BeagleBone Black PM for 4.1? - beagleboneblack

For the past two years or so, I have been using the bb-kernel from RobertCNelson and recently was tasked with implementing Power Management features. After much investigation, I realized that the am335x-pm-firmware.bin was not being loaded at boot. Further, the kernel image does not include the CONFIG_WKUP_M3_IPC option and wkup_m3_ipc.c file.
Question is: Has anyone been able to get the PM working on the Beagle Debian kernel 4.1 version? If so, please inform me how to do it. Is there a patch somewhere to the kernel to easily implement?


Tidymodels produces different Results

I built eight different machine learning models back in October 2021 using Tidymodels. Back then, I carefully saved the input data, my output and my .R files. Now, when I run my codes again, I get totally different outputs. I have updated my packages since October, and the only explanation that I can think of is that there has been some updates that cause the discrepancies. O wonder if others have experienced such issues and if they have been able to resolve it.
Edit: I am using the same machine and the same random seeds.
Following #Julia Silge's clue, I installed an older version of the rsample package (version 0.0.9) and then I could reproduce all my results.

opencv not able to run some advanced image processing code

i am using visual studio 15
some basic blurring and filters are running perfectly but on some codes such as blending and dct techniques are not running
Can anyone please help me
At this point its probably best to create your own compiled library tools for MicroSoft Visual Studio 15. Here's a how to guide. That guide covers all the steps and starts with the most current code on Github.
Also note there are many tutorials out there on OpenCV. Many parts of the OpenCV library have been update, or replaced. You have to be careful that the commands you are using are valid in OpenCV 3.x
Compile your own, run a few simple programs.
If you want specific help here, you MUST post your code, and the errors you are seeing.

Why am i getting this error trying to compile an app using Parallels on my MacBook

I posted a question on the apple site but someone suggested that I might get a better response on stackoverflow directly since its a visual studio related issue.
I installed parallels on my macbook pro and i installed windows 7 iso via a DVD. at first everything looked fine exception now I am now trying to compile an app in visual studio and i get this error over and over
No matter what i click it will eventually progress but this is quite annoying. The same question was asked here but no good answer was given. It almost seems like it think it needs to depend on something from the DVD drive (which it shouldn't)
Can someone please explain why devenv.exe would need the ISO dvd to be connected to my laptop at this point?
after rebooting this problem seems to go away

vmware player install hangs? vista 32bit

I am a noob trying to setup my computer so i can make a social networking website.
Sorry if its not kosher to ask here, but Hopefully one of you smart guys can help me.
I want to test some CMS (content management systems), firstly Elgg and then some others.
As far as ive read i can do this by using a virtual machine like VMware Player.
Now originally i wanted to try out Insoshi so i tried to use Cygwin and GitBash (also Putty tools) to download it (with no success). This involved me installing those programs and also trying to get an ssh environment variable working. So i gaveup on that (seeing that Elgg has more support anyhow i thought id try to try that). I uninstalled these programs, deleted leftover directories and deleted the added environment variable.
I also uninstalled DaemonTools (cos i thought it may be conflicting).
Im running Windows Vista 32bit and have always downloaded relevant installs for that system.
My problem is the VMware Player installer isn't doing anything. I launch it and it seems to hang straight away see pic
Am i missing something here?
Vmware page also suggests a virtual appliance (for cloud stuff) which i dont know much about yet. And i think that appliance is installed via the player else an image loader like Daemon Tools. Do i need this appliance first?
Why is the player not installing?
Ive tried both 3.14 and 3.13 build with same result?
I have about 4 gig of space left on my hd and have 3gig of ram.
I have looked at the programs installed on my computer and cant seem to find anything else that might conflict (but i am a n00b) and i also tried pausing my kapersky pure protection. Any help is severely appreciated, thanks.
As I recall there were a couple of conflicts with vmware
A quick look through the vmware forums I see:
virtualPC (no surprise)
nvidia 270.18 beta driver
I also remember there being talk on the forums about a specific executable name which caused issues, but Im struggling to remember what it was.
start regedit.exe
Browse to the following sub-key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\
You should see keys named 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. In my case I had a folder named "L" before the 0.
Remove the key with "L" (actually it is "└", unicode #2514)
P.S. This is due to Microsoft screws up the registry Internet Zone settings in the registry. With the "└" key, it cause Javascript not to be called from an application.
Got it from here.

Delphi on the Mac - possible? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 1 year ago.
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I am responsible for a Delphi/Win32 project management application. I have just completed a move to Delphi 2009.
More and more US based users want to use the application on their Mac computers, while the majority are Windows users.
Are there solutions out there to easily build a Delphi app that will natively run on MacOS?
With the release of RAD Studio XE2 in late 2011, Delphi developers should be able to build once and distribute on Win 32/64 and MacOS 32, with iOS support promised.
You might want to try Lazarus:
Mac OS X doesn't run Windows programs. It doesn't provide any of the API you'd need, such as the functions in kernel32, user32, etc.
You could try running your program via Crossover. Other options include virtual machines, such as VMware Fusion and Parallels.
Another thing you might try is to use .Net. Convert your program to use the .Net version of Delphi and then run it on Mono on the Mac. I wouldn't put a lot of confidence in this method, though.
Your options to run native Delphi code on OSX are pretty limited. You can use Lazarus/Freepascal but that is a long way behind Delphi. It will produce native code.
Alternately you can use Prism and Mono. That apparently works well. Have a look at or Also, check out the remobjects blogs, and the embarcadero.public.delphiprism.mono.osx newsgroup.
That needs the mono redistributable. However mono also supports linking and ahead of time compilation so you might be able to get something close to native code on it.
In either case, you will need to rewrite your ui as the osx look and feel and conventions are different.
This is a very old thread but for people browsing here and looking for an answer in Q3 of 2011 or later the answer is yes.
With the release of Rad Studio XE2 this year, Delphi Developers will be able to create native applications for Mac OS as well as Win32, Win64 and iOS more platforms coming soon.
There may be some hope for the future for Delphi and the Mac.
The Podcast at Delphi.Org reviewed the closing keynote at CodeRage III (Dec 2008) when Embarcadero’s Wayne Williams talked about the Future. It said this:
I think the most exciting part of Wayne’s talk was the slide marked “The Future” which listed some of the company wide research initiatives underway. It specifically listed Mac, Linux, Cloud, Application Virtualization, FireBird, Touch, 64bit, SMP and Multi-core. When I asked about a Delphi for Mac and Linux they said that today, with Delphi Prism and Mono you could reach Mac and Linux, but in their labs they were working on native support, and that they had a significant head start.
While the Lazarus route is not a no brainer recompile, I've good experiences with it. I tried the (Delphi).NET+mono way before (to WinCE, Linux and OS X), and failed miserably.
Codegear talks a lot, but the next Delphi version will only have a PREVIEW of 64-bit (cmdline compiler). If you assume the version after that is the full 64-bit product, you can be sure that OS X is at the earliest 2 years away.
Lazarus or recoding.
I listened in on one of the recent Delphi 2009 show-off conference calls and they said that it was possible to run on a Mac using Delphi Prism and there is an automatic conversion utility called Oxidizer. I'm not sure if you'd call that native since you'd need Mono, but I think it's better than Wine.
Another alternative would be to develop a web based application. This avoids the "gui is different" problem and allows you to focus on your product. If you look at some of the latest AJAX controls, you can get pretty close to a full desktop application experience without having to sacrifice much. If your application needs to run locally, then developing a local web service in Delphi and translating it to Lazarus specifically targeting OSX seems to me to be a much easier and manageable task.
There's not really a good solution for this. Someone mentioned Lazurus, but it's not "there" yet. Delphi is just not a cross-platform tool. If you really want a Mac version then you probably ought to look at alternatives.
If your app is consumer-based, your users will expect lots of Cocoa goodness. Using anything else to make a Mac app will make them cranky.
However if it's more of a business app, then that's usually less important. I use REALbasic to build lots of Mac/Windows business applications. It's very similar to Delphi so it should be easy to pick up.
We have released a new product for creating cross platform apps (Mac OSX) using Delphi/Free Pascal. have a look at
Welcome to the future/relive the past!
