Machine Learning: Why xW+b instead of Wx+b? - machine-learning

I started to learn Machine Learning. Now i tried to play around with tensorflow.
Often i see examples like this:
pred = tf.add(tf.mul(X, W), b)
I also saw such a line in a plain numpy implementation. Why is always x*W+b used instead of W*x+b? Is there an advantage if matrices are multiplied in this way? I see that it is possible (if X, W and b are transposed), but i do not see an advantage. In school in the math class we always only used Wx+b.
Thank you very much

This is the reason:
By default w is a vector of weights and in maths a vector is considered a column, not a row.
X is a collection of data. And it is a matrix nxd (where n is the number of data and d the number of features) (upper case X is a matrix n x d and lower case only 1 data 1 x d matrix).
To correctly multiply both and use the correct weight in the correct feature you must use X*w+b:
With X*w you mutliply every feature by its corresponding weight and by adding b you add the bias term on every prediction.
If you multiply w * X you multipy a (1 x d)*(n x d) and it has no sense.

I'm also confused with this. I guess this may be a dimension matter. For a n*m-dimension matrix W and a n-dimension vector x, using xW+b can be easily viewed as that maping a n-dimension feature to a m-dimension feature, i.e., you can easily think W as a n-dimension -> m-dimension operation, where as Wx+b (x must be m-dimension vector now) becomes a m-dimension -> n-dimension operation, which looks less comfortable in my opinion. :D


Trying to understand expected value in Linear Regression

I'm having trouble understanding a lecture slide in my school's machine learning course
why does the expected value of Y = f(X)? what does it mean
my understanding is that X, Y are vectors and f(X) outputs a vector of Y where each individual value (y_i) in the Y vector corresponds to a f(x_i) where x_i is the value in X at index i; But now it's taking the expected value of Y, which is going to be a single value, so how is that equal to f(X)?
X, Y (uppercase) are vectors
x_i,y_i (lowercase with subscript) are scalars at index i in X,Y
There is a lot of confusion here. First let's start with definitions
Expectation operator E[.]: Takes a random variable as an input and gives a scalar/vector as an output. Let's say Y is a normally distributed random variable with mean Mu and Variance Sigma^{2} (usually stated as:
Y ~ N( Mu , Sigma^{2} ), then E[Y] = Mu
Function f(.): Takes a scalar/vector (not a random variable) and gives a scalar/vector. In this context it is an affine function, that is f(X) = a*X + b where a and b are fixed constants.
What's Going On
Now you can view linear regression from two angles.
Stats View
One angle assumes that your response variable-Y- is a normally distributed random variable because:
Y ~ a*X + b + epsilon
epsilon ~ N( 0 , sigma^sq )
and X is some other distribution. We don't really care how X is distributed and treat it as given. In that case the conditional distribution is
Y|X ~ N( a*X + b , sigma^sq )
Notice here that a,b and also X is a number, there is no randomness associated with them.
Maths View
The other view is the math view where I assume that there is a function f(.) that governs the real life process, that if in real life I observe X, then f(X) should be the output. Of course this is not the case and the deviations are assumed to be due to various reasons such as gauge error etc. The claim is that this function is linear:
f(X) = a*X + b
Now how do we combine these? Well, as follows:
E[Y|X] = a*X + b = f(X)
About your question, I first would like to challenge that it should be Y|X and not Y by itself.
Second, there are tons of possible ontological discussions over what each term here represents in real life. X,Y (uppercase) could be vectors. X,Y (uppercase) could also be random variables. A sample of these random variables might be stored in vectors and both would be represented with uppercase letters (the best way is to use different fonts for each). In this case, your sample will become your data. Discussions about the general view of the model and its relevance to real life should be made at random variable level. The way to infer the parameters, how linear regression algorithms works should be made at matrix and vectors levels. There could be other discussion where you should care about both.
I hope this overly unorganized answer helps you. In general if you want to learn such stuff, be sure you know what kind of math objects and operators you are dealing with , what do they take as input and what are their relevance to real life.

Fourier Transform Scaling the magnitude

I have a set of signals S1, S2, ....,SN, for which I am numerically computing the Fourier transforms F1, F2, ,,,,FN. Where Si's and Fi's are C++ vectors (my computations are in C++).
My Computation objective is as follows:
compute product: F = F1*F2*...*FN
inverse Fourier transform F to get a S.
What I numerically observe is when I am trying to compute the product either I am running into situation where numbers become too small. Or numbers become too big.
I thought of scaling F1 by say a1 so that the overflow or underflow is avoided.
With the scaling my step 1 above will become
F' = (F1/a1)*(F2/a2)*...*(FN/aN) = F'1*F'2*...*F'N
And when I inverse transform my final S' will differ from S by a scale factor. The structural form of the S will not change. By this I mean only the normalization of S is different.
My question is :
Is my rationale correct.
If my rationale is correct then given a C++ vector "Fi" how can I choose a good scale "ai" to scale up or down the Fi's.
Many thanks in advance.
You can change the range of the Fi vector in a new domain, let's say [a, b]. So from your vector Fi, the minimum number will become a and the maximum number will become b. You can scale the vector using this equation:
Fnew[i] = (b-a)/(max-min) * (F[i] - min) + a,
where: min = the minimum value from F
max= the maximum value from F
The only problem now is choosing a and b. I would choose [1,2], because the values are small (so you won't get overflow easily), but not smaller than 0.

Are there any machine learning regression algorithms that can train on ordinal data?

I have a function f(x): R^n --> R (sorry, is there a way to do LaTeX here?), and I want to build a machine learning algorithm that estimates f(x) for any input point x, based on a bunch of sample xs in a training data set. If I know the value of f(x) for every x in the training data, this should be simple - just do a regression, or take the weighted average of nearby points, or whatever.
However, this isn't what my training data looks like. Rather, I have a bunch of pairs of points (x, y), and I know the value of f(x) - f(y) for each pair, but I don't know the absolute values of f(x) for any particular x. It seems like there ought to be a way to use this data to find an approximation to f(x), but I haven't found anything after some Googling; there are papers like this but they seem to assume that the training data comes in the form of a set of discrete labels for each entity, rather than having labels over pairs of entities.
This is just making something up, but could I try kernel density estimation over f'(x), and then do integration to get f(x)? Or is that crazy, or is there a known better technique?
You could assume that f is linear, which would simplify things - if f is linear we know that:
f(x-y) = f(x) - f(y)
For example, Suppose you assume f(x) = <w, x>, making w the parameter you want to learn. How would the squared loss per sample (x,y) and known difference d look like?
loss((x,y), d) = (f(x)-f(y) - d)^2
= (<w,x> - <w,y> - d)^2
= (<w, x-y> - d)^2
= (<w, z> - d)^2 // where z:=x-y
Which is simply the squared loss for z=x-y
Practically, you would need to construct z=x-y for each pair and then learn f using linear regression over inputs z and outputs d.
This model might be too weak for your needs, but its probably the first thing you should try. Otherwise, as soon as you step away from the linearity assumption, you'd likely arrive at a difficult non-convex optimization problem.
I don't see a way to get absolute results. Any constant in your function (f(x) = g(x) + c) will disappear, in the same way constants disappear in an integral.

Practicing Kernel trick in SVM

I am reading the theory of SVM. In kernel trick, what I understand is, if we have a data which is not linear separable in the original dimensions n, we use the kernel to map the data to a higher space to be linear separable (we have to choose the right kernel depending on the data set, etc). However, when I watched this video of Andrew ng Kernel SVM, What I understand is we can map original data into a smaller space which make me confused!? Any explanation.
Could you explain me how does RBF kernel work to map each original data sample x1(x11,x12,x13,....,x1n) to a higher space (with dimensions m) to be X1(X11,X12,X13,...,X1m) with a concrete example. Also, what I understand is the kernel compute the inner product of the transformed data (so there is an other transformation before the RBF, which means that RBF transform implicitly the data to a higher space but How?).
other thing: the kernel is a function k(x,x1):(R^n)^2->R =g(x).g(x1), with g is a transformation function, how to define g in the case of RBF kernel?
Suppose that we are in the test set, What I understand is x is the sample to be classified and x1 is the support vector (because only the support vectors will be used to calculate the hyperplane). in the case of RBF
k(x,x1)=exp(-(x-x1)^2/2sigma), so where is the transformation?
Last question: Admit that the RBF do the mapping to a higher dimension m, it is possible to show this m? I want to see the theoretical reality.
I want to implement SVM with RBF kernel. What is the m here and how to choose it? How to implement kernel trick in practice?
Could you explain me how does RBF kernel work to map each original data sample x1(x11,x12,x13,....,x1n) to a higher space (with dimensions m) to be X1(X11,X12,X13,...,X1m) with a concrete example. Also, what I understand is the kernel compute the inner product of the transformed data (so there is an other transformation before the RBF, which means that RBF transform implicitly the data to a higher space but How?).
Exactly as you said - kernel is an inner product of the projected space, not the projection itself. The whole trick is that you do not ever transform your data, because it is computationally too expensive to do so.
other thing: the kernel is a function k(x,x1):(R^n)^2->R =g(x).g(x1), with g is a transformation function, how to define g in the case of RBF kernel?
For rbf kernel, g is actually a mapping from R^n into the space of continuous functions (L2), and each point is mapped into unnormalized gaussian distribution with mean x, and variance sigma^2. Thus (up to some normalizing constant A that we will drop)
g(x) = N(x, sigma^2)[z] / A # notice this is not a number but a function of z!
and now inner product in the space of functions is the integral of products over the whole domain thus
K(x, y) = <g(x), g(y)>
= INT_{R^n} N(x, sigma^2)[z] N(y, sigma^2)[z] / A^2 dz
= B exp(-||x-y||^2 / (2*sigma^2))
where B is some constant factor (normalization) depending solely on sigma^2, thus we can drop it (as scaling does not really matter here) for computational simplicity.
Suppose that we are in the test set, What I understand is x is the sample to be classified and x1 is the support vector (because only the support vectors will be used to calculate the hyperplane). in the case of RBF k(x,x1)=exp(-(x-x1)^2/2sigma), so where is the transformation?
as said before - transformation is never explicitly used, you simply show that inner product of your hyperplane with the transformed point can be expressed again as inner products with support vectors, thus you do not ever transform anything, just use kernels
<w, g(x)> = < SUM_{i=1}^N alpha_i y_i g(sv_i), g(x)>
= SUM_{i=1}^N alpha_i y_i <g(sv_i), g(x)>
= SUM_{i=1}^N alpha_i y_i K(sv_i, x)
where sv_i is i'th support vector, alpha_i is the per-sample weight (Lagrange multiplier) found during the optimization process and y_i is label of i'th support vector.
Last question: Admit that the RBF do the mapping to a higher dimension m, it is possible to show this m? I want to see the theoretical reality.
In this case m is infinity, as your new space is space of continuous functions in the domain of R^n -> R, thus a single vector (function) is defined as a continuum (size of the set of real numbers) values - one per each possible input value coming from R^n (it is a simple set theory result that R^n for any positive n is of size continuum). Thus in terms of pure mathematics, m = |R|, and using set theory this is so called Beth_1 (
I want to implement SVM with RBF kernel. What is the m here and how to choose it? How to implement kernel trick in practice?
You do not choose m, it is defined by the kernel itself. Implementing kernel trick in practise requires expressing all your optimization routines in the form, where training points are used solely in the context of inner products, and just replacing them with kernel calls. This is way too complex to describe in SO form.

Probability for a vector x

In machine learning suppose we have a GDA (Gaussian Discriminant Analysis) model for classification.
If y can take values 0 or 1 and x represents the vector with n features(n x 1 dimensional)
What does p(x| y=0) or p(x|y=1) signify for a particular training example?
x is actually a is conditional probability defined for this?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Say that X0 is the set of vectors x that mapped to output 0, and X1 is the set of vectors x that mapped to output 1. Take the mean of each set's vectors, and, similarly, approximate the covariance.
Now build two multivariate normal distributions, with these means and covariances, respectively.
Once you have these distribution, simply plug in the vector you want into the PDF to obtain its density. Note that since the probabilities are continuous, the probability about which you asked is 0, in general.
