Poeple often use
for i in [0 .. 10] do something
but afaik that creates a list which is then iterated through, it appears to me it would make more sense to use
for i = 0 to 10 do something
without creating that unnecessary list but having the same behaviour.
Am I missing something? (I guess that's the case)
You are correct, writing for i in [0 .. 10] do something generates a list and it does have a significant overhead. Though you can also omit the square brackets, in which case it just builds a lazy sequence (and, it turns out that the compiler even optimizes that case). I generally prefer writing in 0 .. 100 do because it looks the same as code that iterates over a sequence.
Using the #time feature of F# interactive to do a simple analysis:
for i in [ 0 .. 10000000 ] do // 3194ms (yikes!)
last <- i
for i in 0 .. 10000000 do // 3ms
last <- i
for i = 0 to 10000000 do // 3ms
last <- i
for i in seq { 0 .. 10000000 } do // 709ms (smaller yikes!)
last <- i
So, it turns out that the compiler actually optimizes the in 0 .. 10000000 do into the same thing as the 0 to 10000000 do loop. You can force it to create the lazy sequence explicitly (last case) which is faster than a list, but still very slow.
Giving a somewhat different kind of answer but hopefully interesting to some
You are correct in that the F# compiler fails to apply the fast-for-loop optimization in this case. Good news, the F# compiler is open source and it's possible for us to improve upon it's behavior.
So here's a freebie from me:
fast-for-loop optimization happens in tastops.fs. It's rather primitive at the moment, great opportunity for us to improve upon.
// Detect the compiled or optimized form of a 'for <elemVar> in <startExpr> .. <finishExpr> do <bodyExpr>' expression over integers
// Detect the compiled or optimized form of a 'for <elemVar> in <startExpr> .. <step> .. <finishExpr> do <bodyExpr>' expression over integers when step is positive
let (|CompiledInt32ForEachExprWithKnownStep|_|) g expr =
match expr with
| Let (_enumerableVar, RangeInt32Step g (startExpr, step, finishExpr), _,
Let (_enumeratorVar, _getEnumExpr, spBind,
TryFinally (WhileLoopForCompiledForEachExpr (_guardExpr, Let (elemVar,_currentExpr,_,bodyExpr), m), _cleanupExpr))) ->
let spForLoop = match spBind with SequencePointAtBinding(spStart) -> SequencePointAtForLoop(spStart) | _ -> NoSequencePointAtForLoop
| _ ->
let DetectFastIntegerForLoops g expr =
match expr with
| CompiledInt32ForEachExprWithKnownStep g (spForLoop,elemVar,startExpr,step,finishExpr,bodyExpr,m)
// fast for loops only allow steps 1 and -1 steps at the moment
when step = 1 || step = -1 ->
mkFastForLoop g (spForLoop,m,elemVar,startExpr,(step = 1),finishExpr,bodyExpr)
| _ -> expr
The problem here is that RangeInt32Step only detects patterns like 0..10 and 0..1..10. It misses for instance [0..10]
Let's introduce another active pattern SeqRangeInt32Step that matches these kind of expressions:
let (|SeqRangeInt32Step|_|) g expr =
match expr with
// detect '[n .. m]'
| Expr.App(Expr.Val(toList,_,_),_,[TType_var _],
[Expr.App(Expr.Val(seq,_,_),_,[TType_var _],
[Expr.Op(TOp.Coerce, [TType_app (seqT, [TType_var _]); TType_var _],
[RangeInt32Step g (startExpr, step, finishExpr)], _)],_)],_)
valRefEq g toList (ValRefForIntrinsic g.seq_to_list_info) &&
valRefEq g seq g.seq_vref &&
tyconRefEq g seqT g.seq_tcr ->
Some(startExpr, step, finishExpr)
| _ -> None
How do you figure out that this is what you need to pattern match for? The approach I often take is that I do a simple F# program with the right properties and put a breakpoint during compilation to inspect the expression. From that I create the pattern to match for:
Let's put the two patterns together:
let (|ExtractInt32Range|_|) g expr =
match expr with
| RangeInt32Step g range -> Some range
| SeqRangeInt32Step g range -> Some range
| _ -> None
CompiledInt32ForEachExprWithKnownStep is updated to use ExtractInt32Range over RangeInt32Step
The complete solution would be something like this:
let (|SeqRangeInt32Step|_|) g expr =
match expr with
// detect '[n .. m]'
| Expr.App(Expr.Val(toList,_,_),_,[TType_var _],
[Expr.App(Expr.Val(seq,_,_),_,[TType_var _],
[Expr.Op(TOp.Coerce, [TType_app (seqT, [TType_var _]); TType_var _],
[RangeInt32Step g (startExpr, step, finishExpr)], _)],_)],_)
valRefEq g toList (ValRefForIntrinsic g.seq_to_list_info) &&
valRefEq g seq g.seq_vref &&
tyconRefEq g seqT g.seq_tcr ->
Some(startExpr, step, finishExpr)
| _ -> None
let (|ExtractInt32Range|_|) g expr =
match expr with
| RangeInt32Step g range -> Some range
| SeqRangeInt32Step g range -> Some range
| _ -> None
// Detect the compiled or optimized form of a 'for <elemVar> in <startExpr> .. <finishExpr> do <bodyExpr>' expression over integers
// Detect the compiled or optimized form of a 'for <elemVar> in <startExpr> .. <step> .. <finishExpr> do <bodyExpr>' expression over integers when step is positive
let (|CompiledInt32ForEachExprWithKnownStep|_|) g expr =
match expr with
| Let (_enumerableVar, ExtractInt32Range g (startExpr, step, finishExpr), _,
Let (_enumeratorVar, _getEnumExpr, spBind,
TryFinally (WhileLoopForCompiledForEachExpr (_guardExpr, Let (elemVar,_currentExpr,_,bodyExpr), m), _cleanupExpr))) ->
let spForLoop = match spBind with SequencePointAtBinding(spStart) -> SequencePointAtForLoop(spStart) | _ -> NoSequencePointAtForLoop
| _ ->
Using a simple test program
let print v =
printfn "%A" v
let main argv =
for x in [0..10] do
print x
Before the optimization the corresponding C# code would look something like this (IL code is better to inspect but can be a bit hard to understand if one is unused to it):
// Test
public static int main(string[] argv)
FSharpList<int> fSharpList = SeqModule.ToList<int>(Operators.CreateSequence<int>(Operators.OperatorIntrinsics.RangeInt32(0, 1, 10)));
IEnumerator<int> enumerator = ((IEnumerable<int>)fSharpList).GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
IDisposable disposable = enumerator as IDisposable;
if (disposable != null)
return 0;
F# creates a list and then uses the enumerator to iterate over it. No wonder it's rather slow compared to a classic for-loop.
After the optimization is applied we get this code:
// Test
public static int main(string[] argv)
for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
return 0;
A significant improvement.
So steal this code, post a PR to and bask in glory. Of course you need to add unit tests and emitted IL code tests which can be somewhat tricky to find the right level for, check this commit for inspiration
PS. Probably should support [|0..10|] as well seq {0..10} as well
PS. In addition for v in 0L..10L do print v as well as for v in 0..2..10 do print v is also inefficiently implemented in F#.
The former form requires a special construct in the language (for var from ... to ... by), it is the way followed by ancient programming languages :
'do' loop in Fortran
for var:= expr to expr in Pascal
The latter form (for var in something) is more général. It works on plain lists, but also with generators (like in python) etc. A construction of the full list may not be needed before running the list. This allows to write loops on potentially infinite lists.
Anyway, a decent compiler/interpreter should recognize the rather frequent special case [expr1..expr2] and avoid the computation and storage of the intermediate list.
I have a discriminated union, such as
type Dish =
| Eggs
| Spam of Dish
This is basically a linked list, without any content, e.g. Spam(Spam(Spam(Eggs))). I want to strictly perform a computation on this structure, such as counting the length, and memorize the result. In a normal type, I'd use class-local let bindings, but those aren't available in discriminated unions.
One way to do this would be,
type Count = int
type Dish =
| Eggs
| Spam of Dish * Count
But this is really messy, when the data I need is easily computable, but I still hope there is a better way (without using external mutable constructs).
One option is making the union cases private to hide the cached length.
//the 'guts' of Dish -- entirely hidden
type private DishImpl =
| Eggs
| Spam of DishImpl
// Dish wrapper type -- implementation hidden
type Dish =
| Dish of DishImpl * int
// O(1), just get the 'length' field
member x.Length = let (Dish(_, len)) = x in len
static member Eggs() = Dish(Eggs, 1)
static member Spam(Dish(dish, len)) = Dish(Spam dish, len + 1)
let eggs = Dish.Eggs()
let spam = Dish.Spam(eggs)
printfn "%d" eggs.Length //outputs: 1
printfn "%d" spam.Length //outputs: 2
To do it up right, create an accompanying module with let-bound functions and active patterns for destructuring.
If you tolerate a bit internal mutable state, here is a memoize function which creates a dictionary per function:
let memoize f =
let dict = Dictionary()
fun n ->
match dict.TryGetValue(n) with
| (true, v) -> v
| _ ->
let res = f(n)
dict.Add(n, res)
// This function results in a warning though
let rec length = memoize (function Eggs -> 0 | Spam d -> 1 + length d)
The approach isn't that bad since the mutable dictionary is hidden.
A purely functional approach could be using Map to hold values and a kind of State computation expression to hide Map values passing around. Please refer to this snippet to see how a memoize computation expression looks like.
There is also Memo Functions, Polytypically! by Ralph Hinze (2000). Adapting to F#:
type Dish =
| Eggs
| Spam of Dish
type DishTable<'T> =
Eggs : Lazy<'T>
Spam : Lazy<DishTable<'T>>
let rec tabulate (f: Dish -> 'T) : DishTable<'T> =
Eggs = lazy f Eggs
Spam = lazy tabulate (f << Spam)
let rec lookup (table: DishTable<'T>) (dish: Dish) : 'T =
match dish with
| Eggs -> table.Eggs.Value
| Spam x -> lookup table.Spam.Value x
let memo (f: Dish -> 'T) : (Dish -> 'T) =
lookup (tabulate f)
let rec len x =
match x with
| Eggs -> 0
| Spam x -> 1 + len x
let l2 = memo len
This is what I came up with. It's not true memoization because it counts eagerly when you call mem, but might work for your needs.
type Dish =
| Eggs
| Spam of Dish
| Memo of Dish * int
member d.length =
match d with
| Eggs -> 1
| Spam d -> 1 + d.length
| Memo (d, i) -> i
member d.mem =
match d with
| Eggs -> Memo(d, d.length)
| Spam d2 -> Memo(d, d.length)
| Memo(d2, i) -> d // no need to memo it again
let x = Spam (Spam(Spam Eggs))
let m = x.mem
x.length // val it : int = 4
m.length // val it : int = 4
Note that in your case, literally the only interesting property of a value of your type is its length, so you might as well just use integers as your representation instead:
let Eggs = 0
let Spam n = 1 + n
let (|Eggs|Spam|) = function
| 0 -> Eggs
| n -> Spam(n-1)
let length = id
// example usage
let dish = Spam(Spam(Eggs))
let l = length dish
let kind =
match dish with
| Eggs -> "Eggs"
| Spam(Eggs) -> "One Spam"
| Spam(Spam _) -> "At least two Spams"
If your real question is how to do this for a more interesting type, then one approach would be to create mutually recursive types, one of which is annotated:
type 'a AnnotatedDish = { dish : 'a Dish; value : 'a }
and 'a Dish =
| Eggs
| Spam of 'a AnnotatedDish
// "smart" constructors, given that you want to annotate with length
let eggs = { dish = Eggs; value = 0 }
let spam d = { dish = Spam d; value = 1 + d.value }
let length { value = l } : int = l
// active patterns
let (|Eggs|Spam|) = function
| { dish = Eggs } -> Eggs
| { dish = Spam d } -> Spam d
// example usage
let dish = spam(spam(eggs))
let l = length dish
let kind =
match dish with
| Eggs -> "Eggs"
| Spam(Eggs) -> "One Spam"
| Spam(Spam _) -> "At least two Spams"
After reviewing the answers, I've decided to go with a model that seems the least obtrusive to me. I've used a modified object to demonstrate how it would work in a slightly more complex scenario.
type StackDef<'a>(v : 'a, s : Stack<'a>) =
member val Length = s.Length + 1
member val Inner = v, s
and Stack<'a> =
| Empty
| Stack of StackDef<'a>
member this.Length =
match this with
| Empty -> 0
| Stack(def) -> def.Length
let Stack (v, s) = Stack(StackDef(v, s))
let (|Stack|Empty|) = function | Empty -> Empty | Stack(sd) -> Stack(sd.Inner)
let example = Stack(1, Stack(2, Stack(3, Empty))).Length
It doesn't contain any external mutable state.
The discriminated union Dish (or in the example, Stack) continues to exist.
The field length doesn't appear in the union definition at all, nor is it provided by any constructor, just as it should be.
The memoized data is associated with the instance, as it should be.
However, having thought about it, by using a static weaver such as Afterthought it might be possible to replace any method such as:
Stack<'a> =
| Empty
| Stack of 'a * Stack<'a>
[<Lazy>] //custom attribute that would work with a static weaver
member this.Length =
match this with
| Empty -> 0
| Stack(_, s) -> s.Length + 1
With a private readonly Lazy<int> __length initialized in the constructor with a delegate that executes the above code, and change the actual content of the method to simply invoking __length.Value.
While F# doesn't allow union types to contain fields, possibly for very valid reasons, I highly doubt the IL would have such restrictions.
In fact, it would be possible to do a lot of things using some IL manipulation. Maybe it's something to think about.
What am I doing wrong here? Does it have to to with lists, sequences and arrays and the way the limitations work?
So here is the setup: I'm trying to generate some primes. I see that there are a billion text files of a billion primes. The question isn't why...the question is how are the guys using python calculating all of the primes below 1,000,000 in milliseconds on this post...and what am I doing wrong with the following F# code?
let sieve_primes2 top_number =
let numbers = [ for i in 2 .. top_number do yield i ]
let sieve (n:int list) =
match n with
| [x] -> x,[]
| hd :: tl -> hd, List.choose(fun x -> if x%hd = 0 then None else Some(x)) tl
| _ -> failwith "Pernicious list error."
let rec sieve_prime (p:int list) (n:int list) =
match (sieve n) with
| i,[] -> i::p
| i,n' -> sieve_prime (i::p) n'
sieve_prime [1;0] numbers
With the timer on in FSI, I get 4.33 seconds worth of CPU for 100000... after that, it all just blows up.
Your sieve function is slow because you tried to filter out composite numbers up to top_number. With Sieve of Eratosthenes, you only need to do so until sqrt(top_number) and remaining numbers are inherently prime. Suppose we havetop_number = 1,000,000, your function does 78498 rounds of filtering (the number of primes until 1,000,000) while the original sieve only does so 168 times (the number of primes until 1,000).
You can avoid generating even numbers except 2 which cannot be prime from the beginning. Moreover, sieve and sieve_prime can be merged into a recursive function. And you could use lightweight List.filter instead of List.choose.
Incorporating above suggestions:
let sieve_primes top_number =
let numbers = [ yield 2
for i in 3..2..top_number -> i ]
let rec sieve ns =
match ns with
| [] -> []
| x::xs when x*x > top_number -> ns
| x::xs -> x::sieve (List.filter(fun y -> y%x <> 0) xs)
sieve numbers
In my machine, the updated version is very fast and it completes within 0.6s for top_number = 1,000,000.
Based on my code here:
Gets the first 1 million primes in 22 milliseconds in fsi - a significant part is probably compiling the code at this point.
#time "on"
let limit = 1000000
//returns an array of all the primes up to limit
let table =
let table = Array.create limit true //use bools in the table to save on memory
let tlimit = int (sqrt (float limit)) //max test no for table, ints should be fine
let mutable curfactor = 1;
while curfactor < tlimit-2 do
curfactor <- curfactor+2
if table.[curfactor] then //simple optimisation
let mutable v = curfactor*2
while v < limit do
table.[v] <- false
v <- v + curfactor
let out = Array.create (100000) 0 //this needs to be greater than pi(limit)
let mutable idx = 1
let mutable curx=1
while curx < limit-2 do
curx <- curx + 2
if table.[curx] then
idx <- idx+1
There have been several good answers both as to general trial division algorithm using lists (#pad) and in choice of an array for a sieving data structure using the Sieve of Eratosthenes (SoE) (#John Palmer and #Jon Harrop). However, #pad's list algorithm isn't particularly fast and will "blow up" for larger sieving ranges and #John Palmer's array solution is somewhat more complex, uses more memory than necessary, and uses external mutable state so is not different than if the program were written in an imperative language such as C#.
EDIT_ADD: I've edited the below code (old code with line comments) modifying the sequence expression to avoid some function calls so as to reflect more of an "iterator style" and while it saved 20% of the speed it still doesn't come close to that of a true C# iterator which is about the same speed as the "roll your own enumerator" final F# code. I've modified the timing information below accordingly. END_EDIT
The following true SoE program only uses 64 KBytes of memory to sieve primes up to a million (due to only considering odd numbers and using the packed bit BitArray) and still is almost as fast as #John Palmer's program at about 40 milliseconds to sieve to one million on a i7 2700K (3.5 GHz), with only a few lines of code:
open System.Collections
let primesSoE top_number=
let BFLMT = int((top_number-3u)/2u) in let buf = BitArray(BFLMT+1,true)
let SQRTLMT = (int(sqrt (double top_number))-3)/2
let rec cullp i p = if i <= BFLMT then (buf.[i] <- false; cullp (i+p) p)
for i = 0 to SQRTLMT do if buf.[i] then let p = i+i+3 in cullp (p*(i+1)+i) p
seq { for i = -1 to BFLMT do if i<0 then yield 2u
elif buf.[i] then yield uint32(3+i+i) }
// seq { yield 2u; yield! seq { 0..BFLMT } |> Seq.filter (fun i->buf.[i])
// |> (fun i->uint32 (i+i+3)) }
primesSOE 1000000u |> Seq.length;;
Almost all of the elapsed time is spent in the last two lines enumerating the found primes due to the inefficiency of the sequence run time library as well as the cost of enumerating itself at about 28 clock cycles per function call and return with about 16 function calls per iteration. This could be reduced to only a few function calls per iteration by rolling our own iterator, but the code is not as concise; note that in the following code there is no mutable state exposed other than the contents of the sieving array and the reference variable necessary for the iterator implementation using object expressions:
open System
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
let primesSoE top_number=
let BFLMT = int((top_number-3u)/2u) in let buf = BitArray(BFLMT+1,true)
let SQRTLMT = (int(sqrt (double top_number))-3)/2
let rec cullp i p = if i <= BFLMT then (buf.[i] <- false; cullp (i+p) p)
for i = 0 to SQRTLMT do if buf.[i] then let p = i+i+3 in cullp (p*(i+1)+i) p
let nmrtr() =
let i = ref -2
let rec nxti() = i:=!i+1;if !i<=BFLMT && not buf.[!i] then nxti() else !i<=BFLMT
let inline curr() = if !i<0 then (if !i= -1 then 2u else failwith "Enumeration not started!!!")
else let v = uint32 !i in v+v+3u
{ new IEnumerator<_> with
member this.Current = curr()
interface IEnumerator with
member this.Current = box (curr())
member this.MoveNext() = if !i< -1 then i:=!i+1;true else nxti()
member this.Reset() = failwith "IEnumerator.Reset() not implemented!!!"
interface IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() = () }
{ new IEnumerable<_> with
member this.GetEnumerator() = nmrtr()
interface IEnumerable with
member this.GetEnumerator() = nmrtr() :> IEnumerator }
primesSOE 1000000u |> Seq.length;;
The above code takes about 8.5 milliseconds to sieve the primes to a million on the same machine due to greatly reducing the number of function calls per iteration to about three from about 16. This is about the same speed as C# code written in the same style. It's too bad that F#'s iterator style as I used in the first example doesn't automatically generate the IEnumerable boiler plate code as C# iterators do, but I guess that is the intention of sequences - just that they are so damned inefficient as to speed performance due to being implemented as sequence computation expressions.
Now, less than half of the time is expended in enumerating the prime results for a much better use of CPU time.
What am I doing wrong here?
You've implemented a different algorithm that goes through each possible value and uses % to determine if it needs to be removed. What you're supposed to be doing is stepping through with a fixed increment removing multiples. That would be asymptotically.
You cannot step through lists efficiently because they don't support random access so use arrays.
I tried doing a tail recursive function that will count the elements of a list, followed the rules, used an acumulator, but when I run it like this:
lstcountr [1..98765432];;
I get this:
System.OutOfMemoryException: Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.
this is my function (which I thought is tail recursive /efficient):
let lstcountr ls =
let rec loop ls total =
match ls with
| [] -> total
| hd::tl -> loop tl total+1I
loop ls 0I
can this be done better ?
You function isn't tail recursive.
| hd::tl -> loop tl total+1I
Should be
| hd::tl -> loop tl (total+1I)
Operators are interpreted after function calls, normally you can't tell in situations like this because the results are identical, but that is not true with tail recursion.
Also as Tejs said, you are creating a list of too many items which is causing your OutOfMemoryException. Have you tried using a seq { }?
Too much recursion would mean you get a StackOverflowException, not an OutOfMemoryException - This is because you're trying to create a list of 98765432 elements at once.
Regardless of your recursion, this list passed as the argument is created in memory, not lazily I might add.
Here are two ways of writing a sequence-based version that's polymorphic in its return type:
module Seq =
open LanguagePrimitives
let inline count items = Seq.fold (fun i _ -> i + GenericOne) GenericZero items
let inline count (items: seq<_>) =
use e = items.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop n =
if e.MoveNext() then loop (n + GenericOne)
else n
loop GenericZero
This allows you to compute length using the the most suitable type:
let n : bigint = Seq.count {1I .. 987298234982374923847I}
let n : float = Seq.count {1I .. 987298234982374923847I}
I want to be able to write a computation expression in F# that will be able to retry an operation if it throws an exception. Right now my code looks like:
let x = retry (fun() -> GetResourceX())
let y = retry (fun() -> GetResourceY())
let z = retry (fun() -> DoThis(x, y))
etc. (this is obviously an astract representation of the actual code)
I need to be able to retry each of the functions a set number of times, which I have defined elswhere.
I was thinking a computation expression could help me here, but I don't see how it could help me remove explicitly wrapping each right hand side to a Retryable<'T>
I could see the computation expression looking something like:
let! x = Retryable( fun() -> GetResourceX())
I understand that Monads, in a crude fashion, are wrapper types, but I was hoping a way around this. I know I can overload an operator and have a very succinct syntax for converting an operation into a Retryable<'T>, but to me that's just making the repetition/wrapping more succinct; it's still there. I could wrap each function to be a Retryable<'T>, but once again, I don't see the value over doing what's done at the top of the post (calling retry on each operation. At least it's very explicit).
Maybe computation expressions are the wrong abstraction here, I'm not sure. Any ideas on what could be done here?
Computation expressions have a few extensions (in addition to the standard monadic features), that give you a nice way to do this.
As you said, the monads are essentially wrappers (creating e.g. Retryable<'T>) that have some additional behavior. However, F# computation expression can also define Run member which automatically unwraps the value, so the result of retry { return 1 } can have just a type int.
Here is an example (the builder is below):
let rnd = new System.Random()
// The right-hand side evaluates to 'int' and automatically
// retries the specified number of times
let n = retry {
let n = rnd.Next(10)
printfn "got %d" n
if n < 5 then failwith "!" // Throw exception in some cases
else return n }
// Your original examples would look like this:
let x = retry { return GetResourceX() }
let y = retry { return GetResourceY() }
let z = retry { return DoThis(x, y) }
Here is the definition of the retry builder. It is not really a monad, because it doesn't define let! (when you use computation created using retry in another retry block, it will just retry the inner one X-times and the outer one Y-times as needed).
type RetryBuilder(max) =
member x.Return(a) = a // Enable 'return'
member x.Delay(f) = f // Gets wrapped body and returns it (as it is)
// so that the body is passed to 'Run'
member x.Zero() = failwith "Zero" // Support if .. then
member x.Run(f) = // Gets function created by 'Delay'
let rec loop(n) =
if n = 0 then failwith "Failed" // Number of retries exceeded
else try f() with _ -> loop(n-1)
loop max
let retry = RetryBuilder(4)
A simple function could work.
let rec retry times fn =
if times > 1 then
| _ -> retry (times - 1) fn
Test code.
let rnd = System.Random()
let GetResourceX() =
if rnd.Next 40 > 1 then
"x greater than 1"
failwith "x never greater than 1"
let GetResourceY() =
if rnd.Next 40 > 1 then
"y greater than 1"
failwith "y never greater than 1"
let DoThis(x, y) =
if rnd.Next 40 > 1 then
x + y
failwith "DoThis fails"
let x = retry 3 (fun() -> GetResourceX())
let y = retry 4 (fun() -> GetResourceY())
let z = retry 1 (fun() -> DoThis(x, y))
Here is a first try at doing this in a single computation expression. But beware that it's only a first try; I have not thoroughly tested it. Also, it's a little bit ugly when re-setting the number of tries within the computation expression. I think the syntax could be cleaned-up a good bit within this basic framework.
let rand = System.Random()
let tryIt tag =
printfn "Trying: %s" tag
match rand.Next(2)>rand.Next(2) with
| true -> failwith tag
| _ -> printfn "Success: %s" tag
type Tries = Tries of int
type Retry (tries) =
let rec tryLoop n f =
match n<=0 with
| true ->
printfn "Epic fail."
| _ ->
try f()
with | _ -> tryLoop (n-1) f
member this.Bind (_:unit,f) = tryLoop tries f
member this.Bind (Tries(t):Tries,f) = tryLoop t f
member this.Return (_) = true
let result = Retry(1) {
do! Tries 8
do! tryIt "A"
do! Tries 5
do! tryIt "B"
do! tryIt "C" // Implied: do! Tries 1
do! Tries 2
do! tryIt "D"
do! Tries 2
do! tryIt "E"
printfn "Your breakpoint here."
p.s. But I like both Tomas's and gradbot's versions better. I just wanted to see what this type of solution might look like.