How to stop displaying "Error - The server was unable to process the request" - IBM MobileFirst 7.1.0 - connection

I am developing app for Android and IPhone using IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.1.0.
WL.Client.Connect is used inside wlcommoninit().
Still in few cases, I am able to see the below error dialog.
I am not able to exactly reproduce when I am getting this error dialog.
The logcat is attached here.
But is there any way that we can block showing this dialog to the user?

You could debug the application code to see which function is triggered when this specific dialog is displayed and then override the function by declaring it in your own code and simply keep it empty. In theory this should then not display it.
There is no built-in/provided option to simply not display it.


How to view javascript errors in ios simulator launced by phonegap?

I can't seem to find an answer to this seemingly simple question. I have an app that i've built using the command line phonegap tools and when i start this app it opens up. i am using something called ios_sim ( which launches the app in the simulator and does not launch xCode (i don't quite understand why this is a feature, it seems like xCode has some useful tools)
Anyhow, my app is not functioning the same way that it does in the browser and i need to debug it. I have also already installed Charles to inspect the requests and i can verify that the correct data is coming from my API so my assumption is that there is some sort of javascript error in rendering the page (the page is partially rendered btw).
All i want to do is view the javascript errors. the same way that you would in the console if you were looking at a web page.
how do you do that?
You have to use Safari Remote Debugging with Web Inspector. See in the relating cordova docs how to do that!

Error while obtaining UI hierarchy XML file: Issue(Blocking) while automating hybrid app using appium

Am in the process of automating hybrid mobile app using Appium. There is a part in the app which loads frevo form, For which UI Automator viewer returns below error:
Error while obtaining UI hierarchy XML file: Remote object doesn't exist!Error while obtaining UI hierarchy XML file: Remote object doesn't exist!.
For all the other part of the app, UI Automator viewer returns as expected.
Can someone help in overcoming the above blocker?
Android Version 5.0.1(api 21)
Appium Version
Many Thanks in advance.
Try to stop your appium server, disconnect and connect your device again. This should work

How to set user name in Philips Hue

I have downloaded Hue-Emulator and after running the emulator by running this url http://localhost:8000/api/newdeveloper/ I am getting the config.
I am using Apple SDK to control the lights.
After following SDK steps 1 to 4 using following code to connect to the device.
I am using the IP address and mac address shown in config.
[self.phHueSDK setBridgeToUseWithIpAddress:#"" macAddress:#"00:00:81:10:ab:ee"];
And after using PUSHLink notification
I am getting No Connection error and
When I Use enable connection i am getting No Authentication error.
In NS Log I am getting this errors.
The code taking Username 1i71xQmdLjajcqAk but it should be newdeveloper according to the HUE emulator. please anyone suggest how can i recover from this error.
I have never used the Apple SDK with the Emulator, but creating new users in the Emulator is supported so it should work.
When you create your new user in your app, do you see a white message in the emulator console (saying link button not pressed)? if so, then mouse click the bridge image 'within 30 seconds' and this should authenticate. From your log file it appears this is what is missing.

How can I retrieve a worklight logs from the device written using the Native logging APIs?

Can I retrieve log files written to the Native Code worklight log apis in version of Worklight without writing a custom server-side adapter to receive those logs.
This is just for simple tracing and debugging of Native Cordova plugin code. We have code on iOS that writes to these log methods:
But these logs never go to the XCode Organizer console. We found the documentation on how to send these logs remotely to the Worklight Server, but this is overkill for us, we'd just like to see them in the console on the iOS device for debugging.
Alternatively, we'd like to attach a debugger to this native code with breakpoints to see what's happening. Either approach would work to help us resolve.
Please ensure the log level for OCLogger is set appropriately. If it is set to anything less verbose than debug (since you indicated you are calling OCLogger.debug()) then you will not see log output to XCode console or anywhere, including server.
Call this early in your application code:
[OCLogger setLevel:OCLogger_DEBUG];

PhoneGap location issues

I'm using PhoneGap 1.0 for iOS right now to do some coding with google maps. The system is also running on jQuery Mobile which I think is half the issue.
When trying to pull up the users location I get the following error in the console: Ignoring gap command with incorrect sessionKey; expecting: 615717337 received: (null)
I'm assuming that since the map page is an 'external' page the original phonegap call made on the home screen of the app isn't passing a session along to the other pages. Is there a way to retrieve this sessionKey?
It looks like the errors I was experiencing are normal and do not have effect on the geo location. There is currently a bug with the iOS Simulator and PhoneGap that causes geo location services to timeout on the simulator, but everything works as expected on an actual device.
