Braintree peer-to-peer iOS - ios

I would like to include Paypal as a peer-to-peer options to pay back friends in my iPhone app.
However, when I search online for Paypal iOS, it says that I should use Braintree now.
It's pretty easy to use and include in the application.
But I don't know if and how Braintree handles peer-to-peer.
I suppose it should, since Paypal doesn't approve Adaptive Payments anymore.
Adaptive Payments is now a limited release product. It is restricted
to select partners for approved use cases and should not be used for
new integrations without guidance from PayPal.
So how to include peer-to-peer in my application now?

I came across your question, because I have the same issue. I was on the right track using Adaptive Payments, and then came back to work on it to see that lots of things had changed. Also, both the sender and the receiver have to sign up for PayPal to make peer-to-peer payments.
I switched to using Braintree - here's their iOS setup page.
From my understanding, you just have to manage payments between the two parties. The payer would pay you, and then you would in turn pay the payee.
For example, A --> Your App --> B.
I'm working on the same thing, so when I make some headway, I'll come back here. Otherwise, if this doesn't work, Stripe it is!
Good luck!

After some extensive googling, I managed to find the answer here : setting-payee
You need to add new "payee" object in "transactions" array along with "amount" and "description".


What is the best way to deal with online payments(mobile payments) in ios

Here is my question. I'm working on a app that customers can book flight tickets online. that means they can search for a flight, select it and book.
Now I'm stuck with the payment part( lots of confusions with this part because apple gets 30% for each purchase for digital goods).
but I think selling a tickets goes under service category. correct me if I'm wrong.
Should I use Apple Pay with this ? is this mandatory with after iOS 9 ? or can use 3rd party.
As I know , apple has mentioned that if we are selling physical goods or services we have to use a 3rd party payment process like Stipe.if we go in this method, do we have to pay 30% from each purchase.
In other hand, my clients asked me to implement the payment part with their existing web this a good idea and , is it that much easy to do this.
need your help and idea with this.
First of all, I would like to clear you that Apple Pay is available only for US, UK, Canada, and Australia on supported iOS devices. The Implementation of Apple pay is very easy follow my article -
apple pay step by step implementation using braintree

Is Adaptive payment supported in Braintree iOS SDK?

I am currently working on one shopping cart application in which the payment flow works like this. When the customer pays, some portion of the amount (say 5%) will be transferred to the main owner account while the rest of amount will be transferred to the vendors account. So its an adaptive payment type of payment I guess.
After doing lots of R&D, I got an idea that I can accomplish it using the MLP library. But my client is asking for using Braintree iOS sdk. And I didn't find how we can integrate the adaptive payment with this sdk.
So, what I want to know is, Braintree iOS sdk supports adaptive payments? If yes then how? Any link?
No, Adaptive Payments is not supported in the Braintree SDK. The Braintree SDK is a separate product distinct from any single PayPal product, although it will probably evolve similarly to PayPal's newest REST-based products.
PayPal's MPL product was a contemporary of and closely affiliated with Adaptive Payments but both products have since been superceded. Unfortunately, not all features of the earlier products are present in the newer products.
I think you are looking for Braintree's "market place" solution. Here's the link:
Let me know if this makes sense (or not).
I work at Braintree. Both Gautam and geewiz's answers are correct.
If you are looking for something similar to PayPal's adaptive payments with all available features, that is not something you can do with the Braintree SDK.
However, if you are looking for a system where you can facilitate transactions between two parties and charge a percentage for facilitating, then yes the Braintree Marketplace. would meet the needs you have laid out here. I encourage you to look at our docs to confirm that.
If you have some more detailed questions, please reach out to and they will be able to help you.

Am I allowed to offer payments with a 3rd party payment gateway, for my iPhone app?

So I have a RESTful Api service which has free and pay'ed stuff. Anyone can create an iPhone/Andriod/MSPhone app that leverages our api.
Bad analogy: imagine we're creating a chat api service for Steam .. and you can pay for more people in your friends list, instead of getting them via steam-experience/steam-levels. So now anyone can create a chat client (on any platform) .. and they use our REST api.
So, for anyone creating an iPhone app, are we allowed to accept credit card details and HTTPS POST them to our webserver .. where we call another payment gateway (eg. Stripe, paypal, etc.) to do the processing.
WE NEVER STORE ANYTHING ** (besides the receipt from Stripe, etc.)
Are well allowed to program this into our iPhone app? Or is that illegal?
Can we also offer bitcoins as a payment option?
(Note: we're not really using Stripe .. but they are a well known payment processor, which helps explain this question).
Below news is a big win for iOS developers. If it comes to effect then nothing like it.
Judge: Apple Must Let iOS Apps Include Third-Party Payment Options. The injunction, which takes effect in 90 days, threatens to upend Appleā€™s control over the iOS ecosystem.
As per this rule, no matter what you are selling from iOS apps, developers should be allowed to use 3rd party payment gateways.
For real goodies you can not use IAP.
For virtual goodies consumed into your app you are allowed to integrate 3rd party payment gateway as long as you also implement IAP. Also note the price for your product through the IAP shall not be higher then through 3rd party payment gateway.
Also thing about your product, if it is non-consumable you need to provide mechanism to restore the purchase.

Is it possible to use discounts and pay a 3rd party using Paypal mobile SDKs?

My app needs the ability to pay different merchants, so essentially I'm acting as a middle man. A user would fill up their cart from one merchant and then I'd present them the whole paypal interface and then that particular merchant would get paid. So first question: is that possible? Or is it only possible for MY account to get paid? If I had 10 merchants, I'd like to directly send them the payment amount (and have them pay the transaction fees).
The other question is discounts. Say a merchant creates a discount of some kind, is it possible with the mobile SDKs to apply these discounts?
My app is for iOS at first but will be quickly followed by an Android and then a web version of it. I don't really care which SDK I use so long as it can meet all my feature needs.
If none of this is possible with any of the SDKs, are there any out there that might accomplish what I need? Thanks.
It sounds like you're describing chained payments. You can utilize chained payments by integrating with classic MPL. The new Mobile SDKs will support these kinds of payments in the future, so keep on the look out!

Process a credit card in ios iphone app

I'm building an app that registers people for an event and charges them a registration fee. I've got most of it built but I'm having trouble actually charging them. I've read the guidelines and don't want to use apple's in-app purchase method because they charge a big fee and the goods being purchased aren't digital or for in-app use.
I've looked at doing paypal and I think that should work fine for me, I've already started playing around with their sdk and sandbox. However, I would also like the ability to charge a credit card. I found that looks like it works really well but that just gets me the card information, it doesn't give me a way to actually process a transaction. Also, I know there are card readers like Square out there but I'd like to do everything in my app, not need the user to switch out to a processing service. Any ideas on how I can make this work? Thanks!
If you use a service like Balanced or Stripe you can tokenize your card info straight from the phone, this will save you having to process it via your server which keeps the PCI hassle low. These services are only for tokenizing and charging cards, if you're looking for a way to capture card info e.g. scanning or swiping the card, then a service like or Square is what you want.
If you don't want to get the assle of the PCI-DSS certification you could use Braintree in combination with
Braintree offer an ios sdk so it won't even hit your server. (See just let youscan the card, but when youget the card info back youcould push it to the braintree api.
Since what you are selling is a "service" you don't need to use the Apple in-app service.
You might look at the newly released PayPal iOS SDK.
Looks like you're looking for a Square solution but in your own app. You might want to check out CardFlight (, as they provide the hardware and an SDK so that you can process payments within your own app. They work with your processor so you can still use Braintree to process the payments.
Full disclosure: I am currently working on this. We realized that there was a huge opportunity to provide the software and hardware so that people can accept physical card payments within their own app.
