How to create image page control similar to Photos app in swift - ios

I want to create a page control like photos app. When swiping an image in centre view the bottom view also swipes automatically and expanding. I want to create similar to that. Any help.....

You need to create a Collection View, and change item Size based on position


Putting Text into horizontally UIScrollView and appropriate AutoLayout - Swift

So I want to create a Slider on the top of the UI, each item representing a Category (there will be five items). I don't want to switch to another Controller, when sliding to another Category, I just want to load new data into the current controller. So I guess the UIScrollView is the way to go.
See here for what I want to realize:
I have trouble now to show the name of the chosen Category in the middle of the Slider, and by the same time on the left and right its neighbors.
Using a effective AutoLayout is a also necessary.
Is putting Panels into the UIScrollView the right way?
I am new to iOS-Development and would appreciate any help.
Add a scrollview to the top of your controller, in code configure scrollcontentwidth to screenWidth*5 and on each swipe change reload the data of your controller.

View Controller with Windows phone tile effect

I am looking to add Windows phone tile effect to my Application's Dashboard ViewController, where user can resize the tile and reposition it and delete it, just a ViewController like the attached image. Is there any open source or samples available?
You can achieve that ordering by using a collection view with a custom UICollectionView layout.
More on customising layouts can be found in Apple Documentation Creating Custom Layouts

What class should i use to swipe between views?

in my app when user click to "Photos" button, i want to load set of 4 views. In every view there is should be image that cover whole view, just photo of something, that downloaded through link saved to NSString.
What class should i use to swipe between views? What i want is similar to default Photos app. When user click on photo he can swipe left-right to see previous or next view with image.
Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.
You can use UIScrollView class to create photos viewer view.
Check out this tutorial
Use UICollectionView . This is easier if you are supporting iOS 6 and later.
You can use one section and 4 items for your views.
UICollectionView class Apple introduced in iOS 6. It's used to display a grid of cells, and what better to display in those cells than some beautiful photos from 500px.Tutorial Here

How can I make a custom horizontal table view?

I have a master-detail style application that displays locations in the table view, and in the detail, shows various pictures from that location.
My current detail shows only the picture from the table view, but I want to be able to scroll left and right inside the UIImageView area to see the other pictures from the same location (which will be loaded from their URL's with SDWebImage)
How can I make a horizontal table view of UIImages that displays one image at a time? (Or should I just find a pre-built carousel library?)
Bonus points for the overachievers (Not necessary for best answer): How would I make another table view below the main UIImage that shows a small table of all the images, with a border around the selected photo? [More concerned with the custom table view implementation than the bordering]
Check out UICollectionView and UICollectionViewController. Provide your own UICollectionViewFlowLayout and set the scrollDirection property to UICollectionViewScrollDirectionHorizontal.
Collection View reference:
Collection View sample:
Use UIScrollView and enable pagging. The same for the small pictures preview but of course without pagging.
Try this example and source code
Exemple 1
Exemple 2

Changing background in iOS

Hey, I have a UIImageView in my app. And I I have 4 backgrounds created for the app. I want the user to be able to change between these 4 backgrounds. I found a video on youtube to give you an idea of where I'm going.
The user clicks on a button which open a new view allowing the user to scroll thru the backgrounds and when the user got finds the backround he or she wants the user taps on a button again to use it.
Any Ideas of how I would do this?
Seems like it could be done with a parent view controller containing a button and an imageview. The button causes a secondary view to animate up. The secondary view then has theoretically any number of imageviews (but maybe just three, a previous, a current and a next which are dynamically refreshed from an array of images). Then you just have to sync the current imageview contents with the contents of the imageview in the first view in your parent view controller.
I realize a pile of text like this is probably hard to follow, especially if you're new to iPhone programming, but do some reading into uiview and viewcontroller hierarchies and you should be able to figure something out.
