Microsoft Edge Extensions - Can we submit them? Is there an update page? - microsoft-edge

Can I submit my extension to the Windows store? If not, how will I know when Edge has opened this capability for all developers? Is there some update page or Twitter account or something (anything!) that I am missing!?
I just noticed that there are now more extensions than I remember there being a few weeks ago, but is it still by invitation only?
I already ported and tested my extension in Edge.
I'm sorry that this is not a coding question, but I'm tired of every other week trying to find this information to make sure that my extension becomes available as quickly as possible.

Updated (12/19/2016):
Microsoft Edge has published the packaging documentation.
If you're interested in deploying extensions to Windows Store, you could submit a request to to be considered for a future update.
For update page, Microsoft Edge Blog and Microsoft Edge Extensions Documentation may help.


How can I get current Zapier App version on zapier site

Is there any way user can check app version? Preferably via the UI on the (not from the developer account)
It's needed for testing and reporting purposes.
If the integration is public on the Zapier site and the user is using the promoted version, then it's not possible for the end-user to see what version of the app they're using.
If they've been invited to a non-public version of the app, I believe it shows the version in the app title across the site (like AppName (1.2.3)).
From Zapier community:
Just to add some further clarity here, this is how we display versions:
If the app has not been migrated and the version is deprecated, it
will say so when the Zap is viewed in the editor.
If the app has not been migrated and the version is NOT deprecated,
you will see the version listed in the Zap in the Editor
If the app has been migrated or you're on the latest version, you
won't see the version listed and it won't say deprecated or anything
Hope that helps to clarify!

Browser screenshots never appear for non-Windows platforms

I'm trying to use the Browser Screenshots feature eg:
I've noticed that screenshots never appear for non-Windows devices e.g. Google Nexus 7 on Android 4.1.
Am I missing something?
They seem to have resolved the issue, whatever it was.
When you have issues with various Edge properties, I encourage you to hit the #msedgedev folks on twitter. They seem to listen pretty aggressively.
For future reference, links to supply feedback on Microsoft Edge:
Bugs for Edge and IE -
Developer Feedback Home -
Developer Feedback Twitter -
Feature Suggestions -
Hope that helps. Healy in Tampa.

Process for Facebook iOS SDK deprecations

I'm an SDK maker which has bundled the Facebook iOS SDK (version 3.6 from July 24, 2013). I'd like to understand Facebook's SDK deprecation policy so that I have advanced notice and can update my product accordingly. Where can I find/subscribe to this information?
The best I have found is: which gives details of each release. Often new SDK versions will contain features which are announced at launch so I don't know how much advance warning you will get. In version 3.1 a feature is to protect agains breaking changes server side and I remember getting several messages in the Facebook developer area to update apps at this point so I guess you will just have to watch out for changes as they come. That said, I think versions 3.1+ remain supported, from which I would infer that they deliberately support older versions, so you should not have too much of an issue.
All the details of the new V2.0 API can be found in the Changelog and Upgrade guides:
The version of the API as it was before last April 30 will be available until April 30 2015.
The new V2.0 will be available for at least two more years. To be precise: from the moment when a new version of the API is introduced, the current (thus V2.0) will be supported for two more years.
Within the same version there will be no breaking changes to core functionalities.
In the Changelog you can read a lot about the new permissions, and which are removed. Basically, all friends_* permissions are removed. Furthermore, your app needs to be reviewed when it uses other permissions than public_profile, email and user_friends (which now returns only the list of friends that also use your app).
You can read more on the reviewing process here:
As a facebook developer, I am unaware of any advance notice "push" notifications from facebook about new releases or future releases unfortunately. You basically will hear about it first via the media and then it will appear on the website. There is probably little they could do about this without putting all developers under non-disclosure. That is sort of the reality we are all operating under by placing your product dependent on, or on top of, another companies product. We have had experience here personally with that for years under Microsoft so we are use to it. Unfortunately, you just have to educate your end customers of this fact. Some will understand.

Keyword changes or new keyword add while updating app version in app store

Although its not a technical question however its kinda killing me as I am not getting a confirmed status from anyone. I have two apps in app store which has common features(One is free version and another is a paid one). When I submitted it, I added some keyword so that they will be searched when the user hits some special keyword. Now my client wants to add some keyword so that search will be relevant for this two app. My question is will apple allow me to add/change keywords if I will go and update the apps from version 1.0 to 1.1 (with minor bug fix)?
Yes, you can change the keywords as part of an app update. It doesn't matter how minor or major the update is. If you read the "iTunes Connect Developer Guide", it covers what about can be changed and when.

Programmatically installing enterprise Apps in IOS

I'm currently working at a company which is thinking about getting an enterprise app store. They asked me to build an little Proof of Concept to see how things could be working. I have already some basic ideas about the processes that need to be out in place and so on. But since I've never done mobile App development I'm a little stuck. I'm currently searching the internet for information about how to install Enterprise Apps but all i find is how to do it by using iTunes.
I need a solution in which i can install mobile Apps programatically over a web site. Or Over one App that is installed on the device (initial app could be installed over iTunes)... Does anyone of you have any information about the installation procedure and would share it. Or does maybe anyone have some good links to online resources or could point me in the right direction.
Thanks a lot
Just use TestFlight for that, it's awesome.
It let's you install app's on device with just one click, notify testers,etc
Read this How does TestFlight do it?
From memory there were WWDC videos about this topic. Check both the WWDC 2010 and WWDC 2011 videos here:
WWDC Videos
Unfortunately, I can't remember in which video the topic of Enterprise Apps and how to install them over the web was discussed. Sorry - there are a lot of videos.
