Hi I am new to coding and I am using Lua and solar2d, trying to transition object1 via another object2's co-ordinates and for object1 to continue along the same path with the same velocity if it doesn't hit object2.
I can easily transition to the obeject but I don't know how to then go beyond that.
transition.to( object1, { x=object2.x, y=object2.y, time=3000, })
I feel I will have to add an oncomplete but not sure what.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
You have to calculate the equation of the line (y = m * x + b) that you are traveling.
m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
b = y1 - m * x1
So in your case:
m = (object2.y - object1.y) / (object2.x - object1.x)
b = object1.y - m * object1.x
Now you have the equation of the path (line) to keep if object1 doesn't hit object2.
When the transition ends, you want to check if the object2 is still there (object1 hit it) or not (object1 keeps moving), so you need to include an onComplete listener to check for that.
As for the speed, you have to decide if you want a constant speed and then you have to calculate the time for each transition or if you are using always 3 seconds no matter if the object2 is close or far away from the object1. I guess you probably want the first option, so it doesn't go pretty slow if objects are close and too fast if the object are far away. In that case you have to set a constant speed s, that you want.
Speed = Distance / Time
Time = Distance / Speed
Distance between 2 points:
d = squareRoot( (x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2 )
In summary, it would be something like that:
s = 10 --Constant speed
m = (object2.y - object1.y) / (object2.x - object1.x)
b = object1.y - m * object1.x
direction = 1 --assume it's traveling to the right
if(object2.x < object1.x)then
direction = -1 --it's traveling to the left
local function checkCollision( obj )
if(obj.x == object2.x and obj.y == object2.y)then
-- Object1 hit Object2
-- Object2 is not here anymore, continue until it goes offscreen
-- following the line equation
x3 = -10 -- if it's traveling to the left
if(direction == 1)then
--it's traveling to the right
x3 = display.contentWidth + 10
y3 = m * x3 + b
d2 = math.sqrt( (x3 - obj.x)^2 + (y3 - obj.y)^2 )
t2 = d2 / s
transition.to( obj, {x=x3, y=y3, time=t2} )
d1 = math.sqrt( (object2.x - object1.x)^2 + (object2.y - object1.y)^2 )
t1 = d1 / s
transition.to( object1, { x=object2.x, y=object2.y, time=t1, onComplete=checkCollision} )
You should try different values for the speed s until you get the desired movement.
I have created a basic chunk generator, a chunk is area filled with squares, when the player moves a few blocks away from 0,0 it works correctly but after moving 4 chunks away it renders more then one chunk instead of one, I am not sure what I am doing wrong, I have given it a go changing some values, but I am left head scratching.
here is the full code, you can copy and paste into VSCODE with love2D to see what happens.
I think the main issue is somewhere around check_boarders function since that is what checks if the player is inside a chunk.
function Key_input(key)
if love.keyboard.isDown(key) then
return 1
return 0
function love.load()
Camera = require "camera"
Cam = Camera()
Basic_Player = {}
Basic_Player.X = 100
Basic_Player.Y = 100
Basic_Player.Speed = 15
Movement = {}
function love.update(dt)
Movement.X = Key_input("d") - Key_input("a")
Movement.Y = Key_input("s") - Key_input("w")
Basic_Player.X = Basic_Player.X + Movement.X * Basic_Player.Speed
Basic_Player.Y = Basic_Player.Y + Movement.Y * Basic_Player.Speed
X, Y = Cam:position() -- Set cam position to global values
function love.draw()
Cam:attach() -- Renders the player and world inside its own scene
love.graphics.setColor( 0,0,1, 1 )
love.graphics.setColor( 1,1,1, 1 )
love.graphics.setColor( 1,0,0, 1 ) --Stays on the screen
love.graphics.print(X .. " / " .. Y ,300,400)
love.graphics.print(love.timer.getFPS( ) ,300,450)
love.graphics.setColor( 1,1,1, 1 )
function old_generate_world(_world_size, _seed) -- Before optimization
local _chunk_size = 30
local _block_size = 30
for i = 0, _world_size - 1 do
for f = 0, _world_size - 1 do
local x_val = (_chunk_size * _block_size) * i -- Position value for actually building the chunks
local y_val = (_chunk_size * _block_size) * f
gen_chunk(_chunk_size,_block_size,_seed,{X = x_val ,Y = y_val })
function generate_world(_world_size, _seed)
local _chunk_size = 10 -- Chunk size width and height
local _block_size = 30 -- block size inside the chunk
for i = 0, _world_size - 1 do -- loop through world size
for f = 0, _world_size - 1 do
local x_val = (_chunk_size * _block_size) * i -- Position value for actually building the chunks
local y_val = (_chunk_size * _block_size) * f
local chunk_x_local_size = 0 -- To make sure we get a length for when i and f = 0
local chunk_y_local_size = 0
if i == 0 then -- To make sure the size of the chunk isnt zero
chunk_x_local_size = _chunk_size * _block_size -- Get length of chunk when i = 0
chunk_x_local_size = x_val
if f == 0 then -- ditto
chunk_y_local_size = _chunk_size * _block_size
chunk_y_local_size = y_val
-- Checks if the player is inside a chunk if true draw it.
if Check_boarders({X = X,Y = Y},{X = x_val,Y = y_val}, {X = chunk_x_local_size, Y = chunk_y_local_size}) then
gen_chunk(_chunk_size,_block_size,_seed,{X = x_val ,Y = y_val }) -- Actually generate the chunk
love.graphics.setColor( 0,1,0, 1 )
love.graphics.setColor( 1,1,1, 1 )
function Check_boarders(player_pos, boarder_pos, chunk_length) -- Checks player position is inside the boarder of the currently generated chunk
if player_pos.X > boarder_pos.X and player_pos.X < boarder_pos.X + chunk_length.X then -- Check if the player is greater then top left and less then top right
if player_pos.Y > boarder_pos.Y and player_pos.Y < boarder_pos.Y + chunk_length.Y then -- check if player is greater then top and less then bottom left
return true
return false
function gen_chunk(chunk_size,block_size,seed,position) -- chunk size is how many blocks inside the chunk, block size is self explain, seed n/a, pos starting chunk position
for i = 0, chunk_size - 1 do
for e = 0, chunk_size - 1 do -- loop until chunk size is met this is the amount of blocks being created
love.graphics.rectangle("fill",position.X + i * block_size,position.Y + e * block_size,block_size - 1,block_size - 1)
love.graphics.setColor( 1,0,0, 1 )
love.graphics.rectangle("fill",position.X ,position.Y,6,6)
love.graphics.setColor( 1,1,1, 1 )
You will need this camera.lua script just create it and paste this into it:
local _PATH = (...):match('^(.*[%./])[^%.%/]+$') or ''
local cos, sin = math.cos, math.sin
local camera = {}
camera.__index = camera
-- Movement interpolators (for camera locking/windowing)
camera.smooth = {}
function camera.smooth.none()
return function(dx,dy) return dx,dy end
function camera.smooth.linear(speed)
assert(type(speed) == "number", "Invalid parameter: speed = "..tostring(speed))
return function(dx,dy, s)
-- normalize direction
local d = math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)
local dts = math.min((s or speed) * love.timer.getDelta(), d) -- prevent overshooting the goal
if d > 0 then
dx,dy = dx/d, dy/d
return dx*dts, dy*dts
function camera.smooth.damped(stiffness)
assert(type(stiffness) == "number", "Invalid parameter: stiffness = "..tostring(stiffness))
return function(dx,dy, s)
local dts = love.timer.getDelta() * (s or stiffness)
return dx*dts, dy*dts
local function new(x,y, zoom, rot, smoother)
x,y = x or love.graphics.getWidth()/2, y or love.graphics.getHeight()/2
zoom = zoom or 1
rot = rot or 0
smoother = smoother or camera.smooth.none() -- for locking, see below
return setmetatable({x = x, y = y, scale = zoom, rot = rot, smoother = smoother}, camera)
function camera:lookAt(x,y)
self.x, self.y = x, y
return self
function camera:move(dx,dy)
self.x, self.y = self.x + dx, self.y + dy
return self
function camera:position()
return self.x, self.y
function camera:rotate(phi)
self.rot = self.rot + phi
return self
function camera:rotateTo(phi)
self.rot = phi
return self
function camera:zoom(mul)
self.scale = self.scale * mul
return self
function camera:zoomTo(zoom)
self.scale = zoom
return self
function camera:attach(x,y,w,h, noclip)
x,y = x or 0, y or 0
w,h = w or love.graphics.getWidth(), h or love.graphics.getHeight()
self._sx,self._sy,self._sw,self._sh = love.graphics.getScissor()
if not noclip then
local cx,cy = x+w/2, y+h/2
love.graphics.translate(cx, cy)
love.graphics.translate(-self.x, -self.y)
function camera:detach()
function camera:draw(...)
local x,y,w,h,noclip,func
local nargs = select("#", ...)
if nargs == 1 then
func = ...
elseif nargs == 5 then
x,y,w,h,func = ...
elseif nargs == 6 then
x,y,w,h,noclip,func = ...
error("Invalid arguments to camera:draw()")
-- world coordinates to camera coordinates
function camera:cameraCoords(x,y, ox,oy,w,h)
ox, oy = ox or 0, oy or 0
w,h = w or love.graphics.getWidth(), h or love.graphics.getHeight()
-- x,y = ((x,y) - (self.x, self.y)):rotated(self.rot) * self.scale + center
local c,s = cos(self.rot), sin(self.rot)
x,y = x - self.x, y - self.y
x,y = c*x - s*y, s*x + c*y
return x*self.scale + w/2 + ox, y*self.scale + h/2 + oy
-- camera coordinates to world coordinates
function camera:worldCoords(x,y, ox,oy,w,h)
ox, oy = ox or 0, oy or 0
w,h = w or love.graphics.getWidth(), h or love.graphics.getHeight()
-- x,y = (((x,y) - center) / self.scale):rotated(-self.rot) + (self.x,self.y)
local c,s = cos(-self.rot), sin(-self.rot)
x,y = (x - w/2 - ox) / self.scale, (y - h/2 - oy) / self.scale
x,y = c*x - s*y, s*x + c*y
return x+self.x, y+self.y
function camera:mousePosition(ox,oy,w,h)
local mx,my = love.mouse.getPosition()
return self:worldCoords(mx,my, ox,oy,w,h)
-- camera scrolling utilities
function camera:lockX(x, smoother, ...)
local dx, dy = (smoother or self.smoother)(x - self.x, self.y, ...)
self.x = self.x + dx
return self
function camera:lockY(y, smoother, ...)
local dx, dy = (smoother or self.smoother)(self.x, y - self.y, ...)
self.y = self.y + dy
return self
function camera:lockPosition(x,y, smoother, ...)
return self:move((smoother or self.smoother)(x - self.x, y - self.y, ...))
function camera:lockWindow(x, y, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, smoother, ...)
-- figure out displacement in camera coordinates
x,y = self:cameraCoords(x,y)
local dx, dy = 0,0
if x < x_min then
dx = x - x_min
elseif x > x_max then
dx = x - x_max
if y < y_min then
dy = y - y_min
elseif y > y_max then
dy = y - y_max
-- transform displacement to movement in world coordinates
local c,s = cos(-self.rot), sin(-self.rot)
dx,dy = (c*dx - s*dy) / self.scale, (s*dx + c*dy) / self.scale
-- move
self:move((smoother or self.smoother)(dx,dy,...))
-- the module
return setmetatable({new = new, smooth = camera.smooth},
{__call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end})
I've been using some extremely bulky code to detect collision between simple objects, and I've heard about bounding boxes. I can't find any tutorials on how to use it, so I'm asking about how to use it. Here is how I detect collision:
function platform.collision()
if player.x + player.width / 2 <= platform.x + platform.width and
player.x + player.width / 2 >= platform.x and
player.y + player.height <= platform.y + platform.height and
player.y + player.height >= platform.y then
The MDN has a rather concise article on 2D collision detection. Being the MDN, the examples are in javascript, but are easily translated to, and applicable in, any language - including Lua.
Let's take a look:
Axis-Aligned Bounding Box
One of the simpler forms of collision detection is between two rectangles that are axis aligned — meaning no rotation. The algorithm works by ensuring there is no gap between any of the 4 sides of the rectangles. Any gap means a collision does not exist.
Their example, translated to Lua:
local rect1 = { x = 5, y = 5, width = 50, height = 50 }
local rect2 = { x = 20, y = 10, width = 10, height = 10 }
rect1.x < rect2.x + rect2.width and
rect1.x + rect1.width > rect2.x and
rect1.y < rect2.y + rect2.height and
rect1.height + rect1.y > rect2.y
-- collision detected!
-- filling in the values =>
5 < 30 and
55 > 20 and
5 < 20 and
55 > 10
-- collision detected!
A live example, again in JavaScript, demonstrates this well.
Here's a quick (and imperfect) Love2D example you can throw into a main.lua and play around with.
local function rect (x, y, w, h, color)
return { x = x, y = y, width = w, height = h, color = color }
local function draw_rect (rect)
love.graphics.rectangle('fill', rect.x, rect.y,
rect.width, rect.height)
local function collides (one, two)
return (
one.x < two.x + two.width and
one.x + one.width > two.x and
one.y < two.y + two.height and
one.y + one.height > two.y
local kp = love.keyboard.isDown
local red = { 255, 0, 0, 255 }
local green = { 0, 255, 0, 255 }
local blue = { 0, 0, 255, 255 }
local dim1 = rect(5, 5, 50, 50, red)
local dim2 = rect(20, 10, 60, 40, green)
function love.update ()
if kp('up') then
dim2.y = dim2.y - 1
if kp('down') then
dim2.y = dim2.y + 1
if kp('left') then
dim2.x = dim2.x - 1
if kp('right') then
dim2.x = dim2.x + 1
dim2.color = collides(dim1, dim2) and green or blue
function love.draw ()
Oka explained it very well. This works for everything rectangular, not rotated and axis aligned. And you even already did it that way. This is great for buttons and the like!
But what I like doing is using (invisible) circles around objects and see if these collide. This works for everything where height is about the same as the width (which is the case for many sidescrolling platformers or top-down RPGs).
It's quite handy if you want to have the object centered at the current position. And it's especially helpful to simulate a finger on a touchscreen device, because a finger is quite a bit bigger than a mouse cursor. ;)
Here's an example on how to use this method. You can copy it as an actual game, it'll work.
--[[ Some initial default settings. ]]
function love.load()
settings = {
mouseHitbox = 5, -- A diameter around the mouse cursor.
-- For a finger (thouchscreen) this could be bigger!
objects = {
[1] = {
x = 250, -- Initial X position of object.
y = 200, -- Initial Y position of object.
hitbox = 100, -- A diameter around the CENTER of the object.
isHit = false -- A flag for when the object has been hit.
[2] = {
x = 400,
y = 250,
hitbox = 250,
isHit = false
--[[ This is the actual function to detect collision between two objects. ]]
function collisionDetected(x1,y1,x2,y2,d1,d2)
-- Uses the x and y coordinates of two different points along with a diameter around them.
-- As long as these two diameters collide/overlap, this function returns true!
-- If d1 and/or d2 is missing, use the a default diameter of 1 instead.
local d1 = d1 or 1
local d2 = d2 or 1
local delta_x = x2 - x1
local delta_y = y2 - y1
local delta_d = (d1 / 2) + (d2 / 2)
if ( delta_x^2 + delta_y^2 < delta_d^2 ) then
return true
--[[ Now, some LÖVE functions to give the collisionDetection() some context. ]]
function love.draw()
for i=1,#objects do -- Loop through all objects and draw them.
if ( objects[i].isHit ) then
love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0) -- If an object is hit, it will flash red for a frame.
objects[i].isHit = false
love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255)
love.graphics.circle("line", objects[i].x, objects[i].y, objects[i].hitbox/2)
-- You can use the following to check, if any object has been clicked on (or tapped on a touch screen device).
function love.mousepressed(x,y,button)
if ( button == 1 ) then
local i = objectIsHit(x,y) -- Check, if an object has been hit.
if ( i ) then
-- The object number 'i' has been hit. Do something with this information!
objects[i].isHit = true
function objectIsHit(x,y)
for i=1,#objects do -- Loop through all objects and see, if one of them has been hit.
if ( collisionDetected(x, y, objects[i].x, objects[i].y, settings.mouseHitbox, objects[i].hitbox) ) then
return i -- This object has been hit!
-- For the sake of completeness: You can use something like the following to check, if the objects themselves collide.
-- This would come in handy, if the objects would move around the screen and then bounce from each other, for example.
function love.update(dt)
if ( collisionDetected(objects[1].x, objects[1].y, objects[2].x, objects[2].y, objects[1].hitbox, objects[2].hitbox) ) then
-- The objects collided. Do something with this information!
As you can see, the collisionDetection() function is quite easy and intuitive to use.
Hopefully I could give you some more insight. And have fun with LÖVE 2D! :)
I'm turning a 2D rendered map which is unorganised into a string table, EG from:
"Render = {{Image,50,60,2}}"
Where Image is the image (I'm using Love2D Lua framework)
50 is the X axis
60 is the Y axis
2 is the Image ID (This is what will be in the actual table.)
But there's like 100 of these, all unorganised and stuff, and I need to oragnise them into a structured map.
Here's the odd bit: When I morph it into an organised string.. It.. Kinda rotates the table on a 90* angle anticlockwise.
Saying I want the result of
I would get:
Obviously no error since it technically works, just rotates wrongly. Here's the relevant code:
function OrganiseRenderIntoMap()
MapString = ""
Map2 = {}
MaxSoFarX = 0
MaxSoFarY = 0
for _,v in pairs(Render) do
if v[2] > MaxSoFarX then
MaxSoFarX = v[2]
elseif v[3] > MaxSoFarY then
MaxSoFarY = v[3]
for currx = 0, MaxSoFarX, 32 do
Map2[currx] = {}
MapString = MapString.."{"
for curry = 0, MaxSoFarY, 32 do
MapString = MapString..GetRenderPos(currx,curry)..","
Map2[currx][curry] = GetRenderPos(currx,curry)
MapString = MapString.."},\n"
return MapString
function GetRenderPos(locx,locy)
for _,v in pairs(Render) do
if v[2] == locx and v[3] == locy then
return v[4]
Give a look at my LÖVE tile tutorial. Section 1d-Strings speaks about how to handle the "switched x and y" problem.