Testing rails for race conditions, and cleaning up afterwards - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to test parts of my code for race conditions. The issue I had was related to uniqueness validations, which as it turns out is not safe from race conditions in rails. I believe I'll be able to fix the issue, but I'm not sure how to test my solution.
The closest I've come is the following(inspired by: http://blog.arkency.com/2015/09/testing-race-conditions/):
test "Can't create duplicate keys with same value and keyboard" do
assert_equal(5, ActiveRecord::Base.connection.pool.size)
concurrency_level = 4
keyboard = create :keyboard
should_wait = true
statuses = {}
threads = Array.new(concurrency_level) do |i|
Thread.new do
true while should_wait
# Unique validation for key values exists scoped to keyboard
key = keyboard.keys.new(value: 'a')
statuses[i] = key.save
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
statuses[i] = false
should_wait = false
assert_equal(1, keyboard.keys.count)
assert_equal(1, statuses.count { |_k, v| v })
assert_equal(3, statuses.count { |_k, v| !v })
The code above is structured exactly like mine, but models have changed to be more general.
The test itself seems to work alright. However, keys created in the tests are not deleted afterwards. I'm using DatabaseCleaner, and I've tried all different strategies. Also, sometimes I get a Circular Dependency issue for constant Key. Not sure why, but I'm guessing its due to requires not being thread safe in ruby?
Is there a better way to my problem? As I specified above, I've gotten a few different issues with this, and I feel it should be a common enough problem that good testing standards should exist.

A few things:
1) Probably my ignorance, but the true while should_wait line seems wrong to me. Something more like while should_wait do seems more like what you intend. You also call pod.save which seems to not make sense, so I'm guessing this is not exactly the code you're using.
2) I would expect database cleaner to work, because I think if you use the "truncation" strategy it will go through and truncate every table when the test is run. My wild ass guess is that you have configured it to only run for integration tests and this is a unit test, or something like that. If that's not it, try calling DatabaseCleaner.truncate (or however you do that explicitly) at the end of the test and see if that works.
3) Can you solve the problem with a unique index in your DB? That removes the need for this test at all because you get to just trust your database. When you do get a non-unique value you can handle that in a non-validation way in your code. Much faster too, because you don't have to make the extra sql call every time you save.
4) Impossible to know from the information given why you're getting the circular dependency issue. I've had that issue before and did a puts caller at the top of the file to try to diagnose.


How does Rspec 'let' helper work with ActiveRecord?

It said here https://www.relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-core/v/3-5/docs/helper-methods/let-and-let what variable defined by let is changing across examples.
I've made the same simple test as in the docs but with the AR model:
RSpec.describe Contact, type: :model do
let(:contact) { FactoryGirl.create(:contact) }
it "cached in the same example" do
a = contact
b = contact
expect(a).to eq(b)
expect(Contact.count).to eq(1)
it "not cached across examples" do
a = contact
expect(Contact.count).to eq(2)
First example passed, but second failed (expected 2, got 1). So contacts table is empty again before second example, inspite of docs.
I was using let and was sure it have the same value in each it block, and my test prove it. So suppose I misunderstand docs. Please explain.
P.S. I use DatabaseCleaner
P.P.S I turn it off. Nothing changed.
I turned off DatabaseCleaner and transational fixtures and test pass.
As I can understand (new to programming), let is evaluated once for each it block. If I have three examples each calling on contact variable, my test db will grow to three records at the end (I've tested and so it does).
And for right test behevior I should use DatabaseCleaner.
P.S. I use DatabaseCleaner
That's why your database is empty in the second example. Has nothing to do with let.
The behaviour you have shown is the correct behaviour. No example should be dependant on another example in setting up the correct environment! If you did rely on caching then you are just asking for trouble later down the line.
The example in that document is just trying to prove a point about caching using global variables - it's a completely different scenario to unit testing a Rails application - it is not good practice to be reliant on previous examples to having set something up.
Lets, for example, assume you then write 10 other tests that follow on from this, all of which rely on the fact that the previous examples have created objects. Then at some point in the future you delete one of those examples ... BOOM! every test after that will suddenly fail.
Each test should be able to be tested in isolation from any other test!

How to test a random uniq values with rspec

I have this code:
def self.generate_random_uniq_code
code = sprintf("%06d", SecureRandom.random_number(999999))
code = self.generate_random_uniq_code if self.where(code: code).count > 0
The goal is create random codes for a new register, the code can't exist already in the registers
I'm trying test this way, but when I mock the SecureRandom it always return the same value:
it "code is unique" do
old_code = Code.new
old_code.code = 111111
new_code = Code.new
expect(SecureRandom).to receive(:random_number) {old_code.code}
new_code.code = Code.generate_random_uniq_code
expect(new_code.code).to_not eq old_code.code
I was trying to find if there is a way to enable and disable the mock behavior, but I could not find it, I'm not sure I'm doing the test the right way, the code seems no work fine to me.
Any help is welcome, thanks!
Generally, unless you are actually testing a PRNG that you wrote, you're probably testing the wrong behavior. Consider what behavior you're actually trying to test, and examine your alternatives. In addition, a six-digit number doesn't really have enough of a key space to ensure real randomness for most purposes, so you may want to consider something more robust.
Some Alternatives
One should always test behavior, rather than implementation. Here are some alternatives to consider:
Use a UUID instead of a six-digit number. The UUID is statistically less likely to encounter collisions than your current solution.
Enforce uniqueness in your database column by adjusting the schema.
Using a Rails uniqueness validator in your model.
Use FactoryGirl sequences or lambdas to return values for your test.
Fix Your Spec
If you really insist on testing this piece of code, you should at least use the correct expectations. For example:
# This won't do anything useful, if it even runs.
expect(new_code.code).to_not old_code.code
Instead, you should check for equality, with something like this:
old_code = 111111
new_code = Code.generate_random_uniq_code
new_code.should_not eq old_code
Your code may be broken in other ways (e.g. the code variable in your method doesn't seem to be an instance or class variable) so I won't guarantee that the above will work, but it should at least point you in the right direction.

Database lock not working as expected with Rails & Postgres

I have the following code in a rails model:
foo = Food.find(...)
foo.with_lock do
if bar = foo.bars.find_by_stuff(stuff)
# do something with bar
bar = foo.bars.create!
# do something with bar
The goal is to make sure that a Bar of the type being created is not being created twice.
Testing with_lock works at the console confirms my expectations. However, in production, it seems that in either some or all cases the lock is not working as expected, and the redundant Bar is being attempted -- so, the with_lock doesn't (always?) result in the code waiting for its turn.
What could be happening here?
so sorry to everyone who was saying "locking foo won't help you"!! my example initially didin't have the bar lookup. this is fixed now.
You're confused about what with_lock does. From the fine manual:
with_lock(lock = true)
Wraps the passed block in a transaction, locking the object before yielding. You pass can the SQL locking clause as argument (see lock!).
If you check what with_lock does internally, you'll see that it is little more than a thin wrapper around lock!:
lock!(lock = true)
Obtain a row lock on this record. Reloads the record to obtain the requested lock.
So with_lock is simply doing a row lock and locking foo's row.
Don't bother with all this locking nonsense. The only sane way to handle this sort of situation is to use a unique constraint in the database, no one but the database can ensure uniqueness unless you want to do absurd things like locking whole tables; then just go ahead and blindly try your INSERT or UPDATE and trap and ignore the exception that will be raised when the unique constraint is violated.
The correct way to handle this situation is actually right in the Rails docs:
CreditAccount.find_or_create_by(user_id: user.id)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
("find_or_create_by" is not atomic, its actually a find and then a create. So replace that with your find and then create. The docs on this page describe this case exactly.)
Why don't you use a unique constraint? It's made for uniqueness
A reason why a lock wouldn't be working in a Rails app in query cache.
If you try to obtain an exclusive lock on the same row multiple times in a single request, query cached kicks in so subsequent locking queries never reach the DB itself.
The issue has been reported on Github.

How can I check Rails record caching in unit tests?

I'm trying to make a unit test to ensure that certain operations do / do not query the database. Is there some way I can watch for queries, or some counter I can check at the very worst?
If your intent is to discern whether or not Rails (ActiveRecord) actually caches queries, you don't have to write a unit test for those - they already exist and are part of Rails itself.
In that case, I would probably see if I could adapt one of the strategies the rails team uses to test ActiveRecord itself. Check the following test from my link above:
def test_middleware_caches
mw = ActiveRecord::QueryCache.new lambda { |env|
Task.find 1
Task.find 1
assert_equal 1, ActiveRecord::Base.connection.query_cache.length
You may be able to do something like the following:
def check_number_of_queries
mw = ActiveRecord::QueryCache.new lambda { |env|
# Assuming this object is set up to perform all its operations already
puts ActiveRecord::Base.connection.query_cache.length.to_s
I haven't tried such a thing, but it might be worth investigating further. If the above actually does return the number of cached queries waiting to happen, it should be trivial to change the puts to an assert for your test case.

Rails 3 - How to deal with complicated Switch Statements / If Statements

I'm building a method that ingests incoming email, and processes the email. Along the way there are a lot of things that could prevent the email from being processes successfully. The wrong reply-to address, the wrong from address, an empty message body etc..
The code is full of Switch Statements (case/when/end) and If statements. I'd like to learn a smarter, cleaner way of doing this. Additionally, a way to can track an error and at the end have one location where it emails back the user with an error. Is something like this possible with rails?
#error = []
Case XXX
when xxxx
#error = 'You don't have permission to reply to the xxxxx'
#error = 'Unfamilar XXXX'
Then something at the end like...
If #errors.count > 0
Send the user an email letting them know what went wrong
do nothing
Thanks for the help here. If you know of any other tutorials that would teach me how to write logic like the above smarter, that'd be great. Right now I have case/if statements going 3 levels deeps, it's hard to keep it straight.
First, I would just assign a symbol to each error message as a simple hash:
ErrorsDescription = {
:first => "First error",
:second => "Second error",
And use symbols instead of strings.
Then, your if and switch statements. Basicaly I can't really help you, because I don't see what kind of condition statements you have. What are you checking? Why do you have 3 level deep conditions? Probably you can write it simpler using if and switch - so this is my first answer to this issue. Another solution may be writing simple methods to improve readability, so you can write like this:
if #email.has_wrong_reply_to_address?
#errors << :wrong_reply_to_address
Also, as #mpapis suggested, you can use Rails build in validation system, but not as ActiveRecord but as ActiveModel. Here you have some examples how to do it and how it works (also take a look here). Of course you may need to write custom validations, but they are just simple methods. Once you do all above job, you can just use:
And if it is not, you have all errors in hash:
Just as in ordinary ActiveRecord object.
Then you may extend your Emial class with send_error_email method which sends an email if there was an error.
This is about new information you attached in comment.
You don't have to use nested ifs and switch here. You can have it looking like this:
def is_this_email_valid?
if !email_from_user_in_system?
#errors << :user_not_in_system
return false
if comment_not_exists?
#errors << :comment_not_exists
return false
if user_cannot_comment_here?
#errors << :permision_error
return false
Then you can use it:
if !#email.is_this_email_valid?
I suggest using Exceptions. Start with this tutorial, then use Google, trial and error to go from there.
Edit: In more complex cases, exceptions may not be the right tool. You might want to use validator functions instead, for example (see other answers), or you could just return early instead of nesting ifs, e.g.:
unless sender_valid?
#error = "Sender invalid"
unless subject_valid?
#error = "Invalid command"
# normal no-errors flow continues here...
You could throw an error when something is not right. Then catch it at the end of your method.
To make your code more readable and not have a lot of switch and if/then statements, you could create separate methods that validate certain aspects and call them from your main error-checking method.
Is it possible to map your message to a model ? then all the if/switch logic would be validations and automatically handled by rails. Good starting point is active record validations guide
Also worth reading is action mailer guide
