Highchart Scrollbar position - highcharts

How to set scrollbar position to Left in highcharts/highstock ?
As shown in image when the chart loads,
The scrollbar is automatically aligned to right.
Is there a way to position it to Left ?

We can do this thing using setting min to 0
xAxis: {
min: 0, //setting min to 0
max: 5
here is Jsfiddle link .

You can use setExtremes http://api.highcharts.com/highstock#Axis.setExtremes() and define range for scrollbar.


How to position Highcharts tooltip on top of bar or at 0 line of Y-axis for negative value

Highcharts tooltip is shown at bottom of the column bar for negative values but i want it to show on top or at 0 axis level. Please help.
Present tooltip position as per highcharts:
Reference image of how i want to position:
You can set the positioner of tooltip like this
tooltip: {
positioner: function(__, __, point) {
return {
x: point.plotX,
y: point.negative ? point.plotY - point.h : point.plotY

HighCharts xAxis show on 0 line with tick marks between all columns

I've developed a bunch of bar charts in HighCharts cloud with positive and negative values.
First question:
is it possible to have the xAxis appear at the 0 line (not at the bottom of the chart)?
What I've done so far is offset the xAxis so it's placed on the 0 line, which kinda works but I was hoping for a better solution. The other method I was think was to use plotLines code on the yAxis, but I don't get the ticks:
plotLines: [{
color: '#010101',
width: 2,
value: 0,
zIndex: 5
Second question:
is it possible to have the tick marks to appear between each bar, and not just the bars that have an xAxis label?
This is what's rendering for me at the moment, and I'm trying to get a tick between all the bars while showing the same number of labels https://cloud.highcharts.com/show/cLtfEDClS
First question:
You can merge this configuration into chart options in Cloud’s custom code section:
chart: {
events: {
load: function() {
var yAxis = this.yAxis[0];
offset: -yAxis.toPixels(Math.abs(yAxis.min), true)
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/6712zrod/
It automatically positions x axis so that it works as y = 0 line.
Second question:
Try setting X Axis[0] > Labels > Step to 1.
API reference: https://api.highcharts.com/highcharts/xAxis.labels.step
Explanation from Docs:
To show only every n'th label on the axis, set the step to n. Setting the step to 2 shows every other label.
By default, the step is calculated automatically to avoid overlap. To prevent this, set it to 1. This usually only happens on a category axis, and is often a sign that you have chosen the wrong axis type.

How to remove tick lines from secondary y axis in highcharts heatmap graph

I have manipulated highcharts heatmap graph to suit some of my requirement. But I am not able to hide the tick lines on secondary y axis. Below is the jsfiddle link of what I have done. http://jsfiddle.net/sandeepkparashar/39xBU/389/389
Please suggest how to hide the tick lines.
Actually, those lines are grid lines and an axis line (the one in the bottom). You can disable them by setting their width to 0.
xAxis: {
lineWidth: 0
yAxis: {
gridLineWidth: 0,
example: http://jsfiddle.net/sebdom/39xBU/390/

Align Legend with x-Axis Title in HighCharts

The default behavior of the x-axis title alignment is within the bounds of the x-axis. However, the legend alignment is within the bounds of the entire chart. Thus, if you align both center, they have a slight offset. How can I get the legend to base its position off of the x-axis bounds instead? My graph options are dynamic, so I would need to do it dynamically.
Sample JS Fiddle
legend: { margin:5, padding:0 },
Thanks in advance!
Example for you: http://jsfiddle.net/xqag5e72/2/
In short, you can change translation for legend to be similar to xAxis' title:
function moveLegend(e) {
var legend = this.legend,
x = this.plotLeft + (this.xAxis[0].width / 2) - legend.group.getBBox().width / 2,
y = legend.group.translateY;
transform: 'translate(' + x + ',' + y +')'
Note: I'm using load and redraw events, to translate legend after first initialization and later to make this legend responsive.

highstock crosshair width according to zoom

I have a highstock chart witch candlestick data type.
When I mouseover the data point, I want to highlight the background of the point.
This is what tooltip -> crosshairs do:
tooltip: {
crosshairs: true
But the only width option to set is the fixed width. See http://jsfiddle.net/8YBd7/.
This fixed width works with initial zoom, but when I change the zoom, the width is not updated with new point width.
When I set 100% width, the crosshair would fill entire chart area:
tooltip: {
crosshairs: {
width: '100%'
Is there another option how to highlight current data point by changing its background or setting the width to the pointPixelInterval or something else?
Meanwhile, I produced a dirty workaround, so improvements are welcomed:
xAxis: {
events: {
afterSetExtremes: function() {
this.chart.tooltip.crosshairs = [];
this.chart.options.tooltip.crosshairs.width = (this.width / (this.series[0].points.length-1));
Whenever the zoom is changed, the width is recounted according to chart width and number of displayed data points. The width is not updated when calling redraw(), so the old crosshair needs to be removed.
Have you tried to use Renderer http://api.highcharts.com/highstock#Renderer.rect() which allows to plot any shapes and defined width? Only what you need is getting point width in pixels frpm(chart.series[0].data[0].graphic) and then setting correct widht of "shape".
