Browser screenshots never appear for non-Windows platforms - microsoft-edge

I'm trying to use the Browser Screenshots feature eg:
I've noticed that screenshots never appear for non-Windows devices e.g. Google Nexus 7 on Android 4.1.
Am I missing something?

They seem to have resolved the issue, whatever it was.
When you have issues with various Edge properties, I encourage you to hit the #msedgedev folks on twitter. They seem to listen pretty aggressively.
For future reference, links to supply feedback on Microsoft Edge:
Bugs for Edge and IE -
Developer Feedback Home -
Developer Feedback Twitter -
Feature Suggestions -
Hope that helps. Healy in Tampa.


NISession() returns error - Apple Nearby Interactions

I have downloaded the Nearby Interactions project that Apple released here. When I try to run the application I get this error
I have not modified the original project and there is nothing in the ReadMe that details extra setup configuration. Only that certain devices can be used.
There are no logs to accompany this and so I'm not quite sure on the cause of this. I see others have been able to run the project and so wondering if anyone has any insight into this
Running on an iPhone 14 device
Also, as a side to this, if anyone has any example app they have built with Nearby Interactions but in SwiftUI I would love to see how you integrated it in.

ms teams deep link not working for ios app

I need your help, I am developing a bot for ms teams and in my scenario the user must be redirected from chat to tab, for this I use a deep link here is an example link
and it works great everywhere in the browser in the desktop version and in window and in ubuntu and even on Android, but as it turned out, it does not work on IOS, and specifically in the ms teams application for IOS
however in the app on IOS I get the following.
Any hints and tips any advice that can help me solve this problem
UPDATE: a small addition today I put a desktop application on a macbook and there was no such problem. So the problem occurs only in the mobile application
We have a backlog bug item for this and will inform you if it gets resolved.
There was a fix done for this issue in latest store app. It's working now. Please check.

Adding a URL link to iOS app that is not optimized for mobile platforms (rejection possibility)

I have been doing some research about iOS app approval process, but I can't seem to find one thing that is pretty important in my case. I have added a simple url link to a website (I did not use a web view for the reason I am about to explain).
What I have found is that Apple specifies that font within the app should not be smaller than size 11. They also say that the user should not have to zoom in. Well, unfortunately I have a client who wants me to place a link of her website in a menu section of the app. I told the client that I was concerned that there may be an issue since this website is not optimized for mobile devices. Basically, this link shows a desktop version of a site on a mobile phone.
I have searched online for many guidelines, but I just haven't spotted anything yet. I would guess that they would reject it, but I was just curious if anyone happened to know for sure or knew where I should look to find this out.

Why is Remote Debugging for Safari Mobile so inconsistent?

I've been developing JavaScript for many years with OSX and Mobile Safari, and I've noticed Remote Debugging has ALWAYS been extremely inconsistent.
Currently, I am running Safari 10.0 on El Capitan 10.11.6, and iOS 10.0.2 (the latest), and I'm not getting it to work AT ALL. I actually hadn't attempted to use this feature for several months before recently, so not sure if maybe the feature is just completely broken now.
In the past, if you quit Safari Mobile, and quit Safari (desktop) both, then started them back up, sometimes it would begin working, and then sometimes continue to not work (shows "No Inspectable Applications", or device doesn't show in menu). I am NOT changing any settings between these steps, and I know they are what they should be according to documentation, and tips I've read.
Develop menu is on. Web Inspector is enabled. Fraudulent Website Warnings is off (someone suggested this has something to do with it). iOS is open, and on a web page.
I know other people who've encountered this exact problem again and again. It seems that it is clearly a bug that Apple needs to resolve. I know how to use weinre, and this is a great workaround; however, it is highly irritating to waste my time trying to get this to work several (many) times, and then have to give up, and go set up weinre every time (it happens a lot).
So! I've read through several StackOverflow topics on this (can't find them ATM), but none of them that I've seen specifically address the spottiness of this issue, or how to solve it once and for all.

Why isn't my app showing up in the Android Market?

I uploaded my app this morning, I *THINK I've satisfied all the requirements for uploading. The app shows up as active in the developer console, but I can't find in in the market via the phone or computer internet version of the market.
Now I haven't done much with the permissions yet, but in the console it shows that the app is compatible with 611 devices including my droid x.
Still, I would think it would at least show up.
Is there generally a delay in the publishing? From what I've seen it should be pretty much instant.
It's also not showing up by using the link format market://details?id=.
Otherwise, can you think of anything I could be missing in the app to keep it from showing up like this?
This is my first time publishing, so try to think back to the elementary concepts of publishing lol.
25 October 2011 - Recently published apps not appearing in Android
Market We're aware of reports from some developers that apps recently
published don't appear in Android Market. This issue is impacting both
app searches and when viewing a developer's app catalog on both mobile
devices and the web view of Android Market. We're investigating this
issue and are striving to resolve it as soon as possible.
Lol well there's you're problem... That's so my luck. I upload my first app, have no clue what i'm doing and then turns out the market broke, and I was doing stuff right. haha go figure
