Can I do IOS development using ionic on Windows? - ios

Are there ways to develop IOS applications in Windows?
I am thinking of going with IONIC framework because I need to build both Android and IOS Apps. If necessary, OS X will be installed on virtualbox but not sure whether it is a good idea.
Could anyone give advice? Thank you. :)

I have researched enough and received feedback from others that to implement IOS Apps using IONIC, MAC is essential.
Virtual OS is also possible but by my own experience (installed few times with different version of OS) and hearing from others, it is NOT recommended due to its stability.
OS X on virtual machine was very laggy and OS behaved faulty so I had to reboot the OS repeatedly.


Compiling app using Vmware OSX

I am trying to learn react Native for IOS development... I have researched a lot about Swift vs React native and came to this decision.
The question is I am poor as hell. But got a good PC. And I can run VMware OSX in my PC.
I understand that I can install an run Xcode and all that. But I am getting the question whether I can upload my app to an Iphone or Also Can I upload it to Apple Store using my VMware? There is a word comes up like final compiling can't be done without a Mac and All that. Since I got it using a VM is confusing and difficult and also slow. But still I can't spend on a MAC right now. But I have to learn and upload app into the Apple Store along with testing it on an Iphone.
So the question is, Is it a problem using VMware OSX to do these things?
please help, I researched a lot but could't get these things :)
The answer is YES. You can make apps with VMware and upload them to App Store with no problems. I’ve done it myself previously.
However, since it is a virtual machine without full graphics support, you cannot simulate and run graphics-related apps and tools that use the GPU. For example,
You cannot use Simulator properly for iOS 11+
You cannot debug view hierarchy since it uses GPU for rendering and
debugging UI elements
You cannot debug SpriteKit or SceneKit projects properly etc.
AirPlay and AirDrop won’t work.
Other than those, you can do almost everything in a VMware macOS. For React native, I don’t think there would be a problem compiling apps with it. You are good to go. But as others said, it would be slower than a real Mac, so you have to bear with it.
You can do anything on your vm like a real mac . It will just be slower depending on your hardware. I installed macOS on a system and got my app to the app store with it.

Build an Xcode project on Windows

I need to compile an Xcode project on Windows. I don't need to make one, because it is automatically generated. I am new to iOS development, and I don't plan to submit to the App Store or pay Apple 100$ to sign it, I just want to build an IPA I can install on my jailbroken device. This is just for personal use. When I tried setting up a vitrual Mac it always fails to boot. Is there any fix to that? Is this even possible?
Your best bet would be building a hackintosh or getting ahold of a mac to use/buy.
If you have an intel computer that is somewhat modern, chances are you can install OS X on it (there might be a few inconsistencies that you may be able to iron out with a little time and money). Just do some research on your chipset. Maybe somethings are compatible and some aren't; you can fill those voids through buying considerably cheap hardware to get a fully working machine. Consult this page: CustoMac: Component Buyer's Guide to get a repository of confirmed supported components. There is also a huge community on reddit that is more than helpful at assisting others who are trying to get their hackintosh working.
If you do have an AMD there is still hope, I had my 8350 working on yosemite before I upgraded to an intel. I can't link you to the unsigned iso, but you can search for it. The distro is by "Nerish", you can download the iso or find the kernel and manually install it.
I'm currently running an i7 6700k CPU with an Asus Sabertooth z170 Mark1 motherboard, 16gb ddr4 corsair ram, and a GTX 970. Everything is working well. I have both windows and OS X sierra installed so that I can do my normal business work and easily develop in XCode.
No, it's not possible (as of now). To build an Xcode project you need an environment, that is just not present on Windows. I mean a lot of libraries, frameworks and tools that are shipped with macOS.
One possible way is to try to find a working macOS VM / install a "Hackintosh", but be warned that both actions are illegal according to macOS ToS.
By the way, you don't need to pay Apple 99$ to install your software on a device. You just need a Mac.

Can anybody please tell me how to develop i phone app on windows computer? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?
(42 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Is there any ide for develop iphone app on windows computer ?
I want to start to develop a i phone app on windows xp.
But i do not have mac book. I want to develop it on my windows computer, is there any application which will help me to do this ?
To develop iOS app you need mac OS X for sure, now you can have an apple machine or you can install Mac OS in non apple machine using VM, for that you can use virtual box installed in windows and then install Mac OS X on VM, there is no other way.
you can install Hackintosh in your windows to develop iphone app
You can use any one of the available tools for cross platform development, but I seriously advise against that. You should go native - the result will be much better.
Assuming you choose to go native (which, again, I highly recommend), and decide to develop your app specifically for iOS devices, you have to do this on a mac. The reason you don't want to mess with hackintosh and its counterparts (regardless of their running slowly, hard to maintain, etc) is that if you develop an app not on a mac device, and Apple finds out, you're in big trouble and will probably end up banned from the App Store. Assuming your app is built with the goal of ending up as a successful one, this is a chance that you shouldn't be willing to take.

Reg. iOs mobile app developement hardware requirements using Delphi XE7

I'm using Delphi XE7 for developing mobile application. And some how, I have learnt how to create and test the Android mobile application using Delphi XE7 and for developing and testing Android application, just one Android mobile is enough. And I need to know the hardware requirements for developing and testing iOs mobile applications. And currently I'm having Windows 64 bit Os. Is it possible to develop and test, if I'm having Mac Os which is Virtual Os and iPhone device in my hand. And in the Virtual OS, I need to install Xcode and the required packages. Please confirm me once should I need compulsory MAC book for developing iOs mobile application using Delphi XE7.?
Please provide me the solution.
In addition to your development PC, you need the following to develop multi-device applications for iOS:
A Mac running OS X
An iOS device, connected to your Mac by USB cable
The Mac OS X is bound to the Apple hardware. The only way to make OS X run in a virtual machine is to hack it. There are several solutions available e.g. here and here.
I am however sure that you will end up being frustrated about spending too much time on tweaking Delphi and the hacked OS X - even with Apple hardware there can be plenty of frustrations! For example there are updates to Xcode all the time and some of them breaks things. If you also have to tweak OS X every time you need to update, you would wish you bought the hardware.
I can recommend buying a Mac Mini ($499), it is the cheapest way to get a Mac. To minimize cost, you can simply connect it to the same monitor as your windows computer and just switch input on the monitor when you are working on the Mac. I have done that and it works very well.

How to develop iOS applications, if I can't afford a Mac?

I'm learning, how to create mobile applications. The Android part is ok, I can test it well. But to learn, and test for iOS, I have to install iOS simulator, which works only on OSX. But I can't afford to buy one. Here in eastern europe the used ones are also really expensive.
I tried to install OSX (Hackintosh) to a virtual machine. But it doesn't really works, because my laptop has an old AMD processor.
Is there any way, to write and test iOS application on Windows7? I am very desperate now. I see no chanche to write an iOS application. Everywhere I ask it, people just respond: "buy a mac". If you close my question, please help, where should I ask it.
Somebody has asked this before: How can I develop for iPhone using a Windows development machine?
If you have a fast Internet connection, this might work too: Or, if you want to spend some money but not too much: Mac Mini from eBay
This answer has already been in the rounds, but i'll say it once more, if you've got a PC with minimum core i5 and 4GB RAM, you can run OSX Mavericks on VMWare (comfortably with XCode 6, iPhone 5s Emulator and Safari all running at once). There is a good detailed tutorial on Youtube which works 100%. (I can't give you the links as it suggests illegal way of procuring the OSX Mavericks image)
