Configuring Jenkins SSH options to slave nodes - jenkins

I am running Jenkins on Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) with slave nodes via SSH. We're able to communicate with the nodes to run most commands, but when a command requires a tty input, we get the classic
the input device is not a TTY
error. In our case, it's a docker exec -it command.
So I'm searching through loads of information about Jenkins, trying to figure out how to configure the connection to the slave node to enable the -t option to force tty instances, and I'm coming up empty. How do we make this happen?

As far as I know, you cannot give -t to the ssh that Jenkins fires up (which makes sense, as Jenkins is inherently detached). From the documentation:
When the SSH slaves plugin connects to a slave, it does not run an interactive shell. Instead it does the equivalent of your running "ssh slavehost command..." a few times...
However, you can defeat this in your build scripts by...
looping back to yourself: ssh -t localhost command
using a local PTY generator: script --return -c "command" /dev/null


GitLab CI/CD SSH Session Hangs in Pipeline

I am using GitLab CI/CD to build and push a docker image to my private GitLab registry.
I am able to successfully SSH into my server from the pipeline runner, but any commands passed into the SSH session doesn't run.
I am trying to pull the latest image from my GitLab container registry, run it, and exit the session to gracefully (successfully) pass the data to my pipeline.
The command I am running is:
ssh -t user#123.456.789 "docker pull & docker run project:latest"
The above command connects me to my server, and I see the typical welcome message, but the session hangs and no commands are ran.
I have tried using the heredoc format to pass in multiple commands at once, but I can't get a single command to work.
Any advice is appreciated.
For testing, you can try
ssh user#123.456.789 ls
To chain command, avoid using the '&', which would make the first command run in the background, while acting as command separator.
ssh user#123.456.789 "ls; pwd"
If this work, then try the two docker command, separated by ';'
Try with a docker run -td (that I mentioned here) in order to detach the docker process, without requiring a tty.

How to run shell script on Host from jenkins docker container?

I know my issue is already discussed in How to run shell script on host from docker container? but i think my issue is a littel bit more complicated.
At first I try to explain my situation. I'm using jenkins 2.x from a docker container in CentOS VM (Host). In jenkins i created a Job which checks out 3 files from SVN (2 Shell scripts and 1 .jar file). these files will be downloaded in jenkins workspace in jenkins docker container and also on host in a mounted directory like that:
- ${DATA_HOME}/jenkins/data:/var/jenkins_home
One of these scripts will be executed from jenkins job and that executes the other script. The second script checks out a SVN directory and does much more stuffs.
So I want a new mounted volume in that directory all results of executed second script will be placed on Host. I think to connect to the host over 'SSH' and execute the script seems to be fine but how can i do that.
I hope I could explain my issue understandable
I will answer regarding "I think to connect to the host over 'SSH' and execute the script seems to be fine but how can i do that"
Pass Host machine Ip to your run command.
docker run --name redis --env pass=pass_my --add-host="hostmachine:" -dit redis
docker exec -it redis ash
and run this command. This will do SSH from the container to host
ssh user_name#hostmachine 'ls; bash /home/user_name/Desktop/; docker run --name db -dit db; docker ps'
If you want something without password then set ssh-key in a container or you can also try
sshpass -p $pass ssh user_name#hostmachine 'ls;/home/user_name/Desktop/; docker run --name db -d
it db; docker ps'
or if you want to run the script that is inside container you can also do that just pass the script to ssh.
sshpass -p $pass ssh user_name#hostmachine < ./
Note: $pass is password of host from ENV and hostmachine is host the we set during run command.
Based on comments in ans:
We can simply install any SSH plugin (SSH) or (Publish over SSH) and
it will work after providing username/password.
Only thing to watch out is that host name resolution does not work and we will need to provide an IP address.
As pointed out this is not the best approach, but sometimes in migration from older systems, we need to move one step at a time and this is the easiest step to take.

Docker container CPU and Memory Utilization

I have a Docker container running with this command in my Jenkins job:
docker run --name="mydoc" reportgeneration:1.0 start=$START end=$END config=$myfile
This works very well. The image is created from a DockerFile which is executing a shell script with ENTRYPOINT.
Now I want to know how much CPU and memory has been utilized by this container. I am using a Jenkins job, where in the "execute shell command", I am running the above Docker run command.
I saw about 'docker stats' command. It works very well in my Ubuntu machine. But I want it to run via Jenkins as my container is running via Jenkins console. So here follows the limitations I have.
I don't know if there is any way to stop docker stats command. In Ubuntu command line, we hit 'ctrl+c' to stop it. How will I do it in Jenkins?
Even if I figure out a way to stop docker stats, once the 'docker run' command gets executed, the container will not be active and will be exited. For exited container, CPU and memory utilisation will be zero.
docker run 'image'
docker stats container id/name
With the above two lines, docker stats command will only get an exited container and I don't think docker stats will even work with Jenkins console as it cannot be stopped.
Is there any way that I can get container's resource utilization (CPU, memory) in a better way via Jenkins console?
Suggestion is to not run docker stats interactively, but have a piece of a shell script with a loop like this:
# First, start the container
CONTAINER_ID=$(docker run -d ...)
# Then start watching that it's running (with inspect)
while [ "$(docker inspect -f {{.State.Running}} $CONTAINER_ID 2>/dev/null)" = "true" ]; do
# And while it's running, check stats
docker stats --no-stream $CONTAINER_ID
sleep 1
# When the script reaches this point, the container had stopped.
# For example, let's clean it up (assuming you haven't used --rm in run).
docker rm $CONTAINER_ID
The condition checks whenever the container is running or not, and docker stats --no-stream prints stats once then exits, making it suitable for non-interactive use.
I believe you can use a variant of such shell script file (obviously, updated to do something useful, rather than just starting the container and watching its stats) as a build step.
But if you need/want/have an interactive process that you want to stop, kill is the command you're looking for. Ctrl-C in a terminal just sends a SIGINT to the process.
You need to know an PID, of course. I'm not sure about Jenkins, but if you've just started a child process from a shell script with child-process & (e.g. docker stats &), then its PID would be in the $! variable. Or you can try to figure it using pidof or ps commands, but that may be error-prone in case of concurrent jobs (unless they're all isolated).
Here I've assumed that your Jenkins jobs are shell scripts that do the actual work. If your setup is different (e.g. if you use some plugins so Jenkins talk to Docker directly), things may be different and more complicated.

"Running Kubernetes Locally via Docker" Guide is not working at all for MacOS, ssh command just hanging

I am following this Guide at to start using Kubernetes on MacOS. Is this guide valid?
When I am doing this step:
docker-machine sshdocker-machine active-N -L 8080:localhost:8080
They command is hanging, no repsponse at all;
Looking at docker ps -l, I have
About an hour ago Up About an hour
So it means kubernete is running
I run this command:
docker-machine `sshdocker-machine active` -L 8080:localhost:8080
I can login to docker machine, then exit, run kubectl get nodes again, hanging, no response
Anything wrong here?
If this step can not pass, how can I use Kubernetes?
"docker-machine ssh docker-machine active -N -L 8080:localhost:8080" sets up a ssh tunnel. Similar to ssh tunnel, you can run that command in the background by passing the -f option. More useful tips here
I'd recommend running the ssh command in a separate terminal, so that it will be easy to bring down the tunnel.
As long as the above command is running, kubectl should work.

Starting new Docker container with every new Bamboo build run and using the container to run the build in

I am new to Bamboo and are trying to get the following process flow using Bamboo and Docker:
Developer commits code to a Bitbucket branch
Build plan detects the change
Build plan then starts a Docker container on a dedicated AWS instance where Docker is installed. In the Docker container a remote agent is started as well. I use the atlassian/bamboo-java-agent:latest docker container.
Remote agent registers with Bamboo
The rest of the build plan runs in the container
Container and agent gets removed when plan completes
I setup a test build plan and in the plan My first task is to start a Docker instance like follows:
sudo docker run -d --name "${bamboo.buildKey}_${bamboo.buildNumber}" \
-e HOME=/root/ -e BAMBOO_SERVER=http://x.x.x.x:8085/ \
-i -t atlassian/bamboo-java-agent:latest
The second task is to get the source code and deploy. 3rd task is test and 4th task is shutting down the container.
There are other agents online on Bamboo as well and my build plan sometimes uses those and not the Docker container that I started as part of the build plan.
Is there a way for me to do the above?
I hope it all makes sense. I am truly new to this and any help will be appreciated.
We (Atlassian Build Engineering) have created a set of plugins to run Docker based agents in a cluster (ECS) that comes online, builds a single job and then exits. We've recently open sourced the solution.
See for more details.
first you need to make sure the "main" docker container is not exiting when you run it.
check with
docker ps -a
you should see it is running
now assuming it is running you can execute commands inside the container
to get into the container
docker exec -it containerName bash
to execute commands inside the container from outside the container
docker exec -it containerName commandToExecuteInsideTheContainer
you could as part of the containers dockerfile COPY a script in it that does something.
Then you can execute that script from outside the container using the above approach.
Hope this gives some insight.
