What is the difference between .dylib and .a lib in ios? - ios

I know what is compile and runtime in Objective c, (method swizzling is a runtime) but I want to know what draws the line between these two library? one .a and .dylib ? What purpose do they serve, other than stating one is static and the other is dynamic? When would we need one over the other?

Static Library(.a)
Static libraries allow an application to load code into its address space at compile time.This results in a larger size on disk and slower launch times. Because the library's code is added directly to the linked target's binary, it means that to update any code in the library, the linked target would also have to be rebuilt.
Dynamic Library(.dylib)
Dynamic libraries allow an application to load code into its address space when it’s actually needed at run time. Because the code isn't statically linked into the executable binary, there are some benefits from loading at runtime. Mainly, the libraries can be updated with new features or bug-fixes without having to recompile and relink executable. In addition, being loaded at runtime means that individual code libraries can have their own initializers and clean up after their own tasks before being unloaded from memory

.a stands for Static library
.dylib stands for dynamic library
A Static library (.a)
A Static library (.a) is a pack of compiled classes, functions which can be used together with iOS app development project. It is a compiled binary or fat file and can be shared between projects.
You might want to create a static library for different reasons.
For example:
You want to bundle a number of classes that you and/or your colleagues in your team use regularly and share those easily around.
You want to be able to keep some common code centralized so you can easily add bugfixes or updates.
You’d like to share a library with a number of people, but not allow them to see your code. -
Dynamic Library
A file ending in the extension .dylib is a dynamic library: it's a library that's loaded at runtime instead of at compile time. If you're familiar with DLLs from Windows or DSOs, it's more or less the same type of thing with a few twists.
dylib are analogous to a windows *.dll file. They contain generic, unmodifiable code intended to be reused by many applications.


I would like to use a UNIX command-line program (Berkeleys SPICE) in an iOS app. What is the process to compile it into a usable library?

I am trying to use Berkeley's SPICE tool in an iOS app, but am having trouble compiling it for iOS.
It is a command-line program that I can call from a terminal like:
./spice3f5 <arguments>
Which works well, and I would like this functionality in my iOS app, but I don't think I can just copy the executable over to Xcode and call it from Swift.
I've done some research and found the following:
There is an updated version of SPICE called ngspice, which is relatively new (2014 release)
I'm fairly sure there are apps out there than have used either SPICE or ngspice, so I'm sure it can be done somehow.
I have read an article about a guy who says that ngspice has been compiled as a shared library(ctrl+f "ngspice"), and he made an app with it. I have emailed him but he unfortunately he has not responded.
The reason I am asking here is because when googling for "ngspice iOS", I came across this thread which has a lot of smart people trying to compile a static library, which seems way out of my scope. I learned that dynamic libraries are allowed as of iOS8. So would it be easier to compile a *.dylib than it is a static library?
How would I goabout using ngspice or SPICE in an iOS app?
The difference between a static and a dynamic library is essentially where they live, a static library will live inside the binary of your app, and an dynamic library will live on the system (iPhone) that runs your app. there isn't much difference as far as difficulty goes. If you wanted to go the dynamic route on os x for example, you might compile a .dylib file in a separate project first. Then copy your new .dylib file into /usr/lib or a similar location that is part of your system's path. Then you would need to copy the associated header files that know how to talk to your new .dylib file into your /usr/include folder. At this point you could import said header files in xcode using angle brackets like so:
#import <my_dylib_header_file.h>
in static world however, you would simply drag your .dylib file into xcode then copy the associated header files into your source folder and then import using quotes like so:
#import "my_dylib_header_file.h"
the advantage of doing the import statically is that the library becomes baked into your final product, as opposed to a dynamic link, which will require that the dylib is installed on the system prior to the binary being able to run properly (think DLL's on windows). The disadvantage of a static import is that the final binary is larger, as it contains more code.
The advantage of a dynamic import is that the binary is smaller, and dylib can be updated without updating the binary itself.
However based on your questions I don't think any of this matters for your project. You have the source code. Which means creating a dylib is entirely unnecessary for your purpose, you can treat the source code like a static library by simply adding it to your xcode project. If I were you I would add the spice source code to my xcode project and forget about creating a dylib. From there I would import the files and make calls to them from swift. There are lots of threads out there that explain how call c functions or objective-c classes from swift so I wont go into that here, instead I'll refer you to another answer: Swift: How to call a C function loaded from a dylib

iOS Reusable components

During my work with development of iOS applications, i noticed that almost every application has some parts that are repeated. For example every application has user management logic, Login, Sign Up, Forgot password.
And every time, i find my self trying to manually import already developed logic (View controllers, nibs, storyboards).
My question is how can i implement these common features in separate component, so i can simply reuse them every time i start new project. Also notice that there should be possibility for small customisations, for example all apps have login screen, but UI design varies for every app.
Long story short, what i need is:
How to encapsulate commonly repeated features in separate component.
How to inject the component in the newly started project.
How to make customizations at the component, without changing the component core.
I guess that here should be made some combination of Framework (Or static library) and cocoa pods, but i wanted to hear if somebody have already developed some concept about this.
Yes, exactly as you supposed, the way I opted for to reuse components is through a static library or sometimes a framework of reusable components, implementing common logic or well structured classes to inherit from in the new projects, which I make available to the new projects as a CocoaPods development pod sitting on my development machine or in a shared git repository. This way should answer your questions 1 and 2. For your question 3, you can either opt to perform customisations to the core dismissing pod updates, or to adapt the core methods to a possible override in the destination project. Hope it helps.
How to encapsulate commonly repeated features in separate component.
Whatever you choose you are going to have to factor out the code your separate component requires from your code base. This is the first step in the entire process - so think long and hard about if it makes sense to turn it into a separate component.
So now you have some code you would like to reuse...
There are a number of ways of doing this, such as Xcode's workspaces, stand alone source files, static libraries and frameworks. Cocoa pods is a package manager and will help you maintain your framework - not write it :(
Xcode's workspaces
A workspace is an Xcode document that groups projects and other
documents so you can work on them together. A workspace can contain
any number of Xcode projects, plus any other files you want to
include. In addition to organizing all the files in each Xcode
project, a workspace provides implicit and explicit relationships
among the included projects and their targets.
Static Libraries
Introduction to Using Static Libraries in iOS
Static libraries provide a convenient mechanism for sharing code among
multiple applications. On iOS, static libraries are the only supported
library type. This document explains how to extract code from your
application into a new static library and how to use that static
library in multiple applications.
In OS X, shared resources are packaged using standard frameworks and
umbrella frameworks. Both types of framework feature the same basic
structure and can contain resources such as a shared library, nib
files, image files, strings files, information property lists,
documentation, header files, and so on. Umbrella frameworks add minor
refinements to the standard framework structure, such as the ability
to encompass other frameworks.
Frameworks are packaged in a bundle structure. The framework bundle
directory ends with the .framework extension, and unlike most other
bundle types, a framework bundle is presented to the user as a
directory and not as a file. This openness makes it easy for
developers to browse any header files and documentation included with
the framework.
Source Files
These are the classes you have factored out of your code base. You could just include them in each project you use them - for instance a separate repo, that contains all of your shared/common code that you add to your Xcode project's workspace. Very simple, not the best to maintain.
How to inject the component in the newly started project.
Depending on how you choose to implement your common code will effect this step. For source files you just need add them to the project and set the target. For frameworks or static libraries you will have to embed them in your project
For workspaces you will add the projects containing the shared code to the main projects workspace.
How to make customizations at the component, without changing the component core.
Again you may find yourself refactoring code so that you expose the UI controls or logic functions that you want to be able to customize. As a general rule the more you expose the more complex the code gets.

What is a dynamic framework as opposed to a non-dynamic one?

Xcode 6 allows for dynamic frameworks.
What is a dynamic framework?
Both dynamic framework and static framework is a bundle containing a binary and some other things. The binary is called dynamic library or static library.
The binary is what you code is after compiling, your functions, classes, method become binary form, and they are called symbols.
When building your project.
Your code will be built into a binary, let's call it MyProjectBinary.
If your project links to a static library, then after building MyProjectBinary, linker check the symbols in MyProjectBinary and if it uses some part of the static library, for example, use a class in the static library), then linker will copy all the symbols related to the class and combine them in to MyProjectBinary. So no matter how many static library you use, you only get one building result, which is MyProjectBinary.
If you link to dynamic library, then you are telling the linker that, when MyProjectBinary is running, there will be that dynamic library at a suitable place. Dynamic library is not magic, in fact, you've used them for long time. All the frameworks Apple provides are dynamic libraries. They are guaranteed to exist when you app is running on device/simulator.
Let's assume that your project links to a dynamic library called MyDynamicLibrary. When building your project, first MyProjectBinary is still generated the same as using static library. Then, linker just add some information to MyProjectBinary, mark where to find "MyDynamicLibrary" at runtime. Nothing from MyDynamicLibrary will be add to MyProjectBinary
When running your project:
For the project using static library, nothing special happens, since all the code needed is inside MyProjectBinary, it just runs.
For the project using dynamic library, when your code calls a function which is in MyDynamicLibrary, the system tries to find MyDynamicLibrary according to the information stored in MyProjectBinary, if it finds MyDynamicLibrary, then for MyProjectBinary, the function is used like in MyProjectBinary. If it can't find MyDynamicLibrary, them an error will happen and you app will be terminated.
So why do we need dynamic library for iOS 8?
Before iOS8, an app can have only one executable binary, so using static library is OK.
But when iOS 8 comes, you can deliver multiple executable binary in one app, the additional binaries are extensions' executable binaries. This brings up a problem, if there are some code that are uses by multiple executable binaries, and if using static library, same symbols will be copied into every executable, thus takes more space. This is the time when dynamic library comes in handy, we can put these code in dynamic library, and deliver only one copy of the dynamic library for app, the app and its extensions can use the same dynamic library.

Undefined symbols to framework when building application separated to library and application part

I have application separated into library part and the Application which links with the library.
Library uses AFNetworking, and thus requires SystemConfiguration and MobileCoreServices frameworks. They are added to build process and library builds nicely.
Why I need to add the same frameworks to my the Application part in order to build properly and not to see linking errors?
Is it not enough to link only with library?
I assume the library is a static library. You are only adding the frameworks when building the static library in order to access the include files; you are not linking with the frameworks. This is because a static library is not linked when it's built; it's simply a collection of object files. Try this from the command line to list the object files:
$ ar t /path/to/my/library.a
When the static library is linked with the app binary you must provide the libraries and frameworks of both, just as if the object files in the static library had been part of the app binary source tree.
Just think of the static library a simple collection of object files and it should make sense to you.
Apple's iOS frameworks contain dynamic shared libraries. AFAIK, when our app launches there is a process which gets created and dynamic shared libraries that the process is linked with gets loaded in to the memory. If the dynamic shared libraries are already loaded in the memory(for some other app process), they are shared with our app process. This is per process activity.
Since the static library is linked as part of the application binary itself and does not create a separate process, it becomes necessary to inform the runtime to load the frameworks that the static lib links with. Hence it is logical to add the frameworks used by static library in the application as well.

Library? Static? Dynamic? Or Framework? Project inside another project

I have an existing iOS app and want to add a large chunk of code that I've been developing as another project just for ease of testing. The new chunk basically deals with saving an image to various sharing services, etc.. Because that sharing code needs a lot of testing and future updating, I was wondering what the best way to incorporate that code chunk into my existing app.
I don't know if it should be a static library, dynamic library or a framework, and honestly, I'm not really sure what the difference is, or how I should go about it and get it set up in Xcode.
All I know is that I need/want to keep a separate testing and updating app for the sharing code and have the main app use it.
First, some general definitions (specific to iOS):
Static library - a unit of code linked at compile time, which does not change.
However, iOS static libraries are not allowed to contain images/assets (only code). You can get around this challenge by using a media bundle though.
A better, more formal definition can be found on Wikipedia here.
Dynamic library - a unit of code and/or assets linked at runtime that may change.
However, only Apple is allowed to create dynamic libraries for iOS . You're not allowed to create these, as this will get your app rejected. (See this other SO post for confirmation and reasoning on such).
Software Framework - a compiled set of code that accomplishes a task... hence, you can actually have a static framework or a dynamic framework, which are typically just the compiled versions of the above.
See the Wiki on Software Framework for more details.
Hence on iOS, your only option is basically to use a static library or static framework (the main difference being that a static framework is distributed as a compiled .a file most often, whereas a static library may simply be included as a subproject - you can see all of the code - which is compiled first and its resulting .a file used as a dependency by the project).
Now that we're clear(er) on these terms, setting up a static library and supporting media bundle for iOS isn't too difficult, and there are many tutorials on how to do such. I personally would recommend this one:
This is a pretty straight-forward guide and doesn't have the disadvantage of dealing with "fake static libraries"... check it out for more info...
Once you've created your static library, it's as easy as including it as a submodule within Git for use across different projects.
Good Luck.
Regarding a subproject within a project, as far as I know, to get this to work/compile correctly, you essentially have to set up a compile chain where the subproject is compiled first, which creates a static framework .a file that is used as a dependency by the project.
Here's another useful tutorial which talks about this:
As of iOS 8, Apple now permits developers to create dynamic frameworks! (Note: your app must have a minimum target of iOS 8 to include a dynamic framework... back porting isn't allowed.)
This has been added as a new project template. In Xcode 6.1, this can be found at:
New Project -> iOS -> Framework & Library -> Cocoa Touch Framework
Mach-O file format(Mach Object - .o)
In iOS world every source file is converted into object files - ABI[About] Mach-O file[About] which will be packaged into a final executable bundle(application, framework), file (library) and it's behavior is determined by Mach-O type[About]
Package is a directory which behavious itself as a file - opaque file. It is created for user experience to complicate making some changes into internal structure that can cause unpredictable program behaviour. Package is used in Document Package or with a Bundle. You can use Show Package Contents in a Finder
Bundle is a directory with a specific structure to organize a binary(executable code) and resources for that code(e.g. images, nibs... Assets.car file[About]).
Bundle contains Info.plist[About] file. Bundle was created for developer experience. Also it can be packaged. There are several types of bundle:
application bundle - Application target
framework bundle and versioned bundle as a subtype - Framework Target
loadable bundle(aka plug-in bundle) - '... Bundle' (UI Testing Bundle, Unit Testing Bundle) - can be loaded at runtime. .bundle extension for Mac OS
[Mac OS] XPC Service - Cross Process Communication is a kind of Inter Process Communication (IPC). It can be used as a module on a different process(managed by launchd root process)[About]
others(dSYM[About] bundle)
Application - .ipa, .app[About] - packaged application bundle - launchable program.
Application extension[About] - from iOS v8 - extends functionality of Application which are available when user interacts with other application. App extension as a bundle is a part of Containing app but it is run on their own sandbox(processor, memory...), app which try to use app extension is called Host App. Types of extension app:
Photo Editing
Today aka widget
to share common code and resources. It's available when Deployment target is iOS 8+.
Tests - packaged loadable bundle which is used to test a binary. Plug-in architecture allows us to add a new functionality(test cases) as a separate module into existing binary
Libraries and Frameworks
[Library vs Framework]
Martin Fowler on InversionOfControl
A Library is essentially a set of functions that you can call, these days usually organized into classes. Each call does some work and returns control to the client.
A Framework embodies some abstract design, with more behavior built in. In order to use it you need to insert your behavior into various places in the framework either by subclassing or by plugging in your own classes. The framework's code then calls your code at these points. The main control of the program is inverted, moved away from you to the framework. This phenomenon is Inversion of Control (also known as the Hollywood Principle - "Don't call us, we'll call you"
Libraries and Frameworks on iOS
They can help you to solve: modularity, reusing, encapsulation, improve build time
Library is a collection of Mach-O object files[check static or dynamic] compiled for one or more architectures.
Static library - .a(aka static archive library, static linked shared library[doc]) - When you add it into your application the static linker during compilation time will merge the object files from the library and package them along with the application object files into one single executable file. The disadvantage is a big output file
From Xcode 9.0, Swift static library is supported.
Dynamic library - .dylib(aka dynamic shared library, shared object, dynamically linked library[doc]) is dynamically linked with the app's executable at load or runtime, but not copied into it. On practice app's package will contain Frameworks folder with .dylib file. All iOS and macOS system libraries are dynamic. The disadvantage is a slow launch time since all dynamic libraries should be copied and linked.
[iOS static vs dynamic library]
[Static vs dynamic linking]
Text-based stub library - .tbd[About], it is a text stub of dynamic library which is located on a target device. As a result you should not package a dynamic library into your bundle. It has a size effect.
Framework aka binary framework - .framework is a not packaged framework bundle(to allow developers to easily take a look at headers and resources) which contains a compiled static or dynamic library, header files and resources.
Static framework contain a static library packaged with its resources.
Dynamic framework aka Embedded framework - from iOS v8 - contains the dynamic library and resources. In addition to that, dynamic framework can include different versions of the same dynamic library in a single bundle (versioned bundle). Also Embedded framework is used in App Extension
[Static vs dynamic framework]
Umbrella framework [Aggregate target] is a framework that contains other frameworks. It is not officially supported on iOS and that is why it is not recommended for developers to create them[Official doc]. In actuality it's a set of sub-frameworks(or Nested Frameworks). When you create a framework which has a dependency, a consumer (such as an app) is responsible for adding this dependency along with your framework into the project. As a developer, it's natural to try to find a way to transfer this duty from consumer to your's. As a result you think that Umbrella framework is the rescue but usually it leads to a serious issues with managing versions and complexity of creating and supporting it.
Fake Framework - is a result of specific operations under a static library to create a bundle with .framework extension that will behave yourself as a dynamic framework. This technic was used when Xcode did not support creating a framework since did not have a framework template. One of realisation of a fake framework. With Xcode 6, Apple has added iOS framework support.
Modular Framework[About] - #import it is a framework which contains a .modulemap file inside. Module can contains submodules. The main advantage is that you save a build time with Modular Framework.
Universal Library or Framework (aka Fat) [lipo] [Aggregate target] contains multiple architectures. For example your release build should support a some arch which you can regulate via Build Active Architecture Only [ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH]
XCFramework[About] was introduced by Xcode 11 and it is a bundle which includes multiple architectures(arm, x86_64...) and platforms(iOS, MacOS...). It should replace a Universal Framework
Dependency[About] You are able to use third party code as a part of your target. It allows you to reuse a code from a lot of sources like - another project, project in the same workspace, another target, library, framework etc.
How to build and use a Static Library:
[Swift consumer -> Swift static library]
[Swift consumer -> Objective-C static library]
[Objective-C consumer -> Swift static library]
[Objective-C consumer -> Objective-C static library]
How to build and use a Dynamic Framework[change to static]
[Swift consumer -> Swift dynamic framework]
[Swift consumer -> Objective-C dynamic framework]
[Objective-C consumer -> Swift dynamic framework]
[Objective-C consumer -> Objective-C dynamic framework]
[Xcode Build System]
[Xcode components]
[Dynamic linker]
You can also create .podspec file for CocoaPods( http://guides.cocoapods.org/making/private-cocoapods.html#1.-create-a-private-spec-repo ) and use it like any other pod with the only difference that it's your private pod and is not visible to outside world(I'm not sure what will happen if your pod should create CoreData model, but that's not the case, as I understand).
