Remove index.html from url in Weebly without .htaccess file - url

I want to remove "index.html" from the homepage URL of Weebly site without .htaccess file, please help me to resolve this problem.

Weebly does not currently provide the option to redirect /index.html to the root domain URL or give you the access needed to properly make those changes, however, links to your home page (at least on your website) should be going to the and not /index.html so you should be ok there.
Keep in mind that index.html is a file, that exists as the home page for the folder your website pages live in, and you can't remove it from it's existence(at least on Weebly).
So, the thing to do would be to submit it to Weebly as a Feature Request and request that they make the necessary changes on their end, for the sake of ALL Weebly users! ;)


Is it possible for Contao to not redirect to home page alias?

Older Contao versions by default did not redirect to the first public page, so the front page was displayed with both and and neither was redirected to the other. However the newest Contao at least (4.8) does force a redirect from to
There is one setting, Do not redirect empty URLs, which looks like it could do the trick, but, in my case at least, does not seem to do anything.
So how do I prevent Contao from redirecting from a "blank url" to the first published page of a website root? I'd much rather redirect the other way around, from /front-page to /.
Simply set the alias of your start page to index. The generated URL by Contao for the page with the alias index will always be without a path.
See also the documentation about page aliases (English version still WIP).

Need to get rid of lang version in url

Have a project on Contao CMS 3.3.6.
Main page adress has url:
Even try, whatever redirecting to
I have tried fix it by using htaccess but it is not works: too many redirects.
Also I didn`t find redirects type of
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
How can fix it? Or where I need to see?
You don't need .htaccess to do that. Go to the backend settings. Uncheck 'add language to url' in the front end configuration fieldset. That should do it. First reverse what you have done with the htaccess file

Joomla Site URL

I have a website on a 1and1 server. I have 2 domains on the package; the default url and my actual URL.
The problem is, Joomla quotes the in system e-mails instead of my actual URL. They both point to the same directory I just don't want to give a stupid URL to my users.
I think I have narrowed it down to the $siteUrl variable but I'm not sure how to go from here.
At first I thought this sounded largely like a DNS issue - but then you said you only have 1 Joomla installation and both domains point to that directory.
If they're both pointing to the same directory, then both domains will display the same Joomla installation. That is, unless you're checking to see where they are coming from and having the content display dynamically based upon how they got to your site - but from your comments I doubt you're doing that. How your domains are behaving is the expected response if you're pointing them both to the same directory.
If you want 2 sites on the same hosting? Setup 2 databases (or apply different prefix for each site and use 1 database) and set up each website in it's own directory.
Adjust the DNS of each domain name (and subdomain name) to point the appropriate directory.
From there, use the .htaccess file and SEF URL's to get rid of any indicator of the directory so that it displays the same as if the site was in the root directory.
That is the best way to accomplish what you're after - because from the sounds of it Joomla is doing exactly as it should, displaying correctly what is in the directory since both domain names point to the same directory.
$siteUrl should be left blank.

ModX: Changed to Friendly Alias URLS but now Wayfinder isnt working

I've used Wayfinder in my template, eg:
[[Wayfinder? &startId=`8` ]]
and it was working fine until I turned on friendly urls (by going: System>>System Settings>>User Friendly URLS)
Now none of my links work. On top of this if I click the 'View' button from a resource page or enter the full url into a browser I get a 404 error.
Am I missing something in this process?
(ps Im using Revo 2.1.3)
Have you configured your .htaccess file? It's required for friendly urls. When you install MODX it's named ht.access, so you'll need to rename it to .htaccess.
If you've installed MODX in a subfolder you'll also need to set it here:
RewriteBase /folder-name
As Sean suggested, you'll also need to clear your cache to have your Wayfinder menu rebuilt.
it's probably your cache - just clear it and you should be fine.

Something wrong with redirects on my Joomla 1.5.18 site

My Joomla 1.5.18 site, I enabled login, when I click login the page I get sent to is NOT styled with CSS. If I login it redirects to the home page and it is not styled anymore either.
It looks like it is recursively appending stuff to the URL incorrectly.
if I click on home page or login links it keeps putting more and more index.php entries in the URL, and sometimes on the end. The following is what I get when I try and go to a JEvents menu item.
Anyone have any idea why this is happening? I don't know what to search for on Google apparently, and none of the Joomla! books I have address this.
I figured it out I had turned on Search Engine Friendly URLs in SEO Settings under Global Configuration. Turning this back off fixed the problem. Now I guess another question will be along the lines on how to get the Search Engine Friendly URL's to work again.
Make sure you link to stylesheets and images using a link that starts with a leading slash and therefore counts from the root.
It is the browser that evaluates the URL for those resources, based on the URL of the currently viewed HTML page. Never use relative links for these resources.
