stop keyboard from shifting app up and enabling scroll in IOS 7/8 - ios

We have an app that is a fixed width and height and does not allow the user to scroll. As part of this app we have a navbar that is fixed to the screen under the status area. This all works great.
The problem is that when a keyboard is shown, it shifts our app window up to make room for the keyboard. At this point its possible to scroll our app and the titlebar which should be fixed to the top is no longer on screen.
Ideally the keyboard would still show, but our app window would resize so its not as tall, but items fixed to the top are still fixed to the top. also, you should not be able to scroll the window at this point.

So as Sani mentioned in a comment the Iconic keyboard plugin does in fact do what I'm looking for:


iOS Safari header disappears when keyboard is shown

I have a website that uses the iOS safari tag „black-translucent“ and a coloured header that is „sticky“ to the top (the unsafe area), so that the time and battery (text color is white) is visible when the user scrolls.
Now when the user enters a text into a field and the keyboard shows up, the sticky header moves up and the time and battery (which are still white) are on top of my white website background and thus not visible.
How can I keep my header sticky to the top unsafe area when the keyboard is visible?
keyboard not shown
Keyboard shown
I searched stackoverflow and found out that there seems to be some buggieness around the iOS keyboard and the visible areas..
Maybe there’s a sort of hack?
Maybe scroll?
header position absolute did it for me whenever an input is in focus and reverts to sticky when input is out of focus.
With a seperate ontouchmove event listener the text field is blurred and keyboard gets hidden.
It's a bit hacky but it works especially on devices with a notch.

iOS TableView (Bug: two scroll Bars Found As Zoomed)

I am using TableView in my app. But as I zoom to highest available screen resolution. There I found two horizontal scrollbars. One vertical scrollbar is from the table view. I think next one is from the Default from iOS. I need to disable another except table view. Can I do this?
As i keep on Scrolling i can find two scroll Bars.I need to disable this ScrollBar since this is not of UIScroll View.
Its just the simulator window scroll bar. You will not see it on the device. Second scroll bar indicates scrolling for the simulator window and it appears only when the simulator window extends beyond the mac screen.

IOS keyboard changed its animation

I have an ios app, and it's responsive to keyboard appearance.
Before, the keyboard used to slide in from the bottom up
now it appears from the left corner of the top of the keyboard frame down
What happened to create this change? I cannot find any methods that control how the keyboard becomes visible on the screen

Stopping the iPad keyboard from scrolling the webpage too much

It looks like the Safari keyboard works like this on iPads...
If the webpage originally reaches the bottom of the screen, when the keyboard appears it never scrolls past the bottom of the webpage.
If the webpage originally doesn't reach the bottom of the screen and the textfield that has the focus is more than halfway down the screen, it scrolls the webpage so that the current textfield is now halfway down the screen and doesn't care if the area below the original webpage is showing.
Basically I want to have a webpage that doesn't fill the screen vertically and yet I don't want the keyboard to cause the screen to scroll past the bottom of the webpage because that would hide the top part of the webpage and instead show the blank area below the webpage.
In portrait mode on an iPad the following webpage is always showing even when a textfield is active and the keyboard is showing:
But when you view that webpage in landscape mode and select the bottom textfield, the webpage scrolls so that the bottom textfield is halfway up the screen. I want it to be at the bottom of the screen.
In landscape mode the previous link fills the entire screen and so if you click on the bottom textfield (after scrolling) the textfield appears at the bottom of the screen when the keyboard is visible rather than the screen scrolling until the textfield is halfway down the screen.
In portrait mode the previous link doesn't originally fill the screen so if you click on the bottom textfield (making the keyboard appear) it scrolls up so that it is halfway up the screen.
The final link fills the entire screen for portrait mode as well and when the bottom textfield is selected it doesnt scroll past the bottom of the webpage when the keyboard becomes visible.
Maybe what it is doing when the webpage isn't filling the screen is that it is remembering the empty space at the bottom and then it scrolls up (hiding the top) when the keyboard is visible. I want it to forget about the empty space at the bottom when the keyboard appears.
I faced a very similar issue. Here's what I do.
I subscribe to UIKeyboardWillShowNotification to get the keyboard size then when the scroll view scrolls up more than the keyboard height then I set the scroll offset to the keyboard height.

Alighnment issues on Virtual Keyboard popup in blackberry

I have a login screen with some textfields, textboxs, buttons and having the background image to the screen. Now the issue is on touch devices when virtual keyboard is popups, the screen shrinks with its background image and all components alignment get disturbed. I have also enabled the Vertical scroll to the screen but still alignment get disturbed. Please can one help me to sort out this issue.
I guess, you are using Display.getHeight() for the alignment of UI component. And after displaying virtual keyboard, Display.getHeight() not return the actual screen height. It's return the height excluding the keyboard height.
