App Rejected Because of Beta Testing Reference - ios

Ok, here a new one. I submitted an iOS app update. The only thing I changed was a few things within pages. After it was submitted, Apple rejected it and said that there was a reference to beta testing. They were nice enough to provide a screenshot where if you 3D Touch the app icon it brings an option to send beta feedback. Now the thing is I didn't add that and when I test it on my end there is nothing like that. Just the 3D Touch option for dark mode. I know that this beta testing option shows up when using it through TestFlight, but Apple shouldn't be seeing that and when I test it in the iOS simulator, it doesn't show that for me.
Thus far, Apple has been no help and hasn't been able to provide any information on how to remove it. I'm quite confused as to how to remove it, since I didn't add it and when I test it on my end I don't see it. So I'm reaching out to see if anyone has any suggestions on how to remove the 3D Touch beta testing feedback action, as I didn't add it and because of that, I don't know where or how to remove it. I've attached the screenshot that Apple sent me in case you need to see what I'm talking about. Thanks for the help!


Flutter app crashes on launch only during Apple FlightTest

I had completed a Flutter app, which seems to work well in simulator. I then went on to release the initial version of the app to AppStore Connect and sent it to beta testers via TestFlight and they were able to test it without any issue and sent me some feedback.
I made a few changes to the app based on the feedback (nothing too drastic) and tested it throughly in the simulator which seems to work fine. But now when the users download the app via TestFlight it crashed while opening and I cant seem to fix it no matter what I try. Any help would be really appreciated
So far I have tried,
Followed this article letter to letter
Modify optimisation parameters in Build Settings as mentioned here
Tried this SO answer
Crash report from XCode is not much of use since it is not very readable (as attached in the picture).
Can't yet seem to find any reliable answer, Any help on this would be much appreciated.

IOS 12 Unwanted communication Reporting Extension Working on Phone but not on Messages app

I have been trying to make the new iOS extension Unwanted Communication Reporting work. Currently I couldn't find any good walk-through tutorial or code-sample to make it work. Above that by just firing up a new project with this extension and building it shows me the option of reporting in the Phone App but not on the Messages app, Moreover, the option to enable it only appears in phone app but it says "sms/phone" so I think this should work for both of them.
I know its in beta right now but just want to know if anyone had any luck with it. Also, There is no code to share as its just the boiler plate that comes with the new project.
This might have been a personal issue. I reset the whole phone and now I can see the options to report message. Apple might have fixed it in their latest iOS build or it might have just been my device issue.
Apple's developer site specifies ”SMS and call spam reporting," which is an app extension that you will have the option of turning on or off.
You may enable an Unwanted Communication extension in the Settings app. I am not sure if Apple will utilize this but i know for android - screen turns red when such spam calls come in, also caller id notes that but currently apple seems to have found a middle ground.
The following worked for me, you can try:
Remove command definition for this in Plist file.
Delete the Target in project (you can delete code folder).

How to disable TestFlight beta testing?

I'm not able to transfer my application to iTunes connect. It is said that I have to disable my Beta testing of the application. Actually, I have stopped testing, deleted all builds from beta testing. App was set up for only internal testers. I have removed all testers as well. But still same issue. Here is the snap.
I spoke with an Apple representative on the phone regarding this issue. They are aware of this bug and working on it. That's all she could answer me.
Try again next week, if the issue is still there (which probably will be), I had to call again...
Pay attention to application localization. If your application has support multi language, then you could leave the information in the TestFlight menu.
You must delete the test information not only from the main language, but from other languages that are supported in your application. Go to TestFlight tab -> Test Information. Then click blue button with your language in right side of webpage. You shall choose other language supported in your application and remove all appeared information about testing. After this, click Save button (see attachment)
And try to transfer app. Next to the text TestFlight Beta Testing should be a green checkmark.
P.S. This solution was suggested by the Apple Support Team. Here is a part of their letter:
After checking your iTunes Connect account, we could see that you have
started to test a build internally, and you still have a feedback
email listed under Test Information in the English (U.S.)
localization. Therefore, I would kindly ask you to expire the build
and remove the feedback email.
After you have followed the information above, you should be able to
proceed further with your transfer.
Remove all testers and all testing information from the application in iTunesConnect on tab TestFlight.
You need to remove all testers, all builds (detail each one and expire it) and remove all information about how to test the app. I did this and worked for me.
I was able to fix this bug going to TestFlight section in Appstoreconnect and in Test Information switch to another language and clear all field also there.
Had the same problem.
If nothing helps, maybe these steps will help you.
You have to go to the TestFlight tab, then Test Information, and in the top right corner press language button. If you have more than one language, delete them from the list.

Apple Watch app rejection for "Booting to White Screen"

My app just got rejected, and the reason was that the Apple Watch Extension was "Booting to White Screen" on Apple Watch. They sent me a screencapture of Apple Watch screen that just has white screen. Not much information.
I honestly have no clue where I went wrong... seeing that the app runs fine on both iPhone and the Simulator.
I don't have an Apple Watch to test this with or any logs on real device to show you although I wish I could give as much information on this question.
I don't have any info I can supply other than the fact that they rejected the app, and app doesn't seem to run on real device.
I don't think it would be a code issue seeing that the First Screen in my app is just a few buttons for menu, without much things happening.
Could anyone give me any insight to how to approach this problem? or has anyone had a similar issue?
Here's the response from Apple.
2.2 Details
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPhone
running iOS 8.2 on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks.
Specifically, upon review we found the Apple Watch app will boot to
white screen display upon launch.
Next Steps
Please run your app on a device to identify the issue(s), then revise
and resubmit your app for review.
For new apps, uninstall all previous versions of your app from a
device, then install and follow the steps to reproduce the issue(s).
For updates, install the new version as an update to the previous
version, then follow the steps to reproduce the issue(s).
If we misunderstood the intended behavior of your app, please reply to
this message in the Resolution Center to provide information on how
these features were intended to work.
Just in case anyone is wondering or having the same issue... it was really a stupid mistake.
I didn't put the images used for Apple Watch in the correct asset catalog with correct target membership. That's why it was displaying the images correctly on simulator, but not on real Apple Watch, since images weren't embedded within the app.
These kind of things needs to be double-triple checked before submitted to app store because it doesn't show on the simulator.

disabled feature in iPad app

i want to release an iPad application to app store. in my application on dashboard there are six buttons and on tap they open six different screens. but among them one is disabled. User is unable to do anything with it. We just kept it in the app as we are going to implement that feature in the next version. is that fine? is there any chances that my app will get reject by app store guys because of this.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
As per my experience Apple will Reject your application saying that either you have to implement that functionality or you have to remove that disabled button.
it may be rejected based on AppStore Review Guideline:
2.9 Apps that are "demo", "trial", or "test" versions will be rejected. Beta Apps may only be submitted through TestFlight and must follow the TestFlight guidelines
it would be more reasonable to implement the functionality; or not showing such features which are not part of the application at all – none of those cases cause rejection.
Why don't you add like a simple alertView saying « This feature will be available in the next version, stay tuned ! » or something ? Would be a way better UX overall. Either that, or hide the button for now. Either way, don't let a button do nothing with no user feedback, this sounds terrible.
I don't think app store will reject your iPad application. You should use rather web view control(in Android) in which you can show any web page or something like that, if you want to provide the facility that after installation of your app, uses can get the updated details from it. Just give it a thought.
