How to keep related Partial page/HtmlHelpers, scripts and css together and not separate references -

I have a form that has a button next to person textbox that brings up a person Bootstrap Modal Search Window.
the html I put in a partial page and reference it
#{await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_PersonControlPartialHtml","PersonControl1");}
#{await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_PersonControlPartialHtml","PersonControl2");}
which adds a textbox and button.
Then I add a bootstrap modal html to the page that only has to appear once per page
#{await Html.RenderPartialAsync("_PersonControlModal");}
Then the javascript event code and css for the above.
#section Header {
<script src="~/css/personcontrolscript.css"></script>
#section Scripts {
<script src="~/js/personcontrolscript.js"></script>
The html I could put in an htmlhelper but I still need to add 3 references to the page if I want to add it to a page.
Is there not an easier way?

There are ways to reduce this but those ways come with trade offs. So it really depends on which approach best fits your needs.
So for example you could eliminate adding the .css reference in the header section via two different approaches:
1) you could place those styles in a global.css file that is already loaded for ever page; or
2) you could use inline styles on you html and eliminate these css classes.
Both of these solutions of course have downsides. Approach one means that the size of the global.css styles will be larger and take a bit more time to load even if the first page used on the site doesn't need them. Approach 2 seems to fly in the face of conventional wisdom that you should almost never use inline styles and it will make the markup more verbose. But either solution would allow you to eliminate the need for including a seperate ~/css/personcontrolscript.css reference every time you have a person control on the page.
As for the need to include ~/js/personcontrolscript.js, that could be solved one of two ways:
1) include the javascript code in a global.js file that is loaded for every page; or
2) put that javascript code inline in the _PersonControlPartialHtml and add code to it to make sure that it only gets injected the first time the partial is used on the page.
As for the bootstrapModel, I'm a little less clear on what that code looks like so I can't say for sure but probably it could leverage an approach similar to one mentioned for css or js.
With regard to rendering your partials, I don't think there is any way to eliminate that given that it's the primary representation of the functionality you are adding to the page.


How to use "anchor" with associated text (that is not linkable)

From this question (Hyperlink inside label field in Vaadin 12) I was able to use Vaadin's HTML component to create custom html code (and it worked fine, including putting in ahref links etc.)
However, Vaadin provides the "Anchor" component which appears to be the far more powerful (and potentially more secure) way of creating links that can be used to navigate to either other classes I built or to external website (or even to download dynamically generated data in a streaming fashion).
However, what if I want to have both normal "label-like" text and an achor link all appear in a single paragraph? For example, in "normal html", I could just do this:
This is my normal text.
Download <a href="/resources/excelTemplate.xlsx" download> this Excel file</a>
and follow the instructions therein
and it would create the link somewhere within my <p>...</p> paragraph. How can I do this in Vaadin with the Anchor object? The best I came up with thus far is to use Horizontal Layout and then add a label, an achor, and then another label -- but that is really really ugly and doesn't technically have the same effect (it won't wrap properly.) The other option is to NOT use "Anchor" but instead just use "HTML" component and just create ahref links everywhere, but that seems a tiny big ugly too (though I suppose it's an ok workaround.). (I'm assuming I can call any UI I build by sticking the url links in the ahref calls....) Thoughts on the "right Java Vaadin" way to do this?
Paragraph p = new Paragraph("para");
Anchor a = new Anchor("go", "");
p.addClickListener(e-> UI.getCurrent().navigate(a.getHref()));
Vaadin 10+ offers you (atleast) three ways to handle this kind of case. You mentioned two of the..
Make composition of components in Java. Instead of VerticalLayout you could wrap the content in Div and using Text component also in Div instead of Label. You can make this kind of custom component by extending Composite.
The second alternative is to use HTML component as you mentioned.
The third alternative is to create custom html polymer template and connect to it with PolymerTemplate class. That will result in custom component that behaves like the custom component of the first option. It is just different way of implementation.
Which one of the three is a correct way. From framework perspective all of them. Which one is correct for you depends on your preference and application.

How to accomplish this MVC layout

Being relatively new to MVC I have been struggling for the past several weeks getting my layout to work.
I have managed to get myself really twisted into knots. So instead of trying to explain and unravel my mess perhaps instead someone could explain how I would accomplish the following at a high level.
_Layout this would have all the css js etc. It would also have basic structure.
Of course HTML tags not allowed in code block....each render is in a div.
RenderBody is Index.cshtml and it would be broken into three pieces
#Html.Partial(NavMenu, model)</div>
#Html.Partial(SubNavMenu, model)</div>
#Html.Partial(MainContent, model)</div>
I have this basic layout and it looks fine until you click one of the menu items.
The menu items render as:
<a class="k-link" href="/stuffroute">Stuff</a>
That route goes to a controller that returns a view and that navigates away from the above arrangement in Index.cshtml. So I end up with the header, footer, and subdash nav....
So the question is...
How do I route / orchestrate my layout to not lose the differing pieces?
Partials don't do anything for you here. You're essentially asking about how to create SPA (single page application), although in this case your application will have other pages, it's just that the index view will act like a SPA.
That requires JavaScript, specifically AJAX, to make requests to endpoints that will return HTML fragments you can use to replace portions of the DOM with. For example, clicking "Stuff 1" causes an AJAX request to be made to the URL that routes to FooController.GetSubNav([stuff identifier]). That action then would use what was passed to it to retrieve the correct sub-nav and return a partial view that renders that sub-nav. Your AJAX callback will then take this response, select a portion of the DOM (specifically the parent of the sub-nav) and insert the new HTML as its innerHTML.
If you're going to be doing a lot of this, you'll want to make use of some client-side MVC-style JavaScript library, like Angular for example. These make it trivial to wire everything up.

Change CSS style using drop down menu in MVC

I'm trying to make a drop down menu that has a bunch of items (Amelia, Cerulean, Cosmo, Cyborg, Flatly, Journal). Each of these items represent a css file.
When one of them is selected I want my website to take this selected css file and apply it to the website.
I would like the drop down menu to interact with jquery, meaning when a item is selected jquery takes over and makes a asyn/ajax call to some mvc actionresult.
By the way I'm using MVC 5.
I hope someone can help me sketch the initial groundwork.
I've implemented this in my application.
I'm not sure what to tell you though. It's easier when we have an attempted solution to fix.
Here's an overview of how mine works:
I have created a controller called SharedController. The purpose of it is to contain various actions that render common actions. All of the actions are considered ChildActionOnly.
My _Layout uses RenderAction to render the action NavbarPartial which is in my SharedController.
More importantly the Navbar partial then uses RenderAction to render the action ThemeListPartial. This action is responsible for getting a list of available themes. The list of available themes is determined at applications startup. I've created a ThemeFinder class and ThemeRepository class that are responsible for finding and storing themes. The ThemeFinder finds themes by expressions that you give it. In a new class called App_Start/ThemeConfig I've given it only one expression - "~/Content/themes/{name}.bootstrap.css". This will find all themes with that naming convention in that location.
My razor code will take the ViewModel and display a dropdown menu in the navbar.
To get the themes to change my dropdown menu contains an AJAX link to an action called SaveTheme in ThemeController. This action takes a theme name as a string and tries to save it in a cookie for the user.
If the theme is found and saved successfully, the action responds with a success message.
jQuery then changes the theme by finding the associated link attribute and changing the HREF contents to the new theme. It knows the new theme relative URL because I have it stored in data attributes.
I completed this before I made the switch to AngularJs. The one thing I plan to go back and change is to cut out as much (maybe all) jQuery as possible and replace it with better code.

How to separate javascript libraries and calls in the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline

I'm trying to get the hang of the whole asset pipeline thing, and read the guide and several tutorials about them. But one thing that doesn't become quite clear is wether I should view my javascript asset files as a library or a place to put code that is actually run i.e. $(document).ready. Because by default all the javascript files are included, and it would be weird to have several $(document).ready's in there, not to mention that you don't want the $(document).ready function for every page to be run in the first place. What would be the way to go at this? Use my asset files as a library and put actual calls in my views (ugly)? Or is there a better way to do this?
I too ran into this issue. In a large project you can have somebody put code into document ready to, for example, add a click function to each li within a div with class container.
Now we could all argue that the above code would be too generic and of course may affect li tags in other parts of the application, but the bigger the project, the more likely it is that you will run into a conflict like this leading to unexpected behaviour.
I for one am uncomfortable with a whole bunch of document ready functions running for each and every page loaded. My solution is not necessarily the perfect one, but it's one that I have taken up and will share with you.
In the body tag of each page I add data elements signifying the controller and the action. I then have one document ready script that looks for a class named after the controller with the name Ready appended e.g. HomeReady. It will then call a method on this class (presuming it exists) named after the action. So in your asset coffee file you could write:
class #HomeReady
#index: ->
#show: ->
This allows control right down to the action level. When I came across your question I decided to package this solution into a gem as I have already used it in several projects. You can find it at:
If you absolutely don't want a certain piece of initialization code to be run unless the current page is a specific controller/action, then you can try adding an empty element on the page with an id built from that info like "posts_index" using these two helpers:
Then in your javascript you can wrap the code inside an if statement that checks for the existence of an element with the appropriate id.
edit: Here's an example of the js partial that I mentioned in the comments.
= render 'map'
map.html.erb (I normally use haml but it's easier to write js in erb)
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
It's probably not as clean as it could be and it doesn't get the benefits of being part of the asset pipeline but I don't mind because it's only something that gets included on a specific page.

Multiple layouts vs css trickery vs partials in a rails app for dynamic page layout

I was wondering if anyone could comment on which way is better and WHY?
Here is a simplified version of what I have ( in HAML):
= yield
= context_navigation
The problem:
I want #sidebar to display on some pages to show context menu, such as on the account page to show links to profile, password, order history. On the product page show links to product specifications, description, "send link", etc. But not on other pages - such as on the home page I need to use the whole width of #root for #content to show news or featured items.
Solution & Question:
I have several ideas on how to implement it, but I was looking for some input at to which one you think is better and please explain WHY? The main objective is maintainability of code.
Here are some ideas:
CSS \ SCSS trickery - make the sidebar a collapsible div if there context navigation is empty
Use an else/if to load different partials depending on which part of the site I'm in.
Create a separate layout (seems like an overkill - as I understand layouts are to be used mostly for different media such as screen vs. print vs. pdf vs. mobile - etc)
Any other ideas?
Thank you,
You could use nested layouts to get this working:
Different views might serve you well... you may need to rethink your controller also to make them more use case specific. Going along this route will make you app more dynamic, increase cohesion amongst all of the components and allow for greater extensibility.
