What does mean ?page=1 - url

Suppose I have an URL like this https://example.com?page=1 or have https://example.com?text=1. Here what does mean by ?page=1 or ?text=1. Some website like youtube there I can see that they use like https://youtube.com?watch=zcDchec . What does mean it?
Please explain anyone. I need to know this.

That’s the query component (indicated by the first ?).
It’s a common convention to use key=value pairs, separated by &, in the query component. But it’s up to the author what to use. And it’s up to the author to decide what it should mean.
In practice, the query component ?page=1 will likely point to page 1 of something, while ?page=2 will point to page 2, etc. But there is nothing special about this. The author could as well have used the path component, e.g. /page/1 and /page/2.


What is the name of this feature in cypher that allows depth matching rules in a path match statement? Where is the documentation?

I am having a hard time identifying the rules around this syntax, I see it and kind of understand it, but would like to find the documentation. I'm not sure how to google it though.
match (g:Group)<-[*1..2]-(s)
^^^^ I would like to know more about this rule that limits path length
I understand that the above says "I only want to find paths that are between 1 and 2 edge traversals long", and it it really is that simple that's great; but I as I understand it the use of a star makes it a wildcard on which edges it can follow, while [:EdgeTypeIWant1..2] doesn't appear to be correct syntax. I probably have other questions as well that proper documentation (if I could find it) would be helpful with.
They are called variable length patterns.
The star is only an indicator that you're specifying a pattern of variable length, it's not a wildcard.
Your syntax would be: [:EdgeTypeIWant*1..2]

part after '_' in data returned is PascalCase even though I set camelCase as the default naming convention

I have this line of code before I create my entity manager:
and this query:
var query = entityQuery.from('vehicle')
.expand("engine, driveType")
.select("engine.friendlyEngineName, driveType.friendlyDrivetrain")
The data comes back like so:
driveType_FriendlyDriveTrain = "Rear Wheel"
engine_FriendlyEngineName = "6.2L V8"
Why are "FriendlyDriveTrain" and "FriendlyEngineName" PascalCase? This seems clearly wrong since I set camelCase before I created the EntityManager and the query. How do I make it so that the parts after the '_' are camelCase as well?
note: I made sure to remove any web api json formatting configurations so that breeze is the only one managing the translation.
edit: The weird thing is that this same query returns properties that are camelCase after the '_' when it hits the cache. So same query, two different results.
Please review the documentation on NamingConvention. If that doesn't clear it up, you can come back and ask a more specific question. Thanks.
Edit 2 Sept 2014 (morning)
Please also explain what you think Breeze should be doing with the "_" character. The Breeze convention treats it like any other identifier character (e.g., a-z,A-Z,0-9) and does nothing with it. It seems you want your convention to skip over leading underscores and lower the case of the first char thereafter if it is alpha. I think you also want to drop the underscores ... but I'm not sure.
That's cool. You can write your own NamingConvention that does what you want. And you can make it the default too. In fact, the noUnderscoreConvention shown on the NamingConvention documentation page is more than half way home for you.
I will say you threw me for a loop with your mix of periods and underscores in the select statement and returned data. I have no idea how you got the select to work or got that kind of result.
Edit 2 Sept 2014 (afternoon)
Ok ... I overlooked the fact that you are doing a projection!
The projection flattens dotted property path values (whether ComplexType or EntityType navigations). It creates projected property names for these "flattened properties" by using "_" as the separator character. Yes, it applies the applicable MetadataStore's naming convention to those "_" separated names and, yes, the Breeze camelCase convention doesn't do anything special with the underscore. So you get back flattened projection property names such as "engine_FriendlyEngineName".
You can call this a bug if you like. I don't. I don't because (a) it seems to me a matter of opinion as to what a camelCase convention should do in this situation; (b) it's been this way forever; and (c) I don't think it is important enough to risk breaking existing applications that might rely on the current behavior ... not when your remedy is so simple.
And that remedy is to write your own camelCase convention that handles these projected property names differently.
Please include it here when you write it so that others who share your perspective may benefit from it.
I'm not sure what you mean when you write: "this same query returns properties that are camelCase after the '_' when it hits the cache". What query is that? Not the one you wrote here.
Projection results don't "hit the cache" ... unless the projected property value is itself an entity ... and that is NOT the case here. What do you mean by "this same query". I await your response.

regex for a full name

I've recently been receiving a lot of first name only entries in a form. While maybe I should have had 2 separate first and last name fields this always seemed to me a bit much. But I would like to try and get a full name which basically can only be determined by having at least one space.
I came up with this, but I'm wondering if someone has a better and possibly simpler solution?
/([a-zA-ZàáâäãåèéêëìíîïòóôöõøùúûüÿýñçčšžÀÁÂÄÃÅÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÒÓÔÖÕØÙÚÛÜŸÝÑßÇŒÆČŠŽ∂ð,.'-]{2,}) ([a-zA-ZàáâäãåèéêëìíîïòóôöõøùúûüÿýñçčšžÀÁÂÄÃÅÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÒÓÔÖÕØÙÚÛÜŸÝÑßÇŒÆČŠŽ∂ð,.'-]{2,})/
This is basically this /([a-zA-Z,.'-]) ([a-zA-Z,.'-])/ plus unicode support.
I'd first make sure that you really do need people to give you a last name. Is that a genuine requirement? If not, I'd skip it because it adds unnecessary complication and barriers to entry. If it really IS a requirement, it probably makes sense to have separate first and last name fields in your UI so that it's explicit.
The fact that you didn't do that to begin with suggests that you might not really need the last name as much as you think you do.
To answer your original question, this expression might give you what you're looking for without the guesswork:
It checks that the string contains at least 2 words separated by whitespace. Like Tim Pietzcker pointed out, validating the words themselves is prone to error.
In Ruby 1.9, you have access to Unicode properties (\p{L} is a Unicode letter). But trying to validate a name in any way (regex or not) is prone to failure because names are not what you think they are.
Your theory that "if there's a space, there must be a last name there" is incorrect, too - think of first and middle names...

Human-readable URLs: preferably hierarchical too?

In a now migrated question about human-readable URLs I allowed myself to elaborate a little hobby-horse of mine:
When I encounter URLs like http://www.example.com/product/123/subpage/456.html I always think that this is an attempt on creating meaningful hierarchical URLs which, however, is not entirely hierarchical. What I mean is, you should be able to slice off one level at a time. In the above, the URL has two violations on this principle:
/product/123 is one piece of information represented as two levels. It would be more correctly represented as /product:123 (or whatever delimiter you like)
/subpage is very likely not an entity in itself (i.e., you cannot go up one level from 456.html as http://www.example.com/product/123/subpage is "nothing").
Therefore, I find the following more correct:
Here, you can always navigate up one level at a time:
— The subpage
http://www.example.com/product:123 — The product page
http://www.example.com/ — The root
Following the same philosophy, the following would make sense [and provide an additional link to the products listing]:
http://www.example.com/products/123/456.html — The subpage
http://www.example.com/products/123 — The product page
http://www.example.com/products — The list of products
http://www.example.com/ — The root
My primary motivation for this approach is that if every "path element" (delimited by /) is selfcontained1, you will always be able to navigate to the "parent" by simply removing the last element of the URL. This is what I (sometimes) do in my file explorer when I want to go to the parent directory. Following the same line of logic the user (or a search engine / crawler) can do the same. Pretty smart, I think.
On the other hand (and this is the important bit of the question): While I can never prevent that a user tries to access a URL he himself has amputated, am I wrongfully asserting (and honouring) that a search engine might do the same? I.e., is it reasonable to expect that no search engine (or really: Google) would try to access http://www.example.com/product/123/subpage (point 2, above)? (Or am I really only taking the human factor into account here?)
This is not a question about personal preference. It's techical question about what I can expect of an crawler / indexer and to what extend I should take non-human URL manipulation into account when designing URLs.
Also, the structural "depth" of http://www.example.com/product/123/subpage/456.html is 4, where http://www.example.com/products/123/456.html is only 3. Rumour has it that this depth influences search engine ranking. At least, so I was told. (It is now evident that SEO is not what I know most about.) Is this (still?) true: does the hierarchical depth (number of directories) influence search ranking?
So, is my "hunch" technically sound or should I spend my time on something else?
Example: Doing it (almost) right
Good ol' SO gets this almost right. Case in point: profiles, e.g., http://stackoverflow.com/users/52162:
http://stackoverflow.com/users/52162 — Single profile
http://stackoverflow.com/users — List of users
http://stackoverflow.com/ — Root
However, the canonical URL for the profile is actually http://stackoverflow.com/users/52162/jensgram which seems redundant (the same end-point represented on two hierarchical levels). Alternative: http://stackoverflow.com/users/52162-jensgram (or any other delimiter consistently used).
1) Carries a complete piece of information not dependent on "deeper" elements.
Hierarchical urls of this kind "http://www.example.com/product:123/456.html" are as useless as "http://www.example.com/product/123/subpage", because when users see your urls, they don't care about identifiers from your database, they want meaningful paths. This is why StackOverflow puts question titles into urls: "http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4017365/human-readable-urls-preferably-hierarchical-too".
Google advices against practice of replacing usual queries like "http://www.example.com/?product=123&page=456", because when every site develops it's own scheme, crawler doesn't know what each part means, if it's important or not. Google has invented sophisticated mechanisms to find important arguments and ignore unimportant, which means you'll get more pages into index and there will be less duplicates. But these algorithms often fail when web developers invent their own scheme.
If you care about both users and crawlers you should use urls like this instead:
http://www.example.com/products/greatest-keyboard/benefits — the subpage
http://www.example.com/products/greatest-keyboard — the product page
http://www.example.com/products — the list of products
http://www.example.com/ — the root
Also, search engines give higher rating to pages with keywords in the url.

How to format URL for better indexing from search engines

Let say I want to refer to a restaurant page, I could use one of those 2 URLs for example:
URL 1 has the advantage to be a quick match because of the ID but it is not as descriptive as URL 2.
Does URL matter to search engines? I read somewhere that it is good to put the keywords in the URL too so URL 2 would be the way to go. Can someone confirm or deny?
Ultimately, search engine algorithms are designed to reward good usability (although obviously in practice that is not always the case). As a user, it would semantically make more sense to have the pizzeria name in the url, and you have the added advantage of it being easier to remember. Whilst kbrimington's comment is correct that page content it probably more important, SEOMoz, a search engine algorithm authority, puts keyword in the url at somewhere between the 9th and 11th most important ranking factor depending on where it appears in the url
At number 5 in the ranking factors, however, is anchor text; it's only an opinion, but I'm inclined to say that having the word "pizzeria" in the url is more likely to encourage people to put "pizzeria" in the anchor text when they link to your site.
