Automatically connect to a WiFi which has a specific SSID (atleast first few characters) from an iPad app - ios

When a user walks into a physical store, is it possible to verify if a particular WiFi SSID is available (may be searching with first few characters) and if yes, can we automatically connect to that WiFi programmatically? Getting consent from the user for first time is OK, but if user gives the consent, we should be able to automatically connect subsequent times. I know Captive framework can be used to get the connected WiFi details, but can we leverage that framework to implement the above requirement as well? Appreciate any quick inputs.

No, this is not possible. You can indeed only get the SSID once connected.


How To Enable the WiFi Information Entitlement

I'm making a react-native application for a DVR device, and updates happen via wifi, I need to get information about this connection, specifically ssid, I tried using react-native-wifi-reborn, but I can't get it, in the description of the library it is written that it is necessary to grant rights to wifi through capabilities, but there is no such thing, and every time I get an error that the ssid was not received, I will be grateful for any information, thanks
used the library and its methods, but it doesn't help
the problem is that I used the simulator, and I could get data about wi-fi only after I add it to the apple store connection, there, when adding App ID, it indicated that I needed access to Wi-Fi, that's the only way I got access to it

iOS how to set wifi network priority programmatically in app?

Here is our app usage scenario:
There are two sections in our app, the first one is that we need load google map, and use google map apis, and the second one is that we need to connect to a personal wifi which can't connect to the public network. So the contradiction is that we can't use these two sections at the same time, if we connect to the personal wifi, we couldn't use google map, and when we disconnect to the wifi, we couldn't use the second section.
Does anybody have wonderful idea to solve this problem which has confused us a couple of days.
Thanks for any suggestion
Each wifi comes with its SSID, you can get the wifi SSID with CaptiveNetwork
Example on how to use it in this question
Basically if its your private wifi SSID then enable the 2nd, else enable google map stuff, i hope its what u want

how to connect WiFi Direct Mobile phone to WiFi phone?

I was exploring regarding Wi-Fi Direct and came accross with conclusion that WiFi -certified devices can connect one-to-one or one-to-many and not all connected products need to be Wi-Fi Direct-certified. One Wi-Fi Direct enabled device can connect to legacy Wi-Fi certified devices.So by this we can conclude like if one device is having WiFi direct and other device is having Wifi one can easily connect to it.
I have following queries please help me to resolve.
1.This Wifi Direct is there in Android ICS onwards.So i am trying to connect WiFi Direct of my Samsung Note 2 having Jelly Bean with another Samsung Mobile Galaxy Y duos having Ginger Bread that only has WiFi but i am unable to detect? Can anyone help me in finding reason for this?
2.Another thing i studied is Wifi Direct device will become as access point means it will create an Ad-hoc network ? So why another Wifi devices are not detecting it?
To find a wifi direct device in access point list of a normal wifi u need to create a wifi direct group. For this you need to first connect two wifi direct devices out of which one will act as a group owner and other as client. Once a group is created group owner act as a normal access point for legacy devices(Wifi devices).
Thus you need to create a Wifi Direct group first

iOS how to connect specific WiFi SSID with minimum user interaction

I have to iphone applications that they use two different networks. Changing network setting for each application is not user friendly. I want to do such thing as follows,
When application starts, it checks the availability of particular network (SSID) and popup a message to the user to permit to connect. Once user click on "OK" they it connect to that particular network.
Anybody has similar experience ?
How can I connect to given SSID using objectiveC ?
I've been reading for a solution to achieve app controlled networking, but it seems impossible without the use of Apple80211 private API.
The best i think you can do is with CaptiveNetwork.
With this you can register a list of SSID's for your device and it will suppress web sheet.
From the doc:
By calling the CNSetSupportedSSIDs function, an application can register a list of wireless network SSIDs with Captive Network Support, thereby assuming responsibility for authenticating with those networks. Typically when a user joins a captive network, Captive Network Support provides a web sheet that allows the user to authenticate with the network. If an application has registered the SSID of the captive network, however, the web sheet is suppressed, and the user can complete authentication in the appropriate application.

Connecting to a special wi-fi network via iPhone App

I have to build an App that connects to a special Wi-Fi network and the opens an Ip address that is only available withing the network.
Is it possible to connect to a special wi-fi network (say "Network XYZ") via iPhone App. If so, please let know, so that I have an idea how to solve this.
Sadly no. Not from within the app.
All you can do is instruct user to go to settings and connect to that network.
If iPhone was not registered to any WiFi network before entering your app and your app has usesWiFi key set to YES then user will get a list of available networks to choose from.
One more big problem is: there are no AdHoc networks on this list - only infrastructure networks. AdHoc networks are available only trough settings.
What you could do is to instruct your user to set the auto-join feature on for desired network.
I'm afraid the only way to change the network is via the Settings application. Otherwise, rogue apps might be able to move users to their own proxies without the user's knowing.
It may be possible on jailbroken devices, however, as you would no longer be confined to working within the usual app restrictions on accessing system-level settings.
You can have your app launch once the user connects to the SSID you specify using the CaptiveNetwork API.
