Does `nonatomic` makes sense in a `readonly` declared property (including class property)? - ios

EDIT: This question applies to normal declared properties as well (not only to class properties)!
Original Post:
Lets say I have the public class method sharedInstance which is currently implemented as a getter method:
#interface MyClass
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;
- (void)doSomething;
#implementation MyClass
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance {
static MyClass *shared = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
shared = [[MyClass alloc] init];
return shared;
Accessing this method in Swift 3.0 would look like this: MyClass.shared().doSomething()
So to make it more swifty we should change the class method to a class property (new in Xcode 8. but actually I can't find it in the Apple Docu, only in WWDC 2016 video)
#interface MyClass
#property (class, nonatomic, readonly) MyClass *sharedInstance;
- (void)doSomething;
// implementation stays the same
Now in Swift code: MyClass.shared.doSomething()
So does nonatomic/atomic property modifier (don't know the exact term) even makes sense for a getter method which I implement myself in objc?

The atomic/nonatomic modifiers have no effect in your case, for multiple reasons.
The main reason is that atomicity keywords affect only generated code (i.e. synthesized accessor methods). When you declare a #property in your interface and then implement it with a method (or method pair) in your implementation, the compiler isn't generating code, so your atomicity keyword is ignored.
There are a few ways to get to this situation, and you're triggering a couple of them:
First, you have a class property. The compiler can't synthesize accessors or storage for class properties — which means no code generation, so atomicity doesn't apply.
Second, in most common uses of readonly properties, the #property declaration is backed by a manually implemented getter method — which means there's no code generation and thus atomicity doesn't apply.
(Note you can also have instance properties declared as readonly in a public interface and synthesized due to a private readwrite redeclaration in your implementation. In that case, not only does atomicity apply, you have to make the atomicity keywords match between your public and private declarations. You can also synthesize just a getter and work directly with the backing ivar in your implementation.)
Because specifying either atomic or nonatomic for this property does nothing either way, you're free to just leave atomicity keywords out of your declaration entirely. (The compiler will assume atomic, but as noted that assumption has no effect.)

It makes perfect sense. The declaration of a property gives the user of the class information. An user of the class is allowed to expect from the – synthesized or manual – implementation, what you tell in the declaration. The user cannot even know, whether it is synthesized or not.
If you implement the getter (or whatever accessor) yourself, you should reflect the atomicity of your implementation in the declaration of the property. If you have a non-atomic implementation, you should add that to the declared property.


Is it allowed to duplicate variable name in same class?

I have a block of source code getting from Github. It looks like:
Header file
#interface VTDUpcomingDisplayData : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, readonly, copy,) NSArray* sections; // array of VTDUpcomingDisplaySection
+ (instancetype)upcomingDisplayDataWithSections:(NSArray *)sections;
Implementation file
#import "VTDUpcomingDisplayData.h"
#interface VTDUpcomingDisplayData()
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray* sections;
#implementation VTDUpcomingDisplayData
+ (instancetype)upcomingDisplayDataWithSections:(NSArray *)sections
VTDUpcomingDisplayData* data = [[VTDUpcomingDisplayData alloc] init];
data.sections = sections;
return data;
This block code has two variable name called 'sections' but builds successfully. I have two questions:
First of all, I do not understand why this is allowed to happen?
Second, how to call exact the variable I want in source code?
It's normal in Objective-C, called override property attribute or redeclaring a property. You can declare a property is readonly in interface, and make it's readwrite (There’s no need to specify the readwrite attribute explicitly, but in this case You better write it) in implement.
Here's Apple document about redeclaring a property in class extension
Class extensions are often used to extend the public interface with
additional private methods or properties for use within the
implementation of the class itself. It’s common, for example, to
define a property as readonly in the interface, but as readwrite in a
class extension declared above the implementation, in order that the
internal methods of the class can change the property value directly.
First of all, I do not understand why this is allowed to happen?
Just because it's normal behavior in Objective-C
Second, how to call exact the variable I want in source code?
It's just once property, You can access it as readwrite in internal method. But in other class it's still readonly
Both declarations refer to the same property (and underlying instance variable).
However, the properties are declared differently in the header and the implementation. In the header, which defines the interface to be used by callers of this object, the property is declared readonly. In the implementation of the class the same property is missing the readonly attribute, i.e. it is read/write.
This is to allow the implementation of the class read and write access to the property but limit users of the class to only read from the property. Everybody is accessing the same property (instance variable), the only difference is the access rights of the different callers.

Undeclared Methods vs Categories in Objective-C

Imagine I have define a class MyClass as follows:
The class interface file:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface MyClass : NSObject
#property (nonatomic) NSString *myProperty;
- (void)myPublicMethod;
The class implementation file using categories:
#import "MyClass.h"
#interface MyClass (MyCategory)
- (void)myPrivateMethod;
#implementation MyClass
- (void)myPublicMethod {
NSLog(#"myPublicMethod was called!");
[self myPrivateMethod];
- (void)myPrivateMethod {
NSLog(#"myPrivateMethod was called!");
An alternative class implementation file NOT using categories:
#import "MyClass.h"
# implementation MyClass
- (void)myPublicMethod {
NSLog(#"myPublicMethod was called!");
[self myPrivateMethod];
- (void)myPrivateMethod {
NSLog(#"myPrivateMethod was called!");
Was hoping someone could explain the difference between the two implementation file approaches.
Is it the case that using categories means the "private" methods are inherited by any subclasses of MyClass and not using categories means the "private" methods are not inherited by any subclasses?
All methods that exist on a class are always inherited and are callable by anyone regardless of how you declare them. The main difference is whether anybody knows about them. There was also a historic need to declare things before use which leads to internal forward declarations in older and old-style code.
A category is used to add methods to an existing class. A common use is to extend the functionality of one of the existing classes. For example you might implement:
#interface NSURL (HTTPQueryParameters)
- (NSDictionary *)httpQueryParameters;
So from then on you've given NSURL itself the knowledge required to parse HTTP protocol query parameters. It's often the correct factoring to add functionality directly to classes you don't have the source for.
Objective-C used to follow the C rule that methods had knowledge only of those methods that had preceded them within the compilation unit. So to be able to call a method that appeared later in the source file you'd need a forward declaration. If you didn't want to publish that method for the world to see you could achieve that with a category or a class extension (which for this purpose is just an unnamed category).
Nowadays Objective-C methods can call any method that is defined anywhere within the compilation unit, including subsequently in the same source file. It's therefore now normal not to collect up your unpublished methods into a category or an extension just for the benefit of the compiler.
That leaves categories for:
adding functionality to existing classes; and
segmenting your classes if they become very large;
Class extensions are now primarily for:
declaring #propertys without publishing them.
In Objective-C any method call can be sent to any object — objects are dynamically typed. So there's a mapping table in memory at runtime for every class from method name to implementation. The lookup process is to see whether the method is implemented in the class dispatched to. If not then dispatch to the superclass. An exception will be raised if the runtime runs out of superclasses.
The declaration of the method in a category #interface only serves to expose the method to users of the class, including -- as you mentioned in your comment -- subclasses.
(It would be much more usual to use a class extension (sometimes called an "anonymous category") declare a method that you're defining in the main implementation block. Actually, I'm not 100% sure what the interaction is between your category declaration and the main block definition -- I wouldn't have been surprised if it didn't compile, but it does.)
Thus, the only difference between your two examples is that the declaration allows you to create a private header in a situation where you want your own subclasses to access this method, but have framework users who you want to restrict.

Objective-C member variable vs property in source file

I understand the difference between member variable and property in Object-C, but there is one thing make me confused. See the following code.
#interface test : NSObject
#interface test()
NSString *memberStr;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *properyStr;
As showed, the memberStr and propertyStr can't be see by outside. I want to know what is the difference between them. Because I don't how to chose the solution when i want to use local variable.
properyStr will have the getters and setters generated automatically.
you can define custom setter for propertyStr as below. When you use self.propertyStr, it will create a default object for you. It will be useful for initialising objects like NSMutableArray, NSMutableDictionary etc.
- (NSString *)properyStr
if(_propertyStr == nil)
_propertyStr = #"";
return _propertyStr;
memberStr will not have these options.
I understand the difference between member variable and property in Object-C
I'm not sure that you do.
A member variable is a variable that's visible only within the scope of instance methods.
A property is some attribute of the class that can be set or get. The compiler will write appropriate getters and, optionally, setters, and will organise storage for itself, unless you override any of those things.
Both member variables and properties can be declared either in the #implementation or in the #interface.
A member variable can never be accessed directly by unrelated classes, regardless of where it was declared. If it's in the #interface then it can be accessed by subclasses.
A property can always be read and, optionally, written by any other class, regardless of where it was declared. External classes can use the key-value coding mechanism even if the #property isn't visible to them.
Questions you may therefore be likely to ask:
Q) Why would I put a member variable into the #interface?
A) It's unlikely you would. It will expose it to subclasses but usually wanting to do so is a design flaw. However, in olden times you had to put all member variables into the #interface for reasons of how the old Objective-C runtime worked. So older code and stuck-in-their-ways programmers will still sometimes follow this pattern.
Q) Why would I declare a property visible only to the #implementation?
A) It's unlikely you would. However in olden times this was the only way to create member variables that weren't visible in the #interface so was the way people did most member variables for a brief period. Similarly, you could declare something, say retain, then use the getter/setter and assume correct memory management was going on, so it acted as some syntactic sugar in the days before ARC was introduced. As with the previous answer, there are therefore some people who still do so through habit and some code that still does so on account of being older. It's not something you'd often do nowadays.
EDIT: a better summary: properties adjust your class interface. Member variables adjust its implementation. In object-oriented programming you should be thinking of the two things as entirely disjoint.
One of the main purposes of object-oriented programming is to have a bunch of discrete actors that say "I can do X" with exactly how they do it being nobody else's business.
A property says what a class can do. A member variable is for the benefit of how the class does it.
Semantically they're completely separate issues.
First of memberStr is an instance variable or ivar.
There is no need to have memberStr any more if you have a property setup for this all you need is.
#interface test()
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *properyStr;
The reason for this is that the ivar will be automatically created for you along side the setter and getter methods.
The only difference between declaring the property in the implementation files (.m) interface over the interface file (.h) is that it will be private to this class only. There are many advantages for having this such as maybe you don't want anything outside of the class to know about it but you want the property to be in scope for this class still. One thing that they are used for in this manner is when you have a readonly property declared public but you still want the setter to be in scope for this class. So you may have something like
#interface MyObject : NSObject
// Other classes can see this property as it is public however they can only see
// it's getter and not the setter
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *firstName;
#interface MyObject()
// But we still want to use the setter for this class only.
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *firstName;
Otherwise except for being private to that class only; having the property in the implementation file (.m) will be the exact same as having it in the interface file (.h) they will act and do the same thing.

iOS Basics: private property, public setter/getter

I've been reading the tutorials and I'm right now designing the model's architecture, and since I'm new to Objective-C, I'm not sure if the standards are like Java where you have public setter/getter and private attribute. This is 1 question I'd like to ask.
If the standards are so, declaring private properties are done in the *.m file #interface, but how do I #syntetize a setter/getter and how do I call them from outside: is it like [object SetProperty:property] ?
If the standards are different, can I get an example of a model class?
Thanks in advance.
A property is essentially a promise that a class provides certain accessor methods. For example:
#property(strong, nonatomic) Foo *foo;
is a promise that the class provides -foo and -setFoo: methods. So, if you want the accessors to be public, declare the property in your class's public interface (i.e. in the header file) and be done with it.
It's true that the instance variable that backs that property (_foo, unless you specify a different name) will then be accessible, but it's very poor form to access another object's instance variables directly. Many things in Objective-C are governed by convention and that's generally enough to avoid problems. Also, a given property doesn't have to be backed by any instance variable at all: a property like fullName might be computed from other properties like firstName and lastName, so there's good reason beyond mere convention for clients to avoid accessing ivars directly.
The common approach if you want to give access to your attribute is to use the keyword #property in the .h file of your class to define a property. This will automatically define a setter and a getter and you don't need to synthesise your property as of Xcode 4.4.
Your private attribute will be accessible within your .m file and will have the name of your property with "_" as a prefix by default.
You can create a private property and create public setter/getter method of your own. From this method you can assign or retrieve the value back.
#interface Person : NSObject
-(void)setTheName:(NSString *)fullName;
-(NSString *)theName;
Implementation file:
#import "Person.h"
#interface Person()
#property(atomic) NSString *fullName;
#implementation Person
-(void)setTheName:(NSString *)fullName{
self.fullName = fullName;
-(NSString *)theName{
return self.fullName;
In the above is private however you can check the selector still exists(but throws a warning)
if ([p respondsToSelector:#selector(setFullName:)]) {
[p performSelector:#selector(setFullName:) withObject:#"Anoop"];
NSLog(#">>>> %#",[p theName]);
Output will be :
>>>> Anoop
However it is seldom required to set any private property from outside. If that is the requirement we can make the property public.
Well it is true that Objective-C uses another terminology than most of the other languages like Java. If I get what you're asking, if you want a property to be directly available outside the class, the property must be declared in the .h file. However if you want to hide the implementation of your code, you can declare a property in the .m file and provide setters/getters to the outside world just returning the information you want to be visible.
The #synthesize clause is to me a simpifier. By synthesizing a property the getter/setter will be automatically implemented and you don't need to do it yourself.
Does this answer your question ?
Understand that declaring a property causes the compiler to create accessor for you . so if i require a pseudo private property personally I declare it in the implementation, if i need pseudo public property i declare it in the header. public getter / private setter can be handled as indicated below. There is no need to create your own setters and getters prefer using an attribute as it saves writing setters/getters ;
in the header (.h)
#interface Person : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSString *fullName;
in the implementation file (.m)
#import "Person.h"
#interface Person()
#property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSString *fullName;
#implementation Person
... whatever this class does
// self.fullName = #"John Doe";

#property declaration without #synthesizing

I am following Big Nerd Ranch iOS Programming by Joe Conway and am kinda puzzled when I saw the following code.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface WebViewController : UIViewController
#property (nonatomic, readonly) UIWebView *webView;
#import "WebViewController.h"
#implementation WebViewController
- (void)loadView
// Create an instance of UIWebView as large as the screen
// Tell web view to scale web content to fit within bounds of webview
- (UIWebView *)webView
return (UIWebView *)[self view];
Shouldn't one synthesize the property declared in .h file? Xcode didn't give an warning either (which it usually does when I declare a property with synthesizing).
By the way, in the book, he also mentioned
In WebViewController.h, add a property (but not an instance variable)
Doesn't declaring a property automatically generate an instance variable for you? Let me know what I missed. Thanks.
This is a good question, and one to which I think the answer is a bit subtle and often not immediate to people starting out with Objective-C. First of all let's dispel a myth about properties. The myth is this:
Objective-C properties are related to instance variables.
This is not necessarily true. It is often true, but not true in every case. Here's what is true:
An Objective-C property declares a getter and a setter method
(Or in the case of a readonly property, just a getter). In particular when you declare a property called foo (for the sake of discussion, let's assume it's not readonly), the only thing you are really doing is telling the compiler that the class you're writing has a method called -foo and a method called -setFoo:. By adding an #synthesize foo; declaration into the .m file, you are telling the compiler to generate those methods itself. Here you are saying, "Compiler, create an instance variable (also called foo) and generate implementations for my -foo and setFoo: methods that access this instance variable. In particular, return the value of this variable in -foo and set the value of the variable in -setFoo:.
Note, it is not necessary to have the compiler synthesize the methods for you. Rather, you can write -foo and -setFoo: yourself. Furthermore, you are not in any way required to create an instance variable to support the implementation of these methods. You can write them however you wish.
To summarize: the #property only tells the compiler about the existence of the getter and setter methods. You can then either: #synthesize the methods in your .m or write the methods yourself.
This is because the "webView" getter method is implemented in the .m file and because of that, "#synthesize" isn't necessary.
If a "webView" method wasn't explictly created in code, then the compiler would complain about the property not being synthesized. Synthesizing a "read only" property, in this case, would only create a "getter" method which would do roughly the same thing you see in the code up there.
And yes, according to the Apple docs on declared properties, it says this about "#synthesize":
You use the #synthesize directive to tell the compiler that it should synthesize the setter and/or getter methods for a property if
you do not supply them within the #implementation block. The
#synthesize directive also synthesizes an appropriate instance
variable if it is not otherwise declared.
