Database lock not working as expected with Rails & Postgres - ruby-on-rails

I have the following code in a rails model:
foo = Food.find(...)
foo.with_lock do
if bar = foo.bars.find_by_stuff(stuff)
# do something with bar
bar = foo.bars.create!
# do something with bar
The goal is to make sure that a Bar of the type being created is not being created twice.
Testing with_lock works at the console confirms my expectations. However, in production, it seems that in either some or all cases the lock is not working as expected, and the redundant Bar is being attempted -- so, the with_lock doesn't (always?) result in the code waiting for its turn.
What could be happening here?
so sorry to everyone who was saying "locking foo won't help you"!! my example initially didin't have the bar lookup. this is fixed now.

You're confused about what with_lock does. From the fine manual:
with_lock(lock = true)
Wraps the passed block in a transaction, locking the object before yielding. You pass can the SQL locking clause as argument (see lock!).
If you check what with_lock does internally, you'll see that it is little more than a thin wrapper around lock!:
lock!(lock = true)
Obtain a row lock on this record. Reloads the record to obtain the requested lock.
So with_lock is simply doing a row lock and locking foo's row.
Don't bother with all this locking nonsense. The only sane way to handle this sort of situation is to use a unique constraint in the database, no one but the database can ensure uniqueness unless you want to do absurd things like locking whole tables; then just go ahead and blindly try your INSERT or UPDATE and trap and ignore the exception that will be raised when the unique constraint is violated.

The correct way to handle this situation is actually right in the Rails docs:
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
("find_or_create_by" is not atomic, its actually a find and then a create. So replace that with your find and then create. The docs on this page describe this case exactly.)

Why don't you use a unique constraint? It's made for uniqueness

A reason why a lock wouldn't be working in a Rails app in query cache.
If you try to obtain an exclusive lock on the same row multiple times in a single request, query cached kicks in so subsequent locking queries never reach the DB itself.
The issue has been reported on Github.


how to lock record in RoR

I'm developing a reservation system for stuff that you could rent.
I would like to restrict multiple users from reserving the same item.
I display a list, which user can click on the item to check the details.
If any user has already opened the detail view then other user can not open it at the same time.
I am maintaining a flag call is_lock to check if the record is already locked but I was facing issue when multiple users clicked on the same item at the same time.
So I implementing pessimistic lock, which reduced the rate of occurrence of this issue but multiple users opening the same item but it did not completely fixed the issue. I am still facing the same thing.
Item.transaction do
item = Item.lock.where(id: item_id, is_lock: false)
item.is_lock = true;!
rescue Exception => e
# Something went wrong.
Above is the code that I have implemented.
Please let me know if I am doing anything wrong.
I've tried the solution provided by #rmlockerd in following way:
Run rails in 2 separate consoles.
Fetch record with lock that has id:100 from console-1.
Fetch to fetch the same record from console-2.
But the above test failed as I was able to fetch the same record from both console even though the record was locked from console-1.
Run rails in 2 separate consoles.
It might be misleading to just look at the snippet you provided, but there does seem like a possible race condition due to your .where predicate.
If User2 attempts to get a lock on the same item after User1 but before first the transaction commits, the .where will still return the original record with is_lock false. The default behaviour for .lock is to simply wait its turn for a lock. So User2 would block until the original transaction commits, then get a lock and proceed to set is_lock to true as well.
The good news is that when you get a lock, Rails reloads the record so you are getting the latest data. Checking is_lock after obtaining the lock should eliminate that race condition, like so:
Item.transaction do
item = Item.lock.find_by(id: item_id, is_lock: false) # only 1, so where is unnecessary
return if item.blank? || !item.is_lock
item.update!(is_lock: true)
# I have the lock stuff...
The .lock method also takes an optional 'locking clause' -- which varies based on the database you use -- that can be used to configure the locking behaviour. For example, if you use Postgres, you could do:
Item.transaction do
item = Item.lock('FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED').find_by(id: item_id, is_lock: false)
return if item.blank?
item.update!(is_lock: true)
The SKIP LOCKED clause directs Postgres to automatically skip any record that is already locked. In the race condition described above, the second call to .lock would bail immediately and return nil, so a simple check of item presence would suffice. Check out the Postgres or MySQL documentation if you're interested in database-specific locking clauses.

Mongoid identity_map and memory usage, memory leaks

When I executing query
Mymodel.all.each do |model|
# something
It uses allot of memory and amount of used memory increases at all the time and at the and it crashes. I found out that to fix it I need to disable identity_map but when I adding to my mongoid.yml file identity_map_enabled: false I am getting error
Invalid configuration option: identity_map_enabled.
A invalid configuration option was provided in your mongoid.yml, or a typo is potentially present. The valid configuration options are: :include_root_in_json, :include_type_for_serialization, :preload_models, :raise_not_found_error, :scope_overwrite_exception, :duplicate_fields_exception, :use_activesupport_time_zone, :use_utc.
Remove the invalid option or fix the typo. If you were expecting the option to be there, please consult the following page with repect to Mongoid's configuration:
I am using Rails 4 and Mongoid 4, Mymodel.all.count => 3202400
How can I fix it or maybe some one know other way to reduce amount of memory used during executing query .all.each ..?
Thank you very much for the help!!!!
I started with something just like you by doing loop through millions of record and the memory just keep increasing.
Original code:
#portal.listings.each do |listing|
I've gone through many forum answers and I tried them out.
1st attempt: I try to use the combination of WeakRef and GC.start but no luck, I fail.
2nd attempt: Adding listing = nil to the first attempt, and still fail.
Success Attempt:
#start_date = 10.years.ago
#end_date =
while #start_date < #end_date
#portal.listings.where(created_at: #start_date..#start_date.next_month).each do |listing|
#start_date = #start_date.next_month
All the memory allocated for the record will never be released during
the query request. Therefore, trying with small number of record every
request does the job, and memory is in good condition since it will be
released after each request.
Your problem isn't the identity map, I don't think Mongoid4 even has an identity map built in, hence the configuration error when you try to turn it off. Your problem is that you're using all. When you do this:
Mongoid will attempt to instantiate every single document in the db.mymodels collection as a Mymodel instance before it starts iterating. You say that you have about 3.2 million documents in the collection, that means that Mongoid will try to create 3.2 million model instances before it tries to iterate. Presumably you don't have enough memory to handle that many objects.
Your Mymodel.all.count works fine because that just sends a simple count call into the database and returns a number, it won't instantiate any models at all.
The solution is to not use all (and preferably forget that it exists). Depending on what "do something" does, you could:
Page through all the models so that you're only working with a reasonable number of them at a time.
Push the logic into the database using mapReduce or the aggregation framework.
Whenever you're working with real data (i.e. something other than a trivially small database), you should push as much work as possible into the database because databases are built to manage and manipulate big piles of data.

Why does a sleep between ActiveRecord#first calls change its behaviour?

I've inherited some code written in ruby 1.8.7 with Rails ~> 2.3.15 and it contains a test which looks something like this:
class Wibble < ActiveRecord::Base
# Wibbles have integer primary keys and string names
def test
w1 = Wibble.first
sleep 2 # This sleep is necessary to
w2 = Wibble.first = "Name for w1" = "Name for w2"
w3 = Wibble.first
That comment next to the sleep line hasn't been cut off, it literally says This sleep is necessary to. Without that sleep, this test fails - removing it changes the behaviour somehow beyond making it run 2 seconds faster. I've been digging through the file's history in our version control system, and the messages were uninformative. I also cannot contact the original author of this test to figure out what they were trying to do.
From my understanding, we're pulling the same record out of the database twice, editing it in two different ways, saving the first, and asserting that we can't then save the second. I suspect this is a test to make sure our database locks the table correctly, but surely if this were to fail our Wibbles would be fine, and ActiveRecord would be at fault. Nobody in the office can figure out why this test may have been necessary, nor what difference the sleep statement might make. Any ideas?
This is likely caused by Active Record caching and memoization stopping the second find from actually going to the DB and get fresh data.
In fact, try printing the object_id of each wibble; they might be the exact same memoized object. If that is the case, then the test kinda makes sense.
You could also do the same test in a controller action and look at the verbose SQL logs from Rails; I'd expect the second find call to tell you it just used cached data and did not actually run any SQL query.

Rails 3.2 ActiveRecord concurrency

I have one application that is a task manager.
Each user can select a new task to be assigned to himself.
Is there a problem of concurrency if 2 users accept the same task at the same moment?
My code looks like this:
if #user.task == nil
#task.user = #user
if 2 diferent users, on 2 diferent machines open this url at the same time. Will i have a problem?
You can use optimistic locking to prevent other "stale" records from being saved to the database. To enable it, your model needs to have a lock_version column with a default value of 0.
When the record is fetched from the database, the current lock_version comes along with it. When the record is modified and saved to the database, the database row is updated conditionally, by constraining the UPDATE on the lock_version that was present when the record was fetched. If it hasn't changed, the UPDATE will increment the lock_version. If it has changed, the update will do nothing, and an exception (ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError) will be raised. This is the default behavior for ActiveRecord unless turned off as follows:
ActiveRecord::Base.lock_optimistically = false
You can (optionally) use a column-name other than lock_version. To use a custom name, add a line like the following to your model-class:
set_locking_column :some_column_name
An alternative to optimistic locking is pessimistic locking, which relies on table- or row-level locks at the database level. This mechanism will block out all access to a locked row, and thus may negatively affect your performance.
Never tried it but you may use
You should be able to acquire a lock on your specific task, something like that:
#task = Task.find(some_id)
#task.with_lock do
#Then let's check if there's still no one assigned to this task
if #task.user.nil? && #user.task.nil?
#task.user = #user
Again, I never used this so I'd test it with a big sleep inside the lock to make sure it actually locks everything the way you want it
Also I'm not sure about the reload here. Since the row is locked, it may fail. But you have to make sure your object is fresh from the db after acquiring the lock, there may be another way to do it.
EDit : NO need to reload, I checked the source code and with_lock does it for you.

Simulating race conditions in RSpec unit tests

We have an asynchronous task that performs a potentially long-running calculation for an object. The result is then cached on the object. To prevent multiple tasks from repeating the same work, we added locking with an atomic SQL update:
UPDATE objects SET locked = 1 WHERE id = 1234 AND locked = 0
The locking is only for the asynchronous task. The object itself may still be updated by the user. If that happens, any unfinished task for an old version of the object should discard its results as they're likely out-of-date. This is also pretty easy to do with an atomic SQL update:
UPDATE objects SET results = '...' WHERE id = 1234 AND version = 1
If the object has been updated, its version won't match and so the results will be discarded.
These two atomic updates should handle any possible race conditions. The question is how to verify that in unit tests.
The first semaphore is easy to test, as it is simply a matter of setting up two different tests with the two possible scenarios: (1) where the object is locked and (2) where the object is not locked. (We don't need to test the atomicity of the SQL query as that should be the responsibility of the database vendor.)
How does one test the second semaphore? The object needs to be changed by a third party some time after the first semaphore but before the second. This would require a pause in execution so that the update may be reliably and consistently performed, but I know of no support for injecting breakpoints with RSpec. Is there a way to do this? Or is there some other technique I'm overlooking for simulating such race conditions?
You can borrow an idea from electronics manufacturing and put test hooks directly into the production code. Just as a circuit board can be manufactured with special places for test equipment to control and probe the circuit, we can do the same thing with the code.
SUppose we have some code inserting a row into the database:
class TestSubject
def insert_unless_exists
if !row_exists?
But this code is running on multiple computers. There's a race condition, then, since another processes may insert the row between our test and our insert, causing a DuplicateKey exception. We want to test that our code handles the exception that results from that race condition. In order to do that, our test needs to insert the row after the call to row_exists? but before the call to insert_row. So let's add a test hook right there:
class TestSubject
def insert_unless_exists
if !row_exists?
def before_insert_row_hook
When run in the wild, the hook does nothing except eat up a tiny bit of CPU time. But when the code is being tested for the race condition, the test monkey-patches before_insert_row_hook:
class TestSubject
def before_insert_row_hook
Isn't that sly? Like a parasitic wasp larva that has hijacked the body of an unsuspecting caterpillar, the test hijacked the code under test so that it will create the exact condition we need tested.
This idea is as simple as the XOR cursor, so I suspect many programmers have independently invented it. I have found it to be generally useful for testing code with race conditions. I hope it helps.
