Unknown Library refrences in a project - asp.net-mvc

We received one demo project from one of our clients. We tried running it, but unfortunately couldn't run it. Reason being there are many libraries like applicationinsights , etc within the project which are no more available. We are totally unaware about these, also we tried adding them through nuggets ( console ) but couldn't install them in project. But another thing I would like to know is what is the use of these types of libraries? In an mvc project do we need applicationinsights because are client wants to connect it to azure services. Any help , information would be much appreciated.


Implementing phpsysinfo into zf2

does anybody know how to implement phpsysinfo into a ZF2 project?
I need a brief overview what is hapening on the server without having to connect via ssh to the server. There are a lot of monitoring software I know, but this will do the job for me. Thx for any reply...
phpSysInfo is a standalone software, which is not intended to be integrated into another project (e.g. ZF2)
You can probably reuse some classed from the source code, if you build a ZF2 module

zend framework 2 simple integration

I am planning to build a project using zend framework 2.
But i find it very hard to setup zf2.
It is not easy to setup the framework and start working.
What i am looking is copy required zf2 files, put into the project and start working.
Like in cakephp where you need to make changes in database configurations and start working.
Can anybody help for this issue. this will be useful for many other developers also.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Have you tried the SkeletonApplication? It provides everything you need: Pre-setup bootstrapping, the directory structure, a basic application configuration.
Just clone it into your web directory and make sure that vendor/ZF2 gets cloned as well (--recursive flag).
This is currently the easiest approach to get started with a new ZF2 project.
If you need further assistance, please state your question more specificly.
// Edit: Although it makes sense to use composer or at least git to pull everything directly, you can just download the project (SekeletonApplication and ZF2) from Git. In my opinion, you shouldn't be too lazy here. Using composer etc. will save you a lot of time that you can spend on implementation.
Setting up ZF2 without the use of the command line is MUCH more of a pita than using it. Sure, you can download the SkeletonApplication and then you can Download ZF2 Core Library and put it into your include_path, but that's not too great.
I really suggest learning about the command line. I'm a windows user myself and hated it at first, but after getting around the first problems, i - now - find it really handy.
If you have trouble setting up your stuff or understanding it all, you may find my tutorial helpful which you can find right here: Zend Framework 2 Installation on Xampp for Windows
I had the same issue as you. I found the Skeleton application easy and quick to install, but I didn't need the translations that are included. As a result I created a stripped down, bare bones version which you are welcome to use.
You will find the ZendMinimumApplication on github.

Connecting iOS with Azure Cloud

I'm sorry, I don't get this Azure Cloud thing working for iOS.
Has anyone had experiences with this so far? I don't get any useful results in google...
Up to now I downloaded the Azure Toolkit for iOS on https://github.com/microsoft-dpe/wa-toolkit-ios and didn't really get it working. On every video/tutorial I found, they referenced to another github site which is now 404 error. I finally found the referenced project on another link but didn't get this working for me either.
For the Azure Toolkit on https://github.com/microsoft-dpe/wa-toolkit-ios I didn't find where to put my namespace, user and key (so I got an error like "hostname not found").
For the "other" (older version?) Toolkit there are some "directory not found" errors while building.
Any help? I don't believe that there is nobody out there having connected iOS with Azure successfully!
Using the latest version from Github, you should open the watoolkitios-samples.xcodeproj in Xcode. Then, I think the README.md is a bit out of date, you need to open watoolkitios-samples.plist in the "Supporting Files" folder in order to configure the client application. You have a number of configuration types to choose from, the simplest is "Direct", although probably not recommended for production use.
This library offers a rather spohisticated set of Web Services that you can call directly from the iOS client. I would try it out before starting building services from scratch!

Sharing an Xcode project between different teams

I'm a novice iOS developer with a basic knowledge of Xcode. I have one app in the app store that I made myself with Titanium. For a next project I've enlisted the help of two more experienced programmers in another city. I have a question in two parts about the collaboration between us:
I want to propose a work routine that gives me access to the project as they are working on it, so that I can device test builds during the development process - without interfering with the coding. What is the best way to do this? Is sharing the project or codebase via Dropbox an option? Does anybody have any experience with this?
Are there any pitfalls I should be aware of when pursuing this kind of work routine?
Use a source control system like Subversion, Git, Mercurial.
XCode has built in support for Subversion/Git.
Use source control. Github is a great place to start. (private repositories will cost money though.)
I used to use DropBox to share code between my two machines, but DropBox would routinely ruin work if I wasnt careful. DropBox is NOT version control. If you do insist in using Dropbox, don't open your code on more than one machine at once. Nuff said.

How to create simple Wix setup project

We have a client/server application which includes a Windows Service and a Winform client tool. I've managed to create a Wix project in Visual Studio (2010, using the wix 3.5 toolset). I'm using the "harvest" feature on the references instead of specifying every file, because there are many library projects involved.
Problems I'm trying to figure out:
How to include referenced DLLs? Some are in the GAC, some are in a relative path within the workspace. I assume I could list each file explicitly but it seems like there should be a way for Wix to autodetect them.
How to install the service while "harvest" is enabled. All the examples I've seen require adding an explicit element with KeyPath=true. However this doesn't work with the harvest=true setting.
I realize that the harvest functionality might be a convenience which is not feasible when there are more complex things going on. Should I give up on harvesting and just try to specify each file explicitly?
Most of the examples I've seen on Wix have been just snippets of xml files. Is there anywhere I can find complete real-world examples of installing services other non-trivial setup features?
Use WixEdit. http://wixedit.sourceforge.net/
It's very easy to import an entire folder using it.
Also, check out the great WiX tutorial here: http://www.tramontana.co.hu/wix/
5.4 Services Rendered
Services can be installed and started automatically.
For even more information, check out more WiX documentation here: http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual
