Can't draw electric field dipole - maxima

I am trying to simulate electric field dipole by using Maxima.
Here is the code:
P : 1$
eps0 : 8.854$
Ex : 3*P*y*x/(4*π*eps0*(x^2 + y^2)^2.5)$
Ey : P*(3*y^2/(x^2 + y^2) + 1)/(x^2 + y^2)^1.5/(4*π*eps0)$
ew : sqrt(Ex^2 + Ey^2)$
contour_plot (ew,[x, -4, 4], [y, -4,4]);
But i am getting only straight lines.
What can be wrong, because similar code in Wolfram Mathematica works fine.

contour_plot is not as smart as the corresponding function in Mathematica. You can help it a bit.
P : 1$
eps0 : 8.854$
Ex : 3*P*y*x/(4*%pi*eps0*(x^2 + y^2)^2.5)$
Ey : P*(3*y^2/(x^2 + y^2) + 1)/(x^2 + y^2)^1.5/(4*%pi*eps0)$
ew : sqrt(Ex^2 + Ey^2)$
BIG: subst([x=1/4, y=1/4], ew)$
cap_log(e, c):= if e > c then log(c) else log(e)$
set_plot_option ([gnuplot_preamble, "set cntrparam levels 8"])$
contour_plot ('cap_log(ew, BIG), [x, -4, 4], [y, -4, 4])$

You can also use plotdf.
(%i1) [P,eps0] : [1,8.854]$
(%i2) Ex : 3*P*y*x/(4*%pi*eps0*(x^2 + y^2)^2.5)$
(%i3) Ey : P*(3*y^2/(x^2 + y^2) + 1)/(x^2 + y^2)^1.5/(4*%pi*eps0)$
(%i4) plotdf([Ex,Ey],[vectors,"blank"]);
Click on some points in the plot, then enter the Plot Setup menu (the icon with a wrench and a screw driver), erase the color "red" in fieldlines and choose a color, for instance "blue", in curves. Return to the plot by clicking in Ok, and click again in the plot to trace a few equipotential curves.


Can't replicate RStan ESS code from Vehtari paper

I am trying to replicate an ESS (effective sample size) calculation using the method of Vehtari et al. in: Rank-normalization, folding, and localization: An improved Rhat for assessing convergence of MCMC
I am working from the code here:
# Geyer's initial positive sequence
rho_hat_t <-, n_samples)
t <- 0
rho_hat_even <- 1
rho_hat_t[t + 1] <- rho_hat_even
rho_hat_odd <- 1 - (mean_var - mean(acov[t + 2, ])) / var_plus # 251
rho_hat_t[t + 2] <- rho_hat_odd
while (t < nrow(acov) - 5 && !is.nan(rho_hat_even + rho_hat_odd) &&
(rho_hat_even + rho_hat_odd > 0)) {
t <- t + 2
rho_hat_even = 1 - (mean_var - mean(acov[t + 1, ])) / var_plus # 256
rho_hat_odd = 1 - (mean_var - mean(acov[t + 2, ])) / var_plus # 257
if ((rho_hat_even + rho_hat_odd) >= 0) {
rho_hat_t[t + 1] <- rho_hat_even
rho_hat_t[t + 2] <- rho_hat_odd
I can follow the code from the paper except when we get to equation 10 in the paper (calculating the cross-chain autocorrelation). The code (lines 251, 256 and 257) appears in the form:
1 - (mean_var - mean(acov[t + 1, ])) / var_plus
which is close to equation 10, except the missing the 's' terms from equation 10:
I can't see anywhere in the code that this is somehow accounted for elsewhere in the way the calculation is being done. I have tried putting the 's' terms back into those lines of code and it makes a big difference to the final ESS value.
Is anyone able to help me understand the discrepancy between paper and code?
In the formula in the paper, s^2 is is the estimate of variance and rho the estimate of autocorrelation. Thus s^2 * rho is an estimate of the autocovariance, which is what you see in the code.

cspline in Maxima giving me a result which indicates an error in Maxima

I have the following cubic polynomial f(x)=x³ - 3 x² + x -5 for which the cubic spline should provide the exact same polynomial assuming the following data:
(-1, -10), (0,-5), (1, -6) with second derivative at the extremes f''(-1)=-12, f''(1)=0 (note that f''(x)=6x-6.)
Here the piece of code that I tried on:
/* polynomial to interpolate and data */
f(x) := x^3 - 3* x^2 + x - 5$
fpp(x) := diff(f(x),x,2);
fpp0 : at( fpp(x), [x=x0]);
fpp2 : at( fpp(x), [x=x2]);
/* here I call cspline with d1=fpp0 and dn=fpp2 */
cspline(p, d1=fpp0, dn=fpp2);
I expected the original polynomial (f(x)=x³ -3 x² + x -5) but I got the result:
(%o40) (-16*x^3-15*x^2+6*x-5)*charfun2(x,-inf,0)+(8*x^3-15*x^2+6*x-5)*charfun2(x,0,inf)
which does not agrees with the original polynomial.
Evenmore. Here is a test on the results provided by Maxima.
/* verification */
h11(x) := -16*x^3 - 15* x^2 + 6* x - 5;
h22(x) := 8* x^3 - 15*x^2 + 6* x - 5;
h11pp(x) := diff(h11(x), x, 2);
h11pp0: at( h11pp(x), [x=x0]);
h22pp(x) := diff(h22(x), x, 2);
h22pp2 : at(h22pp(x), [x=x2]);
which throws 66 and 18 as the boundary conditions, which should be instead -12 and 0.
It appears you've misinterpreted the arguments d1 and dn for cspline. As the description of cspline says, d1 and dn specify the first derivative for the spline at the endpoints, not the second derivative.
When I use the first derivative of f to specify the values for d1 and dn, I get the expected result:
(%i2) f(x) := x^3 - 3* x^2 + x - 5$
(%i3) [x0, x1, x2]: [-1, 0, 1] $
(%i4) [y0, y1, y2]: map (f, %);
(%o4) [- 10, - 5, - 6]
(%i5) p: [[x0, y0], [x1, y1], [x2, y2]];
(%o5) [[- 1, - 10], [0, - 5], [1, - 6]]
(%i6) load (interpol) $
(%i7) cspline (p, d1 = at(diff(f(x), x), x=x0), dn = at(diff(f(x), x), x=x2));
3 2
(%o7) (x - 3 x + x - 5) charfun2(x, minf, 0)
3 2
+ (x - 3 x + x - 5) charfun2(x, 0, inf)

Matching quotient function in maxima

We have an online platform where we use maxima on the backend to give feedback on the answers that the student give.
Say that the solution of a polynomial long division is the following function:
sol: 3+(2+4*x)/(3*x^2+2*x+8);
Let's say that the student gives the answer:
ans: 3 +(3-5*x)/(3x^2+2*x+8)
We then want to give feedback along the lines.
Your answer is indeed of the following form:
The constant s is correct, but you didn't choose the right linear function r(x).
I try to implement this feedback in the following way:
ans: 3 +(3-5*x)/(3x^2+2*x+8);
matchdeclare([a,b,c,d], constantp);
defmatch(match, d+ (a*x+b)/(3*x^2+2*x+8));
However, defmatch doesn't seem to be able to match this. Is there any other function I can use for matching quotient function like this?
It does work in more simple scenarios:
ans: (3-5*x)/(3*x^2+2*x+8);
matchdeclare([a,b,c], constantp);
defmatch(match, (a*x+b)/(3*x^2+2*x+8));
If the problems are all polynomial division, maybe you can use the divide function which returns the quotient and remainder and then verify that the student's input is the same as quotient + remainder/divisor.
As to matching quotient + remainder/divisor, defmatch might not be powerful enough because it is mostly (although not entirely) looking for formal matches, and it can't, in many cases, detect expressions which are equivalent but formally different.
Let me think about how to implement a match function for this problem. Perhaps others have a suggestion too.
EDIT: Here's a way to match such expressions. I'll separate a ratio of polynomials from other terms. If there is one ratio term, and all the other terms are a polynomial, then the pattern you want is matched.
I've made use of at least one obscure but useful and even comprehensible feature of matching of "+" expressions. Since "+" is commutative, the pattern matcher sweeps up all the arguments which match the first predicate that is attempted, then sweeps through with the second, and so, if there are more than two predicts. If any pattern matching variable is declared to match all, it matches all arguments and there are none left. The pattern variables will be attempted in reverse order, so aa will be processed last. The effect is to divide a "+" expression into terms which match a stated predicate and a catch-all for everything else. This is made use of in %i7.
(%i2) matchdeclare (pp, lambda ([e], polynomialp (e, [pvar]))) $
(%i3) matchdeclare (qq, lambda ([e], diff (e, pvar) # 0 and polynomialp (e, [pvar]))) $
(%i4) defmatch (match_pratio, pp/qq, pvar) $
(%i5) matchdeclare (aa, all) $
(%i6) matchdeclare (rr, lambda ([e], match_pratio (e, pvar) # false)) $
(%i7) defmatch (match_pratio_plus_remainder, rr + aa, pvar) $
(%i8) match_foo (e, pvar) :=
block ([aa, pp, qq, rr],
if match_pratio (e, pvar) # false
then [0, pp, qq, pp/qq]
elseif match_pratio_plus_remainder (e, pvar) # false
then if polynomialp (aa, [pvar]) and op(rr) # "+"
then [aa, pp, qq, rr]) $
Here are some examples that match:
(%i9) match_foo (u^2/2 - 3*u + 1 + (u - 1)/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
u 2 u - 1
(%o9) [-- - 3 u + 1, u - 1, u + u - 1, ----------]
2 2
u + u - 1
(%i10) match_foo (u^2/2 - 3*u + 1 - 2*(u - 1)/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
u 2 2 (u - 1)
(%o10) [-- - 3 u + 1, - 2 (u - 1), u + u - 1, - ----------]
2 2
u + u - 1
(%i11) match_foo (u^2/2 - 3*u + 1 - 2/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
u 2 2
(%o11) [-- - 3 u + 1, - 2, u + u - 1, - ----------]
2 2
u + u - 1
(%i12) match_foo (1 - 2/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
2 2
(%o12) [1, - 2, u + u - 1, - ----------]
u + u - 1
(%i13) match_foo (- 2/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
2 2
(%o13) [0, - 2, u + u - 1, - ----------]
u + u - 1
Here are some examples that don't match: two polynomial ratio terms, no polynomial ratio, and a nonpolynomial term.
(%i14) match_foo (1/u - 2/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
(%o14) false
(%i15) match_foo (1 - (u^2 + u - 1)/2, u);
(%o15) false
(%i16) match_foo (sin(u) - 2/(u^2 + u - 1), u);
(%o16) false
SECOND EDIT: I think I've misnamed match_pratio_plus_remainder, it should probably be match_remainder_plus_quotient. Oh well.

Sage: Polynomial ring over finite field - inverting a polynomial non-prime

I'm trying to recreate the wiki's example procedure, available here:
I've run into an issue while attempting to invert the polynomials.
The SAGE code below seems to be working fine for the given p=3, which is a prime number.
However, the representation of the polynomial in the field generated by q=32 ends up wrong, because it behaves as if the modulus was 2.
Here's the code in play:
F = PolynomialRing(GF(32),'a')
a = F.gen()
Ring = F.quotient(a^11 - 1, 'x')
x = Ring.gen()
pollist = [-1, 1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, -1]
fq = Ring(pollist)
The Ring is described as follows:
Univariate Quotient Polynomial Ring in x over Finite Field in z5 of size 2^5 with modulus a^11 + 1
And the result:
x^10 + x^9 + x^6 + x^4 + x^2 + x + 1
x^5 + x + 1
I've tried to replace the Finite Field with IntegerModRing(32), but the inversion ends up demanding a field, as implied by the message:
NotImplementedError: The base ring (=Ring of integers modulo 32) is not a field
Any suggestions as to how I could obtain the correct inverse of f (mod q) would be greatly appreciated.
GF(32) is the finite field with 32 elements, not the integers modulo 32. You must use Zmod(32) (or IntegerModRing(32), as you suggested) instead.
As you point out, Sage psychotically bans you from computing inverses in ℤ/32ℤ[a]/(a¹¹-1) because that is not a field, and not even a factorial ring. It can, however, compute those inverses when they exist, only you must ask more kindly:
sage: F.<a> = Zmod(32)[]
sage: fq = F([-1, 1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, -1])
sage: print(fq)
31*a^10 + a^9 + a^6 + 31*a^4 + a^2 + a + 31
sage: print(fq.inverse_mod(a^11 - 1))
16*a^8 + 4*a^7 + 10*a^5 + 28*a^4 + 9*a^3 + 13*a^2 + 21*a + 1
Not ideal, admittedly.

Rearrange equation using Maxima

In Maxima I have an equation that is like:
eq : c0*a + d0*a + c1*b - c2*p - c4*q = c5*r
Is there a command that allows me to arrive at:
(c0 + d0)*a + c1*b = c2*p + c4*q + c5*r
In short, I want to choose which variables end on either the left or right hand side and I want to write it such that there is only one occurence of the variables I select (in this case a, b, p, q, r).
Perhaps coefmatrix is useful for this.
(%i1) display2d : false $
(%i2) eq : c0*a + d0*a + c1*b - c2*p - c4*q = c5*r $
(%i3) vars : [a, b, p, q, r] $
(%i4) coeffs : coefmatrix ([eq], vars);
(%o4) matrix([d0+c0,c1,-c2,-c4,-c5])
(%i5) coeffs . vars;
(%o5) (-c5*r)-c4*q-c2*p+a*(c0+d0)+b*c1
Note that both arguments of coefmatrix must be lists.
