Are there any downsides of using satellite view in mapkit? - ios

I wonder if there any downsides of using satellite mode in MKMapView?
If it performing as good as the standard map type? Maybe it devours more RAM or downloads more data?
I'm asking because this would be a much better solution in my app to use only satelite view, but I'd like to know if there are any consequences in advance.
As I check it right now, I cannot see any performance decrease comparing to standard mapView type. However, I believe that my use case is pretty basic at the moment and probably some issues I cannot detect this way.
So my questions is about known issues with performance using satelite view.
I played(zoomed, jump all over the world etc) with both satelite and standard map and it turns out that satelite consumes less memory than standard one. How come?

Based on doing map tile (256 X 256) captures for offline use, satellite and hybrid map tiles average around 90K Bytes each in rural areas while standard map tiles average about 10K bytes each in those same areas, so there is a major impact on the volume of data downloaded and therefore on the time required. Note that there is fairly wide variance in the sizes from tile to tile depending on content, though the ratio stays pretty close.


Calculate distance between camera and pixel in image

Can you, please, suggest me ways of determining the distance between camera and a pixel in an image (in real world units, that is cm/m/..).
The information I have is: camera horizontal (120 degrees) and vertical (90 degrees) field of view, camera angle (-5 degrees) and the height at which the camera is placed (30 cm).
I'm not sure if this is everything I need. Please tell me what information should I have about the camera and how can I calculate the distance between camera and one pixel?
May be it isn't right to tell 'distance between camera and pixel ', but I guess it is clear what I mean. Please write in the comments if something isn't clear.
Thank you in advance!
What I think you mean is, "how can I calculate the depth at every pixel with a single camera?" Without adding some special hardware this is not feasible, as Rotem mentioned in the comments. There are exceptions, and though I expect you may be limited in time or budget, I'll list a few.
If you want to find depths so that your toy car can avoid collisions, then you needn't assume that depth measurement is required. Google "optical flow collision avoidance" and see if that meets your needs.
If instead you want to measure depth as part of some Simultaneous Mapping and Localization (SLAM) scheme, then that's a different problem to solve. Though difficult to implement, and perhaps not remotely feasible for a toy car project, there are a few ways to measure distance using a single camera:
Project patterns of light, preferably with one or more laser lines or laser spots, and determine depth based on how the dots diverge or converge. The Kinect version 1 operates on this principle of "structured light," though the implementation is much too complicated to reproduce completely. For a collision warning simple you can apply the same principles, only more simply. For example, if the projected light pattern on the right side of the image changes quickly, turn left! Learning how to estimate distance using structured light is a significant project to undertake, but there are plenty of references.
Split the optical path so that one camera sensor can see two different views of the world. I'm not aware of optical splitters for tiny cameras, but they may exist. But even if you find a splitter, the difficult problem of implementing stereovision remains. Stereovision has inherent problems (see below).
Use a different sensor, such as the somewhat iffy but small Intel R200, which will generate depth data. (
Use a time-of-flight camera. These are the types of sensors built into the Kinect version 2 and several gesture-recognition sensors. Several companies have produced or are actively developing tiny time-of-flight sensors. They will generate depth data AND provide full-color images.
Run the car only in controlled environments.
The environment in which your toy car operates is important. If you can limit your toy car's environment to a tightly controlled one, you can limit the need to write complicated algorithms. As is true with many imaging problems, a narrowly defined problem may be straightforward to solve, whereas the general problem may be nearly impossible to solve. If you want your car to run "anywhere" (which likely isn't true), assume the problem is NOT solvable.
Even if you have an off-the-shelf depth sensor that represents the best technology available, you would still run into limitations:
Each type of depth sensing has weaknesses. No depth sensors on the market do well with dark, shiny surfaces. (Some spot sensors do okay with dark, shiny surfaces, but area sensors don't.) Stereo sensors have problems with large, featureless regions, and also require a lot of processing power. And so on.
Once you have a depth image, you still need to run calculations, and short of having a lot of onboard processing power this will be difficult to pull off on a toy car.
If you have to make many compromises to use depth sensing, then you might consider just using a simpler ultrasound sensor to avoid collisions.
Good luck!

Problems understanding quadtrees

I am interested in the datastructure "quadtree" and for an project of mine, i want to use them. Ok lets make an example :
We have a 3D space where the cameraposition is locked but i can rotate the camera. Whenever i rotate my camera to a certain point, a large 2d image(bigger than frustum) is shown.
1.Loading the whole image isnt necessary when i can only see 1/4 of it! . Does it make sense to use quadtrees here, to load only the parts of the image that are visible to me?(When using opengl/webgl) If so, each quadtree node has to contain its own vertexbuffer and texture or not?
Quad tree fits good when you need to switch between multiple precision levels on demand. Geographical maps with zooming is a good example. If you have tiles with only one level of precision it should be more handy to control their loading / visibility without having such complicated structure. You could just load low precision image fast and then load high precision images on demand.
Also, speaking of your case - 50mb for 4k image sounds strange. Compressed DDS/dxt1 or PVRTC textures should take less space (and uncompressed jpg/png much less). Also, it is helpful to determine, what is the lowest applicable image precision in your case (so you don't waste space/traffic without reason).

WebGL earth : how to make clouds

I would like to build a realistic view of the earth from low-orbit (here ~300km) with WebGL. That is to say, on the web, with all that it implies and moreover, on mobile. Do not stop reading here : to make this a little less difficult, the user can look everywhere but not pan, so the view does only concern a small 3000km-wide area. But the view follows a satellite so few minutes later, the user comes back to where it was before, with the slight shift of the earth's rotation, etc. So the clouds cannot be at the same place all the time.
I have actually yet been able to include city lights, auroras, lightnings... except clouds. I have seen a lot of demos of realtime rendering passionates and researchers, but none of them had a nice, realistic cloud layer. However I am sure I am the 100(...)00th person thinking about doing this, so please enlight me.
Few questions are implied :
what input to use for clouds ? Meteorological live data ?
what rendering possibilities ? A transparent layer with a cloud map, modified with shaders ? Few transparent layers to get a feeling of volumetric rendering ? But how to cast shadows one to another : the only solution would then be using a mesh ? Or shadows could be procedurally computed and mapped on the server every x minutes ?
Few specifications
Here are some ideas summing up what I have not seen yet, sorted by importance :
clouds hide 60% of the earth.
clouds scatter cities & lightnings'lights and have rayleigh scattering at night.
At this distance the parallax effect is visible and even quite awesome with the smallest clouds.
As far as i've seen, even expensive realtime meteorological online resources are not useful : they aim rainy or stormy clouds with help of UV and IR lightwaves, so they don't catch 100% of them and don't give the 'normal' view we all know. Moreover the rare good cloud textures shot in visible light hardly differentiate ground from clouds : sometimes a 5000km-long coast stands among nowhere. A server may be able to use those images to create better textures.
When I look at those pictures I imagine that the lest costy way would be to merge few nice cloud meshes from a database containing different models, then slightly transform those meshes inside a shader while the user passes over. If he is still here 90 minutes later when he comes back, no matter if the model are not the same again. However a hurrican cannot disappear.
What do you think about this ?
For such effects there is probably just one way to do it properly and that is:
Voxel maps + Volume rendering probably with Back-Ray-tracer rendering
As your position is fixed so it should not be so hard on memory requirements. You need to implement both MIE and Rayleigh scattering. Scattering can be simplified a lot and still looking good see
simplified atmosphere scattering
realistic n-body solar system simulation
voxel maps handle light gaps,shadows and scattering relatively easy but need a lot of memory and computational power. All the other 2D techniques just usually painfully work around what 3D voxel maps do natively with little effort. For example:
Voxel map shadows
Procedural cloud map generators
You need this for each type of clouds so you have something to render. There are libs/demos/examples out there see:
first relevant google hit

Fast image segmentation algorithms for automatic object extraction

I need to segment a set of unknown objects (books, cans, toys, boxes, etc.) standing on top of a surface (table top, floor…). I want to extract a mask (either binary or probabilistic) for each object on the scene.
I do know what the appearance of the surface is (a color model). The size, geometry, amount, appearance of the objects is arbitrary, and they could be texture-less as well). Multiple views might be available as well. No user interaction is available.
I have been struggling on picking the best kind of algorithm for this scenario (graph based, cluster based, super-pixels, etc.). This comes, naturally from a lack of experience with different methods. I'd like to know how they compare one to another.
I have some constraints:
Can’t use libraries (it’s a legal constraint, except for OpenCV). So any algorithm must be implemented by me. So I’d like to choose an algorithm that is simple enough to be implemented in a non-too-long period of time.
Performance is VERY important. There will be many other processes running at the same time, so I can’t afford to have a slow method.
It’s much preferred to have a fast and simple method with less resolution than something complex and slow that provides better results.
Any suggestion on some approach suitable for this scenario would be appreciated.
For speed, I'd quickly segment the image into surface and non-surface (stuff). So this at least gets you from 24 bits (color?) to 8 bits or even one bit, if you are brave.
From there you need to aggregate and filter the regions into blobs of appropriate size. For that, I'd try a morphological (or linear) filter that is keyed to a disk that would just fit inside the smallest object of interest. This would be an opening and a closing. Perhaps starting with smaller radii for better results.
From there, you should have an image of blobs that can be found and discriminated. Each blob or region should designate the objects of interest.
Note that if you can get to a 1-bit image, things can go VERY fast. However, efficient tools that can make use of this data form (8 pixels per character) are often not forthcoming.

Fast, reliable focus score for camera frames

I'm doing real-time frame-by-frame analysis of a video stream in iOS.
I need to assign a score to each frame for how in focus it is. The method must be very fast to calculate on a mobile device and should be fairly reliable.
I've tried simple things like summing after using an edge detector, but haven't been impressed by the results. I've also tried using the focus scores provided in the frame's metadata dictionary, but they're significantly affected by the brightness of the image, and much more device-specific.
What are good ways to calculate a fast, reliable focus score?
Poor focus means that edges are not very sharp, and small details are lost. High JPEG compression gives very similar distortions.
Compress a copy of your image heavily, unpack and calculate the difference with the original. Intense difference, even at few spots, should mean that the source image had sharp details that are lost in compression. If difference is relatively small everywhere, the source was already fuzzy.
The method can be easily tried in an image editor. (No, I did not yet try it.) Hopefully iPhone has an optimized JPEG compressor already.
A simple answer that human visual system probably uses is to implemnt focusing on top of edge
Tracking. Thus if a set of edges can be tracked across a visual sequence one can work with intensity profile
Of these edges only to detrmine when it the steepest.
From a theoretical point of view, blur manifests as a lost of the high frequency content. Thus, you can just use do a FFT and check the relative frequency distribution. iPhone uses ARM Cortex chips which have NEON instructions that can be used for an efficient FFT implementation.
#9000's suggestion of heavily compressed JPEG has the effect of taking a very small number of the largest wavelet coefficients will usually result in what's in essence a low pass filter.
Consider different kind of edges: e.g. peaks versus step edges. The latter will still be present regardless of focus. To isolate the former use non max suppression in the direction of gradient. As a focus score use the ratio of suppressed edges at two different resolutions.
