iOS TableView (Bug: two scroll Bars Found As Zoomed) - ios

I am using TableView in my app. But as I zoom to highest available screen resolution. There I found two horizontal scrollbars. One vertical scrollbar is from the table view. I think next one is from the Default from iOS. I need to disable another except table view. Can I do this?
As i keep on Scrolling i can find two scroll Bars.I need to disable this ScrollBar since this is not of UIScroll View.

Its just the simulator window scroll bar. You will not see it on the device. Second scroll bar indicates scrolling for the simulator window and it appears only when the simulator window extends beyond the mac screen.


What if layout height is longer than device height in xcode?

Please take a look at screen shot from simulator for iphone 8 plus. (01.png) Here is my question: I cant see whole view of my page(i cant see whole part of button5 and button6 because there is no vertical scroll bar) Shouldn't vertical scroll bar appear automatically? If vertical scroll bar appears then i can reach bottom of the page. What should i do? Please give me an advice because i haven't founded any solution yet. You can also take a look at screen shot from xcode main story board to see height of button5 and button 6. (02.png) I mean page background should not move. But I should be able to scrolling up and down through on page. Thanks.
Just add image view with background image below all components in the ViewController.
Then add Scroll View with your content on top of that image view.
Don't forget to select clear colour as the background for scroll view and the inner view apart from your buttons.
Follow this tutorial to add Scroll view and content in it directly in storyboard using Interface builder.

Constraint issue with iPad using single storyboard iOS

I am having issues with a specific view on my storyboard. The button and textview don't show in the right place when using the ipad. It works perfect for the iPhone, however. I am using one storyboard for the both of them. (Not one each) Here is a screenshot for what it is showing and the blue rect is for where the textview should be and the red is for where the GPS button, which is visible to the left, should show. Any ideas? I have tried setting and reseting the constraints, but it has had zero effect.

stop keyboard from shifting app up and enabling scroll in IOS 7/8

We have an app that is a fixed width and height and does not allow the user to scroll. As part of this app we have a navbar that is fixed to the screen under the status area. This all works great.
The problem is that when a keyboard is shown, it shifts our app window up to make room for the keyboard. At this point its possible to scroll our app and the titlebar which should be fixed to the top is no longer on screen.
Ideally the keyboard would still show, but our app window would resize so its not as tall, but items fixed to the top are still fixed to the top. also, you should not be able to scroll the window at this point.
So as Sani mentioned in a comment the Iconic keyboard plugin does in fact do what I'm looking for:

Portion of iPad simulator screen responsive to swipes, but not button clicks

I have a UICollectionViewController in a container. On a specific portion of the screen (bottom right area in Landscape), it will register swipes, but the sections of buttons in that area are non-responsive.
The buttons are the top items in the view, so nothing overlays them. Only a portion of the button is non-responsive, and only when it is in that area of the screen. It is consistently the same area in every collectionView that is in a container.
Has anybody encountered this issue? Any potential causes or fixes?
Figured it out. I was using "freeform" viewControllers, and they were messing with my superview size. So, as rdelmar pointed out, my problem was that the buttons were outside the superview.
I solved the problem by deselecting "Resizes View From NIB" in my freeform viewControllers.

How to restrict the scroll to ListField itself instead of scrolling the whole screen in Blackberry

I have implemented a customized ListField with some LabelFields. Here is the screenshot.
The problem is when I scroll the ListField, the whole scroll getting scrolled. Like this Screenshot..
I want the headerfield and the Field between header and the ListField to be stationary and only the listfield get scrolled. How can I achieve this?..Please help me...
Use setBanner(Field field) to create an area at the top of your screen which will always be visible.
By the way, you almost certainly don't need a 'Back' button in the top bar (like you would on an iPhone app) because all BlackBerrys have a physical back button for this purpose. The default action for it is to close the current screen (by popping it off the screen stack) and returning to the previous screen or closing the app if there are no more screens.
You can use 2 different managers and let only the manager that has the listfield to scroll
