An Issue with Three20 - ios

I'm trying to use Three20 in my project. I'm getting some errors, lots of warnings. I understand most of them. But I cannot understand one type of errors. I see in many places imports like this:
import "Three20Network/private/TTRequestLoader.h"
Note "private" there. Compiler says file not found. And maybe I'm missing something being new to iOS, but there is no "private" directory inside Three20Network. TTRequestLoader.h is right there inside Three20Network together with the rest of the files. And there are lots of imports like that. So what is the deal with this "private" thing?

You're probably missing the search headers setting from your target.
Please see this alternative automatic way of setting up three20:

It's hard to tell exactly what's wrong, however, try:
Make sure to use the latest development branch
If it's a new project, try using the install script.
it's the easiest way to install three20 these days:


Yeoman iOS ObjectiveC Generator

I am trying to achieve scaffolding using the Yeoman tool. Right now i am able to create the project using the tool but the template options does not modify the pbxproj file. Due to this the name of the project remains the same for the template instead of modifying the properties.
Has some tried some kind of a stuff like this earlier ? If yes i would really
appreciate if someone can give me some lead about this.

How to find unused properties for iOS class?

I cannot find any similar questions on this topic, which seems strange..
I have what is turning out to be a rather large project. As I build each chunk, I'm aware that I must be making properties and other resources, that do not end up being used.
Is there a way to find these?
Good question. I always need this too in my projects. What I do is either use search for .property or setProperty etc. in the whole project.
Or I traverse the .h files and comment out the property declarations that I suspect I might not be using and hit Command+b and see if it gives any errors.
I hope there is a function/tool specifically built for this need.

iOS - missing Platform Libraries

First of all, I've never worked on iOS, so this may or may not be a stupid question, I don't know :)
I have an iOS App, and I need to run it.
In the 'Project Navigator' I have a folder/package called 'Reuse and Platform Libraries'. Inside, I have another four folders but 3 of them seem like missing.
I am not sure if this is the case. I've tried googling their name but without results so I assume they are not some open source libraries.
Can someone clear this up for me? Do I need to install some XCode packages?
I suggest you search the folder of the project for those files, sometimes when copying a project the paths get screwed up because they were set as absolute paths and not relative paths.
If you can't find the files, it's most likely that the library is a private one used by the previous developers, and usually kept out of the project folder so they probably forgot to send it along. I'd suggest simply asking them to send the files over :).
There is also a slight chance they are not needed to run the file, in which case, just deleting them from the sidebar should make the project run.

How do I get XCode4 to find libgcov.a

I've been building a static library to share between multiple iOS projects, and I want to use gcov (or any code coverage analysis tool) to tell me where I'm missing my tests. However, when I enable gcov by following these directions:
I get this error from Libtool:
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/libtool: can't locate file for: -lgcov
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/libtool: file: -lgcov is not an object file (not allowed in a library)
For some reason XCode4 can't find the libgcov.a file. It is in many places on my system but for some reason it can't be found. I'm fairly new to XCode, and gcc based programming in general, so I'm not sure how I can fix this, my guess is that I just have to tell it specifically where to find libgcov.a but I'm not sure how to go about that.
Looks like I found a solution. Crazy XCode seems to treat static libraries completely different when invoking gcc. And I thought MSBuild was a build system from hell... it's a snap and at least there are books about it.
Anyway, here's how you do it:
Add $(PLATFORM_DEVELOPER_USR_DIR)/lib to your "Library Search Paths" build setting for your static library and tick the "Recursive" check box.
Works for me, let me know if it works for you.
This may help in solving your issue, have a look in to it

Delphi 7 keeps using old outdated form

Changed, updated, form is not used even though uses and project settings seem fine, old form files removed from disk.
Is this a bug in the IDE? I may just delete the form and copy it into another unit with a new name.
If it's using an old form it has to be getting it from somewhere--it doesn't appear out of thin air. Two scenarios come to mind:
1) It's somewhere where you don't realize. Search your system for files by that name.
2) Unless you do a build Delphi compiles based on timestamps. If the clock was wrong when it was compiled before the .dcu can have a more recent time and thus it gets skipped in compiling. I've hit this more than once with timezones.
A good way to find it is to first move the project to a different new folder and try to compile it. This should produce and error that will help you to find the culprit. If this does not work then it is settings like paths etc in your libraries that are at fault.
Also make sure that you deleted all ".dcu" files in the project before re-compiling.
No, it is not a bug in the IDE.
You are referencing that form in some setting in your project or environment, which you didn't find yet and which takes precedence to options you already tweaked.
Where do you need to go to resolve your problem? Well, that's difficult to say without looking at your development environment and your project settings.
I've had this happen before. It is always something referenced that I wasn't aware of.
You can do a grep for something from the form and see where it shows up.
Thanks for the input. The first one I tried, moving the files, mm2010, showed it was my code that was at fault.
Although the form/unit is not included in the project file (dpr), it is still referenced by some other unit. So the compiler links the res into the application. Look for the unit name you want to remove in other units' uses clauses.
