Problems understanding quadtrees - webgl

I am interested in the datastructure "quadtree" and for an project of mine, i want to use them. Ok lets make an example :
We have a 3D space where the cameraposition is locked but i can rotate the camera. Whenever i rotate my camera to a certain point, a large 2d image(bigger than frustum) is shown.
1.Loading the whole image isnt necessary when i can only see 1/4 of it! . Does it make sense to use quadtrees here, to load only the parts of the image that are visible to me?(When using opengl/webgl) If so, each quadtree node has to contain its own vertexbuffer and texture or not?

Quad tree fits good when you need to switch between multiple precision levels on demand. Geographical maps with zooming is a good example. If you have tiles with only one level of precision it should be more handy to control their loading / visibility without having such complicated structure. You could just load low precision image fast and then load high precision images on demand.
Also, speaking of your case - 50mb for 4k image sounds strange. Compressed DDS/dxt1 or PVRTC textures should take less space (and uncompressed jpg/png much less). Also, it is helpful to determine, what is the lowest applicable image precision in your case (so you don't waste space/traffic without reason).


Are there any downsides of using satellite view in mapkit?

I wonder if there any downsides of using satellite mode in MKMapView?
If it performing as good as the standard map type? Maybe it devours more RAM or downloads more data?
I'm asking because this would be a much better solution in my app to use only satelite view, but I'd like to know if there are any consequences in advance.
As I check it right now, I cannot see any performance decrease comparing to standard mapView type. However, I believe that my use case is pretty basic at the moment and probably some issues I cannot detect this way.
So my questions is about known issues with performance using satelite view.
I played(zoomed, jump all over the world etc) with both satelite and standard map and it turns out that satelite consumes less memory than standard one. How come?
Based on doing map tile (256 X 256) captures for offline use, satellite and hybrid map tiles average around 90K Bytes each in rural areas while standard map tiles average about 10K bytes each in those same areas, so there is a major impact on the volume of data downloaded and therefore on the time required. Note that there is fairly wide variance in the sizes from tile to tile depending on content, though the ratio stays pretty close.

is it possible to take low resolution image from street camera, increase it and see image details

I would like to know if it is possible to take low resolution image from street camera, increase it
and see image details (for example a face, or car plate number). Is there any software that is able to do it?
Thank you.
example of image:
Possible? Yes. In existence? not to my knowledge.
What you are referring to is called super-resolution. The way it works, in theory, is that you combine multiple low resolution images, and then combine them to create a high-resolution image.
The way this works is that you essentially map each image onto all the others to form a stack, where the target portion of the image is all the same. This gets extremely complicated extremely fast as any distortion (e.g. movement of the target) will cause the images to differ dramatically, on the pixel level.
But, let's you have the images stacked and have removed the non-relevant pixels from the stack of images. You are left hopefully with a movie/stack of images that all show the exact same image, but with sub-pixel distortions. A sub-pixel distortion simply means that the target has moved somewhere inside the pixel, or has moved partially into the neighboring pixel.
You can't measure if the target has moved within the pixel, but you can detect if the target has moved partially into a neighboring pixel. You can do this by knowing that the target is going to give off X amount of photons, so if you see 1/4 of the photons in one pixel and 3/4 of the photons in the neighboring pixel you know it's approximate location, which is 3/4 in one pixel and 1/4 in the other. You then construct an image that has a resolution of these sub-pixels and place these sub-pixels in their proper place.
All of this gets very computationally intensive, and sometimes the images are just too low-resolution and have too much distortion from image to image to even create a meaningful stack of images. I did read a paper about a lab in a university being able to create high-resolution images form low-resolution images, but it was a very very tightly controlled experiment, where they moved the target precisely X amount from image to image and had a very precise camera (probably scientific grade, which is far more sensitive than any commercial grade security camera).
In essence to do this in the real world reliably you need to set up cameras in a very precise way and they need to be very accurate in a particular way, which is going to be expensive, so you are better off just putting in a better camera than relying on this very imprecise technique.
Actually it is possible to do super-resolution (SR) out of even a single low-resolution (LR) image! So you don't have to hassle taking many LR images with sub-pixel shifts to achieve that. The intuition behind such techniques is that natural scenes are full of many repettitive patterns that can be use to enahance the frequency content of similar patches (e.g. you can implement dictionary learning in your SR reconstruction technique to generate the high-resolution version). Sure the enhancment may not be as good as using many LR images but such technique is simpler and more practicle.
Photoshop would be your best bet. But know that you cannot reliably inclrease the size of an image without making the quality even worse.

Best way to store motion changes to reduce memory

I am comparing jpeg to jpeg in a constant 'video-stream'. i am using EMGU/OpenCV to compare each pixels at the byte level. There are 3 channels to each image (RGB). I had heard that it is common practice to store only the pixels that have changed between frames as a way of conserving memory space. But, if for instance/example I say EVERY pixel has changed (pls note i am using an exaggerated example to make my point and i would normally discard such large changes) then the resultant bytes saved is 3 times larger than the original jpeg.
How can I store such motion changes efficiently?
While taking the consecutive images the camera might also move or not. If the camera is fixed, only the items on the view move and some portion of the image changes every time. If the camera also moves, even if the objects stand still, the image changes significantly. There are some algorithms to discard the effect of the motion of the camera. So the main idea is when compared with the sampling frequency of the camera (e.g. 25 frames per second) most of the objects nearly standing still.
Because most of the image is unchanged between the frames, it becomes feasible to use difference of the images. It provides some compression ratios. However after some amount of time the newly received image shows big difference with the reference image, so it becomes better to get a new image reference. Which is named a "reference frame".
In fact, modern video compression algorithms uses advanced techniques to detect the objects and follow them, which results better compression ratios.
Wikipedia - Different compression techniques
Check This - OpenCV should handle the storing of consecutive images in different video formats.

What consumes less memory an actual image or a drawn image?

I am designing an app and I am creating some images with PaintCode.
Using that program I get the actual code for each image that I create, thus allowing me to choose to insert code or use an actual image. I was wondering what would consume less memory, the image code or an actual PNG?
I know an image memory consumption is width x height x 4 = bytes in memory but I have no idea whether an image that is generated by code is more memory efficient, less memory efficient or breaks even?
This decision is particularly important given the different screen resolutions. its a lot easier to create an image in code and expand it to whatever size I want rather than go to Photoshop every time.
This answer varies from other answers because I have the impression the graphics context is your most common destination -- that you are not always rendering to a discrete bitmap. So for the purposes of typical drawing:
I was wondering what would consume less memory, the image code or an actual PNG?
It's most likely that the code will result in far less memory consumption.
I have no idea whether an image that is generated by code is more memory efficient, less memory efficient or breaks even?
There are a lot of variables and there is no simple equation to tell you which is better for any given input. If it's simple enough to create with a WYSIWYG, it's likely much smaller as code.
If you need to create intermediate rasterizations or layers for a vector based renderer, then memory will be about equal once you have added the first layer. Typically, one does/should not render each view or layer (not CALayer, btw) to these intermediates and instead render directly into the graphics context. When all your views render directly into the graphics context, they write to the same destination.
With code, you also open yourself to a few other variables which have the potential to add a lot of memory. The effects of font loading and caching can be quite high, and the code generator you use is not going to examine how you could achieve the best caching and sharing of these resources if you find you need to minimize memory consumption.
If your goal is to draw images, you should try to use UIImageView if you possibly can. It's generally the fastest and cheapest way to get an image to the screen, and it's reasonably flexible.
someone explaind it better here.
A vector image is almost always smaller in storage than it's raster counterpart, except for photographs. In memory though, they both have to be rasterized if you need to display them, so they will use more or less the same the same amount of memory.
However, I am highly skeptical of the usefulness of PaintCode; in general it's better to use a standard image format such as .svg or .eps, instead of non standard format such as a domain specific language (DSL) within Objective C.
It makes no difference at all, provided the final image size (in point dimensions) is the same as the display size (in point dimensions). What is ultimately displayed in your app is, say, a 100x100 bitmap. Those are the same number of bits no matter how they were obtained to start with.
The place where memory gets wasted is from holding on to an image that is much larger (in point dimensions) than it is actually being displayed in the interface.
If I load a 3MB PNG from my app bundle, scale it down to 100x100, and draw it in the interface, and let go of the original 3MB PNG, the result is exactly the same amount of memory in the backing store as if I draw the content of a 100X100 graphics context from scratch myself using Core Graphics (which is what PaintCode helps you do).

How to manage large 2D FFTs in cuda

I have succesfully written some CUDA FFT code that does a 2D convolution of an image, as well as some other calculations.
How do I go about figuring out what the largest FFT's I can run are? It seems to be that a plan for a 2D R2C convolution takes 2x the image size, and another 2x the image size for the C2R. This seems like a lot of overhead!
Also, it seems like most of the benchmarks and such are for relatively small FFTs..why is this? It seems like for large images, I am going to quickly run out of memory. How is this typically handled? Can you perform an FFT convolution on a tile of an image and combine those results, and expect it to be the same as if I had run a 2D FFT on the entire image?
Thanks for answering these questions
CUFFT plans a different algorithm depending on your image size. If you can't fit in shared memory and are not a power of 2 then CUFFT plans an out-of-place transform while smaller images with the right size will be more amenable to the software.
If you're set on FFTing the whole image and need to see what your GPU can handle my best answer would be to guess and check with different image sizes as the CUFFT planning is complicated.
See the documentation :
I agree with Mark and say that tiling the image is the way to go for convolution. Since convolution amounts to just computing many independent integrals you can simply decompose the domain into its constituent parts, compute those independently, and stitch them back together. The FFT convolution trick simply reduces the complexity of the integrals you need to compute.
I expect that your GPU code should outperform matlab by a large factor in all situations unless you do something weird.
It's not usually practical to run FFT on an entire image. Not only does it take a lot of memory, but the image must be a power of 2 in width and height which places an unreasonable constraint on your input.
Cutting the image into tiles is perfectly reasonable. The size of the tiles will determine the frequency resolution you're able to achieve. You may want to overlap the tiles as well.
