Add Loading Screen when App Launches - ios

In my app LaunchScreen.storyboard, I put a progress bar and I want it to move (load) according to how long my app will actually start.
I have followed link, but it's not working. I just started learning iOS programming so please bear with me.
I appreciate your ideas.

You cannot add any logical code to your launch screen as you want.
At launch screen time, Your app is not launched at all. So your code for progress bar will not be running.
I think the better way is using a launch screen first, then show a viewController with a progress bar as you need.
Also you can set launch screen story board as you want.

You can't perform any operation on launch screen.
Please check this link
For that you have to create your own splash screen displayed right after the default iOS one.
Check this link for custom splash screen


Editing the LaunchScreen.storyboard on Google Place Picker Demo

I have been trying to implement the Google Places API and stumbled upon the Place Picker Demo provided by Google. I have been trying to edit the code and tailor it to my project but to no avail. For example I tried changing the launchscreen.storyboard file to fit my needs, but in the simulator it shows up for about a second before it goes back the original app screen. So is it even possible to edit the demo code that Google has created or transfer it to my project somehow? I am also quite new to Swift and Xcode so any help would be appreciated.
This is the link to where I obtained the code from:
The LaunchScreen.storyboard interface is only shown for a split second while the app is loading and should not contain any actual content besides a logo or a barebones preview interface (Apple discourages logos) so that the app appears to have a fast start time.
On the Human Interface Guidelines:
A launch screen appears instantly when your app starts up. The launch
screen is quickly replaced with the first screen of your app, giving
the impression that your app is fast and responsive. The launch screen
isn’t an opportunity for artistic expression. It’s solely intended to
enhance the perception of your app as quick to launch and immediately
ready for use.
If you want to have a different starting screen, add a View Controller to the Main.storyboard and set it as the Initial View Controller (a checkbox in the right sidebar).

iOS development - launch screens where image on main screen can change?

So I am new to iOS development and I have a question about the launch screen.
My app will have an image (that loads when the app opens from the internet) this can change anytime the image is updated on the website, so what is the done thing when designing a launch screen as the image could be different to what is on the launch screen?
In Apple's Human Interface Guidelines, they suggest that the launch screen should match the first screen of your app. In the example they give, the only parts of the launch screen are the non-dynamic parts (the UI around the web content).
Design a launch screen that’s nearly identical to the first screen of your app. If you include elements that look different when the app finishes launching, people can experience an unpleasant flash between the launch screen and the first screen of the app.
The launch screen is presented before your app loads, and it should be used for static content only.
If there are any UI elements around the image that is displayed, show those in your launch screen. If not, choose a neutral background color that works well with the theme of your app.
Omit the image. A launch image should be a bare outline of what the screen will certainly contain. It might be no more than the correctly-colored background. It is just to cover the gap between nothing and something.
Read the Guidelines: Look at the picture on the left. That's a launch screen — basically empty.
LaunchScreen image is always the same..
You can set it in LaunchScreen.storyboard
The launch screen is used to display something whilst your app is initialising, making network requests or whatever.
You shouldn't be looking to load dynamic content here as if a user is on a very slow connection then they wont see anything until your image has loaded. This is why it doesn't have a view controller associated with it. it should be static.
You should only really be loading your logo or something in here, you could just use the company name. it will only show for a short amount of time. then when assets change, submit the changes to store

launch screen customising

I'm new to swift and Xcode, and I'd like to know is there anyone willing to explain to me how exactly should I make my launch screen to show for 3 seconds and in that time slightly fades out?
I want to do a web view of a web page that I built previously, but want it to do the launch screen with fading before.
I've read all other questions related to the topic, but I don't understand them. Also have been following some tutorials on the subject, but nothing.
Anyone, please?
You can't do anything on your launch screen.But try this out and see if it's okay. Let's say you want to give a fade-in animation for an image in the launch. Let's assume that your launchscreen background color is blue. Make another viewcontroller and make this the first viewcontroller right after the launch screen. Make the background color of this view blue and add the image to that view. You can animate the image with UIView.animate method with a delay of 3 seconds or something. Doing this will make it look like an animation in the launch screen.
You can't do this in the launch screen.
That is not what the launch screen is for.
If you want to do this you will have to create a secondary "launch" screen that your app loads first and then load the web view and when it's loaded push another view onto the screen,

Can't Find The Fix For Launch Screen (Splash Image) Transition

I've spent hours trying to figure out what I would think is something very easy to do. I'm using the default Launch Image and I want it to be showing until my main menu transitions onto the screen. the problem is it fades to black and it doesn't seem to be changeable despite all the research and copy/paste of code. There is just so many errors and not enough detail in the answers.
The whole reason i want this to not fade is because my main menu enters through transition from the top of screen and is like an "extension" from the launch image, as if the main menu is pushing down my launch image until it fills the whole screen.
Any help is greatly appreciated, I'm still a beginner in Xcode programming so detail would be great. Please post code and any variables or anything that need to be added for it to work.
We can't do any animation with the launch image. Solution for your problem is you can keep a view showing the launch image after the launch screen appears when app opens. And you can do any animation with that view and your main menu.

iOS, change splash screen by code

Basically, I want my app could change its splash screen by app settings. Settings are saved in plist file.
Actually it's about different language, I want enable my user to choose my app language, even if it's different with the system preferred language.
Is it possible? I searched some answer, suggesting to use another view controller to simulate as splash screen, but my splash screen itself will take some to to load my app, not by my pause. So should I display nothing in the real splash screen?
I wonder if there is a way to change the splash screen by some conditions.
Thanks a guys.
The splash screen will show only for as long as it takes for the appDidFinishLoading method to return YES. One possible solution is for you to have a really simple (not localizable) splash screen and to basically do nothing in this method and return YES straight away.
You can then use an actual view controller as your splash screen that is dynamically initialized and actually does any initialization your app may need in the viewDidAppear method. Once the initialization is done, you can then proceed and show what would normally be your root view controller.
You should also consider, however, that splash screens are not intended to provide any kind of content to the user, as pointed out in this answer.
Apple does not provide a way to do that, as that would involve either modifying the Info.plist or modifying the splash images, both of which would in turn spoil your code signature. It would also open a very ugly can of worms, so modifying Info.plist will probably never be allowed which in turn means you will not be able to change the splash screen dynamically unless Apple adds explicit support for that via some other means. But right now, you're out of luck, I'm afraid.
