How to call vbscript from Install shield script - installshield-2015

i am new to this install shield environment. My requirement is that i want to execute the VB script at the end of installation. We can achieve this operation using Custom action feature in install shield. But i have to pass 2 parameters to VB script. To achieve that, I have created a setup.rul (install shield script) to call the VB script and pass the parameters. Here i need assistance on how to call the VB Script from Install shield script and to pass the parameters. Thanks in advance for your assistance.

You don't have to wrap your script in a setup.rul.
You can create directly a Visual Basic script action (I would suggest Stored in binary table since it allows you to store it as a vbs file next to your ISM and so it's easier to maintain).
Inside your vbScript, you can use the Session.Property("MyProperty") method to recover and set properties from your msi.
N.B. If you plan using a deferred action, then the only property available will be "CustomActionData".


Get Sonarqube Analysis Status on a variable (GUI Job)

I couldn't find any solutions to this particular need.
Basically I have a GUI Job and I need the status of the Sonarqube Analysis so I can later send a POST Request with it.
(I'm aware that pipeline exists and works great but because a specific reason I need it to be GUI)
On the pipeline you have the WaitForQualityGate.status(), I've tried using this but no success.
Example of what is desired
Any insights? Thanks in advance
You can use the SonarQube Rest API to get the status.
Whenever you run SonarQube analysis through Jenkins Pipeline, upon the successful analysis you will see report-task.txt created in the workspace folder.
Note: The location of report-task.txt file depends on the tool that was used to generate it. The mvn sonar:sonar task defaults to path target/sonar. In my case, I used sonarscanner to analyse a nodejs project. So the location of report-tast.txt is .scannerwork.
Now, you will get the ceTaskUrl and ceTaskId in report-task.txt. You can use that ceTaskUrl to get the analysisId.
Then, you can use the below api to get the quality gate status using analysisId.
Now, try to get the curl output of the above API into a variable.
If you mean to say that you want a custom variable message to pop up in your Jenkins GUI based on the SonarQube scan status, then that would require you to:
Clone the original Jenkins source code
Add a custom HTML button/div/graphic
Compile the Jenkins code
Build the new code
Execute the generated JAR
Else, you can try some plugins available on Jenkins that would give you the ability to render conditional outputs. No promises on whether they can actually help you change the original GUI.
Any alternative traditional approach wouldn't be able to fulfill your GUI requirement.

Azure DevOps secure file guids

In my ADO build pipline, I have a secure file download step. When we branch versions, we use powershell to do the heavy lifting with cloning build definitions and updating settings/info in the cloned pipeline.
One issue I've run into is that the Secure File Download step doesn't accept variables, and in the UI you can only select names of files that already exist, so we've had to manually update it after every new branch we create.
I've grabbed the definition task step in powershell (as $step) and was hoping I could set the $step.inputs.fileInputs to a variable I assign to something like cert-$newVersion, however it currently is set to a guid.
Does anyone know if it possible to get the guid of secure files in ADO via the API or have a solution?
Does anyone know if it possible to get the guid of secure files in ADO via the API or have a solution?
Yes. This API exists.
You could try to use the following Rest API:
You could get the secure file GUID based on the file name.

Performing denodo tasks from Jenkins

I am trying a create a working prototype for performing denodo activities from my Jenkins server.
Steps that i want to perform are :
Import a VSQL file from GIT to Denodo from Jenkins.
Create a view in Denodo from Jenkins.
Run this VSQL file in Denodo from Jenkins.
I am new to Denodo world and i am not sure if Denodo has any APIs for doing this.
Can someone let me know if this is really possible? If so where can i find a solution for this requirement. I tried searching in the internet for last few days, but couldn't find a solution.
The problem why you don't find to much on the web for this is that the files and query language in denodo is called vql not vsql. Try searching for that, you will find a lot there.
Anyways about your problem:
You have two options to work with CI and CD in Denodo. If you use Jenkins and just want to create views based on actions in other systems, e.g. create a base view as soon as a new table is created in the source you can just send the vql create script (containing create wrapper an create view) via jdbc or odbc to the server. For that create a technical user on denodo and load the driver to the jenkins server.
The other option is if you are using Denodo 7 to use the solution manager. There you have a rest API where you can create Revisions, test them on different environments and deploy them. Not sure if you can create a revision based on vql code that comes from Jenkins, but I think this should be possible.

Is there a way to overwrite a value contained within a file via Jenkins?

Is there a way to overwrite a value contained within a file via Jenkins?
I have the following file contained within my automation framework:
If the value of chrome get changed to firefox then all tests will now execute within firefox browser.
I can manually change this value by directly accessing the file but can the value get altered via jenkins?
I use the Pipeline Utility Steps plugin to read properties files, and it looks like it can write a few other types of files, but not properties files.
It seems to me that you want to make this change in this file so you can run some tests first in one browser, then in another. If this is the case, I think a better way to handle this is to try to get your tests to point to different files. This is a little cleaner, and allows things like parallel execution and when you find that another thing needs to change in the future, you won't be writing so many things to the file in a script, which gets a little error prone.
If you can't make your tests execute against a different properties file, you could have a copy of each file you need, and then copy them to them appropriate filename to execute your tests.
But maybe I made poor assumptions as to your setup here. ;)
You can create a build parameter as $browser to accept the value say "firefox" and using sed inside "execute shell", replace the value in
Once done, execute your scripts.
This is just overview as you have not posted details about your file, its location, if you are using Jenkins jobs or jenkinsfile/pipeline etc.

Get result of a build step in Hudson/Jenkins to re-use it in another one

My question may be silly but I've been trying several ways and I still can't do what I want, i.e.:
use the scp target of Ant to target a remote machine and execute
a script there
this script creates a dynamic list of files
get this list of files (only their names) back in Hudson to use it in the next build step (another scp from Ant)
I tried to use environment variables but they are interpreted by Hudson so I'm stuck here...
Globally my question would be: how to get a result from an Ant build step ?
Thanks for your ideas,
You may find File parameter useful. This allows you to create an input file, pass it to build. You may need to write script/ant script to process the file though.
In the long term you may evaluate a Hudson farm. This will allow to create tasks that span multiple machines , pass results around. (
You can get the ID(s) of the job that triggered your job via the API and fetch their status.
