Public assets with Capistrano and Rails not being uploaded - ruby-on-rails

I have several sounds files that are located in public/assets/sounds.
Locally everything works fine, but when I deploy via Capistrano to my ec2 instance, none of those assets make it to the server. I added 'public/assets/sounds' to :linked_dirs in deploy.rb. A directory shows up at 'public/assets/sounds' but none of the mp3s are there. Do I need to manually add all files via :linked_files?
I have it working by just loading the files into the shared/public/assets/sounds directory via ftp, but that doesn't seem like the best use of the Capistrano. I'm also new to Capistrano and could be totally wrong :p

The public/assets directory is reserved for the Rails asset pipeline. You should not place any files there. Here's what I would do:
Remove public/assets/sounds from :linked_dirs.
Choose a different place for the mp3 files, like public/sounds.
Do not add this directory to :linked_dirs.


Avoid Heroku from cleaning some assets

I have a rails app hosted on Heroku. I added a "Audio" folder in Assets. The "Audio" folder is not included into my git pushes. My app generates some audio files that are automatically added to the assets/audio folder. That's why I don't want Heroku to clean the assets inside this particular folder each time I push a modification.
One solution would be to host the generated audio files with AWS S3 but it's quite a lot of work to set up.
I wonder if, instead, there is a way to tell Heroku not to clean the assets in the "Audio" folder?
I searched on the internet but didn't find anything so far...
So far I know Heroku will clean you temporary assets everytime you deploy your application and the build starts.
Check this answer: Store file in directory tmp on heroku Rails
If your application is Rails 5.2 based you can implement your upload to AWS via Active Storage, check:

Rails 4.2 capistrano 3 deployment

I am totally new to rails deployment. After googling, I still find it hard to understand how to deploy rails apps.
So, my questions are:
After setting up the VPS with all rails dependencies, where do I store my codebase? The root directory of the VPS or some specific locations e.g. www/ or public/?
Should I upload the whole rails app folder or just part of it? I have paperclip in my rails app, and paperclip creates a system/ directory in the public/ folder, so should I upload system/?
In Capistrano 3, there is a repo_url field, I know they support file://, https://, ssh://, or svn+ssh://, but most of the articles about capistrano put github repositories into that. However, I do not have such a github repo. What should I input then?
Thank you for your attention.
Answers to the specific questions raised:
After setting up the VPS with all rails dependencies, where do I store
my codebase? The root directory of the VPS or some specific locations
e.g. www/ or public/?
It will be deployed to the folder pointed by :deploy_to parameter. If not specified, :deploy_to defaults to /var/www/#{fetch(:application) See:
Should I upload the whole rails app folder or just part of it? I have
paperclip in my rails app, and paperclip creates a system/ directory
in the public/ folder, so should I upload system/?
Paperclip system folder is specific to the environment; each environment (development, production,...) will have its own system folder which will store the files uploaded on that specific environment. This folder should not be part of the code being deployed.
The recommended way of handing such folders is the keep them in a shared folder on the server, and create symlinks in the current version of the code so that the same folder is used for storing/retrieving attachments. See Section 3. Update custom links section in for more details about this.
As mentioned there, the same applies to config/database.yml file, and any other file containing environment specific configurations.
In Capistrano 3, there is a repo_url field, I know they support
file://, https://, ssh://, or svn+ssh://, but most of the articles
about capistrano put github repositories into that. However, I do not
have such a github repo. What should I input then?
Depends on where the code you are deploying is stored. If it is in a local folder, use the file::// format to specify where the files are located.
You can set up your own private git server, then in deploy.rb you can put something like
set :repo_url, 'ssh://user#server_ip/path/to/your_git_repo.git'
When you commit your changes to the git repo, you do not have to upload the app to the server. Capistrano will upload the app for you when you deploy.
where do i put my code base? This is determined by what you put in deploy.rb e.g
set :deploy_to, '/path/to/my_codebase'
Whether to upload the /system directory will depend on whether you want the paperclip images on your version control. If not you can add the directory to gitignore. Here is a tutorial on how to deploy on ubuntu 14.04 passenger and NGINX. if you are not using Passenger and Nginx you can skip to how to configure capistrano and make adjustments depending on your setup.
You need to install git on your development machine and set up a git server on your VPS as explained on the link above, add your remote server to your local machine using
git remote add origin <server>
where 'server' is the url to your git repo in the VPS e.g.
Now when you commit and push your changes to the server, capistrano will deploy the latest version on your git server.
Here is a link with a guide on how to get started with git

capistrano 3 not compiled assets missing in public/assets directory

I have a number of assets in my rails public/assets directory that I do not want compiled - specifically all the image files I want to use in my ember app. However, I cannot figure out how to get capistrano to deploy them. They are checked in to the public/assets directory but they do not appear in the deployed shared or release directories on my server. In fact I searched the whole capistrano directory tree on my server and the assets are nowhere to be found. I have confirmed that the assets are in git for the branch that capistrano is deploying. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
I couldn't find a way to configure capistrano / capistrano-rails to allow me to use git source controlled files under public/assets, however, it did work to create an img directory under public and put the images there in git. That avoids the asset compilation process and the md5 hashes for the images and works well with ember.

Excluding a file type from the asset pipeline

I have several PSD files stored in my images folder. It's nice to keep these files there for development, but I don't want them to be served. Is there a config somewhere that would allow me to prevent a filetype from being precompiled?
Your best bet might be to exclude these files during deployment. For example, with Heroku if you add a .slugignore file to the root of your project you can exclude certain files from being included. This also has the added benefit of decreasing spin up times on Heroku. An example configuration would be:
You should be able to do something similar with Capistrano.
This post shows how to do something similar for Capistrano deploys:
Excluding files from being deployed with Capistrano while still under version control with Git

Where should uploaded files get stored in Rails 3.1?

When user uploads files. In Rails 3.0+, these would go into public/uploads. In 3.1, should uploaded files go to app/assets/uploads? Or still in public/uploads?
It's not really an issue in our environment, since we are using S3. Just trying to understand Rails 3.1's new directory structure.
What are your thoughts?
the public directory, capistrano recommends public/system/
don't get confused by the app/assets directory, it's usually for css/js/coffeescript files, think this is the biggest change from 3.0 to 3.1
Well, the answer is simple: your users will only have access to your /public directory.
There are just some tricks to get css and js but you'll have to stick with /public for the other stuff.
Generally, I put all stuff in /public/assets
adding on to apneadiving's answer:
if you use Carrierwave , the temporary files are in your system's /tmp directory and the uploaded files are in a subdirectory underneath $RAILS_ROOT/public , e.g. $RAILS_ROOT/public/uploads/YOUR-MODEL/...
In Rails 3.1 the 'assets' directory is meant for the JavaScript and CSS files so that sprockets can pick them up there and so that they are not accessible directly via the "public" directory...
see: assets/javascripts/application.js and assets/stylesheets/application.css files
The app/assets directory is for CoffeeScript files (also not publicly accessible, so not a place to put uploads)
Putting uploaded files in the filesystem only works if you have one file server or a network mapped storage... I usually just put the files in the database itself.
But as vrsmn said, don't use assets for this, assets pipeline is for streamlining the css/js/application images.
