When checking the recently used devices on my google account, an old phone of mine that has been without battery for months appeared as a device that "accessed yesterday". Nobody else had access to where i had the phone and I didn't even touch it.
How can this be possible?
When a user walks into a physical store, is it possible to verify if a particular WiFi SSID is available (may be searching with first few characters) and if yes, can we automatically connect to that WiFi programmatically? Getting consent from the user for first time is OK, but if user gives the consent, we should be able to automatically connect subsequent times. I know Captive framework can be used to get the connected WiFi details, but can we leverage that framework to implement the above requirement as well? Appreciate any quick inputs.
No, this is not possible. You can indeed only get the SSID once connected.
I am working on an App, in which i need to track the device using my App. I have gone through the "Find my friends" App that Apple has offered themselves. But, it asks user's permission if he wants to allow tracking his location.
I studied, an app named "Uber", they clearly track the cabs maneuver around the city. They also show the user, how far is that cab from the user, the possibility that might be here is "Uber" dudes could be using external GPS device and may be interfacing them with the user's device. Since, If I am not wrong.. Apple does not allow tracking devices.
But yet, I am in need to implement that kind of functionality in my App. I was wondering if it is possible ? I am aware of location tracking, my concern here is live GPS tracking.
Please point me in right direction here, Any help with be truly appreciated
I have a full working sample that shows how to track android, iphone, windows phone and java me phones. It also has the server software to put the location data in a database and allows you to view the location in real time and also store the routes to view later. Its MIT licensed:
I just installed the My Verizon Mobile app onto an iPhone and upon launch it was immediately able to display the device's phone number - something which is not possible for regular apps to do.
Does anybody know how it does it, could it be one of these, or something else?
As the app is from Verizon, Apple has granted it permission to access private iOS APIs to obtain the phone number
The App makes an HTTP connection to a Verizon server which goes through a gateway which is able to detect the phone number and sends it back to the device in the HTTP response.
These are just my guesses as to what perhaps could be happening, does anybody know what actually is happening?
If you go to Settings/General/About, you'll find an IMEI number and an ICCID number. The IMEI number identifies the phone, the ICCID number identifies the SIM card. If you have a Verizon phone account, then Verizon would have associated that ICCID number with a phone number. They must be able to do that, because otherwise how could Verizon ring your phone if I dial your number?
So what happens is Verizon using their own data, which they must have for your phone to function properly, to find the phone number associated with your SIM card. This should only work for Verizon phones (other phone companies should be able to find your phone number if you have a contract with them, but not if you are with Verizon).
By the way, if you go to Settings/Phone, the first thing my iPhone shows is "My Number".
The Verizon Mobile app, at least for android, carries special code apps in the rom. You cna verify this by taking a Verizon Galaxy Nexus and applying an alternate rom to it such as CM10. Without the special "carrier blobs" in the rom, Verizon "specialized apps", don't work.
This is not a bug per se -- non Verizon roms lack the special "carrier bits" but also like the carrier apps many people don't want on their Nexi. The reason you have no "auto login" on iPhones is because this carrier "app" doesn't exist in the Apple roms.
Sorry for the title, but I don't fully know how to ask this questions, and I do think it's related to programming.
If you have an apple mobile device, and you walk into a place that has an open wifi (such as many on the coffee chains or airports), and you try to use the Internet, a screen appears asking for the credentials to use the Internet. This screen is not in safari, but ios recognises that it needs a password to access the internet and displays this screen. In the UK, BT open zone does this.
I'm wondering how the apple device recognise this. Is it a standard? (I haven't seen this on android devices). I've tried googling this, but I couldn't find anything (probably because I don't fully know what to search for)
Just in case, I'm not talking about a secure wifi, that requires a password.
I don't know about Apple, but Windows 8 apparently tries to connect to one of Microsoft's web servers and verifies if this works.
Can you point me to a method which allow an app read sms messages while the app is active.
I know many people say it's not possible, but Drivesafe.ly does it and I know some bank apps do that. The only condition for that to work is that the app is currently active (shown on the screen).
Many thanks!
Iam afraid its still not possible on iPhone. If you check the iTunes page for Drivesafe.ly app, there is a notice about that.
It says:
...the application does not read native text messages out loud that come directly from your wireless carrier. Unfortunately, this is not technically possible on iOS devices today...