Xamarin.iOS Designer - Creating Action segue not working - ios

I am trying to add action segue by dragging a button on one screen to another in Xamarin Studio on Mac. According to instruction provided by Xamarin university, this should create action segue. My exact steps are
Click on Control key
Select button on 1st screen
Drag it to the 2nd screen
Release mouse and Control key
This should show a little popup prompting you to select type of segue (Push, Modal, or Custom). In my case, the popup shows very briefly, so I have no time to select the type.

It turns out that after restarting Xamarin Studio, I was able to get the popup stay so I can make my selection. I have noticed that Xamarin Studion seem to have strange issues like this and the solution is often to close solution, quit Xamarin studio, restart it, reopen solution and try again.

Try use XCode for for modifying storyboard. I always use XCode for editing storyboard and placing my layout and after that name my control using Xamarin Studio by using Document Outline


How to create class for ViewController in Xamarin.iOS?

In latest version on Visual Studio for Mac (version 8.10.7), when I am creating native project for Xamarin.iOS and trying to access storyboard it gets opened directly into Xcode.
In old versions Main.Storyboard is got opened in visual studio it self, and from there we are setting name of ViewController class and it creates new ViewController with that name in code. But now as it directly get opened in Xcode. Now how we can create Class for any ViewController or properties for controls taken in storyboard?
Xamarin team has not provided any documents for this updates as well. If anyone know about this?
When you create a project, your Main.storyboard is link with ViewController, you open Main.storyboard in Xcode, click this button
,then click
,you can see Xcode will open the linked ViewController
then you can long click Ctrl, and left mouse button long click your Button in storyboard, move mouse to ViewController, when you release mouse, Xcode will show window let you name this Button, then generate code in ViewController, when you close Xcode, Visual Studio will generate code of this Button.
I make a video to youtube how to use xamarin.ios's storyboard
If you want not use the default ViewController to link storyboard, you can create new ViewController at VisualStudio, then change it at here Change Class to MyViewController in Xcode.

Xcode 8.1 (and 8.2 beta) don't update code in assistant view

I find that the assistant view editor doesn't work properly at all. When I drag a connection from a label or button to the code file, it does not show up in the code until I close the assistant editor and open the code file by itself. If I'm hooking up multiple items, this gets frustrating because sometimes the second button will connect inside the brackets of the previous one and give me an error.
Am I the only one this is happening to? Am I doing something wrong? Also in the assistant editor view, I'm getting "error type" which doesn't show up in the standard editor. Ideas?
First check if there is a mismatch between your class name and the name registered in the ID tab of the View Controller. Then try:
Clean your proect
Delete Derived Data
Force Quit Xcode.
Re-Open Xcode, Clean project. Run project.
Please tell me if this works or does not so I can help you further!

Assistant editor(Xcode 7.3) always showing interface file in storyboard , even when I choose manually

Even after deleting derived data many times, and trying other things, I am still facing this problem. Can you help me?
You can try using the shortcut key instead, to open up the assistant editor.
Shortcut key: -
option + click on the file which you want to open up in the assistant editor
Guys I just stop dealing with this problem by changing the settings in xcode 9.2. And now i use Navigation Pane.
Here is how it works :
Ok now if you go to xcode -> preferences -> navigation
and Choose the "Uses Focused Editor" as in the picture below.
Now you can manually select inside the Navigation Pane.
Just click whichever page you would like to change and select in the Navigation Pane.
Here is a few screenshots :
Pictures shows code files but it works with everything you can click in the Navigation Pane.
Try to drag and drop file from the Project Navigator into the path of the Assistant Editor as temporary fix.
You also can click on this icon to bring recent files.
Try to clean your project, clean Build Folder, restart Xcode.
Make sure the view controller in your Storyboard has correct custom class name.
I think I know the problem you're having. I experience it too, but it's intermittent. Sometimes clicking Manual shows me the entire project folder and I can select the editable classes, but other times it only shows the interface versions of them, which aren't editable and cannot have IBOutlets dragged to them (you can tell b/c it'll say internal class and has less code). I have noticed that if I toggle back and forth between Automatic and Manual, I can usually get the editable class to appear. I also will toggle the assistant editor off, select a different View Controller or two on the storyboard, then go back to my original one, turn the Assistant Editor back on, and it starts working again.
There are other discussions of it here, here, and here. This suggestion of turning off indexing sounds intriguing and worth a try if the problem keeps reappearing. UPDATE: This trick with hitting the + and opening a 2nd file, then closing the interface file, worked great when I tried it just now.
Here are pics of how the Automatic side shows the actual file when the Manual side only shows the interface, which says internal next to class:

How do I show the placeholder window in Xcode?

I am an iOS noob and I've gotten stuck while trying to do a tutorial from O'Reilly's headfirst iphone development 2e. The tutorial wants me to drag the picker to the placeholder menu as shown in the picture below--but I can't seem to make this menu visible in xcode.
What do I do to show the placeholder menu?
If I need to click the "Disclosure button" as suggested in an answer to this question, where do I find it in the interface? In the navigators? The utilities?
Here is my screen in xcode:
This guy seems to be having a similar problem How to add the Placeholder Window in Xcode (unanswered)
Your problem is that you have created your project with a storyboard. Storyboards do not have a File's Owner placeholder. Since you're a self-described noob, you should just start a new project and make sure you turn off the “Use Storyboard” checkbox when you are going through the new project wizard.
Right click or control click over the picker and that window should pop up. Then drag (not control drag) from the open circle up to file's owner.

How to bring back the full Xcode 4 interface?

This is crazy! I opened two separate editor windows by double-clicking in the files navigator. Then I closed Xcode.
Now, every time I open my project Xcode is completely gone. All I get are these two separate editor windows. I tried everything to get Xcode back, but when I open this particular project there is no Xcode interface - just the two lightweight editor windows.
Did anyone else encounter this problem? Is there anything else I can do, other than creating a blank new project from scratch and copying everything over?
There's no such thing as a "lightweight editor window" in Xcode 4. What you're seeing is a window that has the toolbar, tab bar, navigator pane, and utilities pane all hidden. You can show them again from the View menu.
To bring back everything:
View->Show Toolbar
View->Show Tab Bar
View->Navigators->Show Navigator
View->Utilities->Show Utilities
The last two can also be done from buttons on the toolbar.
Depending on what you expect the window to look like, you may also need to use View->Debug Area->Show Debug Area.
Select one of these editor windows, and then go to View -> Show toolbar. There is the rest of your interface.
Try going to the menu and selecting Navigate and "Reveal in Project navigator"
With the project open, select View > Show Toolbar.
