Is it possible to use discounts and pay a 3rd party using Paypal mobile SDKs? - ios

My app needs the ability to pay different merchants, so essentially I'm acting as a middle man. A user would fill up their cart from one merchant and then I'd present them the whole paypal interface and then that particular merchant would get paid. So first question: is that possible? Or is it only possible for MY account to get paid? If I had 10 merchants, I'd like to directly send them the payment amount (and have them pay the transaction fees).
The other question is discounts. Say a merchant creates a discount of some kind, is it possible with the mobile SDKs to apply these discounts?
My app is for iOS at first but will be quickly followed by an Android and then a web version of it. I don't really care which SDK I use so long as it can meet all my feature needs.
If none of this is possible with any of the SDKs, are there any out there that might accomplish what I need? Thanks.

It sounds like you're describing chained payments. You can utilize chained payments by integrating with classic MPL. The new Mobile SDKs will support these kinds of payments in the future, so keep on the look out!


Do I have to use in app purchases for my app or I can use a third party payment gateway?

I have a question related to an application I am currently developing.
I don't know if should use in app purchases or not.
The idea is that currently you can transfer money from a user to another just like Revolut does. For this you pay let's say $1 per transfer.
Beside this, the application makes queries every 6 months to get some info from a financial institution and each query is paid by me as the API is payment per request.
Now, if I want to have some plans in the application like free and premium and for premium let's say you can do free transfers between users (just like Revolut) and have a monthly query to the financial institution, do I need to use Apple's IAP and pay a 30% tax for each subscription or can I use a 3rd party payment gateway?
I really couldn't find any response on this on the guidelines and I am trying to figure out how Revolut for example can use their payment method in order to purchase plans ?!
For this you need to add apple's IAP only. You can just use payment gateways for taking direct payments from the client. For adding subscriptions you need to use IAP only.

Third party payment gateway in a ios app

I've read the Apple Store Review Guidelines and it doesnt seem to be clear for our use case.
We're developing a cross platform app with phonegap in which the user can buy or get for free some courses (which will be available to the same user on android and browser). What they get is content that a teacher using a separate web app has built (lessons and activities) that the user (student) can review at any time, any amount of times.
Is no clear whether using a third party payment gateway (that opens InAppBrowser) goes against apple store guide. Googling only makes things more confusing. It's certain it's ok for physical products, you can use that payment system.
Also because apple only allows discrete prices for the products, we had to change how a teacher sets the price, we made an incomplete list of the prices available.
We are in the process of implementing the third party payment gateway for the students that'd like to use the browser version.
How should I proceed about this? Should we use the same in all platforms, or use InAppBilling for android an InAppPurchase for ios?

Braintree peer-to-peer iOS

I would like to include Paypal as a peer-to-peer options to pay back friends in my iPhone app.
However, when I search online for Paypal iOS, it says that I should use Braintree now.
It's pretty easy to use and include in the application.
But I don't know if and how Braintree handles peer-to-peer.
I suppose it should, since Paypal doesn't approve Adaptive Payments anymore.
Adaptive Payments is now a limited release product. It is restricted
to select partners for approved use cases and should not be used for
new integrations without guidance from PayPal.
So how to include peer-to-peer in my application now?
I came across your question, because I have the same issue. I was on the right track using Adaptive Payments, and then came back to work on it to see that lots of things had changed. Also, both the sender and the receiver have to sign up for PayPal to make peer-to-peer payments.
I switched to using Braintree - here's their iOS setup page.
From my understanding, you just have to manage payments between the two parties. The payer would pay you, and then you would in turn pay the payee.
For example, A --> Your App --> B.
I'm working on the same thing, so when I make some headway, I'll come back here. Otherwise, if this doesn't work, Stripe it is!
Good luck!
After some extensive googling, I managed to find the answer here : setting-payee
You need to add new "payee" object in "transactions" array along with "amount" and "description".

Paying to another user in Swift application

I have this problem. I'm making an iOS application in Swift that sells user images and videos. I've got my own server, so all media is saved there. But now I've come to a point where I need make possible that user can buy some content from another user using a credit card or PayPal account. Other users can be found on a map, they have added their payment information to their profile (it's not visible to others) so that transactions could be made.
I've done some research on this topic and I know that a powerful tool for payments in Swift is Stripe. However, as far as I read about it, users can only pay to one account that you register. Basically, they can make purchases as if buying from a store. But in my case, I need to provide the possibility to pay to another user.
Also, I need to integrate PayPal. For this I found API's like Auth0 and PayPal API, but can't seem to find any more information on inter-user transactions.
And there is In-App Purchases option, of course, but I'm not sure if I can use that in this case, because most of my purchases will be done from a Web App.
Can somebody please help me, by giving some tips on how to move forward from here and implement this payment system?
There are several considerations to take into account, the three most important being price, ease of implementation and availability. I'll briefly discuss each point of the 3 options you mentioned:
Implementation: Stripe has a native SDK for iOS and has a functionality called Stripe Connect which enables payment between users directly, without having the money to go through your account, yet allows you to take a cut of the transaction if you'd like:
Price: Stripe has a starting fee of 0.3$ and takes 2.9 % of the full amount.
Availability: Currently Stripe is only available in 9 countries worldwide and available as a beta in another 15 countries:
Implementation: PayPal has a native SDK for iOS, but a very fractioned history of SDK libraries depending on how complex functionality you need (Which Pryo's answer underlined). Paypal has something called Adaptive Payments which allows for peer-to-peer payments:
Price: PayPal has a lot of mixed information about pricing (currency conversion, cross border transfer, etc.), but roughly it is a starting fee of 0.3$ and another 3.9 %.
Availability: PayPal is available in 203 countries/markets around the world:
In-App Purchase:
Implementation: This money will always go directly to the developer, so this means you will need to implement some sort of service which takes money from your account to the final user. So the flow goes: buyer -> you -> receiver.
Price: Apple will take 30 % of the total amount.
Availability: In-App Purchase is available in every country where you would be able to distribute the iOS app.
Don't use the In-App Purchase option for user-to-user sales, it's simply too complex and expensive out of the three options.
PayPal has a strong brand that people trust and is available in many countries, which makes it a stronger candidate than Stripe, but IMHO I would choose Stripe due to its simplicity and cheaper pricing.
If you want to implement in the swift Paypal has already SDK, which you can use to make between users to make simple payment:
or if you need some more advanced feature like (third-party, parallel, and chained payments ) you can check old MPL library by Paypal:
For the In-App Purchases payment can be made by valid app store user only and there is mostly no facility of inter-user in general case in-app payments are made to app owner

Am I allowed to offer payments with a 3rd party payment gateway, for my iPhone app?

So I have a RESTful Api service which has free and pay'ed stuff. Anyone can create an iPhone/Andriod/MSPhone app that leverages our api.
Bad analogy: imagine we're creating a chat api service for Steam .. and you can pay for more people in your friends list, instead of getting them via steam-experience/steam-levels. So now anyone can create a chat client (on any platform) .. and they use our REST api.
So, for anyone creating an iPhone app, are we allowed to accept credit card details and HTTPS POST them to our webserver .. where we call another payment gateway (eg. Stripe, paypal, etc.) to do the processing.
WE NEVER STORE ANYTHING ** (besides the receipt from Stripe, etc.)
Are well allowed to program this into our iPhone app? Or is that illegal?
Can we also offer bitcoins as a payment option?
(Note: we're not really using Stripe .. but they are a well known payment processor, which helps explain this question).
Below news is a big win for iOS developers. If it comes to effect then nothing like it.
Judge: Apple Must Let iOS Apps Include Third-Party Payment Options. The injunction, which takes effect in 90 days, threatens to upend Appleā€™s control over the iOS ecosystem.
As per this rule, no matter what you are selling from iOS apps, developers should be allowed to use 3rd party payment gateways.
For real goodies you can not use IAP.
For virtual goodies consumed into your app you are allowed to integrate 3rd party payment gateway as long as you also implement IAP. Also note the price for your product through the IAP shall not be higher then through 3rd party payment gateway.
Also thing about your product, if it is non-consumable you need to provide mechanism to restore the purchase.
