Creating NSManagedObject classes in xcode8? - ios

How to create NsmanagedObject classes in xcode8, it is causing "no such file or directory" while making archieve, which is the best way to create and to use by using xcode 8, please need exact way step by step.

Have you tried googling this? If you did, you would've found tutorials like the one listed below.


Xcode 11 - Instance method ... conflicts with same method from another category

after updating to Xcode 11 all of my projects report many warnings (sometimes 1000+) like:
Instance method 'a_custom_method' in category from
conflicts with same method from another category
As far as I can see these are custom helper instance methods I've created, but never had any issue like that before.
As a result of these numerous warnings, I'm having difficulty compiling and running the project.
I've checked similar older questions for this (eg. saying there may be #import ".m" file somewhere) but this is not the case for this.
Anyone with similar experience?
Thank you!
And I found it just hours after posting the question...Following the advice at: all I had to do is move the #implementations in a .m file. Previously I kept everything inside a .h file, but it seems the newest Xcode version doesn't like that.
Oh well...

How to create framework with inner frameworks?

I absolutely can not understand how it works. I started with a simple one: created framework using "Cocoa Touch Framework" template and add some code to source files. Then using cocoapods I installed some pods to this framework-project. All looks good (maybe not so good actually) and build fine. After that there was an attempt to connect my framework to other xcode project. I did this as follows: just took my test.framework file from Product folder and transferred to another project. At first everything was not bad. The import was successful and I can use my framework-code in another project. But when I run it I have error: dyld: Library not loaded: Reason: image not found. I tried all of the answers to this problem, but nothing helped me.
After that, it was decided to try to connect my framework to other project. This time I got a completely different behavior: namely, I was able to connect the framework, but I could not access the code inside it. I'm completely confused, because I did not change anything. I just did the same with another project.
Please help me. What am I doing wrong?
A related questions:
Can I connect the framework just moving test.framework file into
another project?
For some reason, I should use the approach described above, is there a chance in the theory of success or all that I have done before is not correct?
I tried it a lot with the same result you get , until I posted the problem in Apple forums and they respond with Nested frameworks are not supported in IOS

Lexical or Preprocessor Issue happens when using Core Data: '.Friend.h' file not found

I am writing functions of iOS Core Data. I have one Entity named "Friend", its Codegen is Category/Extension. I have written my own Friend subclass as NSManagedObject. I am facing an issue that Lexical or Preprocessor Issue, '.Friend.h' file not found in file Friend_CoreDataProperties.h which is auto generated.
After I manually correct .Friend.h to Friend.h, there will be another similar issue happening: .Friend+CoreDataProperties.h not found in file CoreDataTest+CoreDataModel.h
I can manually correct it as well, and it will build through and work fine. But each time the program is cleaned and rebuilt, the issue will comes out again because these code are automatically generated.
After recreating another Core Data App, I found out that the Current Product Module is avoiding human generation and placing that dot before that h file importing line. Once I delete the Current Product Module, everything goes fine!
I have no idea why this happens, and how to deal with this problem in a correct way. Anyone who has the knowledge about this please help.

Xcode generate NSManagedObject Subclass issue

After I set up Core Data Stack, I generated the NSManagedObject Subclass automatically.
However, I received the error in xcode 8, which is very annoying.
So I also ran in this issue. You have to disable automatical code generation if you want to create the NSManagedObjects by yourself. So there are different ways. First way is go to your model and changed the Toolversion to xCode 7.3.
In every entity you can set the Codegen to Manual/None like in the Screenshot.
Clean your project, and try again!
I hope this was helpful.

An Issue with Three20

I'm trying to use Three20 in my project. I'm getting some errors, lots of warnings. I understand most of them. But I cannot understand one type of errors. I see in many places imports like this:
import "Three20Network/private/TTRequestLoader.h"
Note "private" there. Compiler says file not found. And maybe I'm missing something being new to iOS, but there is no "private" directory inside Three20Network. TTRequestLoader.h is right there inside Three20Network together with the rest of the files. And there are lots of imports like that. So what is the deal with this "private" thing?
You're probably missing the search headers setting from your target.
Please see this alternative automatic way of setting up three20:
It's hard to tell exactly what's wrong, however, try:
Make sure to use the latest development branch
If it's a new project, try using the install script.
it's the easiest way to install three20 these days:
