Core data context change causes crash - ios

I have some Peoples profile, which I am saving in Core data. I receive them from server.
Next time when I run app, old data exists there, and I call a service call, which get more profiles including this.
I remove all the profiles and insert new.
When I try to work on existing screen, it crashes. I am pretty sure, that I changed database, and that object no more exists. While in reality, that object is inside CoreData but with another context.
Now, how can I improve this situation, that if I remove all Data and insert same data again, it shouldn't crash with existing data.
Let me know if anything wrong in Question, or I need to explain more.

If problem is really in "While in reality, that object is inside CoreData but with another context.", you can call the same object from needed context with it's NSManagedObjectID.
So just save your ids and pass them around, and when you need exact objects, call them from needed context with these ids


CoreData - Making Objects That May Or May Not Be Stored

I have an existing iOS project which I'm trying to change to use CoreData instead of Keyed Archiving. In my existing project, I often create objects when the user closes a modal view. Then I do some validation on that object, and if all is well I go ahead and store it. But if the object is determined to be invalid, I simply throw it away and throw up a validation message to the user.
I got nervous about this pattern when I started using Core Data. I didn't want to keep creating "temporary" objects in my database only to turn around and delete them. So instead I create the objects without assigning them to a NSManagedObjectContext. Then later when I determine things are valid, only then do I assign it to a context.
At last here's the question: Is this a valid approach? Are things commonly done this way? I'm worried as my use of managed objects gets more complicated, with more relationships between entities, that I may regret this choice. Am I unnecessarily making things harder for myself?
A common way to do this is to create a child conteit of the main context. You can create your objects in that context, and if you want to save the changes to the main context and then save the main context. If you don’t want to keep the changes just throw away the child context.

Frequently Accessed Objects/Classes

Within my Swift application, there are two classes that I interact with in almost 75% of the app. One is a set of settings called UserSettings, and the other is called Job. These both are stored in sqllite.
Most of the time it's just reading values already set, and on one areas it also writes. It seems strange to have to keep reinstantiating my settings and job services to communicate with my database to get back to me the same object i'm accessing across the board.
In a case like this, the options to me see to be either
constantly reading/writing to the database, or
do some sort of singleton accessed throughout the entire app.
I'm not sure how much Swift changes anything in terms of arriving at an answer to this question, but I wanted to seek the help of Stack Overflow. How do I set an object that I can access throughout the entire app? Or is it not ideal and instead I need to get it from my db every time?
Thanks so much.
I recommend you to read how core data works, I know you are managing your own store, but the architecture works fine. As a summary you can create a "context object"(this could be your singleton) who interacts with your store (sqlite) creating managed objects, you will work with this objects who are associated with the "context object", and when ever you need to save the changes, you ask the "context object" to write all the managed objects in the store.
Your managed objects need to be only a copy of the "context object" objects, so when you ask to "save" data to the "context object" you only copy back this managed objects. This will help with save multithread coding. (Your context object should work on a serialized queue).
Again this is just a summary, you should read how core data works to get a better picture.
Read this blog:
The difference is that you only need one store and one context object.

Core Data doesn't save the first time

I have a problem with RestKit 0.22 and Core Data for saving. To be sure that the rest of my project doesn't cause the problem, I reproduce it with RKTwitterCoreData in RestKit examples. I simply remove seeding part to start with an empty sqlite database. My app is based on the same concept.
My problem happens the first time I run the app. The app receives the data from twitter and displays it. But if I look at the sqlite database itself, it's empty. When I start the app the second time, the database is filling.
Is it possible for RestKit to save the data at the moment it receives it?
Is it possible that RestKit cache all data before saving them. I though that my problem happened because managedObjectCache in RKManagedObjectStore is set with RKInMemoryManagedObjectCache but I also tried with RKFetchRequestManagedObjectCache and I got the same result.
I also tried to save manually in the success bloc with [[[RKManagedObjectStore defaultStore] persistentStoreManagedObjectContext] save:nil] and that didn't work.
Thank you
RestKit does save the mapping result automatically, and before calling the success completion block.
If you want to check what is in the store, ask the MOC (main thread or persistent store MOC) and check the registeredObjects / run a fetch request.
You should not look at the SQLite file(s). The table structure is a private implementation detail, and if you load the file at the command line with the wrong options you won't necessarily see what you expect.

Optimal way of syncing Core Data with server-side data?

I have what I would presume is a very common situation, but as I'm new to iOS programming, I'm not sure of the optimal way to code it.
I have data on a server which can be retrieved by the iPhone app via a REST service. On the server side, the data is objects with a foreign key (an integer id number).
I'm storing the data retrieved via REST in Core Data. The managed objects have an "objId" attribute so that I can uniquely identify the managed objects in the rest of my code.
My app must always reflect the server data.
On subsequent requests made to the server:
some objects may not be returned, they have been deleted on the server - in which case I need to delete the corresponding objects from Core Data - so that I'm reflecting the state of the server correctly.
some objects have attributes which have changed, therefore the corresponding managed objects need updating with the new data.
my solution - and question to you
To get things going in my app, I made the easiest solution of deleting all objects in Core Data, then adding all new objects in, created with the latest server side data.
I don't think this is the best way to approach it :) As I progress on with my app, I now want to link up my tableview with NSFetchedResultsController, and have realised that my approach of deleting everything and re-adding is not going to work any more.
What is the tried and trusted way of syncing Core Data with server side data?
Do I need to make a fetch request for each object id I get back from the server, and then update the object with the new data?
And then go through all of the objects in core data and see which ones have not been updated, and delete those?
Is that the best way to do it? It just seems a little expensive to do a fetch for each object in Core Data, that's all.
Pseudo code is fine for any answers :)
thanks in advance!
Well, consider your download. First, you should be doing this in a background thread (if not, there are lots of SO posts that talk about how to do that).
I would suggest that you implement what makes sense first, and then, after you can get valid performance data from running Instruments, consider performance optimization. Of course, use some common sense on "easy" performance stuff (your design can take care of the big ones easily enough).
Anyway, get your data from the online resource, and then, for each object fetched, use the "unique object id" to fetch the object from core data. You know there is only one object with that ID, so you can set fetchLimit to 1 on your fetch request. You can also configure your "object id" attribute to be an INDEX in the database. This way, you get the fastest search from the underlying database, and it knows to stop looking once it finds your one object. This should be pretty snappy.
Now you have your object. Change any attributes necessary. Save, rinse, and repeat.
Furthermore, for several reasons, you may want to know when objects were last updated. I'd suggest adding a timestamp to each object that gets changed with the current time every time an object is changed. This will also help in deleting objects. Since your online database does not tell you which objects are deleted, you must have some way to know that an item is "old and no longer needed."
An easy way to do this is to remember the time you started your update. After processing all objects from the download, you now have a way to find all the objects that were deleted from the online database. Basically, any object with a "last update" timestamp before the time you began the update should be removed (since they were not added or modified in the last update). You can also index the database on this field, which will make finding those objects faster - unless your database is huge, I'd wait to see what Instruments has to say about this one though.

Dealing with Managed Objects between two MVC's with one database

Current Setup:
MVC-1, onViewDidLoad, creates a Managed Object, fetches data from the Managed Object and updates various UI elements.
MVC-2: Same exact setup. I copied and pasted the same code from MVC-1 into MVC-2.
Issues I am seeing:
After launch and opening MVC-1, all the code is executed without any errors. The ManagedObject is created, the fetch requests on the ManageObjectContext work and the UI is properly updated. However, when switching to MVC-2 it seems that none of the data, that MVC-2 is suppose to fetch, is actually being updated. All the UI Elements in MVC-2 have the same data from the last time the application was launched.
Furthermore, if I launch the application and open MVC-2 first I get the same results, only MVC-1 does not appear to be updated this time around.
What is it that I am over looking? I have explicit saves to the database being made. I am (at least I think I am) creating two different ManagedObjects. Do I need to somehow close one before creating the other? Any advice would be very helpful. Thanks.
Figured it out.
I was saving the MOC, however I was not writing the NSManagedDocument to disk (I am using a ManagedDocument as a container for the Core Data database).
So naturally, when I switched to the MVC-2 I would not have the updated data.
I now save the MOC, write the MD to disk and close the MD at viewWillDisappear.
Thanks for the help gusy.
