How to remove tick lines from secondary y axis in highcharts heatmap graph - highcharts

I have manipulated highcharts heatmap graph to suit some of my requirement. But I am not able to hide the tick lines on secondary y axis. Below is the jsfiddle link of what I have done.
Please suggest how to hide the tick lines.

Actually, those lines are grid lines and an axis line (the one in the bottom). You can disable them by setting their width to 0.
xAxis: {
lineWidth: 0
yAxis: {
gridLineWidth: 0,


HighCharts xAxis show on 0 line with tick marks between all columns

I've developed a bunch of bar charts in HighCharts cloud with positive and negative values.
First question:
is it possible to have the xAxis appear at the 0 line (not at the bottom of the chart)?
What I've done so far is offset the xAxis so it's placed on the 0 line, which kinda works but I was hoping for a better solution. The other method I was think was to use plotLines code on the yAxis, but I don't get the ticks:
plotLines: [{
color: '#010101',
width: 2,
value: 0,
zIndex: 5
Second question:
is it possible to have the tick marks to appear between each bar, and not just the bars that have an xAxis label?
This is what's rendering for me at the moment, and I'm trying to get a tick between all the bars while showing the same number of labels
First question:
You can merge this configuration into chart options in Cloud’s custom code section:
chart: {
events: {
load: function() {
var yAxis = this.yAxis[0];
offset: -yAxis.toPixels(Math.abs(yAxis.min), true)
It automatically positions x axis so that it works as y = 0 line.
Second question:
Try setting X Axis[0] > Labels > Step to 1.
API reference:
Explanation from Docs:
To show only every n'th label on the axis, set the step to n. Setting the step to 2 shows every other label.
By default, the step is calculated automatically to avoid overlap. To prevent this, set it to 1. This usually only happens on a category axis, and is often a sign that you have chosen the wrong axis type.

How to turn off inner padding in highcharts?

I need to align table with highcharts, but chart has irregular padding on the edges, it's based on percentage, I guess.
I would like 30 to stick to the left edge of chart (close to 3) or set it distance manually in pixels. How can I do that in highcharts?
Based on #SebastianBochan suggestions, this is complete solution
startOnTick: true
endOnTick: true
minPadding: 0
maxPadding: 0
Try something like this:
yAxis: {
offset: -15
Check this fiddle:

x-Axis tick alignment

I have a problem with Highcharts, when trying to position the x-Axis tick marks according to the column data shown. I want to align the x-axis ticks on the right, but all the time they are displayed on the center. X-axis must be numbers, so I don't have categories.
Fiddle here
Experiment with the pointPlacement option.
For instance:
plotOptions: {
column: {
pointPlacement: -0.5
Produces (fiddle here):

Can I plot a diagonal plotline in highcharts?

Is it possible to have a diagonal plotline in highcharts?
I have a line chart which tracks weightloss (y axis = weight, x axis = time), and I need a plotline which starts at the initial weight, and plots diagonally to the time when the user should have lost the weight by.
I can plot a simply flat plotline like this:
plotLines: [{
value: 0.696,
width: 3,
color: 'red',
dashStyle: 'dash',
label: {
text: 'Latest value',
align: 'right',
y: 5,
x: 0
but, that's just a simple flat line.
Any ideas?
Easiest way is to simply use a separate line series.
Plot just your first and last point. You can disable markers, turn off mousetracking, and hide from the legend if you want it to behave just like a plotLine.
Plotlines can be horizontal or vertical, but you can use renderer to add custom line (like diagonal) in the chart:

Highchart Scrollbar position

How to set scrollbar position to Left in highcharts/highstock ?
As shown in image when the chart loads,
The scrollbar is automatically aligned to right.
Is there a way to position it to Left ?
We can do this thing using setting min to 0
xAxis: {
min: 0, //setting min to 0
max: 5
here is Jsfiddle link .
You can use setExtremes and define range for scrollbar.
