected: YES
isWirelessEnabled: NO
connectionType: direct
hostname: (null)
bonjourServiceName: ****
activeProxiedDevice: (null)
} (14.3 (18C66))
2021-01-06 17:04:24.498 xcodebuild[16217:213028] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: (****) Finished requesting crash reports. Continuing with testing.
*** If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the result bundle at /Users/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-alwvnomvwrdtzoaxbbkniqrpcdpp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2021.01.06_17-04-22--0600.xcresult
2021-01-06 17:04:24.514 xcodebuild[16217:213028] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 0.141 elapsed -- Testing started completed.
2021-01-06 17:04:24.514 xcodebuild[16217:213028] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 0.000 sec, +0.000 sec -- start
2021-01-06 17:04:24.514 xcodebuild[16217:213028] [MT] IDETestOperationsObserverDebug: 0.141 sec, +0.141 sec -- end
Test session results, code coverage, and logs:
Testing failed:
Building for iOS, but the embedded framework 'CocoaAsyncSocket.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator.
Building for iOS, but the embedded framework 'YYCache.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator.
Building for iOS, but the linked and embedded framework 'CocoaAsyncSocket.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator.
Building for iOS, but the linked and embedded framework 'YYCache.framework' was built for iOS + iOS Simulator.
WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner.app encountered an error (Failed to install or launch the test runner. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the result bundle at /Users/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-alwvnomvwrdtzoaxbbkniqrpcdpp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2021.01.06_17-04-22--0600.xcresult. (Underlying Error: The file “WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner.app” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file. The file doesn’t exist. (Underlying Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory)))
Testing started. Make sure you follow the tutorial at https://github.com/appium/appium-xcuitest-driver/blob/master/docs/real-device-config.md. Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it is installed and reboot the device.
Through researching I came across this answer which linked to an apple developer forum post that leads me to believe the issue is with one of the frameworks that appium must be using that is not cooperating with Xcode 12.3.
I have also come across another suggestion that I tried but it did not fix my issue.
Also, this is what I'm seeing in Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2021.01.06_17-04-19--0600.xcresult:
Assertions: System: Failed to install or launch the test runner. If you believe this error represents a bug, please attach the result bundle at /Users/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/WebDriverAgent-alwvnomvwrdtzoaxbbkniqrpcdpp/Logs/Test/Test-WebDriverAgentRunner-2021.01.06_17-04-19--0600.xcresult. (Underlying Error: The file “WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner.app” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file. The file doesn’t exist. (Underlying Error: The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory))
So is there anything else I can try at this point, or is this going to come down to a framework being used by appium needing to be updated? Any ideas or suggestions are definitely appreciated!
Turns out I had to follow the suggestion in this answer but on the WebDriverAgent Xcode project. Seems to have fixed it for me.
After the installation WDA on real device, worked for me on appium 1.20 such workaround:
$ cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
$ rm -rf WebDriverAgent-alwvnomvwrdtzoaxbbkniqrpcdpp
$ mv WebDriverAgent-ciegwgvxzxdrqthilmrmczmqvrgu WebDriverAgent-alwvnomvwrdtzoaxbbkniqrpcdpp

iOS React Native App/ Build Succeeded but App not getting open in iOS device/ Simulator

iOS App is build successfully but App is not getting open in the Simulator or device.
Getting chmod error for the app path.
info Installing <PATH TO APP>.app
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=IXUserPresentableErrorDomain, code=1):
This app could not be installed at this time.
Could not install at this time.
Failed to chmod /Users/surabhiagrawal/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/7A54A41E-006C-4B29-B33A-BE956F715255/data/Bundle/Application/0A68FDA4-1D57-49BB-8377-7BA5AC9BBB46/<AppName> : No such file or directory
Underlying error (domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain, code=4):
Failed to chmod /Users/surabhiagrawal/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/7A54A41E-006C-4B29-B33A-BE956F715255/data/Bundle/Application/0A68FDA4-1D57-49BB-8377-7BA5AC9BBB46/<AppName>.app/<AppName> : No such file or directory
info Launching <Package Name>
com.goshopmatic.ShopmaticGoApp: -1
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain, code=1):
The request to open "App Package name" failed.
The request was denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace) for reason: NotFound ("Application <App_Path_Name> is unknown to FrontBoard").
Underlying error (domain=FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain, code=4):
The operation couldn’t be completed. Application "App package name" is unknown to FrontBoard.
Application "App package name" is unknown to FrontBoard.
I fixed this by upgrading XCode.

Failed to export archive to ipa (No applicable devices found)

Well, just tried to create an IPA build / package with no luck. I found similar issues on the web but they didn't fix the error.
Here's the stack that it sends me while trying:
[ERROR] : Failed to export archive to ipa
[ERROR] : 2017-03-25 16:47:25.761 xcodebuild[29128:87514] [MT] IDEDistribution: -[IDEDistributionLogging _createLoggingBundleAtPath:]: Created bundle at path '/var/folders/fr/nqly_t5n1f13l_k9hbm9vzb80000gn/T/App_2017-03-25_16-47-25.759.xcdistributionlogs'.
[ERROR] : 1.2.840.113635.100.1.61
[ERROR] : 2017-03-25 16:47:26.196 xcodebuild[29128:87514] [MT] IDEDistribution: Step failed: <IDEDistributionThinningStep: 0x7f8e3cd349e0>: Error Domain=IDEDistributionErrorDomain Code=14 "No applicable devices found." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No applicable devices found.}
[ERROR] : error: exportArchive: No applicable devices found.
[ERROR] : Error Domain=IDEDistributionErrorDomain Code=14 "No applicable devices found." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No applicable devices found.}
My environment is as follows:
OS: macOS Sierra
Xcode: 8.21
Appcelerator Studio: 4.8.1
Thing already tried:
Tried to remove rbenv and use system ruby with no luck.
I updated CFPropertyList gem as well.
With the release of SDK 6.0.3.GA they solved also a problem with ad-hoc release, have a look at this one:
In these last weeks I'm having problems with in-house distribution but for me ad-hoc works.

Titanium: App not being deployed to iOS simulator after iOS 9 upgrade

XCode decided to do an upgrade to iOS 9, and after that the app refuses to deploy to the emulator.
The build works ok, but it fails at this:
[INFO] : Invoking xcodebuild
[INFO] : Finished building the application in 40s 523ms
[INFO] : Launching iOS Simulator
[ERROR] : Project failed to build after 1m 21s 108ms
[ERROR] : An error occurred running the iOS Simulator (ios-sim exit code 1)
TRACE | titanium exited with exit code 1
ERROR | Error: ti run exited with error code 1
at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/Users/stop/.appcelerator/install/5.0.1/package/node_modules/appc-cli-titanium/plugins/run.js:89:66)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:117:20)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:810:12)
Any ideas?
There's no updates that i can install, it says everything is up to date.
I have SDK 5.1.0. installed
Ok, so i did 2 things here, not sure which one fixed it.
I ran appc setup and let it finish
I removed all the errors around the icons and images that were missing and were the wrong size.
After that it just started working. Not sure which of the 2 fixed it.

ERROR: Unable to retrieve device list

I get the following error when I try to user Target IO to run my application. I'm using Windows 7, 64-bit.
[INFO] Installing app on device: is it connected?
[INFO] connect: No error
[INFO] usbmuxd_get_device_list: error opening socket!
[INFO] ERROR: Unable to retrieve device list!
I get the following messages when I try to install my application.
[ERROR] Failed when running C:\...win-ios-install.exe: connect: No error
usbmuxd_get_device_list: error opening socket!
ERROR: Unable to retrieve device list!
Anyone have this error? Any ideas how to resolve it? Thanks.
The problem was that I didn't have iTunes installed. The documentation is here: http://docs.trigger.io/en/v1.4/tools/ios-windows.html#setting-up-forge-to-run-ios-apps
I got the answer from the tigger.io IRC from mib_9fc0ff. Thanks mib_9fc0ff and Amir.
