View Controller with Windows phone tile effect - ios

I am looking to add Windows phone tile effect to my Application's Dashboard ViewController, where user can resize the tile and reposition it and delete it, just a ViewController like the attached image. Is there any open source or samples available?

You can achieve that ordering by using a collection view with a custom UICollectionView layout.
More on customising layouts can be found in Apple Documentation Creating Custom Layouts


Multiple Photos in slideshow type display within viewController?

I am new to Xcode (started a few days ago).
I'm trying to find a way to get a few photos or videos in a display where the user can scroll or tap through as they desire. There will be multiple viewControllers each with a different set of photos.
Is there any existing UI type data types I can just drag and drop to make this work? Or is this out of range of the capabilities for someone not using code specifically.
I know Java, C, C++, MATLAB, etc. but never have toyed with Objective-C until now. Point being, I should be able to follow any logic you can throw at me, but I'm unfamiliar with the GUI and layout of Xcode as a whole.
This is what I currently have.
This is what I want. Perhaps with functionality to tap to full screen the image or swipe to go to another image. (This image was made with photosop. I don't actually have the picture file in Xcode because I don't know how)
SOLVED: Placed desired images in "Supporting files" content folder inside Xcode. This allowed me to select which photo I want displayed in which ImageView. To fix the proportionality issue where photos in Simulator are far too large, I simply added height and width constraints along with some other centering aspects and got the desired result.
Add UICollectionView in your view and set flow of collection view is horizontal make cell size that you want to keep.
Take a look at UICollectionViewController where you can display multiple cells with embedded views for your images, and consider segueing between them via a UINavigationController.
Edit: Now that you've added screenshots, I'd recommend using a UICollectionView embedded on your subclass of a UIViewController instead of a UICollectionViewController. This should give you more flexibility.

UICollectionView vs UIPageViewController

I need to have different full screen views in my app. Very similar to how snapchat works. The views should be able to communicate between each other.
My question is: Should I use a UICollectionView with cells same size as the screen or should I use UIPageViewController?
Please provide some background info to support your opinion!
I think both have pretty different purposes.
UICollectionView is great to build a mosaic of views (think an image gallery for instance), whereas UIPageViewController is kind of similar to the flipping pages of a book. The latter seems to be what you need, but UIPVC doesn't seem to offer many tweaking/customizations, like custom transitions for example. In which case you may want to start from a UIScrollView with paging enabled to recreate something similar but with more potential. Here's an example.
Personal opinion: for this specific case I'd use a page view controller. Collection views have any things you have to consider, like when the device rotates you have to recalculate where you are, which cell you have to display, ask to scroll to the current cell, and if you are displaying a video or using the camera you might have to control it perfectly, otherwise issues will come.
However think about new features that might be added to your app, if you think you might show more than 2 items on screen, then you'd better choose a collection view.
A page view controller lets the user navigate between pages of
content, where each page is managed by its own view controller object.
So If you plan to swipe from one ViewController to another, go for PageViewController. If you plan to have only one ViewController that deal with a list of fullscreen image or so, go for a view controller with a collectionView, or maybe your own swipeView.
UIPageViewController use different view controller and load multiple controller so obvisioly take more memory as compared to UICollectionView. So if your required task is less calculation or step to do then its recommended to use UICollectionView, other case preferred way is to user UIPageController.

Is there any way to make a custom table view cell look like a button in Xcode 6+?

I'm trying to create a Table View Cell array and have the name displayed in each table. The tables will look like what you see on the home screen of the Evernote app (shortcut, tags, places, notebooks etc.) and each one will access the next screen when tapped. How do I go about doing this? Novice app developer.
This is an image of the result I'm trying to get.
That is a basic cell with transparent background and other views (and images, layers, etc.) added as subviews.
For the other things I suggest to study how UITableView works and how to push a UIViewController using a UINavigationController.
In general you should study iOS and Objective-C from zero.

How can I make a custom horizontal table view?

I have a master-detail style application that displays locations in the table view, and in the detail, shows various pictures from that location.
My current detail shows only the picture from the table view, but I want to be able to scroll left and right inside the UIImageView area to see the other pictures from the same location (which will be loaded from their URL's with SDWebImage)
How can I make a horizontal table view of UIImages that displays one image at a time? (Or should I just find a pre-built carousel library?)
Bonus points for the overachievers (Not necessary for best answer): How would I make another table view below the main UIImage that shows a small table of all the images, with a border around the selected photo? [More concerned with the custom table view implementation than the bordering]
Check out UICollectionView and UICollectionViewController. Provide your own UICollectionViewFlowLayout and set the scrollDirection property to UICollectionViewScrollDirectionHorizontal.
Collection View reference:
Collection View sample:
Use UIScrollView and enable pagging. The same for the small pictures preview but of course without pagging.
Try this example and source code
Exemple 1
Exemple 2

link viewcontroller variables to barplot view

Im new with xcode I'm using XCode 4.2. I followed this tutorial
and when I run the app it only shows the graph that is in the tutorial and not my initial view... is there any way to set this graph(tutorial) as a UIView and resize it, so that it would be in a corner of the first View? (a small view inside a view)... To be more specific Im doing a single view application and in my first view I have labels, textfields and buttons, and when pressing a button the "small graph" will show the difference between the two variables
and also, how can I link the variables from this view controller to the graph... like if the users types a 5, the first bar will be at 5
Is there any tutorial online that show how to solve this?
Thank you
The Core Plot hosting view (CPTGraphHostingView) is a subclass of UIView—you position it like any other view. Don't add any subviews to the hosting view.
The view controller responsible for the graph can change any properties of the graph that it needs to. For example, it could change one or both plot ranges when it receives a message that the user took a certain action.
